The First Annual Summary of Food-borne Disease in Canada

1976 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 426-431 ◽  

Data on food-borne disease that occurred in 1973 were collected from all parts of Canada. A total of 378 incidents, comprising 343 outbreaks and 35 single cases and involving 3347 ill persons, was recorded. In incidents where the etiology was known, microorganisms were the main causative agents. Staphylococcus aureus was responsible for more incidents (33) and more cases (606) than any other agent. Other incidents were caused by Salmonella (14), Clostridium perfringens (7), and Clostridium botulinum (5). Illness from parasites, plants, and chemicals occurred less frequently. Over 40% of the incidents were associated with meat and poultry; other products playing a significant role were baked goods, vegetables and fruits, Chinese foods, and sandwiches. Mishandling of food in food-service establishments was the cause of over a third of the incidents. Seasonal variation in the frequency of illness was small, but more incidents were reported from the west and center of the country than from the east.

Бојан Голић ◽  
Драго Недић

Микробиолошки критеријуми у храни за животиње у Босни и Херцеговини(БиХ) дефинисани су Правилником о микробиолошким критеријумима у храниза животиње („Службени гласник БиХ“ број 67/12).Циљ испитивања је процјена здравствене исправности хране за животиње уодносу на дефинисане микробиолошке критеријуме и процјена адекватностилегислативе која се односи на микробиолошке критеријуме у храни за животињеу БиХ и Републици Српској.Као материјал за испитивање кориштени су узорци хране за животињеиспитани у периоду 2014–2016. година, као и важећа легислатива из областихране и хране за животиње у БиХ и Републици Српској.У периоду 2014–2016. године, проценат узорака хране за животиње којије задовољавао микробиолошке критеријуме износио је преко 60%, односнопросјечно 66,34%, док је број незадовољавајућих узорака био испод 40%,односно просјечно 33,66%. Упоредним микробиолошким испитивањем узоракахране за животиње на Salmonella spp. из 25g и 50g узорка, током 2014. године,утврђен је идентичан проценат задовољавајућих, односно незадовољавајућихузорака.Анализом Правилника о микробиолошким критеријумима у храни заживотиње („Службени гласник БиХ“ број 67/12), уочава се постојање већег бројанелогичности и недостатака, како у погледу категорија хране за животиње, такои у вези граничних вриједности, као и метода испитивања. Hису обухваћене свекатегорије хране за животиње нити је прописана минимална количина узорказа испитивање. Правилник о микробиолошким критеријумима у храни за жи-вотиње треба да обухвати све категорије хране за животиње и да узме у обзиртехнолошки процес производње за сваку категорију. Испитивање узорака наClostridium perfringens треба да буде обавезно за све категорије хране за живо-тиње, а и испитивање на токсин Clostridium perfringens и Clostridium botulinum услучају сумње на тровање животиња, и то на захтјев службеног ветеринара иливетеринарског инспектора. Испитивање узорака хране за животиње на коагу-лаза позитивне стафилококе и Staphylococcus aureus не треба да буде обавезно,осим код млијека, млијека у праху и млијечних замјеница намијењених исхранимладих животиња. Код свих осталих врста хране, у случајевима сумње на тро-вање животиња, на захтјев службеног ветеринара или ветеринарског инспекто-ра треба обавезно урадити испитивање на присуство ентеротоксина стафило-кока. Гранична вриједност за Salmonella spp. у храни за животиње треба да буде„одсуство у 25g“, односно маса тест узорка треба да износи 25g. У правилникукоји дефинише микробиолошке критеријуме у храни за животиње потребно једефинисати минималну количину узорка за испитивање, која треба да износиминимално један килограм односно оригинално паковање.

1979 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-236 ◽  
J. C. M. Sharp ◽  
P. W. Collier ◽  
R. J. Gilbert

summaryA review of 50 hospital-based outbreaks of food poisoning which were reported in Scotland during 1973–7, is described. At least 1530 persons consuming hospital-prepared food were involved. Thirty-one episodes were associated with Clostridium perfringens (C. welchii), 11 were due to food-borne salmonella infection, three to enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus, and five incidents were of undetermined aetiology. This differs noticeably from the experience in England and Wales where salmonellas appear to predominate as the main cause of hospital outbreaks. Twenty-two incidents occurred in hospitals for psychiatric or mentally subnormal patients, and ten others were located in geriatric units. Only 33 hospitals were involved in the 50 outbreaks as nine hospitals experienced two or more episodes.The role of the hospital in the occurrence of food poisoning may be over-emphasized in comparison with other catering establishments, as outbreaks are more readily recognized and laboratory facilities are usually available for investigation, but it is also believed that many episodes may not be reported. The peculiar problems of the hospital-catering service and particularly those of the older long-stay hospitals, are discussed in relation to preventive measures which would minimize the hazards of food poisoning.

