santa claus
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2021 ◽  
Vol 215 (11) ◽  
pp. 529-531
Mark T Mills ◽  
David R Warriner

BMJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. n2898
Adrian O’Dowd

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Radu Mariescu-Istodor ◽  
Pasi Fränti

The scalability of traveling salesperson problem (TSP) algorithms for handling large-scale problem instances has been an open problem for a long time. We arranged a so-called Santa Claus challenge and invited people to submit their algorithms to solve a TSP problem instance that is larger than 1 M nodes given only 1 h of computing time. In this article, we analyze the results and show which design choices are decisive in providing the best solution to the problem with the given constraints. There were three valid submissions, all based on local search, including k-opt up to k = 5. The most important design choice turned out to be the localization of the operator using a neighborhood graph. The divide-and-merge strategy suffers a 2% loss of quality. However, via parallelization, the result can be obtained within less than 2 min, which can make a key difference in real-life applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-183
Soyoung Yoon

Abstract This essay attends to the force of aggression in Carolee Schneemann's work, emphasizing the conflicts in the artist's representation of enjoyment, knowledge, and truth in her own body, with a focus on Up To and Including Her Limits (1973–76) and the underexplored text “Anti-Demeter: The More I Give the More You Steal” (1994). Addressing how the latter presents an origin myth for the artist, the essay underscores Schneemann's struggle over questions of genealogy, alliance, influence, and debt. On the question of debt, particular attention is given to its quality of ambivalence on terms of sexual difference, especially for father figures perceived as models of artistic expressivity, and the mothering body as a body of prohibition, labor, illness, and death. Examining the negation of the body, the role of aggression and violence, and the critique of the bind of “male fantasies” in Schneemann's work, the essay proposes a shift in feminist art historiography and its projections on Schneemann the artist. The essay asserts Schneemann's tale as a cautionary and self-reflexive one for those who come after, the would-be-daughters, who would negate the body, the struggle, the art yet again for the myth, in a time ripe for myth, in the wake of the artist's passing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. e12610917845
Salvador González Chacón ◽  
Patricia de Oliveira Lima ◽  
Lerner Arévalo Pinedo ◽  
Rebeca Bertin Afonso ◽  
Salenilda Soares Firmino ◽  

El nordeste de Brasil se caracteriza por ser una región importante para la producción de melón a nivel mundial. Actualmente a los estados del Brasil Ceará (CE) y Rio Grande del Norte (RN), se les atribuye la producción de alrededor del 90% del melón producido en el país, tanto para la exportación como para el consumo interno, lo que abre un abanico de oportunidades para la utilización del melón de descarte como materia prima principal en productos alimenticios alternativos y emprendimientos. La siguiente investigación propone la elaboración y caracterización de melaza de melón a partir de melón de descarte de tres distintas variedades producidas en rio grande del norte, Pele de sapo, Cucumis melo 'Santa Claus', Amarillo Cucumis melo L. (Inodorus Group) 'Canary' y verde, Cucumis melo L. (Inodorus Group) 'Honey Dew'. Los análisis físico-químicos fueron realizados en el laboratorio de tecnología de alimentos de la Universidad Federal Rural del Semiárido. Dichos análisis fueron: Sólidos solubles, SS (oBrix), pH, Acidez titulable, (ATT) (%, ácido cítrico), Conductividad eléctrica, (mS / cm), Azúcares totales (%, g / 100g), Fenoles totales (EAG, mg / 100g) EAG = Ácido gálico equivalente, Actividad antioxidante (IC50, mg / mL).  Esta investigación promueve y contribuye a alcanzar los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS) propuestos por la ONU en su agenta 2030, específicamente el objetivo N° 12, “Producción y consumo responsable”

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 5287
Joanna Poczta ◽  
Nuno Almeida ◽  
Mateusz Rozmiarek ◽  
Maciej Młodzik ◽  
Ewa Malchrowicz-Mośko

Running has been very popular for years, especially in organized mass runs. Various running events take place all over the world, at different distances and locations, including charity running events. However, there has not been any research on the social impact of these events on participants to date. This article/paper is an attempt to remedy this situation. The authors conducted their research by the diagnostic survey method using standardized interview technique during the 6th Santa Claus Run organized in Poznan on the day of Santa Claus. A sample of 136 runners: 49 male respondents and 87 female respondents participated in the event voluntarily and completed a questionnaire. Therefore, the main goal of the study was to recognize the relationship between the lifestyles of men and women in the context of participation in a charity running event, in order to evaluate the differences between them. The specific goal was to discern the motives to take part in such kind of an event, as well as to find out what influence the participation in a charity run has on the respondents, both those leading an active and passive lifestyle. The most important result and the only one statistically significant difference in the conducted study was the indication that women have more empathy and participate more often than men in charity runs.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Francis Jonbäck

Agnosticism has always had its fair amount of criticism. Religious believers often described the first agnostics as infidels and it is not uncommon to see them described as somewhat dull fence-sitters. Moreover, the undecided agnostic stance on belief in gods is often compared with being unsure about such obviously false statements as the existence of orbiting teapots, invisible dragons or even Santa Claus. In this paper, I maintain that agnosticism can properly be endorsed as a default stance. More precisely, I use a strategy presented by Alvin Plantinga and argue that it is rationally acceptable to be agnostic about the existence of God. I also anticipate and answer a number of objections. Finally, I offer my conclusion.

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