C. Bolognesi ◽  
F. Fiorillo

<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> This paper is part of a current of researches that deal with the survey of Cultural Heritage as the first tool of knowledge and dissemination of the memory and value of ancient architecture. The progress of survey techniques and the spread of new tools and measurements instruments obliges frequents update in our project; the survey also compares itself with progression over the time, especially when the context of interest is broad as in the case here described. Here the complex of Santa Maria delle Grazie has been surveyed starting from the Chiostro delle Rane and Old Sacristy, including the room of the Candle man, by Donato Bramante, the Chiostro del Priore, built through the years with the aid of Beltrami and Portaluppi, and the New Sacristy. The cathedral survey and the Last supper room together with The Chiostro dei Morti has not yet been included; this first part has been considered as a first cross section enough to present first problems, techniques and aims. In addition, the destination of the survey in progress has been evaluated on a broad spectrum: from comparison with other Bramante’s masterpieces to the map rendering of some of its decorated parts to the construction of simple meshes for the reconstruction of virtual environments. This is the reason why some part of the complex has been surveyed with more attention and high-detail while other with more simplicity and low-detail, not only to spare time.</p>

M. Russo ◽  
A.M. Manferdini

In the last decade the Cultural Heritage field has deeply benefited from the opportunities of collecting accurate and detailed 3D information of sites and artifacts using both image- and range-based techniques. Since few years ago these technologies were not so extensively used, mainly because they were very expensive, required expertise and the pipeline and procedures related to their use were not straightforward, nor consolidated. But in the last years significant improvements in the digital survey technologies have been reached, with the principal scope of simplifying reality-based survey procedure and providing a series of different solutions that combine the automation of processes with accuracy and resolution performances. In addition to these aspects, the lowering of costs and the consequent widespread use of some survey solutions, such as, for example, range-based, as well as terrestrial and UAV image-based ones, have recently given strong impulse to the widening of use of these technologies in the Cultural Heritage field. As a consequence, this range of possibilities shows that in this field, where case studies have peculiar geometric and radiometric characteristics and survey conditions are often unique, preliminary investigations and evaluations are mandatory in order to define the most suitable solution to adopt. <br><br> In this context, this paper presents preliminary results from the Santa Maria di Pomposa survey project, with the purpose of starting a deep investigation on the integration of 3D digital technologies and how they can provide complete and multi-scalar information about complex architectures. This purpose is particularly important in case studies where analysis have to be conducted at different scales of complexity. Structural analysis are just an example of the need to easily handle complete and global information that have to be deeply and detailed analyzed, eventually showing the behavior of structures over time. Within the adopted methodology, the comparison of results obtained using different approaches represents an indispensable step in order to evaluate and select the most reliable and suitable solutions to adopt within the final integrations process.

F. Chiabrando ◽  
E. Donadio ◽  
F. Rinaudo

3D detailed models derived from digital survey techniques have increasingly developed and focused in many field of application. The high detailed content and accuracy of such models make them so attractive and usable for large sets of purposes in Cultural Heritage. The present paper focuses on one of the main techniques used nowadays for Cultural Heritage survey and documentation: the image matching approach or Structure from Motion (SfM) technique. According to the low cost nature and the rich content of derivable information, these techniques are extremely strategic in poor available resources sectors such as Cultural Heritage documentation. <br><br> After an overview of the employed algorithms and used approaches of SfM computer vision based techniques, the paper is focused in a critical analysis of the strategy used by two common employed software: the commercial suite Agisoft Photoscan and the open source tool MicMac realized by IGN France. The experimental section is focused on the description of applied tests (from RPAS data to terrestrial acquisitions), purposed to compare different solutions in various featured study cases. Finally, the accuracy assessment of the achieved products is compared and analyzed according to the strategy employed by the studied software.

E. Costa ◽  
C. Balletti ◽  
C. Beltrame ◽  
F. Guerra ◽  
P. Vernier

Nowadays, researchers widely employ the acquisition of point clouds as one of the principal type of documentation for cultural heritage. In this paper, different digital survey techniques are employed to document a wooden ancient shipwreck, a particular and difficult kind of archaeological finding due to its material characteristics. The instability of wood and the high costs of restoration do not always offer the opportunity of recovering and showing the hull to researchers and public and three-dimensional surveys are fundamental to document the original conditions of the wood. The precarious conditions of this material in contact with air could modify the structure and the size of the boat, requiring a fast and accurate recording technique. The collaboration between Ca' Foscari University and the Laboratory of Photogrammetry of Iuav University of Venice has given the possibility to demonstrate the utility of these technology. We have surveyed a sewn boat of Roman age through multi-image photogrammetry and laser scanner. Point clouds were compared and a residual analysis was done, to verify the characteristics and the opportunity of the two techniques, both of them have allowed obtaining a very precise documentation from a metrical point of view.

