pterional approach
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Mihaela Romanița Gligor ◽  
Corina Marilena Cristache ◽  
Mirela Veronica Bucur ◽  
Mihai Burlibasa ◽  
Claudiu Matei

Background: The pterional approach for craniotomy, one of the most used surgical intervention in neurosurgery, results in a series of postoperative changes that, if they persist, affect the patient’s life, social reintegration, and his/her physical and mental recovery. The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a questionnaire for indicating directly affected masticatory muscles groups and facial nerve branches, in patients undergoing the pterional approach in neurosurgery, so that the recovery therapy can be monitored and personalized. Methods: A self-reporting questionnaire consisting of 18 items (12 for postoperative masticatory status and 6 for facial nerve branches involvement), validated on fifteen patients, following three steps: items development, scale development, and scale evaluation, was prospectively applied twice, at a one-year interval (T0 and T1), with thirty-two patients suffering from vascular or tumoral pathology and surgically treated through a pterional approach. Results: No statistically significant correlation could be found between postoperative outcomes and age or gender. Facial nerve branch involvement could not be correlated with any of the assessed variables. Pathology and time elapsed from surgery were statistically significantly correlated to preauricular pain on the non-operated side (p = 0.008 and p = 0.034, respectively). Time elapsed from surgery was statistically significantly correlated to the ability to chew hard food, pain while yawning, and preauricular pain during back and forward jaw movements and gradual mouth opening. Conclusions: We created and validated a valuable patient-centered questionnaire that can be employed as a tool for postoperative assessment of directly affected masticatory muscles and groups of facial nerve branches.

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Lena Mary Houlihan ◽  
Irakliy Abramov ◽  
Thanapong Loymak ◽  
Jubran H. Jubran ◽  
Ann J. Staudinger Knoll ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 619
Robert C. Rennert ◽  
Spencer Twitchell ◽  
Karol P. Budohoski ◽  
William T. Couldwell

Background: Despite ongoing improvements in endovascular techniques, open surgical management of basilar apex aneurysms is occasionally necessary.[2] Critical dissection of perforating vessels from the aneurysm is facilitated by the lateral trajectory of the subtemporal approach.[1] Incorporation of additional trajectories can facilitate treatment of multiple aneurysms within the same procedure. Case Description: A 48-year-old woman presented with a Hunt and Hess 1 and Fisher Grade 3 subarachnoid hemorrhage from a small and broad-necked basilar apex aneurysm that was not amenable to endovascular management. An unruptured left A1-A2 anterior cerebral artery aneurysm was also noted on vascular imaging. The patient underwent a combined right subtemporal and pterional approach for sequential clipping of the basilar and anterior communicating artery aneurysms. The third nerve, running between the posterior cerebral artery and the superior cerebellar artery, guided dissection to the basilar artery in the subtemporal approach. A temporary clip was placed on a vessel-free zone of the basilar trunk during dissection of perforators off the posterior aspect of the aneurysm dome. A fenestrated clip around the right P1 segment was used to ensure complete occlusion of the aneurysm. Indocyanine green angiography was used to confirm successful clipping and patency of parent and perforating vessels. The unruptured A1-A2 aneurysm was clipped without difficulty from the pterional trajectory. The patient had an uneventful postoperative recovery with the exception of transient right third nerve palsy. Conclusion: As highlighted by this case, maintenance of open surgical skills for the treatment of complex aneurysms unamenable to endovascular therapies is critical.

Leonardo C. Welling ◽  
Nicollas Nunes Rabelo ◽  
Eberval G. Figueiredo

2021 ◽  
Alvaro Campero ◽  
Matías Baldoncini ◽  
Sabino Luzzi ◽  
Juan F Villalonga

Abstract Surgical removal of anterior clinoidal meningiomas remains a challenge because of its complicated relationship with surrounding vascular and neural structures.1-3  This is a 39-yr-old female, with headaches, neurofibromatosis type 2, and history of 3 previous brain surgeries. The patient gave the consent to use the images and surgical video. In the imaging control, the growth of bilateral anterior clinoidal meningiomas was observed.  A right pterional approach and extradural anterior clinoidectomy was performed, and a complete resection of bilateral clinoidal meningiomas was achieved obtaining a Simpson scale resection grade 1.  The patient evolved without neurological deficits after the surgery, and the postoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidenced a complete bilateral resection of the clinoidal meningiomas.  Clinoidal meningiomas are the unique subset of tumors because of their close proximity to neurovascular structures and can be safely excised with minimal morbidity and mortality using microsurgical techniques.3-5 In rare cases of bilateral anterior clinoidal meningiomas such as the case presented, we recommend detailed neuroimaging analysis and consider the possibility to resect both in a single approach.