1977 ◽  
Vol 40 (7) ◽  
pp. 493-498 ◽  

Data on foodborne disease in Canada in 1974 were compared with data for 1973. A total of 442 incidents, comprising 387 outbreaks and 55 single cases, and involving 4,338 ill persons was recorded for 1974. The number of outbreaks increased by 17% and single cases by 57% over that reported for 1973. As in 1973, Staphylococcus aureus was responsible for more incidents (34) than any other agent. Other incidents were caused by Salmonella (24). Bacillus cereus (5), Clostridium botulinum (4), Clostridium perfringens (3) and Trichinella spiralis (6). Paralytic shellfish poison caused illness in 43 persons. Similar to the previous year, non-microbiological agents accounted for less than a quarter of the incidents of known etiology. Nine persons were reported to have died through foodborne disease. About 36% of incidents and 31% of cases were associated with meat and poultry. Vegetables, fruits, sandwiches, and bakery products also played a significant role. Mishandling of food took place primarily in food service establishments (29% of incidents) or homes (14%). More than 50% of foodborne illnesses occurred in Ontario and Quebec; the number of incidents per 100,000 population, however, was highest in the Northwest Territories (5.3) and British Columbia (4.8).

1982 ◽  
Vol 45 (14) ◽  
pp. 1338-1341 ◽  

Data on the incidence of foodborne disease in 1979 are presented. A total of 163 incidents affecting 604 ill persons were analyzed. In 42 incidents, the etiology was established; microorganisms appeared to be the main causative agents. Salmonella was responsible for 8 of these incidents (20 cases), Staphylococcus aureus for 7 (28), Clostridium perfringens for 11 (24) and Bacillus cereus for 6 (29). In 9 incidents (15 cases), illness resulted from ingestion of chemicals. About 60% of the episodes were associated with only two food items-meat and meat products (30%) and Chinese food (28%). Mishandling of food in foodservice establishments resulted in about one third of the incidents, and mishandling at home in another quarter. Cases of foodborne disease recorded by the Ministry of Public Health included infections from Salmonella (6174), Yersinia enterocolitica (116) and Campylobacter (202). However, these could not be analyzed further due to a lack of epidemiological information.

1986 ◽  
Vol 49 (11) ◽  
pp. 924-931 ◽  

Data on the incidence of foodborne disease in 1981 are presented. A total of 415 incidents affecting 3618 ill persons was analyzed. In 122 incidents (1683 cases) the etiology was established: micro-organisms appeared to be the main causative agents. Clostridium perfringens was responsible for 18 of these incidents (106 cases), Staphylococcus aureus for 17 (67), Salmonella for 16 (1114), including the outbreak during the European Summit Conference at Maastricht (700 cases), Bacillus cereus for 15 (135) and Campylobacter jejuni for 13 (142). Two episodes were probably caused by Clostridium botulinum (2 cases) and ECHO-viruses (48). In 7 episodes (11 cases) illness resulted from ingestion of food contaminated with scombrotoxin, in 6 episodes (13) with saxitoxin (shellfish poison). In 16 incidents (32 cases) foods had been contaminated with chemical substances. Cases of foodborne disease recorded by the Chief Medical Inspectorate included infections from Salmonella (7496), C. jejuni (1496) and Yersinia enterocolitica (262). However, these could not be analyzed further due to a lack of epidemiological information. Meat and meat products (49 incidents), fish and shellfish (42), Dutch meals (42) and Chinese foods (128) were associated with outbreaks most frequently. About 60% of the incidents involved places where food is prepared for immediate consumption. Examples of outbreaks are presented.

1992 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-132 ◽  

Ten years of foodborne disease data from 1975 to 1984 in Canada were examined. Microorganisms, particularly Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus, were the main etiologic agents, but diseases also resulted from contamination of food with chemicals and parasites or food containing naturally occurring plant and animal toxins. An average of 5.6 deaths per year was recorded, with Salmonella, Clostridium botulinum, and Listeria monocytogenes responsible for most of them. The foods involved was, in general, potentially hazardous items, such as meat and poultry. Where information is known, most of the problems associated with foodborne illness occurred at foodservice establishments, but the impact of mishandling in homes and food processing establishments was also great. Incidents of microbiological etiology tended to peak in the summer months, particularly those caused by Salmonella, S. aureus, Campylobacter, and B. cereus.