E. Costa ◽  
C. Balletti ◽  
C. Beltrame ◽  
F. Guerra ◽  
P. Vernier

Nowadays, researchers widely employ the acquisition of point clouds as one of the principal type of documentation for cultural heritage. In this paper, different digital survey techniques are employed to document a wooden ancient shipwreck, a particular and difficult kind of archaeological finding due to its material characteristics. The instability of wood and the high costs of restoration do not always offer the opportunity of recovering and showing the hull to researchers and public and three-dimensional surveys are fundamental to document the original conditions of the wood. The precarious conditions of this material in contact with air could modify the structure and the size of the boat, requiring a fast and accurate recording technique. The collaboration between Ca' Foscari University and the Laboratory of Photogrammetry of Iuav University of Venice has given the possibility to demonstrate the utility of these technology. We have surveyed a sewn boat of Roman age through multi-image photogrammetry and laser scanner. Point clouds were compared and a residual analysis was done, to verify the characteristics and the opportunity of the two techniques, both of them have allowed obtaining a very precise documentation from a metrical point of view.

C. Tommasi ◽  
F. Fiorillo ◽  
B. Jiménez Fernández-Palacios ◽  
C. Achille

<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The techniques and methods to capture and represent in a three-dimensional digital space the shape of objects belonging to Cultural Heritage have become more widespread, regarding both the economic and practical accessibility of technologies and equipment. At the same time, systems and tools have developed to integrate different 3D survey techniques that allow to achievement a complete acquisition of the tangible assets, considering the purposes of the survey, the required accuracy and the representation scale.</p><p>The product of an integrated (image-based and range-base acquisition) and multi-scale (architectural and landscape scale) digital survey is a metric 3D reconstruction, potentially suitable for a broader ‘use’ and ‘user’ and not only for visualisation and documentation. According to this vision, the 3D model becomes a container of information, which include different type of data depending on the users and the aim of the work. The final result of this process can be the valorisation of the Cultural Heritage and its environment, through the access from experts and non-experts users. The aim of the article is showing the entire pipeline for 3D measurement, survey data acquisition, modelling, and representation of tangible assets and the related layers of information, as “best practice” to improve the Cultural Heritage knowledge, fruition, and sharing.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Jane-Heloise Nancarrow ◽  
Chen Yang ◽  
Jing Yang

AbstractThe application of digital technologies has greatly improved the efficiency of cultural heritage documentation and the diversity of heritage information. Yet the adequate incorporation of cultural, intangible, sensory or experimental elements of local heritage in the process of digital documentation, and the deepening of local community engagement, remain important issues in cultural heritage research. This paper examines the heritage landscape of tunpu people within the context of digital conservation efforts in China and the emergence of emotions studies as an evaluative tool. Using a range of data from the Ming-era village of Baojiatun in Guizhou Province, this paper tests an exploratory emotions-based approach and methodology, revealing shifting interpersonal relationships, experiential and praxiological engagement with the landscape, and emotional registers within tunpu culture and heritage management. The analysis articulates distinctive asset of emotional value at various scales and suggests that such approaches, applied within digital documentation contexts, can help researchers to identify multi-level heritage landscape values and their carriers. This methodology can provide more complete and dynamic inventories to guide digital survey and representation; and the emotions-based approach also supports the integration of disparate heritage aspects in a holistic understanding of the living landscape. Finally, the incorporation of community participation in the process of digital survey breaks down boundaries between experts and communities and leads to more culturally appropriate heritage records and representations.

Kay M. Stanney ◽  
Kelly S. Kingdon ◽  
Robert S. Kennedy

Are current virtual environments (VEs) usable by the broad spectrum of people who may wish to utilize this technology? The current study, which examined over 1000 participants, indicates the answer to this question is a definitive ‘no’. Virtual environment exposure was found to cause people to vomit (1.1%), experience nausea (71%), disorientation (70%), and oculomotor disturbances (79%). Overall, 88% of participants reported some level of adverse symptomatology, ranging from a minor headache to vomiting and intense vertigo. These disturbances led 12% of those exposed to prematurely cease their interaction. Dropout rates as high as nearly 50% were found in exposures of 1 hr in length. In addition, long-term aftereffects were found, including headaches, drowsiness, nausea, and fatigue. These problems could substantially reduce the accessibility of VE technology by the general public and thus must be resolved if this technology is to be widely adopted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 106
Damiano Aiello ◽  
Cecilia Bolognesi

