vowel production
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2021 ◽  
Audun Rosslund ◽  
Julien Mayor ◽  
Gabriella Óturai ◽  
Natalia Kartushina

The present study examines the acoustic properties of infant-directed speech (IDS) as compared to adult-directed speech (ADS) in Norwegian parents of 18-month-old toddlers, and whether these properties relate to toddlers’ expressive vocabulary size. Twenty-one parent- toddler dyads from Tromsø, Northern Norway participated in the study. Parents (16 mothers, 5 fathers), speaking a Northern Norwegian dialect, were recorded in the lab reading a storybook to their toddler (IDS register), and to an experimenter (ADS register). The storybook was designed for the purpose of the study, ensuring identical linguistic contexts across speakers and registers, and multiple representations of each of the nine Norwegian long vowels. We examined both traditionally reported measures of IDS: pitch, pitch range, vowel duration and vowel space expansion, but also novel measures: vowel category compactness and vowel category distinctiveness. Our results showed that Norwegian IDS, as compared to ADS, had similar characteristics as in other languages: higher pitch, wider pitch range, longer vowel duration, and expanded vowel space area; in addition, it had less compact vowel categories. Further, parents’ hyper-pitch, that is, the within-parent increase in pitch in IDS as compared to ADS, and vowel category compactness in IDS itself, were positively related to toddlers' vocabulary. Our results point towards potentially facilitating roles of parents’ increase in pitch when talking to their toddler and of consistency in vowel production in early word learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Cyril Atkinson-Clement ◽  
Émilie Cavazzini ◽  
Alexandre Zénon ◽  
Thierry Legou ◽  
Tatiana Witjas ◽  

AbstractIn Parkinson’s disease (PD), the effects of both Ldopa and subthalamic deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) are known to change cost-valuation. However, this was mostly studied through reward-effort task involving distal movements, while axial effort, less responsive to treatments, have been barely studied. Thus, our objective was to compare the influence of both Ldopa and STN-DBS on cost-valuation between two efforts modalities: vowel production (as an example of axial movement) and hand squeezing (as an example of distal movement). Twelve PD patients were recruited to participate in this study. The task consisted in deciding whether to accept or reject trials based on a reward-effort trade-off. Participants performed two blocks with hand squeezing, and two with vowel production, in the four treatment conditions (LdopaOn/Off; STN-DBS On/Off). We found that STN-DBS changed the ratio difference between hand and phonation efforts. Vowel production effort was estimated easier to perform with STN-DBS alone, and harder when associated with Ldopa. The difference between hand and phonation efforts was correlated with quality of life in Off/Off and On Ldopa alone conditions, and with impulsive assessment On STN-DBS alone. We highlighted that STN-DBS could introduce an imbalance between the actual motor impairments and their subjective costs. With this finding, we also suggest paying particular attention to the different treatment effects that should be expected for axial and distal movement dysfunctions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 150 (4) ◽  
pp. A42-A42
Jenna T. Conklin ◽  
Olga Dmitrieva ◽  
Ye-Jee Jung ◽  
Weiyi Zhai

Arif Rahman ◽  
Lalu Nawasier Tralala

The aim of the research is to investigate EFL Students’ Pronunciation Problems in Presenting Thesis Proposal at Tertiary Level of English Department. This qualitative study reported in this article focused on segmental features problems. The instruments used to collect the data needed in this study were the researcher, recording, and Dictionary. The data analysis covered consonant and vowel pronunciation problems. was based on the theories of phonetics proposed by George Yule and Jacobs, which embraces voicing, manner of articulation and place of articulation for English consonant production and the tongue part and position, sound length, and mouth forming for English vowel production. The result of the study shows that the research subject encountered a number of segmental pronunciation problems consisting of consonants and vowels including pure vowels and diphthongs. Furthermore, this research revealed that the problem with consonant sounds were the substitution of the sounds [v], [ð], [θ], [t∫], [ʒ], [ʃ] [z] and the deletion of the  sounds [k], [ɡ], [t], and [s]. The problem with pure vowel sounds were the substitution of the sound [ɪ], [iː], [ɛ], [ʊ], [ʌ], [ɜː], [ɒ], [ɔː] and [ə] and the insertion of the sound [ə] between two consonant sounds. The problem with diphthongs were: the monophthongization of the sound [aɪ], [aʊ], [eɪ], [ɪə], [əʊ], and the replacement of the sounds [eɪ] and [ɪə] with other diphthongs. It is suggested for the next researchers to investigate pronunciation problems related to supra-segmental aspects and phonemic opposition. and factors driving pronunciation problems in the EFL Classroom setting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 678-687
Katja Immonen ◽  
Jemina Kilpeläinen ◽  
Paavo Alku ◽  
Maija S. Peltola

Earlier studies have shown that children are efficient second language learners. Research has also shown that musical background might affect second language learning. A two-day auditory training paradigm was used to investigate whether studying in a music-oriented education program affects children’s sensitivity to acquire a non-native vowel contrast. Training effects were measured with listen-and-repeat production tests. Two groups of monolingual Finnish children (9–11 years, N=23) attending music-oriented and regular fourth grades were tested. The stimuli were two semisynthetic pseudo words /ty:ti/ and /tʉ:ti/ with the native vowel /y/ and the non-native vowel /ʉ/ embedded. Both groups changed their pronunciation after the first training. The change was reflected in the second formant values of /ʉ/, which lowered significantly after three trainings. The results show that 9–11-year-old children benefit from passive auditory training in second language production learning regardless of whether or not they attend a music-oriented education program.

