system theory
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Cells ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Sonja Langthaler ◽  
Jasmina Lozanović Šajić ◽  
Theresa Rienmüller ◽  
Seth H. Weinberg ◽  
Christian Baumgartner

The mathematical modeling of ion channel kinetics is an important tool for studying the electrophysiological mechanisms of the nerves, heart, or cancer, from a single cell to an organ. Common approaches use either a Hodgkin–Huxley (HH) or a hidden Markov model (HMM) description, depending on the level of detail of the functionality and structural changes of the underlying channel gating, and taking into account the computational effort for model simulations. Here, we introduce for the first time a novel system theory-based approach for ion channel modeling based on the concept of transfer function characterization, without a priori knowledge of the biological system, using patch clamp measurements. Using the shaker-related voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.1 (KCNA1) as an example, we compare the established approaches, HH and HMM, with the system theory-based concept in terms of model accuracy, computational effort, the degree of electrophysiological interpretability, and methodological limitations. This highly data-driven modeling concept offers a new opportunity for the phenomenological kinetic modeling of ion channels, exhibiting exceptional accuracy and computational efficiency compared to the conventional methods. The method has a high potential to further improve the quality and computational performance of complex cell and organ model simulations, and could provide a valuable new tool in the field of next-generation in silico electrophysiology.

2022 ◽  
pp. 140-163
Abel Ebiega Enokela

This study attempts an encapsulation of school shooting as a strand of mass violence with the purpose of presenting a perceived effective approach that could be therapeutically adopted for handling traumatized victims of school shooting incidents, particularly traumatized students. School violence involving firearms and high fatalities have been trending in many parts of the world. Pathetically, most of the students who are victims of school shootings receive inadequate or no therapeutic interventions that could help them to recover from the emotional trauma that usually accompany school violence. Students with trauma symptoms experience dysfunctional adaptation, leading to impairment of daily functionality, distortions in peer interactivity, and disruptive self-expressivity. This study leans on family system theory and elucidates how the application of this theory could help the traumatized to regain themselves psychosocially in order to maintain adaptation to function properly in the school or community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 131-156
Ömer Turan

Abstract The student movement of ’68 was both a major source of inspiration and subject of research for the social movement scholars. One persistent disagreement about studying ’68 lies between the world-system theory—Wallerstein views the movement as “a single revolution”—and the contentious politics approach—McAdam, Tarrow, and Tilly refuse to consider ’68 “one grand movement.” Expanding this theoretical debate, this article overviews Turkey’s ’68 movement and discusses its divergence from the global movement. Wallerstein summarizes “the single revolution” of ’68 with five points: challenging US hegemony, working-class solidarity, demanding education reform, counter-culture, and challenging the old left. This article revisits these points and cross-reads them with insights of the contentious politics approach to evaluate Turkey’s ’68 movement. It then focuses on mobilizing structures, framing processes, and repertoires of contention that have shaped student activism.

Andreas B. Eder ◽  
David Dignath

AbstractHundred years ago, Kurt Lewin published a series of articles in which he vehemently argued against the idea that associations between stimuli and responses motivate behavior. This article reviews his empirical work and theory and the cogency of Lewin’s conclusion according to modern standards. We conclude that Lewin’s criticism of the contiguity principle of associationism is still valid, and is now supported by a broad range of theories on learning, motivation, and action control. Implications for modern dual-system theory and modern theories on motivated action and (instructed) task sets are discussed.

2021 ◽  

The ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution (AATHP) is a collective effort agreed by all of the ASEAN member countries to purposely tackle haze pollution and Indonesia finally ratified it in late 2014. Indonesian government has had responsibilities to carry out its part to tackle forest and land fires resulting in transboundary haze within its territory since then, coordinating and cooperating with all of its lower-level administrations. However, there has been little attention to the study emphasizing any local government’s roles to support the regime’s goals. This research paper aims to describe Riau government’s policies to realize the goals of the AATHP from 2015 to 2016. This paper applies behavioralist approach, which is effective to analyze the actor’s policies or decisions inasmuch as it allows the analysis on an individual or group that represents a state or governance. This paper applies David Easton’s system theory of decision making which belongs to the approach. The finding of the research is that Riau government took the policies of creating the plan of action on forest and land fires prevention and raising the local emergency statuses to contribute to the goals realization. It means that the local government was, too, an important actor to determine the success or failure of the regime during the years.

2021 ◽  
Sharwari Udaykumar Shah ◽  
Dande Chandra Sekhar Charan ◽  
Bhooshan Rajpathak

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Dashuai Ren ◽  
Hongtao Xu

BACKGROUND: China’s 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 clearly points out that it is necessary to implement innovation driven strategy, promote enterprise technological innovation, and better play the important role of entrepreneurs in enterprise technological innovation. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore the impact of entrepreneurial leadership on enterprises’ technological innovation. OBJECTIVE: From the perspective of technological innovation stream, we divide ambidextrous innovation into mainstream innovation and new stream innovation. Integrating ambidexterity theory, innovation streams theory and cognitive affective personality system theory (CAPS), we explore the mediating mechanism of entrepreneurial ambidextrous leadership on ambidextrous innovation from cognitive path, affective path and cognitive-affective compound path. METHODS: Based on the data collected from 254 top managers in 12 provinces in China, we conducted descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis, regression analysis and bootstrap mediating effect test on the sample data. RESULTS: Our empirical results revealed that: 1) entrepreneurial ambidextrous leadership positively related with the ambidextrous innovation; 2) organizational paradoxical cognition plays a partly mediating role between ambidextrous leadership and ambidextrous innovation; 3) organizational affective conflict plays a partly mediating role between ambidextrous leadership and ambidextrous innovation; 4) organizational paradoxical cognition negatively related with organizational affective conflict; 5) organizational paradoxical cognition and organizational affective conflict play a chain mediating role between entrepreneurial ambidextrous leadership and ambidextrous innovation. CONCLUSIONS: Combined with the cognitive affective personality system theory, our research explores the mediating mechanism of entrepreneurial ambidextrous leadership on ambidextrous innovation from cognitive path and affective path and “cognitive-affective” compound path, which not only have great theoretical contributions, but also have important significance in enterprise management practice.

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