Žana Vrućinić

Violence, as a destructive form of behavior, has always beenpresent in interactive relationships. Legislation defines certain forms of itsmanifestation as offenses and provides for appropriate criminal sanctions. TheCriminal Code of Republika Srpska retained the solutions from the Law onAmendments and Supplements to the 2013 Criminal Code of Republika Srpska,when certain novelties were introduced regarding criminal legal responses toviolent crimes. This paper addresses personality traits in individuals who commitviolent crimes, as well as security measures oriented toward the perpetrators ofviolent crimes in the criminal legislation of Republika Srpska.

Temida ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-23
Dragan Jovasevic

New criminal legislation got into force in Serbia at the beginning of 2006. In that way, Serbia got unique Criminal Code which includes all provisions of material criminal law except provisions related to the criminal position of juveniles. System of criminal sanctions for juvenile off enders, procedure for their imposition and the way, procedure and terms for their execution are regulated by the provisions of the separate law - the Law on juvenile off enders and criminal protection of juveniles. Some of the most important novelties introduced by new juvenile criminal law are system of diversion, i.e. system of diversion orders, which aim at excluding the imposition of criminal sanctions in the cases when criminal sanction is not necessary from the perspective of crime suppression. Bearing that in mind, this paper is dedicated to forms of diversion orders as a form of measures that lead to more efficient system of restorative justice within our new juvenile criminal legislation. .

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-160
Slađana Mi ◽  
Dragana Mitrović ◽  

In accordance with modern understandings of criminal law science and solutions present in the comparative criminal legislation, the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia pays special attention to security measures as special and above all specific criminal sanctions. They are one of the four types of criminal sanctions provided for in this legal text. Among the eleven security measures, four are of a medical nature and they differ in a number of features, not only in relation to other criminal sanctions, but also other security measures. One of the medical safety measures is the obligatory treatment of alcoholics. There are a number of specifics of this security measure, and one of them is its manner of execution. Given this, the subject of analysis in the paper are two aspects of the safety measure of compulsory treatment of alcoholics. These are: normative and practical. The justification of this approach in the analysis of the subject matter is contained in the fact that only adequately performed and this security measure is in the function of its standardization - the function of eliminating conditions or conditions that may affect the perpetrator in the future does not commit crimes due to alcohol dependence. to the expression of criminal acts of violence that are increasingly present in the total mass of crime.

Veljko Ikanović

This paper discusses the measure of the safety of compulsory psychiatric treatment and care in a health institution from the new Criminal Code of Republika Srpska. Here, in fact, it is about “returning” to the law of an old measure that previously existed in domestic criminal legislation until its 2003 reform. Considering that a new one has been abandoned in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the harmonization of criminal justice reform, the procedure against irregular perpetrators of criminal offenses and the introduced security measures that other legislation in the country does not know, we expect this to raise the attention of legal science, jurisprudence and certain international factors under the influence of which the measure was removed from the criminal legislation. With this work, we want to draw the attention of the scientific and professional public to the need for traditional, scientifically based and proven solutions to be quickly and uncritically abandoned, so that after a certain period of time, “after-mindedness,” it was understood that it was wrong and counterproductive.

Indira Inggi Aswijati ◽  

No religion is recognized in Indonesia that allows euthanasia to be carried out. Because indeed an action in English called mercy killing or murder based on mercy can also be said to be contradictory to its name, where in carrying out the manifestation of mercy it is precisely what is done is to take the life of man, the gift of the Almighty and should be respected and guarded. Formulation of Article 344 of the Criminal Code concerning euthanasia has a weakness, among others: The existence of elements: at the request of the person himself expressed with sincerity, which makes it difficult to prove and prosecute. Article 344 of the Criminal Code is about active euthanasia, whereas the law of passive euthanasia is not regulated. Delict euthanasia is an ordinary offense, and is not an offense, so it is demanded the tenacity and sharpness of the investigating apparatus and investigators to reveal whether an act of euthanasia has been committed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 75-80
Aleksandr V. Fedorov ◽  

The article is dedicated to review of the laws of the Republic of Slovenia on the criminal liability of legal entities; the main acts are the Special Law on the Liability of Legal Entities for Criminal Offenses of 1999 and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Slovenia. The article reviews statutory resolutions making it possible to review a legal entity as a criminal liability subject; gives a number of persons, which can be brought to criminal liability; focuses on the fact that legal entities can be brought to criminal liability in the Republic of Slovenia for a limited number of acts (crimes) defined by the law; considers criminal sanctions applicable to legal entities: fi ne, forfeiture of property, legal entity liquidation, prohibition to place securities held by a legal entity; reviews the possibility of imposition of a conditional sentence on a legal entity and the security measures applicable to legal entities, including: sentence publication and prohibition to engage in specific commercial activities.

Biljana Gavrilović ◽  

The subject of the analysis is security measures according to the Yugoslav Criminal Code from 1929. Namely, the importance of the analysis of security measures from the Criminal Code from 1929 is reflected in the fact that it made a turning point in the development of criminal law in Serbia, given that it for the first time had prescribed security measures in the register of criminal sanctions. Therefore, the goal is to point out the bases on which the current system of criminal sanctions is built, through the analysis of security measures from the Criminal Code from 1929.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-150
Asrizal Saiin ◽  
Ahmad Iffan

