denudation rates
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2021 ◽  
Nikolaos A. Michael ◽  
Rainer Zuhlke

Abstract Objectives/Scope Sediment volumetric budget estimates are very important input parameters for process-based depositional modelling (forward stratigraphic modelling). This paper presents a new integrated approach for analyze sediment volumetric budgets in sedimentary basins that is based on the reconstruction of regional grain size trends. In subsurface studies of sediment routing systems, noticeable uncertainties in estimated total sediment volumes occur when available datasets are limited to local areas that do not cover the entire sediment routing system. These uncertainties also affect models of catchment areas, structural uplift, and denudation rates as well as net:gross predictions. Methods, Procedures, Process The new integrated approach focuses on reconstructing sediment budgets for entire sediment fairways from limited local datasets. It uses a combination of sediment mass balancing and local grain size distributions to predict basin-wide grain size distributions. The comparison of local grain size to fairway-scale grain size trends is key in correcting sediment volumetrics for significantly reduced uncertainties in catchment reconstruction and net:gross ratios predictions at the scale of sediment fairways, sub-basins, prospects and exploration/production fields. Results, Observations, Conclusions The new approach has been applied successfully to two subsurface continental to marine delta systems. They cover periods of approximately 7 My in total and include four limited local areas of interest (AOI). These local AOIs measure 200×200 km, while the entire sub-basin measures 500×800 km. The new approach indicates that only up to 40% of the total sediment volume of each fairway could be captured by previous methodologies with limited local areas of interest. A maximum of 70% of the entire sink sediment volume could be incorporated in local areas of interest. The new approach presented in this paper significantly lowers the uncertainties in sediment volume estimates, depositional rates and lithology distribution input parameters in forward stratigraphic modelling. For the two case studies, previous sediment flux models indicated rates of 10,000 km/Myr. The new integrated approach indicates that sediment flux actually reached 30,000 km/Myr with major implications for sediment distribution, net:gross prediction and catchment size and denudation rates estimates. Novel/Additive Information The new integrated approach reduces uncertainties in catchment size and tectonic exhumation rate estimates for clastic depositional systems. It provides lower uncertainty parameters (sediment volume, source locations, sediment fractions, diffusion coefficients) for forward stratigraphic modelling, e.g., for reservoir quality prediction in hydrocarbon exploration. In fundamental research, provenance analyses can be better constrained by improved catchment size prediction and sediment grain size distribution models for sink areas

2021 ◽  
Maia Bellingham

<p>Understanding how active mountain landscapes contribute to carbon dioxide cycling and influences on long-term climate stability requires measurement of weathering fluxes from these landscapes. The few measured chemical weathering rates in the Southern Alps are an order of magnitude greater than in the rest of the world. Rapid tectonic uplift coupled with extreme orographic precipitation is driving exceptionally fast chemical and physical denudation. These rates suggest that weathering in landscapes such as the Southern Alps could play a significant role in carbon dioxide cycling. However, the relative importance of climate and tectonics driving these fast rates remains poorly understood.   To address this gap, in situ ¹⁰Be derived catchment-averaged denudation rates were measured in the Ōhau catchment, Canterbury, New Zealand. Denudation rates in the Dobson Valley within the Ōhau catchment, varied from 474 – 7,570 m Myr⁻¹, aside from one sub-catchment in the upper Dobson Valley that had a denudation rate of 12,142 m Myr⁻¹. The Dobson and Hopkins Rivers had denudation rates of 1,660 and 4,400 m Myr⁻¹ respectively, in these catchments. Dobson Valley denudation rates show a moderate correlation with mean annual precipitation (R²=0.459). This correlation supports a similar trend identified at local and regional scales, and at high rates of precipitation this may be an important driver of erosion and weathering.   Sampling of four grain sizes (0.125 to > 8 mm) at one site in the Dobson Valley resulted in variability in ¹⁰Be concentrations up to a factor of 2.5, which may be a result of each grain size recording different erosional processes. These observations demonstrate the importance of assessing potential variability and the need to sample consistent grain sizes across catchments.   Chemical depletion fractions measured within soil pits in the upper Dobson Valley indicate chemical weathering contributes 30% of total denudation, and that physical erosion is driving rapid total denudation. Chemical weathering appears to surpass any proposed weathering speed limit and suggests total weathering may not be limited by weathering kinetics. This research adds to the paucity of research in New Zealand, and for the first time presents ¹⁰Be derived denudation rates from the eastern Southern Alps, with estimates of the long-term weathering flux. High weathering fluxes in the Southern Alps uphold the hypothesis that mountain landscapes play an important role in carbon dioxide cycling and long-term climate stability.</p>