<p class="VARAbstract">Can we preserve cultural heritage and, consequently, the memory of the past? To answer this question, one should look at the digital revolution that the world has gone through in recent decades and analyse the complex and the dialectical relationship between cultural heritage and new technologies. Thanks to these, increasingly accurate reconstructions of archaeological sites and historical monuments are possible. The resulting digital replicas are fundamental to experience and understand cultural heritage in innovative ways: they have complex and dynamic relationships with the original objects. This research paper highlights the importance and the scientific validity of digital replicas aimed at understanding, enhancing and protecting cultural heritage. The study focuses on the virtual reconstruction of the constructive phases, from the mid-15<sup>th</sup> century to date, of one of the most emblematic Gothic-Renaissance buildings in the city of Milan (Italy): the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, famous worldwide for hosting Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper painting. This site proved to be an ideal case study because of its troubled and little-known history that led to numerous changes over the centuries. Thanks to a methodological approach based on the analysis of the documentary sources and three-dimensional (3D) modelling, it was possible to outline the chronological succession of the convent transformations; the way in which these overlapped the pre-existing structures was described starting from the Renaissance harmonious and organic interventions, to finally reach 18<sup>th</sup>-19<sup>th </sup>centuries inhomogeneous and incompatible additions. Finally, the research was completed by mapping the 3D models based on the sources used and their different levels of accuracy. The 3D models have thus become a valid tool for checking and verifying the reconstruction hypotheses.</p><p class="VARAbstract">Highlights:</p><ul><li><p>The study focused on the virtual reconstruction of the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, one of the most emblematicGothic-Renaissance buildings in the city of Milan.</p></li><li><p>By combining data from documentary sources, architectural treatises, period photos and digital survey, the mainbuilding phases of the convent, from the 15th century to date, were digitally reconstructed.</p></li><li><p>The 3D models are enriched with information about the accuracy of the digital reconstruction, creating 3D databasesthat can be easily consulted and updated.</p></li></ul>

1994 ◽  
Vol 16 (16) ◽  
pp. 75
Vera Lúcia Carvalho Siqueira ◽  
Thais Scotti do Canto-Dorow ◽  
Maria Helena Lunardi

This paper deals with a anatomical study of the root, stem and leaf of Passiflora alata Dryander (Passifloraceae). This species is recognized in Rio Grande do Sul by its medicinal value, indicate as calmative and diuretic. The material analysed was collected in the Campus of UFSM, Santa Maria, RS. The study was realized using the usual technics of the vegetal histology. The anatomical pattem of the leaf, in cross-section, shows a dorsiventral and hypostomatic organization; absence of trichomes, anomocytic stornata; collateral bundle vascular. In cross-section, the young stem shows epidermis uniseriate; thick cuticle; total absence of trichomes; the bundles vascular are collateral. The primary root, in cross-section, is tetrach, the parenchyma cortical shows idioblastic cells, with tanniniferous contents.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (34) ◽  
pp. 219-241
Sabrina Bagetti ◽  
Elena Maria Mallmann

A preocupação temática geradora desta pesquisa está centrada no Design da Mediação Pedagógica em Ambientes Virtuais de Ensino-Aprendizagem (AVEA), para o ensino técnico a distância. Investiga-se estratégias didático-metodológicas que favorecem a construção do processo ensino-aprendizagem colaborativo, mediado pelas tecnologias educacionais em rede. O contexto desta pesquisa ocorreu em meio as ações didático-pedagógicas da equipe Multidisciplinar do Curso Técnico em Fruticultura a distância, ofertado pela Rede e-Tec Brasil, na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria-UFSM, no segundo semestre do ano de 2014. Para tanto, a orientação metodológica se findou com base nas concepções teórico-metodológicas da pesquisa-ação, ao estabelecer etapas cíclicas de planejamento, implementação, avaliação e replanejamento nas ações implementadas. A pesquisa-ação sustentou-se nas proposições de 03 (três) matrizes cartográficas: Matriz Dialógico-Problematizadora (MDP), Matriz Temático-Organizadora (MTO) Matriz Temático-Analítica (MTA), as quais orientaram, respectivamente, a produção de dados, sua organização e análise. Os resultados, sustentados no método da triangulação dos dados, apontam que o desafio na elaboração do design pedagógico, em AVEA para cursos técnicos a distância, está centrado no desenvolvimento da fluência tecnológico-pedagógica para promover o ensino-aprendizagem colaborativo, apoiando em nos princípios de interação, interatividade e autonomia.Palavras-chave: Educação a distância; Fluência Tecnológico-pedagógica; Ambiente virtual de ensino-aprendizagem

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