Perbuatan main hakim sendiri tidak hanya merugikan negara tetapi dapat meruntuhkan moral masyarakat. Tindakan main hakim sendiri telah diatur di dalam agama Islam dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Indonesia. Tindakan main hakim sendiri belum diatur secara khusus dalam peraturan perundang-undangan pidana terkhususnya Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP). Akan tetapi, bukan berarti KUHP tidak dapat diterapkan sama sekali jika terjadi perbuatan main hakim sendiri, Main hakim sendiri selain merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum juga bertentangan dengan ajaran agama Islam. Agama Islam mengajarkan untuk melakukan tabayyun (memintai keterangan) terlebih dahulu. Berbagai dalil Alquran menjelaskan bagaimana tindakan main hakim sendiri adalah perbuatan sangat keji dan dilarang oleh norma agama. Argumentasi terkait tindakan main hakim sendiri didasari oleh pemikiran masyarakat yang menganggap bahwa perbuatan berdua-duaan di suatu tempat antara dua orang yang berbeda jenis kelamin yang belum menikah merupakan perbuatan yang melanggar norma yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran agama, kesusilaan dan kesopanan. Walaupun demikian, cara penyelesaian masalah tersebut adalah tetap mengedepankan nilai-nilai moral yang menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat manusia.   Abstract : The vigilante act does not only harm the nation but also damages people's morale. It is regulated in Islam and the Indonesian Constitution. It has not been specifically regulated in criminal legislation specifically in the Criminal Code (KUHP). However, it does not mean that the Criminal Code cannot be applied at all if there is a vigilante act. It does not only oppose the law but also it is contrary to the Islamic teaching. Islam teaches to confirm first. Various Quranic Dalil explain how vigilante acts are very despicable and prohibited by religious norms. The argument related to vigilante act is based on the public's thought that the act of two-person somewhere between two people of different sexes is an act that violates the norm. It is not suitable with religious teaching, decency and politeness. Therefore, the way to solve the problem is to keep emphasizing moral values ​​that uphold human dignity.

TEME ◽  
2017 ◽  
pp. 1441
Дарко Димовски ◽  
Миомира Костић ◽  
Иван Милић

Compulsory psychiatric treatment and confinement in a medical institution is one of the security measures that may be ordered for the offender in the criminal procedure and it is also the only criminal sanction of indefinite length. After the sentence is pronounced the execution of the measure follows. The execution of criminal sanctions is regulated by the Law on Execution of Criminal Sanctions, which remains vague in regard to this measure. The authors of this work attempt to find an answer to the seemingly simple but in fact very complicated question: where is this measure to be executed?

Dragan Jovašević

In 2008, the Republic of Serbia adopted a special Law on Liability of Legal Persons for Criminal Offenses. In doing so, on the basis of the international standards contained in the relevant international documents, it joined a large number of countries that introduced criminal liability of legal persons for crimes committed in addition to their responsible persons at the end of the 20th century. For legal persons, the law prescribed a disparate system of criminal sanctions in response to the state-society’s response to such unlawful and punishable conduct. The system of criminal sanctions in the law of the Republic of Serbia includes: penalties, probation and security measures. The law defined the concept, character, legal nature, manner, procedure, pronouncement and execution of criminal sanctions, whose characteristics this particular work speaks of.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-235
Hadzil Hadzil ◽  
Mahdi Syahbandir ◽  
Syarifuddin Hasyim

Terdapat cukup banyak masyarakat yang dengan sengaja melakukan kecurangan-kecurangan dan melalaikan kewajibannya dalam melaksanakan pembayaran pajak yang telah ditetapkan sehingga menyebabkan timbulnya tunggakan pajak. Menyikapi hal tersebut, Pemerintah mengesahkan Undang-undang Tax Amnesty Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 Tentang Pengampunan Pajak. Salah satu jenis pengampunan yang ditawarkan adalah memberikan penghapusan tindak pidana bagi Wajib Pajak (WP) yang melanggar undang-undang. Oleh sebab itu, hal ini menjadi menarik untuk diteliti karena dapat dianggap sebagai bentuk pengkhianatan terhadap rakyat miskin atau WP yang taat pajak. Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah penghapusan sanksi pidana terkait pengampunan pajak (tax amnesty) sudah sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pemidanaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan penghapusan sanksi pidana telah sesuai atau tidak dengan prinsip-prinsip pemidanaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan tujuan mengkaji asas-asas dan kaidah-kaidah yang terdapat dalam ilmu hukum. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal penghapusan sanksi pidana dalam tax amnesty tidaklah sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip penghapusan pidana dalam konsep KUHP, yaitu alasan pembenar dan alasan pemaaf karena apabila harta tersebut berasal dari hasil korupsi, hal tersebut bukanlah merupakan perbuatan yang patut dan benar untuk dimaafkan. Disarankan kebijakan dalam pengampunan pajak (tax amnesty) sebaiknya tidak diberlakukan penghapusan pada unsur tindak pidana, apalagi dalam tindak pidana tersebut terdapat unsur yang merugikan negara.There are enough people who deliberately commit fraud and neglect their obligations in carrying out the payment of taxes that have been set so as to cause the arrears of taxes. In response, the Government passed the Tax Amnesty Act Number 11 Year 2016 About Tax Amnesty. One type of amnesty offered is to provide the abolition of a criminal offense for a Taxpayer (WP) that violates the law. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate because it can be considered as a form of betrayal of the poor or WP who are tax-conscious. The main problem in this research is whether the abolition of criminal sanctions related to tax amnesty is in line with the principles of punishment. This study aims to determine and explain the elimination of criminal sanctions are appropriate or not with the principles of punishment. This study is a normative juridical research with the aim of studying the principles and rules contained in the science of law. The data used consist of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The results indicate that of the abolition of criminal sanctions in the tax amnesty is not in accordance with the principles of criminal abolition in the concept of the Criminal Code, namely the justification and reasons for forgiveness because if the property is derived from the corruption, it is not a proper and proper act to be forgiven. It is recommended that the tax amnesty should not be abolished on the element of criminal acts, morever in the criminal act there are elements that harm the state.

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