education program
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Annarosa Cipriano ◽  
Cristina Aprea ◽  
Ludovica Bellone ◽  
Paolo Cotrufo ◽  
Stefania Cella

Introduction: Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) constitutes a major health concern among youth. However, less is known about the useful ways to prevent NSSI. As such, the NSSI- Peer Education Program (NSSI-PEP) aims to intervene on the vulnerability factors that predispose to NSSI by applying a peer education approach. The NSSI-PEP is grounded on the psychoanalytic tradition's tenets, implementing modules targeting four crucial risk factors for NSSI: pubertal transformation, body image, self-esteem, and emotion regulation.Methods: Selected 8th grade students were trained to serve as peer educators and held a peer-education intervention for 6th and 7th grade students. Pre- and post-intervention assessments were conducted in order to evaluate the program's effectiveness.Results: Results revealed preliminary support for the program's feasibility, as students reported greater emotion regulation abilities (p = 0.038) and significant changes in self-esteem (p<0.001), personal alienation (p = 0.005), body image (p < 0.001), and maturity fear (p < 0.001). Also, NSSI-PEP was positively evaluated by participants.Discussion: Our pilot study provides preliminary empirical support for the NSSI-PEP, representing a promising way to address areas of vulnerability for NSSI onset. Findings may also help current policies to promote targeted preventive activities and produce sizable benefits to society.

Stephen A. Spencer ◽  
Emmanuel H. Andriamasy ◽  
Cortland Linder ◽  
James M. StJ. Penney ◽  
Jemima Henstridge-Blows ◽  

Schistosomiasis control requires multisectoral approaches including praziquantel treatment, access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene, and health education. Community input can help ensure health education programs are culturally appropriate to effectively direct protective behavior change. This study reports on the three-stage development of an education program for Malagasy children, with an impact evaluation on their knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) related to intestinal schistosomiasis. A cross-sectional study took place in 2017 with follow-up in 2018 in the hard-to-reach Marolambo district, Madagascar. A novel schistosomiasis education program (SEP) was designed in collaboration with researchers, stakeholders, and local community and included cartoon books, games, songs, puzzles, and blackboard lessons, costing $10 USD per school. KAP questionnaires were completed by 286 children pre-SEP and 273 children post-SEP in 2017, and by 385 and 337 children pre-SEP and post-SEP, respectively, in 2018. Improvements were observed in responses to all questions between pre- and post-education answers in 2017 (53–77%, P < 0.0001) and 2018 (72–98%, P < 0.0001) and in the pre-education answers between years (53–72%, P < 0.0001). Praziquantel mass drug administration attendance improved, rising from 64% to 91% (P < 0.0001), alongside improved latrine use, from 89% to 96% (P = 0.005). This community-consulted and -engaged SEP resulted in substantial improvements in children’s understanding of schistosomiasis, with improvements in praziquantel uptake and latrine use. Socioculturally tailored education programs can help gain schistosomiasis control. Continued investment in SEP will help promote the future well-being of children through increased participation in control and treatment activities.

Lisa B. Nguyen ◽  
Lynn Johnson ◽  
Steve Lee ◽  
Kyle Tupaz ◽  
Wilhelm A. Piskorowski

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 157-170
Henderite Loisa Ohee ◽  
Yokelin Tokoro

Abstract   Lake Sentani is located in Jayapura, Papua. Sentani people live in 26 villages along the coast and small islands around the lake. One of those islands is Yoboy Village, where a Onomi Niphi Reading House has been operating to provide library for elementary and senior high schools. The reading house is becoming center for various programs from various parties. Lake Sentani education program for students in Onomi Niphi Reading House was conducted to increase their knowledge of characteristics and fish species of Lake Sentani, as well as to develop digital education package and distributed to students in Yoboi Village and other students through social media. The program was conducted in Onomi Niphi Reading House, Jayapura at June 26 and July 3, 2021 through seminar and answer-question methods. Pretest was conducted before the class started and posttest applied after the class. Evaluation of the program was based on tests result and categorized to be distinguished, excellent, moderate, and poor. The test results showed the improvement of students’ knowledge on Lake Sentani. The documentation of the lake knowledge in digital format was distributed to the students and through social media. This will help the students to be aware of the improtance of conserving Lake Sentani.   Abstrak   Danau Sentani terletak di Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua. Danau ini ditempati oleh penduduk asli Sentani di 26 kampung yang menyebar di pulau-pulau dan tepian danau. Salah satunya adalah Kampung adat Yoboy, dimana terdapat Rumah Baca Onomi Niphi yang menyediakan perpustakaan bagi pelajar. Pembelajaran lingkungan tentang Danau Sentani diberikan kepada siswa Rumah Baca Onomi Niphi di kampung ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka tentang karakteristik dan jenis-jenis ikan Danau Sentani, membuat media pembelajaran digital (video) nya serta menyebar luaskannya ke pelajar di rumah baca ini dan melalui berbagai media sosial. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Baca Onomi-Niphi, Kampung Adat Yoboy, Kabupaten Jayapura, tanggal 26 Juni dan 3 Juli 2021 dalam bentuk ceramah dan tanya jawab. Pre test diberikan sebelum pembelajaran dan post test diberikan setelah pembelajaran. Evaluasi hasil pembelajaran ditentukan berdasarkan hasil-hasil test yang dikelompokkan menjadi kategori sangat baik, baik, cukup dan kurang. Hasil pre test dan post test pada pembelajaran tentang Danau Sentani menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan anak-anak meningkat setelah pembelajaran lingkungan tentang Danau Sentani. Dokumentasi materi pembelajaran dalam bentuk digital dan penyebar luasannya diharapkan dapat mempertahankan pengetahuan anak tentang Danau Sentani.  Pengetahuan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kepedulian anak terhadap Danau Sentani.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Gabby Maureen Pricilia ◽  
Habib Rahmansyah

This study aim to determine the effect of using local wisdom based learning model on students’ writing narrative text ability at the fourth semester students of English Education Program in Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan. The research type is quantitative with experimental method. The researcher collected the data by using composition writing test. The sample was taken by using total sampling technique, it was 25 students. The data were then analyzed by using descriptive and inferential analysis, it was t-test formula by Arikunto. The results of the research are the mean score of students’ writing ability before using local wisdom based learning model was 53.54 which categorized bad, then after using local wisdom based learning model was 82.50 which categorized good. The hypothesis testing showed that t-test was higher than t-table, it means that the hypothesis is accepted. The finding of research reveals that there is a significant effect of local wisdom based learning model on students’ writing narrative text ability at the fourth semester students of English Education Program in Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan.

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