jacques derrida
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2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-101

This article concerns the expression ‘logical phallusies’, imputed to Jacques Derrida by Barry Smith in 1992 in a letter arguing against the proposed award to Derrida of an honorary doctorate at Cambridge. Derrida insisted that this expression appeared nowhere in his oeuvre – it has never been found – and yet it has endured, in discussions of Derrida’s work and general legacy, more than any other aspect of Derrida’s ‘Cambridge Affair’. I address two cases of the expression’s weird stubbornness, arguing that its misattribution to Derrida is a gesture which Derrida’s work guards against and undermines – even deconstructs – in advance. The article sounds a note of caution about the ‘post-theoretical’ practice of assimilating philosophers and theorists to the humanities via the decontextualised appropriation of putatively synecdochic buzzwords.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 120-144
Ana Belén Pérez Barreiro

This article addresses the novel Nefando, by Mónica Ojeda, based on the experience of pain as a supplement, from the theoretical paradigm of Jacques Derrida, since its enunciation functions as a sign of a sign, which does not properly represent affect, rather, it generates a false representative that makes the sign itself present only by its absence. Consequently, the enunciation of affect is articulated as difference insofar as it configures a series of possible disseminated and deferred meanings that put into play the limits of meaning by pointing out its original lack. Thus, the (re)signification of pain makes the production of an original discourse impossible, since it produces other modes of signification that call into question the fixity of the discourse and show the de-centering of the textual structure. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 144
Marcela De Oliveira e Silva Lemos

Abstract: The intensification of anti-immigration policies and discourses in the United States during Donald Trump’s administration reveals a reaction against the foreigner characterized, as Jacques Derrida proposes, by the widening of ethnocentric and xenophobic circles in face of the fluxes of capital, people, and information in contemporaneity. In this context, it is part of the critic’s responsibilities to address the link between literature and national identity, while attesting to the way literature transgresses the borders imposed upon it. This is the stance this article intends to take as it analyses Kathleen de Azevedo’s 2006 Brazilian-American novel Samba Dreamers. For this purpose, I depart from a discussion about the intrinsic relationship between hospitality and hostility to the foreigner, as well as from the possibility of literature of saying everything (tout dire), to argue that this novel objects to stable notions of nation, gestures towards a displacement of identity beyond the constraints of the state, and invites a post-national mode of thinking.Keywords: immigrant writing; post-nationalist literature; Brazilian-American literature; national identity.Resumo: A intensificação de políticas e discursos anti-imigração nos Estados Unidos durante a presidência de Donald Trump revela uma reação ao estrangeiro caracterizada, como coloca Jacques Derrida, pelo espessamento dos círculos etnocêntricos e xenofóbicos diante dos fluxos contemporâneos de capital, pessoas e informações. Nesse contexto, é papel do crítico abordar a relação entre literatura e identidade nacional, atentando para as formas pelas quais a literatura transpõe as fronteiras que lhe são impostas. Este é o posicionamento que se pretende ter aqui, enquanto se analisa o romance brasileiro-estadunidense Samba Dreamers, de Kathleen de Azevedo (2006). Para isso, parte-se de uma discussão sobre a relação intrínseca entre hospitalidade e hostilidade ao estrangeiro, assim como da possibilidade da literatura de dizer tudo (tout dire), para propor que o romance se opõe a noções estáveis de nação, articula o deslocamento da ideia de identidade para além dos limites geopolíticos do estado e convida a um pensamento pós-nacional.Palavras-chave: escrita de imigrantes; literatura pós-nacional; literatura brasileiro-estadunidense; identidade nacional.

