extra dimension
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Andrea Erdas

In this work, I study the Casimir effect of a massive complex scalar field in the presence of one large compactified extra dimension. I investigate the case of a scalar field confined between two parallel plates in the macroscopic three dimensions, and examine the cases of Dirichlet and mixed (Dirichlet–Neumann) boundary conditions on the plates. The case of Neumann boundary conditions is uninteresting, since it yields the same result as the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. The scalar field also permeates a fourth compactified dimension of a size that could be comparable to the distance between the plates. This investigation is carried out using the [Formula: see text]-function regularization technique that allows me to obtain exact expressions for the Casimir energy and pressure. I discover that when the compactified length of the extra dimension is similar to the plate distance, or slightly larger, the Casimir energy and pressure become significantly different than their standard three-dimensional values, for either Dirichlet or mixed boundary conditions. Therefore, the Casimir effect of a quantum field that permeates a compactified fourth dimension could be used as an effective tool to explore the existence of large compactified extra dimensions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
Cao H. Nam

AbstractIn this paper, we represent a resolution for the hierarchy problem where the inverse size of the extra dimension and the fundamental Planck scale would all be of the order of the TeV scale by proposing a fiber fabric of spacetime. The origin of the large hierarchy is essentially due to the $$\cosh $$ cosh function which is physically originated from the dynamics of the horizontal metric in the vacuum of non-zero energy. In addition, the fiber fabric of spacetime allows us to resolve elegantly and naturally the problems of the chirality fermions and stabilizing potential for the size of the extra dimension, which are usually encountered in the higher dimensional theories. Then, we explore the inflation with the modulus of the extra dimension identified as the inflaton where our slow-roll inflationary model belongs to the E-model class with $$n=1$$ n = 1 . We calculate the main inflationary observables which are consistent with the present experiments. Finally, we study how the geodesic motion of neutral test particles gets modified from the extension of spacetime. We compute the radius of the photon sphere, the innermost stable circular orbit, the perihelion shift, the light bending angle, and the observables of the strong gravitational lensing and the retrolensing phenomenon. By comparing the predicted values with the experimental observations, we determine the constraints on the fiber fabric of spacetime.

2021 ◽  
Vol 822 ◽  
pp. 136637
Mitsuru Kakizaki ◽  
Shin Suzuki

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (11) ◽  
Vivek Sharma ◽  
Suman Ghosh

AbstractEllis–Bronnikov (EB) wormholes require violation of null energy conditions at the ‘throat’. This problem was cured by a simple modification of the ‘shape function’, which introduces a new parameter $$m\ge 2$$ m ≥ 2 ($$m=2$$ m = 2 corresponds to the EB model). This leads to a generalised (GEB) version. In this work, we consider a model where the GEB wormhole geometry is embedded in a five dimensional warped background. We studied the status of all the energy conditions in detail for both EB and GEB embedding. We present our results analytically (wherever possible) and graphically. Remarkably, the presence of decaying warp factor leads to satisfaction of weak energy conditions even for the EB geometry, while the status of all the other energy conditions are improved compared to the four dimensional scenario. Besides inventing a new way to avoid the presence of exotic matter, in order to form a wormhole passage, our work reveals yet another advantage of having a warped extra dimension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (7) ◽  
D. Bazeia ◽  
D. A. Ferreira ◽  
M. A. Marques

AbstractThis work deals with thick branes in bulk with a single extra dimension modeled by a two-field configuration. We first consider the inclusion of the cuscuton to also control the dynamics of one of the fields and investigate how it contributes to change the internal structure of the configuration in two distinct situations, with the standard and the asymmetric Bloch brane. The results show that the branes get a rich internal structure, with the geometry presenting a novel behavior which is also governed by the parameter that controls the strength of the cuscuton term. We also study the case where the dynamics of one of the two fields is only described by the cuscuton. All the models support analytical solutions which are stable against fluctuations in the metric, and the main results unveil significant modifications in the warp factor and energy density of the branes.

Everton Cavalcante ◽  
Claudio Furtado

In this paper, we discuss a new way to get a quantum holonomy around topological defects in [Formula: see text] fullerenes. For this, we use a Kaluza–Klein extra dimension approach. Furthermore, we discuss how an extra dimension could promote the formation of new freedom degrees which would open a discussion about a possible qubits computation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (11) ◽  
Avnish ◽  
Kirtiman Ghosh ◽  
Tapoja Jha ◽  
Saurabh Niyogi

2021 ◽  
Vol 250 (3338) ◽  
pp. 54-55

Galaxies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Sanjar Shaymatov ◽  
Farruh Atamurotov

We consider isofrequency pairing of geodesic orbits that share the same three orbital frequencies associated with Ωr^, Ωφ^, and Ωω^ in a particular region of parameter space around black string spacetime geometry. We study the effect of a compact extra spatial dimension on the isofrequency pairing of geodesic orbits and show that such orbits would occur in the allowed region when particles move along the black string. We find that the presence of the compact extra dimension leads to an increase in the number of the isofrequency pairing of geodesic orbits. Interestingly we also find that isofrequency pairing of geodesic orbits in the region of parameter space cannot be realized beyond the critical value Jcr≈0.096 of the conserved quantity of the motion arising from the compact extra spatial dimension.

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