scholarly journals Maximal increasing sequences in fillings of almost-moon polyominoes

2015 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings, 27th... (Proceedings) ◽  
Svetlana Poznanović ◽  
Catherine H. Yan

International audience It was proved by Rubey that the number of fillings with zeros and ones of a given moon polyomino thatdo not contain a northeast chain of a fixed size depends only on the set of column lengths of the polyomino. Rubey’sproof uses an adaption of jeu de taquin and promotion for arbitrary fillings of moon polyominoes and deduces theresult for 01-fillings via a variation of the pigeonhole principle. In this paper we present the first completely bijectiveproof of this result by considering fillings of almost-moon polyominoes, which are moon polyominoes after removingone of the rows. More precisely, we construct a simple bijection which preserves the size of the largest northeast chainof the fillings when two adjacent rows of the polyomino are exchanged. This bijection also preserves the column sumof the fillings. In addition, we also present a simple bijection that preserves the size of the largest northeast chains, therow sum and the column sum if every row of the filling has at most one 1. Thereby, we not only provide a bijectiveproof of Rubey’s result but also two refinements of it. Rubey a montré que le nombre de remplissages d’un polyomino lunaire donné par des zéros et des uns quine contiennent pas de chaîne nord-est d’une taille fixée ne dépend que de l’ensemble des longueurs des colonnesdu polyomino. La preuve de Rubey utilise une adaptation du jeu de taquin et de la promotion sur des remplissagesarbitraires de polyominos lunaires et déduit le résultat pour les remplissages 0/1 par inclusion-exclusion. Dans cetarticle, nous présentons la première preuve bijective de ce résultat en considérant des remplissages de polyominospresque lunaires, qui sont des polyominos lunaires dont on a supprimé une ligne. Plus précisément, nous construisonsune bijection simple qui préserve la taille de la plus longue chaîne nord-est des remplissages lorsque deux lignesadjacentes du polyomino sont échangées. Cette bijection préserve aussi la somme des colonnes des remplissages. Enoutre, nous présentons aussi une bijection simple qui préserve la taille de la plus longue chaîne nord-est, la sommedes lignes et la somme des colonnes si chaque ligne du remplissage contient au plus un 1. Nous fournissons donc nonseulement une preuve bijective du résultat de Rubey, mais aussi deux raffinements de celui-ci.

2020 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings, 28th... ◽  
Maria Monks Gillespie ◽  
Jake Levinson

International audience We establish a combinatorial connection between the real geometry and the K-theory of complex Schubert curves Spλ‚q, which are one-dimensional Schubert problems defined with respect to flags osculating the rational normal curve. In a previous paper, the second author showed that the real geometry of these curves is described by the orbits of a map ω on skew tableaux, defined as the commutator of jeu de taquin rectification and promotion. In particular, the real locus of the Schubert curve is naturally a covering space of RP1, with ω as the monodromy operator.We provide a fast, local algorithm for computing ω without rectifying the skew tableau, and show that certain steps in our algorithm are in bijective correspondence with Pechenik and Yong's genomic tableaux, which enumerate the K-theoretic Littlewood-Richardson coefficient associated to the Schubert curve. Using this bijection, we give purely combinatorial proofs of several numerical results involving the K-theory and real geometry of Spλ‚q.

2001 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AA,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Jérôme Durand-Lose

International audience Cellular automata are mappings over infinite lattices such that each cell is updated according tothe states around it and a unique local function.Block permutations are mappings that generalize a given permutation of blocks (finite arrays of fixed size) to a given partition of the lattice in blocks.We prove that any d-dimensional reversible cellular automaton can be exp ressed as thecomposition of d+1 block permutations.We built a simulation in linear time of reversible cellular automata by reversible block cellular automata (also known as partitioning CA and CA with the Margolus neighborhood) which is valid for both finite and infinite configurations. This proves a 1990 conjecture by Toffoli and Margolus <i>(Physica D 45)</i> improved by Kari in 1996 <i>(Mathematical System Theory 29)</i>.

2008 ◽  
Vol Vol. 10 no. 1 (Graph and Algorithms) ◽  
Marina Groshaus ◽  
Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter

Graphs and Algorithms International audience In graph theory, the Helly property has been applied to families of sets, such as cliques, disks, bicliques, and neighbourhoods, leading to the classes of clique-Helly, disk-Helly, biclique-Helly, neighbourhood-Helly graphs, respectively. A natural question is to determine for which graphs the corresponding Helly property holds, for every induced subgraph. This leads to the corresponding classes of hereditary clique-Helly, hereditary disk-Helly, hereditary biclique-Helly and hereditary neighbourhood-Helly graphs. In this paper, we describe characterizations in terms of families of forbidden subgraphs, for the classes of hereditary biclique-Helly and hereditary neighbourhood-Helly graphs. We consider both open and closed neighbourhoods. The forbidden subgraphs are all of fixed size, implying polynomial time recognition for these classes.