2021 ◽  
Maia Bellingham

<p>Understanding how active mountain landscapes contribute to carbon dioxide cycling and influences on long-term climate stability requires measurement of weathering fluxes from these landscapes. The few measured chemical weathering rates in the Southern Alps are an order of magnitude greater than in the rest of the world. Rapid tectonic uplift coupled with extreme orographic precipitation is driving exceptionally fast chemical and physical denudation. These rates suggest that weathering in landscapes such as the Southern Alps could play a significant role in carbon dioxide cycling. However, the relative importance of climate and tectonics driving these fast rates remains poorly understood.   To address this gap, in situ ¹⁰Be derived catchment-averaged denudation rates were measured in the Ōhau catchment, Canterbury, New Zealand. Denudation rates in the Dobson Valley within the Ōhau catchment, varied from 474 – 7,570 m Myr⁻¹, aside from one sub-catchment in the upper Dobson Valley that had a denudation rate of 12,142 m Myr⁻¹. The Dobson and Hopkins Rivers had denudation rates of 1,660 and 4,400 m Myr⁻¹ respectively, in these catchments. Dobson Valley denudation rates show a moderate correlation with mean annual precipitation (R²=0.459). This correlation supports a similar trend identified at local and regional scales, and at high rates of precipitation this may be an important driver of erosion and weathering.   Sampling of four grain sizes (0.125 to > 8 mm) at one site in the Dobson Valley resulted in variability in ¹⁰Be concentrations up to a factor of 2.5, which may be a result of each grain size recording different erosional processes. These observations demonstrate the importance of assessing potential variability and the need to sample consistent grain sizes across catchments.   Chemical depletion fractions measured within soil pits in the upper Dobson Valley indicate chemical weathering contributes 30% of total denudation, and that physical erosion is driving rapid total denudation. Chemical weathering appears to surpass any proposed weathering speed limit and suggests total weathering may not be limited by weathering kinetics. This research adds to the paucity of research in New Zealand, and for the first time presents ¹⁰Be derived denudation rates from the eastern Southern Alps, with estimates of the long-term weathering flux. High weathering fluxes in the Southern Alps uphold the hypothesis that mountain landscapes play an important role in carbon dioxide cycling and long-term climate stability.</p>

2021 ◽  
Elena Serra ◽  
Pierre Gaston Valla ◽  
Romain Delunel ◽  
Natacha Gribenski ◽  
Marcus Christl ◽  

Abstract. Disentangling the influence of bedrock erodibility from the respective roles of climate, topography and tectonic forcing on catchment denudation is often challenging in mountainous landscapes due to the diversity of geomorphic processes in action and of spatial/temporal scales involved. The Dora Baltea catchment (western Italian Alps) appears the ideal setting for such investigation, since its large drainage system, extending from the Mont Blanc Massif to the Po Plain, cuts across different major litho-tectonic units of the western Alps, whereas this region has experienced homogeneous climatic conditions and glacial history throughout the Quaternary. We acquired new 10Be-derived catchment-wide denudation rates from 18 river-sand samples collected both along the main Dora Baltea river and at the outlet of its main tributaries. The inferred denudation rate results vary between 0.2 and 0.9 mm/yr, consistent with values obtained across the European Alps by previous studies. Spatial variability in denudation rates was statistically compared with topographic, environmental and geologic metrics. 10Be-derived denudation records do not correlate with the distribution of modern precipitation and rock geodetic uplift. We find, rather, that catchment topography, in turn conditioned by bedrock erodibility (litho-tectonic origin) and glacial overprint, has the main influence on denudation rates. We calculated the highest denudation rate for the Mont Blanc Massif, whose granitoid rocks and long-term tectonic uplift support steep slopes and high relief and thus favour intense glacial/periglacial processes and recurring rock fall events. Finally, our results, in agreement with modern sediment budgets, demonstrate that the high sediment input from the Mont Blanc catchment dominates the Dora Baltea sediment flux, explaining the constant low 10Be concentrations measured along the Dora Baltea course even downstream the multiple junctions with tributary catchments.