1978 ◽  
Vol 41 (11) ◽  
pp. 910-918 ◽  

Data on foodborne disease in Canada in 1975 were compared with data for 1974. A total of 838 incidents, comprising 710 outbreaks and 128 single cases, and involving 7106 ill persons, was recorded for 1975. The number of outbreaks increased by 89% and single cases by 129% over those reported for 1974. As in 1974, Staphylococcus aureus was responsible for more incidents (37) than any other agent. Other incidents were caused by Salmonella (25), Clostridium perfringens (12), Clostridium botulinum (6), suspect mold and yeast (13) and suspect Streptococcus sp. (8). In both years, non-microbiological agents, mainly chemical, accounted for less than a quarter of the incidents of known etiology. Two persons were reported to have died through foodborne disease. About 41% of incidents and 50% of cases were associated with meat and poultry. Vegetables, fruits, bakery products, sandwiches and Chinese food also played a prominent role. Mishandling of food took place mainly in foodservice establishments (25% of incidents) or homes (20%). More than 60% of reported foodborne disease incidents occurred in Ontario. The number of incidents per 100,000 population was highest in the Northwest Territories (10.6), Ontario (6.4) and British Columbia (4.7). Narrative reports of five foodborne outbreaks are presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 161 (48) ◽  
pp. 2019-2028
Katalin Eszter Müller ◽  
Ferenc Rozgonyi

Összefoglaló. Az élelmiszer-eredetű megbetegedések igen gyakoriak, bár pontos adatok nem állnak rendelkezésre, mivel az enyhe, gyorsan múló gastrointestinalis tünetekkel a betegek nem fordulnak orvoshoz, vagy nem történik diagnosztikus vizsgálat. Az amerikai Járványügyi és Betegségmegelőzési Központ (CDC) adatai szerint az USA-ban évente 6 lakosból 1 esik át élelmiszer okozta tüneteken. Az ételintoxikációk során a baktérium által termelt toxinok okozzák a tüneteket, közülük a leggyakoribb a Clostridium perfringens, a Staphylococcus aureus és a Bacillus cereus okozta, élelmiszer-eredetű intoxikáció. A nem megfelelően tárolt vagy hőkezelt élelmiszerekben – beleértve a S. aureus által szennyezett anyatejet – ezen baktériumok életképesek maradnak, elszaporodnak, és toxint termelhetnek, illetve toxinjaik megőrzik megbetegítőképességüket. Az étel elfogyasztása után 3–12 órával hányást, hasmenést okoznak. A tünetek többnyire 24 órán belül megszűnnek. A Clostridium botulinum súlyos neurológiai tünetei miatt emelkedik ki a többi toxikoinfekció sorából. C. botulinum okozta tünetekre felnőtteknél házi készítésű konzervek és húskészítmények elfogyasztása után jelentkező gastrointestinalis vagy neurológiai tünetek esetén kell gondolnunk. A Clostridioides difficile szintén a toxinjai révén okoz súlyos, életveszélyes megbetegedést, továbbá az esetek 20–30%-ában számolnunk kell az infekció relapsusával. Növekvő gyakorisága miatt ismernünk érdemes a laboratóriumi és klinikai diagnosztika részleteit és a legmodernebb kezelési lehetőségeket, úgymint megfelelő mintavétel, mintatárolás és -szállítás, tenyésztés, toxinkimutatás, helyes tüneti kezelés, antibiotikumkombinációk, széklettranszplantáció és monoklonálisantitest-kezelés. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(48): 2019–2028. Summary. Foodborne diseases are quite common, however, accurate data are not available because patients do not visit doctors with mild, rapidly resolving symptoms and diagnostic tests are not performed. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that, in the USA, 1 in 6 citizens gets food poisoning yearly. Symptoms of intoxication are due to the toxins produced by bacteria, mostly by Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus. These bacteria can survive in not properly stored or heated food, including S. aureus contaminated breastmilk. They can multiply and produce toxins causing intoxications. The gastrointestinal symptoms start 3–12 hours after consumption of the contaminated food and resolve in 24 hours. Clostridium botulinum causes severe neurological symptoms that should be suspected after consumption of home-made cans, smoked hams and sausages. The disease caused by Clostridioides difficile is not a foodborne one, but C. difficile causes severe infection via its toxins. Another problem is that C. difficile infection recurs in 20–30% of cases. Due to the increasing incidence of foodborne diseases, it is worth to learn the precise clinical and laboratory diagnostic algorithms including sampling, storage and transportation of samples, cultivation of bacteria and differential diagnosis of these diseases, furthermore the most up-to-date symptomatic and causative treatment options like antibiotic combinations, stool transplantation and monoclonal antibodies. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(48): 2019–2028.

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