photon momentum
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (09) ◽  
pp. 0930
Terry Bollinger

The physics of photon momentum are straightforward mathematically but can produce surprisingly counterintuitive outcomes. A few simple calculations show how a single photon of green light can, in principle, impart two locomotive engines’ worth of momentum without violating energy conservation. The calculation is one example of why quantum mechanics needs better accounting of linear momentum.

Philippe Z Yao ◽  
Jason Dexter ◽  
Alexander Y Chen ◽  
Benjamin R Ryan ◽  
George N Wong

Abstract We use the public code ebhlight to carry out 3D radiative general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) simulations of accretion on to the supermassive black hole in M87. The simulations self-consistently evolve a frequency-dependent Monte Carlo description of the radiation field produced by the accretion flow. We explore two limits of accumulated magnetic flux at the black hole (SANE and MAD), each coupled to several sub-grid prescriptions for electron heating that are motivated by models of turbulence and magnetic reconnection. We present convergence studies for the radiation field and study its properties. We find that the near-horizon photon energy density is an order of magnitude higher than is predicted by simple isotropic estimates from the observed luminosity. The radially dependent photon momentum distribution is anisotropic and can be modeled by a set of point-sources near the equatorial plane. We draw properties of the radiation and magnetic field from the simulation and feed them into an analytic model of gap acceleration to estimate the very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray luminosity from the magnetized jet funnel, assuming that a gap is able to form. We find luminosities of $\rm \sim 10^{41} \, erg \, s^{-1}$ for MAD models and $\rm \sim 2\times 10^{40} \, erg \, s^{-1}$ for SANE models, which are comparable to measurements of M87’s VHE flares. The time-dependence seen in our calculations is insufficient to explain the flaring behaviour. Our results provide a step towards bridging theoretical models of near-horizon properties seen in black hole images with the VHE activity of M87.

2021 ◽  
Vol 125 (34) ◽  
pp. 19013-19021
Chih-Hao Huang ◽  
Tetsuhiro Kudo ◽  
Teruki Sugiyama ◽  
Hiroshi Masuhara ◽  
Johan Hofkens ◽  

O. Neunzig ◽  
M. Weikert ◽  
M. Tajmar

AbstractSince modern propulsion systems are insufficient for large-scale space exploration, a breakthrough in propulsion physics is required. Amongst different concepts, the EMDrive is a proposed device claiming to be more efficient in converting energy into propulsive forces than classical photon momentum exchange. It is based on a microwave resonator inside a tapered cavity. Recently, Taylor suggested using a laser instead of microwaves to boost thrust by many orders of magnitude due to the higher quality factor of optical resonators. His analysis was based on the theory of quantised inertia by McCulloch, who predicted that an asymmetry in mass surrounding the device and/or geometry is responsible for EMDrive-like forces. We put this concept to the test in a number of different configurations using various asymmetrical laser resonators, reflective cavities of different materials and size as well as fiber-optic loops, which were symmetrically and asymmetrically shaped. A dedicated high precision thrust balance was developed to test all these concepts with a sensitivity better than pure photon thrust, which is the force equivalent to the radiation pressure of a laser for the same power that is used to operate each individual devices. In summary, all devices showed no net thrust within our resolution at the Nanonewton range, meaning that any anomalous thrust must be below state-of-the-art propellantless propulsion. This puts strong limits on all proposed theories like quantised inertia by at least 4 orders of magnitude for the laboratory-scale geometries and power levels used with worst case assumptions for the theoretical predictions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (08n09) ◽  
pp. 2150063
Iver Brevik ◽  
Masud Chaichian ◽  
Ion I. Cotăescu

We analyze the Abraham–Minkowski problem known from classical electrodynamics from two different perspectives. First, we follow a formal approach, implying use of manifolds with curved space sections in accordance with Fermat’s principle, emphasizing that the resulting covariant and contravariant components of the photon four-momentum are a property linked to the Minkowski theory only. There is thus no link to the Abraham theory in that context. Next we turn to the experimental side, giving a brief account of older and newer radiation pressure experiments that clearly show how the Minkowski photon momentum is preferable under optical conditions. Under low-frequency conditions, where experimental detection of the individual oscillations predicted by the Abraham term are possible, the picture is however quite different.

Metrologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 015006
Suren Vasilyan ◽  
Marco López ◽  
Norbert Rogge ◽  
Marcel Pastuschek ◽  
Holger Lecher ◽  

Bretislav Friedrich ◽  
Horst Schmidt-Böcking

AbstractMotivated by his interest in thermodynamics and the emerging quantum mechanics, Otto Stern (1888–1969) launched in 1919 his molecular beam method to examine the fundamental assumptions of theory that transpire in atomic, molecular, optical, and nuclear physics. Stern’s experimental endeavors at Frankfurt (1919–1922), Hamburg (1923–1933), and Pittsburgh (1933–1945) provided insights into the quantum world that were independent of spectroscopy and that concerned well-defined isolated systems, hitherto accessible only to Gedanken experiments. In this chapter we look at how Stern’s molecular beam research came about and review six of his seminal experiments along with their context and reception by the physics community: the Stern-Gerlach experiment; the three-stage Stern-Gerlach experiment; experimental evidence for de Broglie’s matter waves; measurements of the magnetic dipole moment of the proton and the deuteron; experimental demonstration of momentum transfer upon absorption or emission of a photon; the experimental verification of the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution via deflection of a molecular beam by gravity. Regarded as paragons of thoroughness and ingenuity, these experiments entail accurate transversal momentum measurements with resolution better than 0.1 atomic units. Some of these experiments would be taken up by others where Stern left off only decades later (matter-wave scattering or photon momentum transfer). We conclude by highlighting aspects of Stern’s legacy as reflected by the honors that have been bestowed upon him to date.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 113
S. Vasilyan ◽  
N. Rogge ◽  
E. Manske ◽  
T. Fröhlich

The paper presents some of the results of the static and dynamic force measurements at 100 nN to sub-10 µN ranges which are generated due the photon-momentum. The force sensor with resolution about 20 nN and operating in differential measurement mode is developed by two electromagnetic force compensation balances. In order to generate these calibration forces, CW lasers with different operational modes, power levels, and wavelengths are used. Multi-reflection configuration of the laser beam inside the macroscopic cavity with highly reflective mirrors are used to test and variate the total amount of the forces.

Metrologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Paul Williams ◽  
Kyle Rogers ◽  
Josh Hadler ◽  
Alexandra Artusio-Glimpse ◽  
John Lehman

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