scholarly journals Soil Fauna Diversity - Function, Soil Degradation, Biological Indices, Soil Restoration

Cristina Menta
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (25) ◽  
pp. 40
Magamana Abalo-Esso ◽  
Gadedjisso-Tossou Agossou ◽  
Blavet Didier ◽  
Hien Edmond ◽  
Chotte Jean Luc

Le nord-ouest du Togo, est caractérisé par une forte pression sur les sols, entrainant une régression de parcs agroforestiers et une diminution rendements agricoles. Dans un tel milieu, l’appréciation des producteurs de ces changements ainsi que les méthodes qu’ils adoptent pour y faire face restent moins connus. C’est pour cet objectif qu’une enquête socio-économique a été menée auprès des producteurs pour évaluer leurs perceptions sur la dégradation des sols et les changements climatiques afin d’identifier puis retenir les pratiques originales d’adaptation pouvant faire objet de diffusion. L’enquête menée sur un échantillon raisonné de 216 producteurs des deux sexes a montré que : 98,10% des enquêtés sont conscients de la dégradation de leurs sols tandis que 99,50% ressentent les effets des changements climatiques qui se manifestent en termes de longues sécheresses, de retards de pluies, de pluies violentes, abondantes et variable et d’augmentation de température. Les causes des changements évoquées par les producteurs sont : les pluies diluviennes (26,85%), les mauvaises pratiques culturales (62,50%), l’intensification agricole (46,76%), le surpâturage (2,78%), l’usage abusif de pesticides (20,37%), l’augmentation de la population (12,96%), la déforestation (21,76%) et les feux de brousse (6,48%). Globalement, les 98,6% des enquêtés ont abandonné 63 ha de sol devenus irrécupérables. Les producteurs adoptent des mesures d’adaptation telles que l’apport de fumure organique, les rotations et associations culturales, la construction de bandes enherbées, de cordons pierreux et de diguettes, et le reboisement pour protéger et restaurer leurs champs. Plusieurs espèces de plantes désirées par les producteurs pour leur vertu sont en voie de disparition. La perception par les paysans des cas de longue sécheresse sont expliqués par les variables « âge du paysan », « la pratique de l’élevage », « l’accès aux services de vulgarisation » et « la pratique de l’agriculture ». Il est nécessaire de prendre ces variables en compte dans les projets et programmes de luttes contre la sécheresse dans le milieu. Les variables « âge du paysan », « mauvaises pratiques culturales », et « déforestation » influençant également la perception des paysans de dégradation des sols, doivent être également considérés dans les programmes et projets de restauration des sols dégradés dans le milieu. Il est important d’étudier les effets The north-west of Togo is characterized by strong pressure on the soil, leading to a decline in agroforestry parks and a reduction in agricultural yields. In such an environment, producers' appreciation of these changes and the methods they adopt to deal with them remain less well known. It is for this purpose that a socioeconomic survey was conducted among producers to assess their perceptions of soil degradation and climate change to identify and then retain original adaptation practices that can be disseminated. The survey carried out on a purposely selected sample of 216 producers from both sexes. The results showed that: 98, 10% of respondents are aware of the degradation of their soils while 99,50% feel the effects of climate change which are manifested as long droughts, delayed rains, heavy rains and temperature rise. The causes of the changes mentioned by the producers are: torrential rains (26,85%), bad cultivation practices (62,50%), agricultural intensification (46,76%), overgrazing (2,78%) , the abusive use of pesticides (20,37%), the increase in population (12,96%), deforestation (21,76%) and bush fires (6,48%). Globally, 98,6% of those surveyed abandoned 63 ha of land that had become irrecoverable. Producers adopt resilience measures such as providing organic manure, crop rotations and associations, the establishment of grass strips and stone bunds, bunds and reforestation to protect and restore their plots. Producers adopt adaptation measures such as adding organic manure, crop rotations and associations, construction of grass strips, stone bunds, bunds, and reforestation to protect and restore their fields. Several species of plants desired by producers for their virtue are endangered. The farmers' perception of cases of long drought are explained by the variables "age of the farmer", "the practice of animal husbandry", "access to extension services" and "the practice of agriculture". It is necessary to take these variables into account in projects and programs to fight against drought in the area. The variables "farmer's age «,» bad cultivation practices” and "deforestation" also influencing farmers' perception of soil degradation, must also be considered in programs and projects for the restoration of degraded soils in the area. It is important to study the effects of these practices on soil restoration and crop yields.

