psychic trauma
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The Good Kill ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Marc LiVecche

The introduction provides an overview of the book’s content. Opening with an illustration attending the issue of killing in war, it gestures toward the important link between killing and psychic trauma. To interrogate this linkage, it introduces critical distinctions between different kinds of killing, divergent warfighter attitudes toward killing, various Christian responses to killing and war, and between moral injury and posttraumatic stress disorder. Because it endorses a definition of moral injury as a psychic trauma that occurs when one does something that transgresses a deeply held moral norm, it stresses a critical understanding of the difference between grief and guilt and posits an important distinction between “moral injury” and what it terms “moral bruising.” To elaborate on these distinctions, it introduces the just war tradition as a Christian realist perspective best able to help warfighters navigate the morally bruising battlefield without becoming irreparably injured morally.

Beyond Bias ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 29-54
Scott Krzych

This chapter offers a general overview of the short history of conservative political documentary and likewise offers a thorough explanation of the relation between political media and the psychoanalytic conception of hysteria and hysterical discourse. In addition to surveying key texts in the psychoanalytic canon concerning the etiology and reproduction of hysterical discourse, I argue in favor of distinguishing two distinct forms of psychic trauma: hysterical complaints (which are singular, contingent, and emergent) and hysterical discourse (which is self-perpetuating). In the case of conservative political media and rhetoric, hysterical discourse magnifies the affective trauma of political complaints for more cynical ends, as a means to forestall change and to keep the hysterical subject at a significant remove from its perceived competitors even as the hysteric’s discourse appears to engage in sustained dialogue.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
Khairuddin Khairuddin ◽  
Fitri Hayati ◽  
Reni Ria Armayani Hasibuan

<p><em>The victims where the majority are women do not only experience physical trauma but also psychic trauma. Therefore the victim does not only need mental and spiritual strength, but also they have to be empowered economically to be able to overcome their life problem. This research is qualitative research with PAR approach (Participatory Action Research) that involves all active stakeholders to address and overcome the problem in order there is significant change to the life of the victim. This research finds that economic empowerment is one of ways to increase the spirit, creativity and motivation of the survivors to increase their family income so stimulating entrepreneur spirit to be able to compete economically. The economic empowerment strategy of the survivor of human trafficking is done in some phases. First, cognitive delivery by encouraging the survivor think in order they can come up with the solution about the problem at hand. Second, giving the training of flower bouquet, bridal bale, creating wall and door decoration by recycling used bottle and plastic. Through this empowerment is expected the survivors have ability to survive and find new things to live. </em></p><p>Korban yang mayoritas perempuan tidak hanya mengalami trauma fisik tetapi juga psikis. Korban <em>trafficking</em> tidak hanya membutuhkan kekuatan mental dan spiritual tetapi juga harus diberdayakan secara ekonomi untuk mampu menghadapi problema kehidupan. Penelitian ini memakai metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan PAR (<em>Participatory Action Research</em>) menggunakan melibatkan berbagai pihak yang relevan secara aktif untuk menyelesaikan dilema beserta sebagai akibatnya terjadi perubahan yang signifikan dalam kehidupan para korban. Melalui penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa pemberdayaan ekonomi menjadi salah satu metode meningkatkan semangat, kreatifitas dan motivasi para korban untuk memperkuat ekonomi keluarga sehingga memunculkan semangat wirausaha untuk bisa bersaing secara ekonomi. Strategi pemberdayaan ekonomi korban <em>trafficking</em> dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap. Pertama, pemberian kognitif dengan mengajak berpikir agar mereka bisa memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi. Kedua, dengan pelatihan merangkai bunga dan bale pernikahan serta pembuatan hiasan dinding dan pintu dengan memanfaatkan plastik dan botol bekas. Dengan pemberdayaan ini diharapkan para korban memiliki kemampuan untuk survive dan menemukan hal-hal baru untuk bertahan hidup. </p><p align="center"> </p>

2020 ◽  

A young marriage is an inner bond between a man and a woman as a husband and wife for the purpose offorming a family, a happy and eternal household based on the One Supreme Godhead. This study aims todetermine the impact of young marriage. This research type is qualitative decriptive, and determination ofinformant done with Purvosive Sampling, Technique of collecting data using observation, interview anddocumentation. Then analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and verivication. The results of this studyindicate that positive impacts are (1) to avoid free association, (2) lighten the life burden of one party from thefamily, and (3) learn to be responsible to the family and while the negative impact is (1) biologis (risk of pregnancy(2) Psychological (prolonged psychic trauma in the child's soul is difficult to cure) and (3) Sociological (immatureways of thinking that reduce harmonization in the family). (4) Population (population density) of fertile couples.Keywords: Impact, Marriage, Young Age.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-53
Sujaya Dhanvantari

This paper contends that Catherine Malabou’s concepts of cerebrality and the new wounded extend Frantz Fanon’s theory of colonial trauma to illuminate the link between violent oppression and contemporary profile of psychic disorders, as they relate to the diagnostic measure of PTSD. It begins by demonstrating colonial psychoanalyst Octave Mannoni’s failure to engage psychoanalytic theory to negate the racial theses of French colonial psychiatry. Next, it explicates Fanon’s refutation of both Mannoni’s use of the idea of dependence and his theory of social evolutionism to describe the colonial relation. In brief, Fanon critiques Mannoni for neglecting to integrate the psychic effects of colonial violence into his analysis of unconscious complexes in the colonized. Finally, this paper shows that Malabou corelates violent ruptures with the PTSD diagnosis, in order to better understand the relation between sociopolitical violence and neuropsychiatric trauma. This paper proposes that both Fanon and Malabou be mobilized to theorize the violent origins of psychic trauma.

2020 ◽  
pp. 161-170
Nikola Atanassov ◽  
Svetoslav Savov

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