1977 ◽  
Vol 1977 (1) ◽  
pp. 493-494 ◽  
D. G. Shaw ◽  
A. J. Paul ◽  
E. R. Smith

ABSTRACT The responses of the bivalve mollusk Macoma balthica to crude oil have been studied under laboratory conditions designed to simulate the stranding of oil on intertidal sediments in which this animal resides. The relationship of dry tissue weight to shell length, an indirect indicator of general health and fitness, was not significantly altered by exposure to oil at a level which did result in significant mortalities. This suggests that death is caused by a metabolically specific mode of poisoning rather than by a general weakening of the animal. In a second experiment, animals were subjected to two temporarily separated oiling events. Neither in mortalities nor in gas chromatographic analysis of tissues for hydrocarbons were cumulative effects observed. It was also found that a previously-reported tendency of M. balthica to burrow to the sediment surface in the presence of oil increases with decreasing depth of available sediment. We suggest that this behavior may be used as a convenient indicator of oil pollution.

This study is majorly concentrated on the various agricultural subsectors in Nigeria, how the subsectors has influenced the economic growth of Nigeria using econometric procedure to estimate the parameters of the model, and also the various shortcomings encountered by the agricultural subsectors in Nigeria and possible solutions. It also emphasize on the sector that has been abandoned, whereas, the growing recognition is directed toward the major resources (crude oil) which generated diminishing returns in agriculture contributions in regards to the economic growth in Nigeria. Moreover, the paper emphasized on the relationship of agricultural sub-sectors with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which the sub-sectors entails crop production, fishery, livestock and forestry. The Intention of this research presents the conclusion that the agricultural part is a concrete sector of the economy and cannot be underrated or trivialized seeing that agricultural sector output is important to economic activities in Nigeria. Therefore, the general growth of the country’s economy depends on the progress of agriculture. If there’s availability of credit facility to the agricultural sector, it will enhance the boosting of the country’s GDP and thereby causing growth in the economy. An additional objective of this paper attempts to carry maximum value for public officials and legislators

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-302
János Szenderák

The aim of this article is to compare the clusters formed by the correlation distances between the agricultural and the energy commodity price returns in different periods of time. The energy and agricultural markets have become more interlinked in the past ten years, which can be attributed partly to the increased usage of biofuels. According to the results of this research, after the global financial and economic crisis of 2008/09, the relationship has become tighter between the agricultural commodity prices and the price of the crude oil. Based on the hierarchical clustering, the relationship between crude oil and sugar, and especially between crude oil and vegetable oils has become stronger. These results support the hypothesis of a more interconnected agricultural and energy market after 2013. Furthermore, the emerged relationship of crude oil with the vegetable oils may indicate the connecting role of biofuels, since biofuels require agricultural input materials, partly vegetable oils. However, the role of biofuels in the present analysis requires further researches.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 (1) ◽  
pp. 1734-1748 ◽  
Bart Baca ◽  
Eric Rosch ◽  
Erik D. DeMicco ◽  
Paul A. Schuler

ABSTRACT TROPICS (TRopical Oil Pollution Investigations in Coastal Systems) has been the seminal study on trade-offs for Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) for dispersant use in tropical ecosystems. The study began in 1983/84 with the identification of suitable tropical island sites in Bahia Almirante, Bocas del Toro, Panama that contained mangrove, seagrass and coral habitats in close enough proximity to establish three 30m X 30m test sites. Controlled releases of Prudhoe Bay crude oil (dosed at 1L/m2) and Prudhoe Bay crude oil pre-dispersed with Corexit 9527 (to maintain 50 ppm water soluble fraction), were introduced into the Non- dispersed oil (Site O) and the Dispersed oil (Site D) sites, respectively, for 48 hours. A nearby Reference site (Site R) was not treated with oil/dispersed oil. Treatments were designed to simulate a realistic oil spill in adjoining mangrove, seagrass, and coral habitats. Following exposure and removal of oil, sites were studied periodically over 30 years for relative effects of dispersed and non-dispersed oil in coral, seagrass, mangrove, and invertebrate populations, as well as hydrocarbon presence. Early research focused on short- and mid-term effects compared to the Reference site (R), while later work focused on long-term effects and ecosystem recovery. In general, researchers found that Site O exhibited more overall long-term ecosystem disruption than Site D, and that Site D had recovered quickly to Site R and baseline levels. In November 2013 (29 years after oil and dispersed oil exposure), the TROPICS sites were re-visited under a grant provided by Clean Caribbean & Americas. Researchers collected data on mangroves, mangrove invertebrates, and hydrocarbons. The density of mangrove trees at Site D had remained at Site R and baseline levels. Site O, which had experienced early die off of trees, followed by peak production at 10 years (far in excess of Site R and baseline levels), exhibited a decline dominated by small trees. Mangrove snails and oysters increased sharply at Site O after the spill, but declined over 10-20 years. Sites D and R maintained gradual invertebrate increases during this time. This paper focuses on research from the November 2013 visit and draws on previous observations and TROPICS papers on overall ecosystem disruption and recovery as it pertains to the NEBA for nearshore dispersant use in tropical marine ecosystems.