2002 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 375-388 ◽  
T S McPherson ◽  
V R Timmer

Soil degradation and subsequent amelioration were studied on soil chronosequences of old-growth forest, abandoned fields, and young and mature conifer plantations on the Oak Ridges Moraine, an environmentally vulnerable landform near Toronto threatened by encroaching urban development. The chronosequences reflect a history of pre-settlement deforestation, exploitive pioneer agriculture and ensuing land abandonment that led to soil fallowing and/or wind erosion in the 1920s followed by soil stabilization after extensive planting with red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.). Key pedogenic processes were identified and rates and magnitude of soil recovery were quantified in terms of morphological, physical and chemical characteristics of soil profiles. Soil degradation generally involved reduced fertility with profile simplification (haploidization) on non-eroded fallowed fields, and topsoil loss by wind erosion (deflation) on more exposed eroded fields. After reforestation, soil restoration was characterized by cessation of erosion, accelerated horizon development and differentiation, reduced soil bulk density, and increased fertility and acidification of the soil. Chronofunctions revealed substantial recovery in soil organic C, total N, available P, and exchangeable K, Ca and Mg status within 75 yr of initial reforestation on non-deflated, fallowed sites. In contrast, estimated recovery of these parameters on severely deflated sites was delayed far beyond plantation maturity. Key words: Oak Ridges Moraine, plantation (red pine), ecosystem restoration, deflation, soil degradation

В. В. Коваль ◽  
В. О. Наталочка ◽  
С. К. Ткаченко ◽  
О. В. Міненко

Узагальнено сучасний стан родючості сільського-сподарських земель Полтавської області. Проана-лізовано динаміку змін основних показників родю-чості ґрунтів та надані рекомендації щодо зупи-нення їх деградації та відновлення. Лабораторни-ми дослідженнями протягом 1964–2010 років ви-значено, що інтенсивний, науково необґрунтованийобробіток ґрунту призводить до більш високихтемпів втрат ґумусу. Інтенсивніше відбуваютьсявтрати ґумусу на ґрунтах 41 агровиробничої групи(чорноземи опідзолені та слабореградовані, а та-кож темно-сірі сильнореградовані ґрунти). За 16останніх років вміст ґумусу в орному шарі всередньому зменшився на 2,21 %. Найменші втра-ти ґумусу спостерігаються на ґрунтах 59 агрови-робничої групи (чорноземи звичайні слабоґумусніглибокі та їх (залишково) солонцюваті відміни).Інші типи ґрунтів займають проміжне положен-ня. Визначено, що навіть при комплексному підходівнесення органічних речовин баланс рівноваги еле-ментів живлення в ґрунті порушується. І тількизастосування разом органічних і мінеральних доб-рив та насичення сівозміни бобовими культурами(соя, горох, багаторічні трави) дає змогу підви-щити якісну оцінку земель. The current state of fertility of agricultural soils in Poltava Regionhas been summarized in this publication. The dynamics ofchanges in soil fertility indicators has been analyzed. Recommendationson prevention of soil degradation and suggestionsregarding soil restoration have been given. Laboratory studiesbetween 1964 and 2010 have proven that intensive soil cultivation(management), which does not use scientific basis, leads tothe quicker rate of humus reduction. The highest rate of humusreduction is observed for the soils of the 41st group of the soilproductivity classification (podzolic and lightly degraded chernozem,as well as dark grey heavily degraded soils). Over the16 year period the humus level in arable soil layer has reducedby 2.21 %. The lowest reduction of humus was identified in thesoils of the 59th group of the soil productivity classification(deep common chernozem with low level of humus and their(residual) alkaline varieties. The other soil types take inbetweenposition. It has been determined that, even with thecomprehensive approach to organic matter, the nutrientsequilibrium balance in soil gets damaged. Only a joint usage oforganic and mineral fertilizers, as well as enrichment of croprotation system with leguminous plants (soya bean, peas andperennial grasses) would allow improving the quality assessmentof the soils.

