scholarly journals Synergia epistemologiczna na przykładzie wybranych zagadnień semiotyki znaku językowego w retrospektywie

Tertium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-37
Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak

Przedmiotem artykułu jest studium synergii epistemologicznej w domenie semiotyki znaku językowego na przykładzie niektórych aspektów semiotycznego wymiaru dzieła językoznawców, często przesłanianego przez ich bardziej spektakularne teorie językoznawstwa formalnego. Badanie wpisuje się w kanon semiotyki językoznawczej, rozwijany od wielu lat w pracach Zdzisława Wąsika (np. 1996, 2017). Do bazy analitycznej wybrałam omówienia dwojakiego rodzaju: zarówno przykłady dzieł językoznawców mniej popularnych wśród polskojęzycznej akademii (na przykład Yishai Tobin, Julia Kristeva), jak i przykłady myśli naukowców bardzo znanych, ale rozważanych z nietypowej perspektywy ich mniej cytowanych dzieł (Ferdynand de Saussure (1878-79), Charles Morris czy Roman Jakobson (1973). Główną tezę artykułu ‒ synergię epistemologiczną ‒ rozumiem jako uwypuklenie sposobu, w jaki badania prowadzone w jednej dziedzinie wspierały rozwój pokrewnych paradygmatów.

Slavic Review ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-297 ◽  
Clare Cavanagh

It is important to stress that these peculiar pseudo-revolutions, imported from Russia and carried out under the protection of the army and the police, were full of authentic revolutionary psychology and their adherents experienced them with grand pathos, enthusiasm, and eschatological faith in an absolutely new world. Poets found themselves on the proscenium for the last time. They thought they were playing their customary part in the glorious European drama and had no inkling that the theatre manager had changed the program at the last minute and substituted a trivial farce.–Milan Kundera, Life Is Elsewhere (1969)In the preface to her 1980 collection Desire in Language, Julia Kristeva acknowledged her ongoing debt to the pioneering linguistic theories of Roman Jakobson, a scholar who, in her phrase, "reached one of the high points of language learning in this century by never losing sight of Russian futurism's scorching odyssey through a revolution that ended up strangling it." Kristeva's statement takes us in two directions at once, both of which I will explore in this essay: it draws attention to Jakobson's sustaining roots in the avant-garde experimentation in poetic language that flourished in Russia in the early part of this century; and it tacitly underscores Kristeva's own ties to Russian avantgarde theory and practice. For Jakobson, Kristeva has suggested, the brief, febrile period of artistic experimentation that Marjorie Perloff has called "the futurist moment" continued to inform his writing in vital ways long after its unnatural death at the hands of the Soviet state. Certainly Jakobson, like Kristeva, is preoccupied throughout his work— from his exploration of Khlebnikov's "transsense" in "Recent Russian Poetry" to his 1980 study of Holderlin's schizophrenia—with the relationship between abnormal or "trans-normal" language and poetic language that lay at the heart of formalist theory and futurist practice in early twentieth century Russia.

2006 ◽  
Vol 20 (58) ◽  
pp. 89-96
Waldecy Tenório

QUEM É A personagem enigmática a quem se dirige Riobaldo? Partindo de conceitos desenvolvidos pelo teólogo G. Crespy, por lingüistas como Julia Kristeva, A. J. Greimas e Roman Jakobson, assim como pelo crítico Wolfgang Iser, o autor deste ensaio percorre as páginas de Grande sertão: veredas para descobrir "outras verdades, muito extraordinárias": "Nonada" é uma invocação ou uma prece e a personagem enigmática do romance é Deus, a quem Riobaldo narra toda a sua vida, transformando a narrativa numa confissão geral. "Senhor o que acha?".

2003 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-66
Anne-Marie Smith

Алексей Волчков

Статья посвящена анализу того, как постструктуралистские представления о «тексте» и «текстуальном» влияют на академическую библеистику и традиционную экзегезу. Автор на множестве примеров показывает, что критический настрой философии Деррида помогает читателю Писания, придерживающегося традиционных для религиозных общин (христианство, иудаизм) принципов толкования, отстоять своё право на подобную герменевтическую программу перед лицом библейской критики и вызовов академического рационализма. При исследовании этого влияния автор опирается на работы известных французских философов: Жака Деррида, Юлии Кристевой, Ролана Барта. The article is devoted to the analysis of how post-structural notions of «text» and «textuality» influence academic biblical studies and traditional exegesis. The author shows, through a variety of examples, that the critical approach of Derrida’s philosophy helps the reader of Scripture who adheres to the traditional principles of traditional interpretation to defend his right to such a hermeneutic program in the face of biblical criticism and the challenges of academic rationality. In studying this influence, the author draws on the works of famous French philosophers: Jacques Derrida, Julia Kristeva, Roland Bart.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 67-78
Franco Baptista Sandanello

O presente trabalho busca aproximar, mediante dois paralelos, o pensamento teórico de Roman Jakobson exposto em “Poesia da gramática e gramática da poesia” e o estudo comparado de diferentes versões dos poemas em prosa de Raul Pompeia nas Canções sem metro. Pretende-se, assim, discutir conceitos importantes da teoria de Jakobson, como o de paralelismo e o de ficção linguística, com auxílio do texto literário, assim como, no caminho inverso, destacar pontos importantes da poética de Pompeia a partir da significativa reescrita dos poemas, por meio de mudanças lexicais, gramaticais e até mesmo de ponto de vista narrativo.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-354
Søren Blak Hjortshøj

AbstractIn recent cosmopolitan work, scholars such as Julia Kristeva, Zygmunt Bauman, Jacques Derrida, and Ulrich Beck have represented the stranger as a universal ideal for our global age and Georg Simmel’s stranger in the Exkurs über den Fremden has been emphasized as a model for this ideal. While these uses can be justified by generalized passages in Simmel’s essay, they still omit the problem of European Jewish historical exemplarity. Thus, in the decades before Simmel’s essay, this stranger type was already a well-developed figure related to the so-called Jewish question. Georg Brandes and Henrik Pontoppidan used the Jewish stranger to evaluate the societal changes of the fin-de-siècle period and questions of progress vs. decay. Yet, their work limited the stranger to a specific type of Jewishness not including other marginal existences. Hence, reading Simmel with Brandes and Pontoppidan outlines the boundaries of this stranger type as it raises questions regarding recent cosmopolitan uses of Simmel’s stranger.

Hypatia ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-87 ◽  
Bettina Schmitz ◽  
Julia Jansen

How much violence can a society expect its members to accept? A comparison between the language theories of Julia Kristeva and Jacques Lacan is the starting point for answering this question. A look at the early stages of language acquisition exposes the sacrificial logic of patriarchal society. Are those forces that restrict the individual to be conceived in a martial imagery of castration or is it possible that an existing society critically questions those points of socialization that leave their members in a state of homelessness? The following considerations should help to distinguish between unavoidable and avoidable forms of violence.

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