materials processing
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2022 ◽  
Vol 327 ◽  
pp. 287-292
Anders E.W. Jarfors ◽  
An Dong Di ◽  
Ge Gang Yu ◽  
Jin Chuan Zheng ◽  
Kai Kun Wang ◽  

Sustainable development is increasing in importance with restrictions on emission and carbon footprint. Similarly, both energy and resources efficiency are required, and at the same time, cost-efficiency is required. The current paper is focusing on carbon footprint, energy usage and material use efficiency of semisolid metal casting. A detailed analysis is made on the RheoMetal process, which is benchmarked to conventional HPDC casting. The analysis includes the gating system and the importance of the use of primary or secondary material. It furthermore includes a discussion of process yield and benefits based on process capability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Sara Eskandarinezhad ◽  
Mohammad Yusuf

2021 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. 012053
S Sucipto ◽  
R Fadhila ◽  
R Astuti

Abstract Sharia concept hotels should be supported by halal-certified restaurants. One of the requirements for halal certification is to implement a halal assurance system (HAS). Many restaurants at sharia concept hotels in Malang are not certified halal, so they need to be committed to adopting the HAS. This research aims to analyze the variable of HAS adoption in hotel restaurants with the sharia concept and provide alternatives to accelerate HAS adoption. The variables of this study are management commitment, materials, processing, customer experience, and attitude. The data were collected through questionnaires to 32 respondents of 8 hotel restaurants with Islamic concepts in Malang and processed using the Partial Least Square method. The analysis results showed that the variables of management commitment and attitude significantly affect the adoption of HAS. Besides, the variables of materials, processing, and customer experience do not significantly affect the adoption of HAS. There is a need for training for restaurant businesses to know the process of compiling HAS, commit to choosing halal-guaranteed ingredients, and carry out the halal production process. The restaurants at sharia concept hotels are advised to arrange and implement HAS as the initial stage of halal certification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Rudolf Weber ◽  
Thomas Graf

Abstract Materials processing with ultrafast lasers with pulse durations in the range between about 100 fs and 10 ps enable very promising and emerging high-tech applications. Moreover, the average power of such lasers is steadily increasing; multi kilowatt systems have been demonstrated in laboratories and will be ready for the market in the next few years, allowing a significantly increase in productivity. However, the implementation of ultrafast laser processes in applications is very challenging due to fundamental physical limitations. In this paper, the main limitations will be discussed. These include limitations resulting from the physical material properties such as the ablation depth and the optimal fluence, from processing parameters such as air-breakdown and heat accumulation, from the processing system such as thermal focus shift, and from legal regulations due to the potential emission of soft X-rays.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Tino Eidam ◽  
Sven Breitkopf ◽  
Oliver Herrfurth ◽  
Fabian Stutzki ◽  
Marco Kienel ◽  

Abstract State-of-the-art fiber-laser systems can deliver femtosecond pulses at average powers beyond the kilowatt level and multi-mJ pulse energies by employing advanced large-mode-area fiber designs, chirped-pulse amplification, and the coherent combination of parallel fiber amplifiers. By using sophisticated coherent phase control, one or even several output ports can be modulated at virtually arbitrary power levels and switching speeds. In addition, an all-fiber setup for GHz-burst generation is described allowing to access an even wider range of laser parameters. The combination of all these approaches together with the robustness, efficiency, and excellent beam quality inherent to fiber-laser technology has the potential to strongly improve existing materials-processing applications.

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