Between Two Forms of the Unavowable

2018 ◽  
pp. 370-374
Christophe Bident

Relates an episode concerning Heidegger scholar Jean Beaufret and an anti-semitic remark. Blanchot’s concern to protect his friend Emmanuel Levinas, and his recent links to Jacques Derrida, are in evidence.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-76
Manoel Uchoa ◽  
José Tadeu Batista De Souza

Discorrer sobre a proximidade entre os trabalhos de Jacques Derrida e Emmanuel Lévinas perpassa pela amizade e a interlocução que mantiveram durante toda a vida. Como um referencial caro a Derrida, a ética levinasiana surgiu como uma alternativa a tradição fi losófi ca do Ocidente. Assim, nos caminhos heterogêneos que suas obras traçaram, pode-se marcar uma profunda intercessão: a alteridade é constitutiva no pensamento. Logo, o último moralista de nossa época tem uma contribuição pertinente ao pensador da desconstrução. Pretende-se nesse artigo analisar a relação do pensamento desses fi lósofos em relação à categoria de Justiça a partir da alteridade.

2013 ◽  
Franco Masciandaro

The principal aim of this study is to participate in the current renewed discourse on the meaning of friendship, initiated in 1994 by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida with his Politics of Friendship, by combining the philosophical method of inquiry with the hermeneutical approach to poetic representations of friendship in the Iliad, the Divine Comedy, and the Decameron. It examines friendship not only as the unique love between two persons based on familiarity and proximity, but as the love for the one who is far away, the stranger, for this is a natural extension of the implicit love of the distant other, of the other-as-stranger – what Emmanuel Levinas has called "the infinity of the Other" – which is concealed in our friend, and which, in the words of Maurice Blanchot, puts us "authentically in relation" with him or her.

1970 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-71
Hanoch Ben-Pazi

The subject of tradition engaged both Emmanuel Lévinas and Jacques Derrida in many of their writings, which explore both the philosophical and cultural significance of tradition and the particular significance of the latter in a specifically Jewish context. Lévinas devoted a few of his Talmudic essays to the subject, and Derrida addressed the issue from the perspective of different philosophical and religious traditions. This article uses the writings of these two thinkers to propose a new way of thinking about the idea of tradition. At the core of its inquiry lie the paradigm of the letter and the use of this metaphor as a means of describing the concept of tradition. Using the phenomenon of the letter as a vantage point for considering tradition raises important points of discussion, due to both the letter’s nature as a text that is sent and the manifest and hidden elements it contains. The focus of this essay is the phenomenon of textual tradition, which encompasses different traditions of reading and interpreting texts and a grasp of the horizon of understanding opened up in relation to the text through its many different interpretations. The attention paid here to the actions of individuals serves to highlight the importance of the interpersonal realm and of ethical thought.

Meir Sendor

This chapter analyses the common and unfortunate trend in interfaith dialogue of ‘neutralizing’ the Other. In an attempt to find commonality, neutralization introduces syncretism and relativism into interfaith discourse. Worse still, it does violence to the unique character of each religion and its practitioners who participate in the dialogue. According to Emmanuel Levinas, to proceed in this way is to doom the possibility of real relationship from the start and to fall prey to the most insidious and destructive habit of Western thought: the deception of the Neutral that derives from the tyranny of the Same. Meanwhile, Jacques Derrida repeatedly explored the nature of hospitality at length, employing it as a paradigm for the dynamics of interfaith relations. Finally, Paul Ricoeur's notion of the conscience, of the reciprocity of Otherness, of the response within responsibility, contributes an essential element to the groundwork for an authentic relationship outlined by Levinas and Derrida.