Nativa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 397-402
Marciane Danniela Fleck Pessotto ◽  
Natielo Almeida Santana ◽  
Rodrigo Josemar Seminoti Jacques ◽  
Joice Aline Freiberg ◽  
Dayanna Do Nascimento Machado ◽  

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes usos do solo na abundância, riqueza, diversidade e atividade de organismos da fauna edáfica. A fauna do solo foi amostrada em: florestamento de Eucalyptus spp., florestamento de Pinus spp., lavoura de grãos, solo impactado pela construção civil e pastagem natural. Para a avaliação dos organismos da fauna epiedáfica empregou-se o método da armadilha de queda e para a amostragem dos organismos da fauna hemiedáfica utilizou-se o método TSBF. A atividade biológica do solo foi avaliada pelo método de lâminas bait. Foram coletados 5.413 organismos epiedáficos e 813 organismos hemiedáficos, distribuídos em 18 grupos taxonômicos. Os florestamentos de Pinus e Eucalyptus abrigaram as maiores abundâncias de organismos epiedáficos, com dominância de Collembola, o que resultou em menor índice de diversidade. O solo afetado pela construção civil apresentou as menores abundância e riqueza de organismos epiedáficos. A abundância, riqueza e diversidade de organismos hemiedáficos foram maiores na pastagem natural e menores no florestamento de Pinus e no solo impactado pela construção civil. A atividade biológica do solo foi maior no florestamento de Eucalyptus e menor no solo impactado pela construção civil. A abundância, riqueza e diversidade da fauna edáfica é afetada pelo uso do solo.Palavras-chave: atividade biológica do solo; bioindicadores; degradação do solo; invertebrados do solo; qualidade do solo; RELATION OF SOIL USE WITH DIVERSITY AND ACTIVITY OF EDAPHIC FAUNA ABSTRACT:This study evaluated the effect of different land uses on the abundance, richness, diversity and activity of edaphic fauna. The soil fauna was sampled in: Eucalyptus spp. afforestation, Pinus spp. afforestation, grain cropping, soil impacted by construction and natural grassland. The epiedaphic fauna was sampled by pitfalls and the hemiedaphic fauna by TSBF method. The soil biological activity was evaluated by the lamina-bait test. 5,413 epiedaphic organisms and 813 hemiedaphic organisms were collected, classified in 18 taxonomic groups. The afforestation of Pinus and Eucalyptus had the greatest abundance of epiedaphic organisms, with dominance of springtails, which resulted in a lower index of diversity. The soil affected by the construction had the lowest abundances and the richness of epiedaphic organisms. The abundance, richness and diversity of hemiedaphic organisms were higher in natural grassland; and smaller in Pinus afforestation and soil impacted by construction. Soil biological activity was higher in the Eucalyptus afforestation and lower in the soil impacted by construction. Soil use affects the abundance, richness and diversity of edaphic fauna.Keywords: soil biological activity; bioindicators; soil degradation; soil invertebrates; soil quality.

Científica ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 280 ◽  
Catharina Teixeira Cortes ◽  
Leovanio Rodrigues Barbosa ◽  
Gildean Portela de Morais ◽  
Luís Alfredo Pinheiro Leal Nunes ◽  
Ademir Sérgio Ferreira de Araújo ◽  

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