Benjamin Parrell ◽  
Richard B. Ivry ◽  
Srikantan S. Nagarajan ◽  
John F. Houde

Purpose Individuals with cerebellar ataxia (CA) caused by cerebellar degeneration exhibit larger reactive compensatory responses to unexpected auditory feedback perturbations than neurobiologically typical speakers, suggesting they may rely more on feedback control during speech. We test this hypothesis by examining variability in unaltered speech. Previous studies of typical speakers have demonstrated a reduction in formant variability (centering) observed during the initial phase of vowel production from vowel onset to vowel midpoint. Centering is hypothesized to reflect feedback-based corrections for self-produced variability and thus may provide a behavioral assay of feedback control in unperturbed speech in the same manner as the compensatory response does for feedback perturbations. Method To comprehensively compare centering in individuals with CA and controls, we examine centering in two vowels (/i/ and /ɛ/) under two contexts (isolated words and connected speech). As a control, we examine speech produced both with and without noise to mask auditory feedback. Results Individuals with CA do not show increased centering compared to age-matched controls, regardless of vowel, context, or masking. Contrary to previous results in neurobiologically typical speakers, centering was not affected by the presence of masking noise in either group. Conclusions The similar magnitude of centering seen with and without masking noise questions whether centering is driven by auditory feedback. However, if centering is at least partially driven by auditory/somatosensory feedback, these results indicate that the larger compensatory response to altered auditory feedback observed in individuals with CA may not reflect typical motor control processes during normal, unaltered speech production.

Anita Senthinathan ◽  
Scott Adams ◽  
Allyson D. Page ◽  
Mandar Jog

Purpose Hypophonia (low speech intensity) is the most common speech symptom experienced by individuals with Parkinson's disease (IWPD). Previous research suggests that, in IWPD, there may be abnormal integration of sensory information for motor production of speech intensity. In the current study, intensity of auditory feedback was systematically manipulated (altered in both positive and negative directions) during sensorimotor conditions that are known to modulate speech intensity in everyday contexts in order to better understand the role of auditory feedback for speech intensity regulation. Method Twenty-six IWPD and 24 neurologically healthy controls were asked to complete the following tasks: converse with the experimenter, start vowel production, and read sentences at a comfortable loudness, while hearing their own speech intensity randomly altered. Altered intensity feedback conditions included 5-, 10-, and 15-dB reductions and increases in the feedback intensity. Speech tasks were completed in no noise and in background noise. Results IWPD displayed a reduced response to the altered intensity feedback compared to control participants. This reduced response was most apparent when participants were speaking in background noise. Specific task-based differences in responses were observed such that the reduced response by IWPD was most pronounced during the conversation task. Conclusions The current study suggests that IWPD have abnormal processing of auditory information for speech intensity regulation, and this disruption particularly impacts their ability to regulate speech intensity in the context of speech tasks with clear communicative goals (i.e., conversational speech) and speaking in background noise.

You-Zhen Yen ◽  
Chia-Hsin Wu ◽  
Roger W. Chan

Purpose There is a lack of standardized Mandarin reading text material that could potentially elicit significant variations in fundamental frequency (F0) and in vocal intensity for clinical voice evaluation. In this study, a phonetically balanced “Three Bears Passage” was developed based on the classical “Goldilocks” story for this purpose. The hypothesis was that the vocal range (F0 range and Intensity range) elicited while reading aloud the passage could be similar to that of the voice range profile (VRP) obtained with sustained vowel production and significantly different from that while reading an existing standard Mandarin passage. Method One hundred twenty young adults (60 men and 60 women, aged 25.22 ± 3.74 years) without vocal pathologies and vocal training participated in the study. Vocal range data, including F0-related measures and intensity-related measures, were obtained with Praat in order to construct VRPs for the sustained /a/ and to construct speech range profiles for passage reading. Results F0 range and intensity range for the new passage were significantly larger than those for the existing Mandarin passage for both male and female participants. In particular, the F0 range for the passage was not significantly different from that of the VRP for male participants. Conclusions These findings suggested that the new passage could allow individuals without vocal training to demonstrate a large vocal range in both F0 and vocal intensity, in a passage reading setting in a relatively short time. Further studies should be pursued with the passage to investigate the vocal range and vocal potential of individuals with voice disorders.

2021 ◽  
Luciana Albuquerque ◽  
Ana Rita Valente ◽  
Fábio Barros ◽  
António Teixeira ◽  
Samuel Silva ◽  

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