2013 ◽  
Vol 706-708 ◽  
pp. 297-300
Li Ping Guo ◽  
Mo Xiao Liu ◽  
Gui Ying Xu

Yield-thixotropy is an important time dependent rheological behavior of gelled waxy crude oil. In order to study the yield-thixotropic behavior of gelled waxy crude oil under cyclic shearing of linear increasing and decreasing of shear rate, four different types of waxy crude oil were studied experimentally by using RS150H rheometer. It is found that because the recovery rate of wax crystal structure is slow, study should be focus on the first loop. At a certain temperature, the hysteresis loop moves away from the share rate axis and the area of the loop becomes larger with increased rate of share rate sweep; and vice versa, the loop moves toward the share rate axis and the area of the loop becomes smaller with decreased rate of share rate sweep. And the yield stress is also reduced and the yielding time increased with decreased rate of share rate sweep. In addition, based on the experimental results an empirical correlation is developed to describe the relationship of yielding time and rate of share rate sweep.

This research focuses to study on the oil pollution sources and consequences towards the marine life. The scope of the research was conducted at Teluk Rubiah, Perak, Malaysia. This research has analyzed the hierarchy of the sources, the consequences and the control of the oil spill towards the marine life. The element of sources were breakage of oil tanker (oil ships), oil pipe leakage and drilling activities. For the consequences covers on the damage to ecosystem, damage to society and damaging to marine biodiversity. Meanwhile, for the control of the oil spill covers the trained employees, the competent disaster management plan and the regular inspection of oil sites and methods of clean-up. A technique of questionnaire survey has remained pragmatic in this research and has established 117 sets of questionnaires from the embattled respondents situated at the Teluk Rubiah, Perak, Malaysia. The closed ended questions encompassed of the demographical contextual of the respondents, elements of sources, consequences and the control of the oil pollution. The descriptive and frequency analysis and multiple regression have been applied for the data analysis. The finding has designated that the element of control towards the oil spill are significantly correlated towards the marine life.

Erhan Aysan ◽  
Ozlem Direnc Aksoy ◽  
Hakan Atasoy

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 169-174 ◽  
Debojyoti Das ◽  
Surya Bhushan Kumar ◽  
Aviral Kumar Tiwari ◽  
Muhammad Shahbaz ◽  
Haslifah M. Hasim

José Pulgar ◽  
Marcela Aldana ◽  
Marco Alvarez ◽  
Roberto Garcia-Huidobro ◽  
Pilar Molina ◽  

Oceanographical processes, such as upwelling, induce variations in nutrient availability in marine ecosystems, and evidence indicates that nutrient input can strongly influence the physiological activities, structure, and dynamics of marine communities. Intertidal organisms have long been considered ideal study units in which to quantify the relationship of physical variations and differential energy allocations in specimens that undergo environmental variations, such as observed with nutrient availability. In habitats with differential nutrient input (upwelling versus non-upwelling), both food availability (algae abundance) and seasonal gonadal and foot weight variations were determined in the keyhole limpet Fissurella crassa. Gonadal weight is used as a measure of reproduction allocation whereas foot weight is an indirect indicator of energy allocation towards survival. RNA:DNA ratio in limpets was used as an indicator of biosynthetic capability. Our results indicate that, in general, algae abundance, muscular foot weight, and gonadal weight were higher in upwelling sites during all seasons studied. The same result was found for RNA:DNA ratios. Energetic allocation in animals that inhabit intertidal upwelling habitats supported a constant allocation towards reproduction and soft tissues. In contrast, animals that inhabit non-upwelling habitats showed important energetic restrictions associated with higher water temperature and lower food availability. Our results clearly show that in the keyhole limpet F. crassa food availability is a more important determinant of an individual's condition than a physical variation such as environment temperature.

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