2021 ◽  
Abby Jade Burdis

<p>New Zealand’s tectonically and climatically dynamic environment generates erosion rates that outstrip global averages by up to ten times in some locations. In order to assess recent changes in erosion rate, and also to predict future erosion dynamics, it is important to quantify long-term, background erosion. Current research on erosion in New Zealand predominantly covers short-term (100 yrs) erosion dynamics and Myr dynamics from thermochronological proxy data. Without competent medium-term denudation data for New Zealand, it is uncertain which variables (climate, anthropogenic disturbance of the landscape, tectonic uplift, lithological, or geomorphic characteristics) exert the dominant control on denudation in New Zealand. Spatially-averaged cosmogenic nuclide analysis can effectively offer this information by providing averaged rates of denudation on millennial timescales without the biases and limitations of short-term erosion methods.  Basin-averaged denudation rates were obtained in the Nelson/Tasman region, New Zealand, from analysis of concentrations of meteoric ¹⁰Be in silt and in-situ produced ¹⁰Be in quartz. The measured denudation rates integrate over ~2750 yrs (in-situ) and ~1200 yrs (meteoric). Not only do the ¹⁰Be records produce erosion rates that are remarkably consistent with each other, but they are also independent of topographic metrics. Denudation rates range from ~112 – 298 t km⁻² yr⁻¹, with the exception of one basin which is eroding at 600 - 800 t km⁻² yr⁻¹. The homogeneity of rates and absence of a significant correlation with geomorphic or lithological characteristics could indicate that the Nelson/Tasman landscape is in (or approaching) a topographic steady state.  Millennial term (¹⁰Be-derived) denudation rates are more rapid than those inferred from other conventional methods in the same region (~50 – 200 t km⁻² yr⁻¹). This is likely the result of the significant contribution of low frequency, high magnitude erosive events to overall erosion of the region. Both in-situ and meteoric ¹⁰Be analyses have the potential to provide competent millennial term estimates of natural background rates of erosion. This will allow for the assessment of geomorphic-scale impacts such as topography, tectonics, climate, and lithology on rates of denudation for the country where many conventional methods do not. Cosmogenic nuclides offer the ability to understand the response of the landscape to these factors in order to make confident erosion predictions for the future.</p>

2021 ◽  
Abby Jade Burdis

<p>New Zealand’s tectonically and climatically dynamic environment generates erosion rates that outstrip global averages by up to ten times in some locations. In order to assess recent changes in erosion rate, and also to predict future erosion dynamics, it is important to quantify long-term, background erosion. Current research on erosion in New Zealand predominantly covers short-term (100 yrs) erosion dynamics and Myr dynamics from thermochronological proxy data. Without competent medium-term denudation data for New Zealand, it is uncertain which variables (climate, anthropogenic disturbance of the landscape, tectonic uplift, lithological, or geomorphic characteristics) exert the dominant control on denudation in New Zealand. Spatially-averaged cosmogenic nuclide analysis can effectively offer this information by providing averaged rates of denudation on millennial timescales without the biases and limitations of short-term erosion methods.  Basin-averaged denudation rates were obtained in the Nelson/Tasman region, New Zealand, from analysis of concentrations of meteoric ¹⁰Be in silt and in-situ produced ¹⁰Be in quartz. The measured denudation rates integrate over ~2750 yrs (in-situ) and ~1200 yrs (meteoric). Not only do the ¹⁰Be records produce erosion rates that are remarkably consistent with each other, but they are also independent of topographic metrics. Denudation rates range from ~112 – 298 t km⁻² yr⁻¹, with the exception of one basin which is eroding at 600 - 800 t km⁻² yr⁻¹. The homogeneity of rates and absence of a significant correlation with geomorphic or lithological characteristics could indicate that the Nelson/Tasman landscape is in (or approaching) a topographic steady state.  Millennial term (¹⁰Be-derived) denudation rates are more rapid than those inferred from other conventional methods in the same region (~50 – 200 t km⁻² yr⁻¹). This is likely the result of the significant contribution of low frequency, high magnitude erosive events to overall erosion of the region. Both in-situ and meteoric ¹⁰Be analyses have the potential to provide competent millennial term estimates of natural background rates of erosion. This will allow for the assessment of geomorphic-scale impacts such as topography, tectonics, climate, and lithology on rates of denudation for the country where many conventional methods do not. Cosmogenic nuclides offer the ability to understand the response of the landscape to these factors in order to make confident erosion predictions for the future.</p>

2021 ◽  
Aaron Bufe ◽  
Kristen L. Cook ◽  
Albert Galy ◽  
Hella Wittmann ◽  
Niels Hovius

