newtonian approximation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (11) ◽  
pp. 275
Adrian S. Hamers

Abstract I present a numerical fit to the peak harmonic gravitational wave frequency emitted by an eccentric binary system in the post-Newtonian approximation. This fit significantly improves upon a previous commonly-used fit in population synthesis studies, in particular for eccentricities ≲0.8.

A. P. Ryabushko ◽  
T. A. Zhur

Herein, the restricted circular three-body problem in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media is considered. Particular attention is paid to libration points. The conditions of their existence or non-existence in the Newtonian and post-Newtonian approximations of the general theory of relativity are derived. Several regularities, new Newtonian and relativistic effects arising due to the impact of the additional relativistic forces on bodies of gravitational fields of mediums in the differential equations of the motion of bodies are indicated. Using the previously derived equations of the motion of two bodies A1, A2 in the medium, the authors substantiated the following statements. In a homogeneous medium (density of the medium ρ = const) in the Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity there are ρ-libration points , 1,...,5, moving along the same circles as the Euler and Lagrangian libration points Li but with an angular velocity 0 , greater than the angular velocity ω0 of libration points Li in a vacuum. Bodies A1, A2 also move along their circles with an angular velocity 0 > w When passing from the Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity to the post-Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity, the centre of mass of two bodies, resting in a homogeneous medium in the Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity, must move along a cycloid. The trajectories of the bodies can not be circles, the libration points Li disappear. In the case of an inhomogeneous medium distributed, for example, spherically symmetrically, the centre of mass of two bodies, already in the Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity, must move along the cycloid, despite it was at rest in the void. Therefore, bodies A1, A2 must describe loops that form, figuratively speaking, a «lace», as in the case of a homogeneous medium in the post-Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity. The figure illustrating the situation is provided. Due to the existence of the «lace» effect, the libration point Li movements are destroyed. In the special case, when the masses of bodies A1, A2 are equal (m1 = m2), the cycloids disappear and all the ρ-libration points exist in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media in the Newtonian and post-Newtonian approximations of the general theory of relativity. Numerical estimates of the predicted patterns and effects in the Solar and other planetary systems, interstellar and intergalactic mediums are carried out. For example, displacements associated with these effects, such as the displacement of the centre of mass, can reach many billions of kilometres per revolution of the two-body system. The possible role of these regularities and effects in the theories of the evolution of planetary systems, galaxies, and their ensembles is discussed. A brief review of the studies carried out by the Belarusian scientific school on the problem of the motion of bodies in media in the general theory of relativity is given.

Jian‐Ling Chen ◽  
Zhi‐Fu Gao ◽  
Yong‐Hong Li ◽  
Zi‐Wei Ma

2020 ◽  
Vol 135 (12) ◽  
A. Bonino ◽  
S. Camera ◽  
L. Fatibene ◽  
A. Orizzonte

AbstractWe compare Mercury’s precession test in standard general relativity, Brans–Dicke theories (BD), and Palatini $$f({\mathcal {R}})$$ f ( R ) -theories. We avoid post-Newtonian approximation and compute exact precession in these theories. We show that the well-known mathematical equivalence between Palatini $$f({\mathcal {R}})$$ f ( R ) -theories and a specific subset of BD theories does not extend to a really physical equivalence among theories since equivalent models still allow a different incompatible precession for Mercury depending on the solution one chooses. As a result one cannot use BD equivalence to rule out Palatini $$f({\mathcal {R}})$$ f ( R ) -theories. On the contrary, we directly discuss that Palatini $$f({\mathcal {R}})$$ f ( R ) -theories can (and specific models do) easily pass Solar System tests as Mercury’s precession.

P. J. E. Peebles

This chapter examines the behavior of a given mass distribution in the Newtonian approximation. Discussion of how irregularities in the matter distribution behave in an expanding universe is greatly simplified by the fact that a limiting approximation of general relativity, Newtonian mechanics, applies in a region small compared to the Hubble length. The rest of the universe can affect the region only through a tidal field. Though the point was clearly made by Georges Lemaître, it has not always been recognized that the Newtonian approximation is not a model but a limiting case valid no matter what is happening in the distant parts of the universe. Because of the importance of this result, the chapter discusses it at some length.

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 500
Yaakov Friedman ◽  
Esra Yudkin

In General Relativity, the gravitational field of a spherically symmetric non-rotating body is described by the Schwarzschild metric. This metric is invariant under time reversal, which implies that the power series expansion of the time dilation contains only even powers of v / c . The weak-field post-Newtonian approximation defines the relativistic time dilation of order ϵ (or of order ( v / c ) 2 ) of the small parameter. The next non-zero term of the time dilation is expected to be of order ϵ 2 , which is impossible to measure with current technology. The new model presented here, called Relativistic Newtonian Dynamics, describes the field with respect to the coordinate system of a far-removed observer. The resulting metric preserves the symmetries of the problem and satisfies Einstein’s field equations, but predicts an additional term of order ϵ 3 / 2 for the time dilation. This term will cause an additional periodic time delay for clocks in eccentric orbits. The analysis of the gravitational redshift data from the Galileo satellites in eccentric orbits indicates that, by performing an improved satellite mission, it would be possible to test this additional time delay. This would reveal which of the coordinate systems and which of the above metrics are real. In addition to the increase of accuracy of the time dilation predictions, such an experiment could determine whether the metric of a spherically symmetric body is time reversible and whether the speed of light propagating toward the gravitating body is the same as the speed propagating away from it. More accurate time dilation and one-way speed of light formulas are important for astronomical research and for global positioning systems.

Universe ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 46 ◽  
Andre Maeder ◽  
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev

The Scale Invariant Vacuum (SIV) theory rests on the basic hypothesis that the macroscopic empty space is scale invariant. This hypothesis is applied in the context of the Integrable Weyl Geometry, where it leads to considerable simplifications in the scale covariant cosmological equations. After an initial explosion and a phase of braking, the cosmological models show a continuous acceleration of the expansion. Several observational tests of the SIV cosmology are performed: on the relation between H 0 and the age of the Universe, on the m − z diagram for SNIa data and its extension to z = 7 with quasars and GRBs, and on the H ( z ) vs. z relation. All comparisons show a very good agreement between SIV predictions and observations. Predictions for the future observations of the redshift drifts are also given. In the weak field approximation, the equation of motion contains, in addition to the classical Newtonian term, an acceleration term (usually very small) depending on the velocity. The two-body problem is studied, showing a slow expansion of the classical conics. The new equation has been applied to clusters of galaxies, to rotating galaxies (some proximities with Modifies Newtonian Dynamics, MOND, are noticed), to the velocity dispersion vs. the age of the stars in the Milky Way, and to the growth of the density fluctuations in the Universe. We point out the similarity of the mechanical effects of the SIV hypothesis in cosmology and in the Newtonian approximation. In both cases, it results in an additional acceleration in the direction of motions. In cosmology, these effects are currently interpreted in terms of the dark energy hypothesis, while in the Newtonian approximation they are accounted for in terms of the dark matter (DM) hypothesis. These hypotheses appear no longer necessary in the SIV context.

Nils Andersson

The post-Newtonian approximation is explained and the main issues arising in the description of inspiralling binary systems are considered. The ideas behind the effective-one-body approach to the binary problem are discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-283
R Ranjbar ◽  
M Roshan ◽  
SH Abbassi ◽  

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