Medicina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (7) ◽  
pp. 731
Matias Costa ◽  
Matías Baldoncini ◽  
Zachary L. Tataryn ◽  
Mickaela Echavarria Demichelis ◽  
Agustin Conde ◽  

Tandem intracranial aneurysms (TandIAs) are rare but inherently complex, and special technical considerations are required for their surgical management. The present case highlights the key surgical aspects of two carotid-ophthalmic TandIAs incidentally found in a 60-year-old female. Both the aneurysms were superiorly projecting, regular in size, and involved the left ophthalmic segment of the internal carotid artery (ICA). The minimum distance between the necks was 3 mm. The patient underwent microsurgery because of the reported major complications rate of the endovascular treatment in the case of a very short minimum distance between the TandIAs. After cervical ICA exposure, both the aneurysms were excluded through a pterional approach. Intradural anterior clinoidectomy and unroofing of the optic canal allowed the mobilization of the left optic nerve. The more distal aneurysm was clipped before the opening of the distal dural ring of the ICA. The proximal aneurysm was clipped with two straight clips stacked perpendicular to the ICA. A small remnant was intentionally left to avoid the stenosis of the ophthalmic artery. Postoperative angiography showed the exclusion of both the aneurysms with a small dog-ear of the more proximal one. The patient was discharged neurologically intact and, after one year, the remnant remained stable. Microsurgical clipping is a definitive and durable treatment for carotid-ophthalmic TandIAs. In the case of a very short minimum distance between the aneurysms, the distal one should be clipped first to make the anterior clinoidectomy, opening of the distal dural ring of the ICA, and clipping of the more proximal aneurysm easier.

2021 ◽  
Nijiati Kudulaiti ◽  
Feili Liu ◽  
N. U. Farrukh Hameed ◽  
Peng Wang ◽  
Jie Zhang ◽  

Abstract Background Classical pterional appoach for temporal surgeries may cause atrophy and dysfunction of temporalis, injury to the facial nerve, as well as unnecessary cortical exposure. As an alternative to the classical pterional approach for such surgeries, we hereby describe an mini-temporal approach which reduces these risks and proven to be practical in neurological surgeries. Methods In the mini-temporal incision design, the frontal end of the incision never surpassed the hairline at the level of temporal line, and a one-layer skin-galea-muscle flap was detached from the cranium, effectively avoiding the injuries of facial nerve. The surgical bone window was completely located underneath the temporalis muscle, allowing it to be completely repositioned postoperatively. Results We demonstrated the application of mini-temporal approach in a variety of temporal region tumors, which can be applied to complete successful resective surgeries while effectively reducing injuries to extra-temporal cortex, temporalis and facial nerve. There were no postoperative complications related to extra-temporal cortical damage, atrophy of temporalis or injury to the facial nerve. Conclusion The mini-temporal approach can effectively shorten the time of craniotomy and closure, decrease the size of bony removal, increase the restoration of temporalis during closure and lower the chance of facial nerve injury. Therefore, it improves cosmetic outcomes and reduces the risk of unintentional extra-temporal cortical injury, which fully embodies the minimally invasive principle in neurosurgery.

Satoshi Matsuo ◽  
Toshiyuki Amano ◽  
Sojiro Yamashita ◽  
Yuichiro Miyamatsu ◽  
Akira Nakamizo

AbstractTuberculum sellae meningiomas pose significant challenges because they are surrounded by crucial neurovascular structures, such as the optic and oculomotor nerves, pituitary stalk, internal carotid artery and its branches, and the anterior cerebral arteries. Even if small, such meningiomas frequently extend to the optic canal that is considered a poor prognostic factor for vision. In this video clip, we illustrate the case of a 60-year-old female who had an approximately 3-cm tuberculum sellae meningioma with optic canal involvement. She underwent surgical resection of the tumor through a pterional approach. After extradural optic canal unroofing, detaching, devascularizing, and debulking the tumor, careful dissection of the meningioma from the surrounding tissues was performed. Next, the tumor extensions into both of the optic canals were removed. Finally, coagulation and resection of the tumor origin on the dura of the tuberculum sellae following Simpson's grade-I resection were performed. Histopathology revealed that the tumor was a World Health Organization (WHO) grade-I meningioma. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and her visual acuity was preserved, with no visual field defect on postoperative visual examination. In this video, the basic surgical techniques in performing extradural optic canal unroofing, preserving the arachnoid plane, and stay in collect layer, which is the essential technique for dissecting meningiomas and for preserving neurovascular structures, are demonstrated.The link to the video can be found at:

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