Literatūra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-85
Aušra Jurgutienė

 In the article I discuss how deconstruction (Jacques Derrida and other Yale School participants) came to Lithuanian literary criticism  and how it changed habits of humanitarian thinking during the three decades after independence. The most unusual and radical deconstruction critique of essentialist metaphysical thinking, new terminology (inter-text, elimination of center, footprint, writing, difference, blinding, labyrinth narrative, guest / enemy, etc.) and new strategies for interpreting texts were very important for Lithuanian humanities liberated from Soviet ideology.  Literary critics have noticed and discussed the undoubted connection between postmodernist literature and its deconstructive reading.We can find three tendencies in the deconstructive criticism of Lithuanian literature. The first tendency is the interpretation of general theoretical concepts of deconstruction, second tendency - searching the deconstructive features in literary works and the third tendency of criticism, expanding its own self-criticism and self-irony, is discussing chrestomathic and structuralist interpretations of the literary works or deconstructing icons of Soviet culture. We know very well, that many feminist, postcolonial, historiographic, anthropological, or interdisciplinary researches of literature cannot escape the effects of deconstruction. 

Administrador Administrador

En este trabajo presentamos una versión detallada de las teorías de John Searle y Maurizio Ferraris sobre la ontología social como ontología regional. En primer lugar, ofrecemos una crítica de la teoría intencional y representacional de Searle, mostrando sus aciertos y elementos problemáticos. A continuación, analizamos la teoría de la documentalidad de Ferraris, en especial, las nociones de huella y registro, cuya genealogía arranca de las distinciones conceptuales de Jacques Derrida en De la grammatalogie. En la conclusión, esperamos mostrar que ninguna de las teorías analizadas constituye una explicación suficiente de los problemas ontológicos, semánticos y epistemológicos que plantea la ontología social.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (53) ◽  
pp. 9-22
Alejandro Sacbé Shuttera Pérez

En el presente artículo se examinan, a la luz de los planteamientos de Michel Foucault –y, en menor medida, de Roland Barthes y Jacques Derrida–, una serie de postulados fundamentales de la Teoría literaria, como el estatuto tradicional de la crítica literaria, la función del autor en la literatura y la propia literatura como disciplina de estudio, en especial desde su dimensión institucional. Para el desarrollo de los argumentos foucaultianos se toman como referencia algunos de los textos de la llamada “primera época” en los sesenta (entrevistas, conferencias, publicaciones en revistas, etc.), pero sobre todo un par de documentos inéditos en francés (de traducción propia) respecto de la literatura, provenientes de los expedientes del Fondo Michel Foucault localizado en el Institut Mémoires de l’Édition Contemporaine, en Caen, Francia. 

Dekonstruksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 106-120
Chris Ruhupatty

Artikel ini adalah sebuah pengantar kepada dekonstruksi. Harus diakui bahwa kita tidak dapat memahami apa itu dekonstruksi secara utuh. Tepatnya, kita hanya dapat menggambarkannya melalui kata atau teks yang-lain. Itulah mengapa artikel ini hanyalah sebuah pengantar atau hanya sebuah cara yang-lain untuk mengatakannya. “Dekonstruksi” itu sendiri adalah sebuah penyingkapan tentang realitas dari teks. Teks, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh tradisi filsafat Barat, adalah sebuah representasi dari dunia. Sebab itu, kita dapat memahami dunia secara utuh melalui teks. Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) pencetus dekonstruksi tidak setuju dengan gagasan itu. Baginya, kata atau teks tidak dapat menjelaskan dunia secara utuh. Teks perlu untuk didekonstruksi dalam usahanya untuk menjelaskan dunia. Dalam kerangka inilah, Derrida hendak menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa “dekonstruksi” itu sendiri tidak dapat dijelaskan menggunakan kata atau teks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-221
Emerson Penha Malheiro ◽  
Luis Delcides Rodrigues da Silva

Este trabalho apresenta os movimentos e as compreensões de tantas informações e suspensão destas em meio a uma grave pandemia e diante de um clamor por notícias e informações seguras buscadas por uma população bastante insegura. Esta pesquisa tem alicerce nas bases teóricas em Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Felix Guatarri, Gilles Deleuze e Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Também serão apresentados os devidos alicerces doutrinários acerca das omissões e o quanto estas colidem com os direitos previstos e alicerçados no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro legal com base na Constituição Federal , na Lei de Acesso à Informação (Lei nº 12.527 de 18-11-2011), no Pacto de São José da Costa Rica (Decreto nº 678 de 6 -11-1992), ao tratar sobre o exercício da liberdade de imprensa como função primordial e prioritária.

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