joint commitment
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 462-477
Marco Ricceri

The article illustrates the implications for the world of work of two decisive factors of change in the global situation: the joint commitment of states to promote sustainable development according to the normative guidelines of the United Nations and the effects of the pandemic crisis. It proposes the reference to the institutionalist theoretical approach as the most appropriate to provide a valid interpretation of the diversity of orientations in economic and social development policies, including labour policies, which occur on the global scene. The article presents the analyzes on the professions of the future and the relative employment prospects for 2030 contained in two studies developed in Italy on the basis of predictive models that applied specific Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, officially presented in the first half of 2021. Presented research recalls the ultimate meaning of the phenomenon of structural crisis, the value of institutionalist theory in understanding the complexity of the processes of development, and progress of communities and, in the context of the choice for sustainability, the importance of the changes that lie ahead in the world of work in relation to the specific green and digital transition processes currently promoted by the states. Article’s findings may stimulate research on predictive models in the field of employment and new professions projected beyond short-term trends, in the broader dimensions of perspectives and scenarios

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
Raphaela Heesen ◽  
Klaus Zuberbühler ◽  
Adrian Bangerter ◽  
Katia Iglesias ◽  
Federico Rossano ◽  

Human joint action seems special, as it is grounded in joint commitment—a sense of mutual obligation participants feel towards each other. Comparative research with humans and non-human great apes has typically investigated joint commitment by experimentally interrupting joint actions to study subjects’ resumption strategies. However, such experimental interruptions are human-induced, and thus the question remains of how great apes naturally handle interruptions. Here, we focus on naturally occurring interruptions of joint actions, grooming and play, in bonobos and chimpanzees. Similar to humans, both species frequently resumed interrupted joint actions (and the previous behaviours, like grooming the same body part region or playing the same play type) with their previous partners and at the previous location. Yet, the probability of resumption attempts was unaffected by social bonds or rank. Our data suggest that great apes experience something akin to joint commitment, for which we discuss possible evolutionary origins.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Joshua Cockayne

The recitation of creeds in corporate worship is widespread in the Christian tradition. Intuitively, the use of creeds captures the belief not only of the individuals reciting it, but of the Church as a whole. This paper seeks to provide a philosophical analysis of the meaning of the words, ‘We believe…’, in the context of the liturgical recitation of the Creed. Drawing from recent work in group ontology, I explore three recent accounts of group belief (summative accounts, joint commitment accounts, and functionalist accounts) and consider the potential of applying these to the group belief contained in the Creed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-296
Telhalia Telhalia ◽  
Desi Natalia

Abstract: The practice of interfaith marriage has occurred in the Dayak Ngaju community for various reasons and considerations. Similar reasons include love, pregnancy before marriage, and thinking that he is the only match. Interfaith marriage is not easy to unite thoughts and wills together in an ideal marriage. This is because interfaith marriage couples need very high understanding, patience and loyalty in carrying out their married life as an effort to build high tolerance for differences that occur between them through mutual agreement and commitment. Unavoidable phenomenon. This can be seen in couples who marry different religions with a background of emotional experiences together. Through this agreement, a join commitment is neeeded to carry it out responsibly as joint commitment is needed to carry it out responsibly as a form of loving God and others (Matthew 22:37-40).  Abstrak: Praktik perkawinan beda agama telah terjadi pada masyarakat Dayak Ngaju dengan bermacam pertimbangan dan alasan. Alasan yang hampir sama antara lain terjadi atas dasar cinta, hamil sebelum menikah, dan adanya pemikiran bahwa hanya dia pasangan yang cocok. Perkawinan beda agama tidaklah mudah menyatukan pikiran dan kehendak bersama dalam sebuah perkawinan yang ideal. Hal ini dikarenakan pasangan perkawinan beda agama membutuhkan pengertian, kesabaran dan kesetiaan yang sangat tinggi dalam menjalankan kehidupan perkawinan mereka sebagai upaya membangun toleransi yang tinggi terhadap perbedaan-perbedaan yang terjadi di antara mereka melalui kesepakatan dan komitmen bersama. Fenomena yang tak bisa dihindari. Hal ini nampak pada pasangan yang menikah beda agama dengan dilatarbelakangi oleh pengalaman emosional bersama. Melalui kesepakatan ini, maka diperlukan komitmen bersama untuk melaksanakannya dengan penuh tanggung jawab sebagai salah satu bentuk mengasihi Tuhan dan sesama (Matius 22:37-40).  

iScience ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 102872
Raphaela Heesen ◽  
Adrian Bangerter ◽  
Klaus Zuberbühler ◽  
Katia Iglesias ◽  
Christof Neumann ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 008 (02) ◽  
pp. 151-165
Sukuryadi Sukuryadi ◽  
Harry Irawan Johari ◽  
Mimit Primyastanto ◽  
Bambang Semedi ◽  

Mangrove ecotourism development with an institutional approach aims to carry out management by uniting relevant institutions especially the community, government, and other stakeholders. Institutional capacity plays an important role in the development of potential-based areas. Therefore, this study aims to determine institutional capacity both organizational and individual capacity in the mangrove ecotourism development in the Lembar village of Lombok Barat Regency. The research method was carried out through a qualitative research approach with the determination of informants based on purposive sampling techniques. The results showed that the capacity of mangrove ecosystem management for the mangrove ecotourism development in the Lembar village area of West Lombok Regency at the level of community, individual resource managers and institutional was categorized as low. The dominant institutional capacity in the mangrove ecotourism development were the Marine and Fisheries Department of West Lombok Regency. This shows that good synergy has not yet been formed between institutions and communities so that the mangrove ecotourism development is unsustainable and temporal. Therefore, a joint commitment is needed in increasing the strengthening of institutional capacity sustainably so that there is good synergy between the government, the government and the private sector, the government and the community, and between other stakeholders.

2021 ◽  
Zoë Goldsborough ◽  
Anne Marijke Schel ◽  
Edwin J.C. van Leeuwen

Human culture is considered to differ from animal culture due to its interactive nature built on shared intentionality and cognitive flexibility. Here, we investigated whether chimpanzees use communication to engage in cultural practices by analyzing grooming handclasp (GHC) interactions – a socio-cultural behavior requiring coordination. Previous accounts attributed GHC initiations to behavioral shaping whereby the initiator physically molds the partner’s arm into the GHC posture. Using frame-by-frame analysis and matched-control methodology, we find that chimpanzees use gestural communication to initiate GHC, which requires an active and synchronized response from the partner. This showcases a behavioral expression of joint commitment to engage in this shared cultural practice. Moreover, we show that GHC initiators used various initiation strategies, attesting to situation-contingent interactional flexibility. We conclude that chimpanzees can be jointly committed to a cultural practice, which suggests that culture predicated on shared intentionality and flexible communication may not be unique to the human species.

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