scholarly journals Pogled na nekatere anglicizme v italijanskem jeziku v času Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-163
Kaja Katarina Brecelj

Pandemija Covid-19 je nepričakovano vstopila v naša življenja, povzročila velike družbene spremembe in pustila sledi tudi v jeziku, in sicer z besedami, ki so tako silovito in nenadoma vstopile v naša življenja kot sam virus. V italijanskem jeziku je večina teh besed anglicizmov, ki so od 20. stoletja najštevilčnejše izposojenke. V tem prispevku smo se osredotočili na anglicizme, kot so Covid hospital, hub, lockdown, smart working, distanziamento sociale, delivery, rider, green pass in recovery fund, ki so bili po našem mnenju v medijih pogosto uporabljeni za opis obdobja pandemije na škodo njihovih italijanskih različic. Analiza se je osredotočila na pogostost anglicizmov in njihovih italijanskih ustreznic v elektronski različici časopisov La Repubblica in Corriere della Sera ter na razloge za njihovo široko razširjenost. Rezultati potrjujejo njihovo prevlado v novinarskem jeziku in kažejo na njihovo uveljavitev nad italijanskimi različicami. Razloge za ta pojav je potrebno iskati tako na jezikovnem kot zunajjezikovnem področju. Sprva je dotok verjetno spodbujala hitrost in naglica dela. Njihova uveljavitev pa je bila posledica različnih dejavnikov: v primeru hub, delivery in rider zaradi njihove kratkosti in zgoščenosti; v primeru Covid hospital zaradi bolj omejene semantike; v primeru lockdown in distanziamento sociale, ker gre za krovna izraza, ki se nanašata na sklop ukrepov za zmanjšanje okužbe in sta vezana izključno na pandemijo; v primeru smart working zaradi prestiža, ki ga ima angleški jezik v italijanski družbi; v primeru green pass in recovery fund, ker sta bila izraza uvedena v italijanski novinarski jezik neposredno prek tujih medijev.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 4850
Emanuela Mari ◽  
Giulia Lausi ◽  
Angelo Fraschetti ◽  
Alessandra Pizzo ◽  
Michela Baldi ◽  

Background: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, since March 2020, the Italian population was forced into lockdown to prevent the spread of the virus. The restrictive measures imposed forced many organizations and workers to work through online platforms and no longer in-person. Smart working, enjoyed by some workers for its flexibility, affected several professional categories. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there are differences in the psychological variables related to four groups of professional categories (practitioners, managers, executive employees, teachers), particularly the teachers group. Methods: A total sample of 628 individuals was recruited through a random probability sample across Italy. Due to the lockdown, an online questionnaire was developed; several validated scales were chosen, and some ad hoc constructed items related to the smart working experience were included. Results: The results showed statistically significant differences between the four groups of examined smart workers. Conclusions: All workers have had to readjust to this new way of working, but our results show that teachers were the most affected, both in the perception of their psychological well-being and in the management of the smart working mode.

Facilities ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (3/4) ◽  
pp. 298-315
Luisa Errichiello ◽  
Tommasina Pianese

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify the main features of smart work centers (SWCs) and show how these innovative offices would support the implementation of smart working and related changes in workspaces (“bricks”), technologies (“bytes”) and organizational practices (“behaviors”). Design/methodology/approach In this study, scientific literature is combined with white papers and business reports and visits to 14 workplaces, including offices designed as SWCs, co-working spaces, one telecenter, one accelerator and one fab lab. Primary data were collected through interviews with managers and users and non-participant observation, whereas secondary data included web-sites, brochures, presentations, press releases and official documents. Findings The authors developed research propositions about how the design of spaces and the availability of technology within SWCs would support the “bricks” and “bytes” levers of smart working. More importantly, the authors assumed that this new type of workplace would sustain changes in employees’ behaviors and managers’ practices, thus helping to overcome several challenges traditionally associated with remote working. Research limitations/implications The exploratory nature of the research only provides preliminary information about the role of SWCs within smart working programs. Additional qualitative and quantitative empirical investigation is required. Practical implications This study provides valuable knowledge about how the design of corporate offices can be leveraged to sustain the implementation of smart working. Originality/value This study advances knowledge on workplaces by focusing on an innovative design of traditional offices (SWC). It also lays the foundations for future investigation aimed at testing the developed propositions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 88-107
Gabriella Pappadà