2019 ◽  
pp. 47
Claudia Larios Padilla

El concepto moderno de perdón tiene sus orígenes en la teología judeo-cristiana. El pensamiento judío y el cristiano desarrollan dos ideas de perdón muy diferentes entre sí: la primera habla de un perdón que lleva después de la justicia, mientras que la segunda hace alusión a uno que se otorga por amor y como una previsión para alcanzarlo en el futuro, cuando uno cometa malas acciones. Las ideas filosóficas derivadas de cada una de estas tradiciones serán expuestas aquí para mostrar cómo aquéllas que se nutren de la tradición judía permiten, en contextos en los que hubo crímenes de lesa humanidad o genocidios, conceder un perdón individual y no colectivo, que no se olvida de las víctimas y no les niega la justicia que merecen. El artículo pretende ofrecer una aproximación a la reflexión acerca de este tema, exponiendo las ideas de tres autores provenientes de la tradición judía que han reflexionado ampliamente sobre ello: Emmanuel Lévinas, Vladimir Jankélévitch y Jacques Derrida.

Aline De Almeida Silva Sousa

Este estudo é voltado para análise de prognósticos de recuperação das relações responsáveis, tanto através, como para além do direito, que nos são oferecidos por três condutores. O primeiro é Emmanuel Levinas, no seu compromisso com a responsabilidade ilimitada, mas que não deixa de elucidar a necessidade de comparabilidade. O segundo por Jacques Derrida, que convoca uma abertura para a responsabilidade ilimitada através da desconstrução, na sua experiência aporética de justiça. E, por fim, Castanheira Neves, preocupado com uma unidade integradora de sentido para o direito, concebe a responsabilidade jurídica nas relações de reciprocidade interpessoais.

2005 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 95-108
Jeannelle Laillou Savona

Cette étude de deux fictions récentes ( Les rêveries de la femme sauvage et Le jour où je n'étais pas là ), évoquant certains épisodes de la jeunesse judéo-algérienne de la narratrice-auteure, tente d'analyser leur métaphorisation pour mieux comprendre certains procédés de l'écriture cixousienne. Les références à Jacques Derrida, qui partage avec Cixous des racines similaires, permettent d'éclairer certains traits de la représentation de l'Algérie et du fonctionnement poétique de l'oeuvre. La référence à Emmanuel Levinas et à Jean-François Lyotard tente d'expliquer l'importance éthique du judaïsme au double niveau de la représentation et de la narration.

Sarah Hammerschlag

Over a span of thirty years, twentieth-century French philosophers Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida held a conversation across texts. Sharing a Jewish heritage and a background in phenomenology, both came to situate their work at the margins of philosophy, articulating this placement through religion and literature. Chronicling the interactions between these thinkers, Sarah Hammerschlag argues that the stakes in their respective positions were more than philosophical. They were also political. Levinas’s investments were born out in his writings on Judaism and ultimately in an evolving conviction that the young state of Israel held the best possibility for achieving such an ideal. For Derrida, the Jewish question was literary. The stakes of Jewish survival could only be approached through reflections on modern literature’s religious legacy, a line of thinking that provided him the means to reconceive democracy. Hammerschlag’s reexamination of Derrida and Levinas’s textual exchange not only produces a new account of this friendship but also has significant ramifications for debates within Continental philosophy, the study of religion, and political theology.

2007 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Carolin Ribeiro Santana

O presente artigo trata da interface entre o direito e a literatura e as possibilidades que surgem a partir dessa relação. Um olhar por meio da literatura deixa transparecer um direito que necessita ser revisto em suas certezas e questionado em suas positivações. O romance regionalista “Vidas Secas”, de Graciliano Ramos, é a obra da qual partimos a fim de realizar reflexões acerca da dogmática. O campo “direito e literatura” aproximou-se, nestes estudos, da filosofia do direito devido ao tema abordado, uma vez que pensar os sujeitos por meio da literatura levou ao questionamento acerca da temática do “eu” e do “outro” e de como esse “outro” é visto pelo direito contemporâneo. As teorizações de Emmanuel Levinas e Jacques Derrida sustentam as análises realizadas em busca de uma desconstrução do direito posto em busca de um direito que possa experimentar a justiça e aproximar-se da realidade social que nos cerca.

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