2009 ◽  
Vol Vol. 11 no. 2 (Combinatorics) ◽  
Louis H. Kauffman ◽  
Pedro Lopes

Combinatorics International audience We study the Fox coloring invariants of rational knots. We express the propagation of the colors down the twists of these knots and ultimately the determinant of them with the help of finite increasing sequences whose terms of even order are even and whose terms of odd order are odd.

2008 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AJ,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Olga Azenhas

International audience Pak and Vallejo have defined fundamental symmetry map as any Young tableau bijection for the commutativity of the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients $c_{\mu,\nu}^{\lambda}=c_{\nu, \mu}^{\lambda}$. They have considered four fundamental symmetry maps and conjectured that they are all equivalent (2004). The three first ones are based on standard operations in Young tableau theory and, in this case, the conjecture was proved by Danilov and Koshevoy (2005). The fourth fundamental symmetry, given by the author in (1999;2000) and reformulated by Pak and Vallejo, is defined by nonstandard operations in Young tableau theory and will be shown to be equivalent to the first one defined by the involution property of the Benkart-Sottile-Stroomer tableau switching. The proof of this equivalence provides, in the case the first tableau is Yamanouchi, a variation of the tableau switching algorithm which shows $\textit{switching}$ as an operation that takes two tableaux sharing a common border and moves them trough each other by decomposing the first tableau into a sequence of tableaux whose sequence of partition shapes defines a Gelfand-Tsetlin pattern. This property leads to a $\textit{jeu de taquin-chain sliding}$ on Littlewood-Richardson tableaux. Pak et Vallejo ont défini la transformation de la symétrie fondamentale comme une bijection de tableaux de Young pour la comutativité des coefficients de Littlewood-Richardson $c_{\mu,\nu}^{\lambda}=c_{\nu, \mu}^{\lambda}$. Ils ont considéré quatre bijections fondamentaux et ont conjecturé qu’elles sont équivalentes (2004). Les trois premières sont basées sur des opérations standard de la théorie des tableaux de Young et, dans ce cas, la conjecture a été confirmée par Danilov et Koshevoy (2005). La quatrième symétrie fondamentale, donnée par l’auteur (1999;2000) et reformulée par Pak et Vallejo, est définie par des opérations $\textit{nonstandard}$ dans la théorie des tableaux de Young. Cette bijection sera montrée équivalente à la première définie pour la propriété involutoire du $\textit{tableau switching}$ de Benkart-Sottile-Stroomer. La preuve de cette équivalence, dans le cas le premier tableau est de Yamanouchi, donne une variation du algorithme de $\textit{tableau switching}$ qui montre $\textit{switching}$ comme une opération qui prendre deux tableaux avec une même borde et meut un à travers de l’autre en décomposant le premier dans une séquence de tableaux dont la séquence des partitions des formats définit une diagramme de Gelfand-Tsetlin. Cette propriété conduit à un algorithme du type $\textit{jeu de taquin-glissements sur chaînes}$ pour les tableaux de Littlewood-Richardson.

2008 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AJ,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Brendon Rhoades

International audience We prove a collection of conjectures due to Abuzzahab-Korson-Li-Meyer, Reiner, and White regarding the cyclic sieving phenomenon as it applies to jeu-de-taquin promotion on rectangular tableaux. To do this, we use Kazhdan-Lusztig theory and a characterization of the dual canonical basis of $\mathbb{C}[x_{11}, \ldots , x_{nn}]$ due to Skandera. Afterwards, we extend our results to analyzing the fixed points of a dihedral action on rectangular tableaux generated by promotion and evacuation, suggesting a possible sieving phenomenon for dihedral groups. Finally, we give applications of this theory to cyclic sieving phenomena involving reduced words for the long elements of hyperoctohedral groups, handshake patterns, and noncrossing partitions.

2006 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AG,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Bergfinnur Durhuus ◽  
Thordur Jonsson ◽  
John Wheater

International audience We determine the spectral dimensions of a variety of ensembles of infinite trees. Common to the ensembles considered is that sample trees have a distinguished infinite spine at whose vertices branches can be attached according to some probability distribution. In particular, we consider a family of ensembles of $\textit{combs}$, whose branches are linear chains, with spectral dimensions varying continuously between $1$ and $3/2$. We also introduce a class of ensembles of infinite trees, called $\textit{generic random trees}$, which are obtained as limits of ensembles of finite trees conditioned to have fixed size $N$, as $N \to \infty$. Among these ensembles is the so-called uniform random tree. We show that generic random trees have spectral dimension $d_s=4/3$.