Questo articolo si pone in continuità nell'ambito di un progetto di studio della conciliazione famiglia-lavoro che l'autrice cura da anni con l'intento di stimolare l'adozione di politiche di flessibilità dell'orario e dell'organizzazione del lavoro e di estensione dei servizi educativi e sociali. L'articolo analizza alcuni dati ISTAT ed alcuni dati europei tratti da EUROSTAT e da un'indagine ad hoc condotta da Eu-ropean Foundation for the improvement of Living and Working conditions duran-te il lockdown. Da un lato, il digital divide delle famiglie, delle imprese e della scuo-la italiana ha reso alquanto difficoltoso lo smart working e la didattica a distanza caricando sui genitori anche l'istruzione scolastica dei figli. Dall'altro lato, poter lavorare in smart working in modo efficiente ha messo in luce un incremento di produttività e un miglioramento della conciliazione famiglia-lavoro soprattutto per le donne. Opportuni interventi del Governo e delle imprese a tale riguardo possono condurre a netti miglioramenti nell'organizzazione flessibile del lavoro in armonia con gli impegni familiari.

2021 ◽  
Francesca Perego ◽  
Beatrice De Maria ◽  
Giuseppina Cassetti ◽  
Monica Parati ◽  
Vlasta Bari ◽  

Due to the threat posed by COVID-19, many colleges and universities around the world opted to switch to online courses and smart working to keep their students, professors, and staff safe during the pandemic emergency. Face-to-face classes, including labs and workshops, have been canceled and substituted with online activities. New administrative procedures have also been established to support the emergency remote education. This article analyzes these changes in light of the experiences of three higher education institutions in different countries, namely Latvia, Poland, and Italy. From this analysis, some aspects have emerged that have stimulated a deeper reflection on the use of digital technology in higher education. .

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-104
Antonella Maisto ◽  
Maria Gabriella Schettino ◽  
Francesco De Caro

La formazione non è appannaggio solo del sistema scolastico ma è propria anche del mondo professionale e aziendale. Nei mesi di emergenza Covid vi è stata l'immediata urgenza di assicurare la continuità della formazione per corsi imprescindibili quali: Salute, Sicurezza e Ambiente. Si è delineato un mondo a due velocità, nel quale una parte ha dovuto rallentare o addirittura fermarsi, mentre l'altra ha subito un’accelerazione improvvisa ed in quest’ultima rientra la Sanità “in prima linea”, posta di fronte ad un fenomeno nuovo e, soprattutto, da affrontare e studiare contemponeamente. La recente epidemia da SARS Cov 19 ha determinato un radicale cambiamento nelle organizzazioni sanitarie come in tutte le organizzazioni che coinvolgono la vita ed il lavoro degli uomini, impossibilitati a proseguire con le abitudinarie modalità relazioni professionali e personali. Ma uno dei settori che in epoca Covid non si è potuto arrestare è la Sanità e la Ricerca: dove c’è ricerca c’è formazione ed informazione; quindi, anche se i decreti hanno chiesto di evitare assembramenti ed hanno chiuso le aule, d’altro canto hanno chiesto di non chiudere i canali di formazione ed informazione. Questi non si sono arrestati ma sono stati oggetto di trasformazione, evoluzione e cambiamento: parole come DAD, FAD, e-learning, ma anche webinar, videoconferenza, smart-working, prima conosciute e utilizzate solo dagli esperti di settore o in specifici contesti, sono divenute in un breve lasso di tempo di uso comune.

2021 ◽  
pp. 24-50
Silvia Doria

The world of working is changing and the technological transformations are playing a relevant role in this change. In particular, new technologies are making the physical boundaries of traditional offices increasingly permeable, allowing the diffusion of New Ways of Working (Demerouti et al., 2014; Koops and Helms, 2014), such as smart working. This paper, based on a qualitative research and discursive interviews, intends to reflect on the introduction and top-down management of smart working within a banking institution. At the same time, it aims to grasp the role attributed to and played by technology in its implementation. Starting from the two reconstructed stories, I shall show if and how the innovations introduced whereby technologies enable us to work remotely, are changing existing power relations and what control dynamics emerge from the field.

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