Abstract. The denudation of rocks in mountain belts exposes a range of fresh minerals to the surface of the Earth that are chemically weathered by acidic and oxygenated fluids. The impact of the resulting coupling between denudation and weathering rates fundamentally depends on the types of minerals that are weathering. Whereas silicate weathering sequesters CO2, the combination of sulfide oxidation and carbonate dissolution emits CO2 to the atmosphere. Here, we combine the concentrations of dissolved major elements in stream waters with 10Be basin-wide denudation rates from 35 small catchments in eastern Tibet to elucidate the importance of lithology in modulating the relationships between denudation rate, chemical weathering pathways, and CO2 consumption or release. Our catchments span three orders of magnitude in denudation rate in low-grade flysch, high grade metapelites, and granitoid rocks. For each stream, we estimate the concentrations of solutes sourced from silicate weathering, carbonate dissolution, and sulfide oxidation using a mixing model. We find that for all lithologies, cation concentrations from silicate weathering are largely independent of denudation rate, but solute concentrations from carbonates and, where present, sulfides increase with increasing denudation rate. With increasing denudation rates, weathering may, therefore, shift from consuming to releasing CO2 in both (meta)sedimentary and granitoid lithologies. We find that catchments draining high grade metamorphic rocks have systematically higher concentrations of sulfate from sulfide weathering than catchments containing weakly metamorphosed sediments. Moreover, our data provide tentative evidence that sulfate concentrations in these catchments are potentially more sensitive to denudation rate. We propose that changes in the sulfur oxidation state during prograde metamorphism of pelites in the mid-crust could lead to sulfate reduction that is even more complete than in low-grade sediments and provides a larger sulfide source for oxidation upon re-exposure of the rocks. In this case, the elevated concentration of sulfate in catchments draining high-grade metapelites would suggest that exposure of an increasing fraction of metamorphic rocks during orogenesis could lead to a boost in the release of CO2 that is independent of denudation rate.

2021 ◽  
Clément Desormeaux ◽  
Vincent Godard ◽  
Dimitri Lague ◽  
Guillaume Duclaux ◽  
Jules Fleury ◽  

Abstract. Long-term landscape evolution is controlled by tectonic and climatic forcing acting through surfaces processes. Rivers are the main drivers of continental denudation because they set the base level of most hillslopes and the mechanisms of fluvial incision are a key focus in geomorphological research and require accurate representation and models. River incision is often modeled with the Stream Power Model (SPM), based on the along-stream evolution of drainage area and channel elevation gradient, but can also incorporate more complex processes such as threshold effects and statistical discharge dis-tributions, which are fundamental features of river dynamics. Despite their importance in quantitative geomorphology, such model formulations have been confronted with fields data only in a limited number of cases. Here we investigate the behavior of stochastic-threshold incision models across the south-eastern margin of the Massif Central in France which is characterized by significant relief and the regular occurrence of high-discharge events. Our study is based on a new dedicated dataset combining measurements of discharge variability from gauging stations, denudation rates on 34 basins from 10Be cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) concentration measurements in river sediments, morphometric analysis of river long-profiles analysis and field observations. This new dataset is used for a systematic investigation of various formulations of the SPM and discuss the importance of incision thresholds. Denudation rates across the SE margin of the Massif Central are in the 20–120 mm/ka range and they positively correlate with slope and precipitations. However, the relationship with steepness index is complex and hints at the importance of taking into account the spatial variations in parameters controlling the SPM. Overall, the range of denudation rate across the margin can mainly be explained using a simple version of the SPM accounting for spatially heterogeneous runoff. More complex formulations including stochastic discharge and incision thresholds yield poorer performances unless spatial variations in bedload characteristics, controlling incision threshold, are taken into account. Our results highlight the importance of the hypotheses used on such threshold in SPM application to field studies and notably the impact of actual constraints on bedload size.

2021 ◽  
Vol 172 ◽  
pp. 112731
Apolline Mariotti ◽  
Jacky Croke ◽  
Rebecca Bartley ◽  
Samuel E. Kelley ◽  
Jay Ward ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (42) ◽  
pp. e2026456118
Shilei (李石磊) Li ◽  
Steven L. Goldstein ◽  
Maureen E. Raymo

Reconstructing Cenozoic history of continental silicate weathering is crucial for understanding Earth’s carbon cycle and greenhouse history. The question of whether continental silicate weathering increased during the late Cenozoic, setting the stage for glacial cycles, has remained controversial for decades. Whereas numerous independent proxies of weathering in ocean sediments (e.g., Li, Sr, and Os isotopes) have been interpreted to indicate that the continental silicate weathering rate increased in the late Cenozoic, beryllium isotopes in seawater have stood out as an important exception. Beryllium isotopes have been interpreted to indicate stable continental weathering and/or denudation rates over the last 12 Myr. Here we present a Be cycle model whose results show that variations in the 9Be weathering flux are counterbalanced by near-coastal scavenging while the cosmogenic 10Be flux from the upper atmosphere stays constant. As a result, predicted seawater 10Be/9Be ratios remain nearly constant even when global denudation and Be weathering rates increase by three orders of magnitude. Moreover, 10Be/9Be records allow for up to an 11-fold increase in Be weathering and denudation rates over the late Cenozoic, consistent with estimates from other proxies. The large increase in continental weathering indicated by multiple proxies further suggests that the increased CO2 consumption by continental weathering, driven by mountain-building events, was counterbalanced by other geological processes to prevent a runaway icehouse condition during the late Cenozoic. These processes could include enhanced carbonate dissolution via pyrite weathering, accelerated oxidation of fossil organic carbon, and/or reduced basalt weathering as the climate cooled.

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