2015 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings, 27th... (Proceedings) ◽  
Cristian Lenart ◽  
Arthur Lubovsky

International audience Kirillov-Reshetikhin (KR) crystals are colored directed graphs encoding the structure of certain finite-dimensional representations of affine Lie algebras. A tensor product of column shape KR crystals has recently been realized in a uniform way, for all untwisted affine types, in terms of the quantum alcove model. We enhance this model by using it to give a uniform realization of the combinatorial $R$-matrix, i.e., the unique affine crystal isomorphism permuting factors in a tensor product of KR crystals. In other words, we are generalizing to all Lie types Schützenberger’s sliding game (jeu de taquin) for Young tableaux, which realizes the combinatorial $R$-matrix in type $A$. We also show that the quantum alcove model does not depend on the choice of a sequence of alcoves Les cristaux de Kirillov–Reshetikhin (KR) sont des graphes orientés avec des arêtes étiquetées qui encodent certaines représentations de dimension finie des algèbres de Lie affines. Les produits tensoriels des cristaux KR de type colonne ont été récemment réalisés de manière uniforme, pour tous les types affines symétriques, en termes du modèle des alcôves quantique. Nous enrichissons ce modèle en l’utilisant pour donner une réalisation uniforme de la $R$-matrice combinatoire, c’est à dire, l’isomorphisme des cristaux affines unique quit permute les facteurs dans un produit tensoriel des cristaux KR. En d’autres termes, nous généralisons pour tous les types de Lie le jeu de taquin de Schützenberger sur les tableaux de Young, qui réalise la $R$-matrice combinatoire dans le type $A$. Nous montrons aussi que le modèle des alcôves quantique ne dépend pas du choix d’une suite d’alcôves.

2015 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings, 27th... (Proceedings) ◽  
David B Rush

International audience A combinatorial expression for the coefficient of the Schur function $s_{\lambda}$ in the expansion of the plethysm $p_{n/d}^d \circ s_{\mu}$ is given for all $d$ dividing $n$ for the cases in which $n=2$ or $\lambda$ is rectangular. In these cases, the coefficient $\langle p_{n/d}^d \circ s_{\mu}, s_{\lambda} \rangle$ is shown to count, up to sign, the number of fixed points of an $\langle s_{\mu}^n, s_{\lambda} \rangle$-element set under the $d^e$ power of an order $n$ cyclic action. If $n=2$, the action is the Schützenberger involution on semistandard Young tableaux (also known as evacuation), and, if $\lambda$ is rectangular, the action is a certain power of Schützenberger and Shimozono's <i>jeu-de-taquin</i> promotion.This work extends results of Stembridge and Rhoades linking fixed points of the Schützenberger actions to ribbon tableaux enumeration. The conclusion for the case $n=2$ is equivalent to the domino tableaux rule of Carré and Leclerc for discriminating between the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the square of a Schur function. Une expression combinatoire pour le coefficient de la fonction de Schur $s_{\lambda}$ dans l’expansion du pléthysme $p_{n/d}^d \circ s_{\mu}$ est donné pour tous $d$ que disent $n$, dans les cas où $n=2$, ou $\lambda$ est rectangulaire. Dans ces cas, le coefficient $\langle p_{n/d}^d \circ s_{\mu}, s_{\lambda} \rangle$ se montre à compter, où l’on ignore le signe, le nombre des point fixés d’un ensemble de $\langle s_{\mu}^n, s_{\lambda} \rangle$ éléments sous la puissance $d^e$ d’une action cyclique de l’ordre $n$. Si $n=2$, l’action est l’involution de Schützenberger sur les tableaux semi-standard de Young (aussi connu sous le nom des évacuations), et si $\lambda$ est rectangulaire, l’action est une certaine puissance de l’avancement jeu-de-taquin de Schützenberger et Shimozono.Ce travail étend les résultats de Stembridge et Rhoades, liant les point fixés des actions de Schützenberger aux tableaux de ruban. Pour le cas $n=2$ , la conclusion est équivalent à la règle des tableaux de dominos de Carré et Leclerc, qui distingue entre les parties symétriques et asymétriques du carré d’une fonction de Schur.

2014 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AT,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Robin Sulzgruber

International audience The number of standard Young tableaux of a fixed shape is famously given by the hook-length formula due to Frame, Robinson and Thrall. A bijective proof of Novelli, Pak and Stoyanovskii relies on a sorting algorithm akin to jeu-de-taquin which transforms an arbitrary filling of a partition into a standard Young tableau by exchanging adjacent entries. Recently, Krattenthaler and Müller defined the complexity of this algorithm as the average number of performed exchanges, and Neumann and the author proved it fulfils some nice symmetry properties. In this paper we recall and extend the previous results and provide new bijective proofs.

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