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Mykhaylo Puzyryov ◽  
Lyudmyla Olefir

The article substantiates a socio-legal conditionality for introduction of the institute of probation supervision over convicts on parole into the legislation of Ukraine. It was found that the need to exert a certain influence (supervisory, educational, etc.) over convicts on parole is not new and is evidenced not only by foreign but also domestic history of criminal and executive law. The analysis of modern foreign approaches has shown that the procedure of parole provides for two interrelated stages: 1) release of a person from a penitentiary institution; 2) establishing supervision over him/her after release. It is noted that the assignment of the function of exercising control over convicts on parole to probation authorities will ensure the implementation of this post-penitentiary area on a professional basis. The substantiation of probation authorities as subjects of supervision over convicts on parole is based on the following provisions of international and Ukrainian legislation: 1) The Law of Ukraine «On Probation» provides for penitentiary probation, which, according to Part 1 of Article 11, means the preparation of persons serving a punishment of restraint of liberty or im-prisonment for a fixed term, to release for employment and accommodation of such persons after release at their chosen place of residence. In view of this, probation authorities work with the persons in respect of whom measures for preparation for parole are carried out; and it will be logical if after the release, in order to consolidate the results of correction and re-socialization, the mentioned authorities will continue to work with the released persons; 2) Paragraph 12 of Recommendation Rec(2003)22 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on conditional release (parole) provides that the preparation for conditional release should be organized in close collaboration with all relevant personnel working in prison and those involved in post-release supervision, and be concluded before the end of the minimum or fixed period. Thus, international legal acts adhere to the position on the unity of the subject involved in the process of preparation of parole and su-pervision over convicts on parole.

Sh. Nurman ◽  

In the article, the author considers the problem of development of history textbooks in the Soviet period, in particular, the situation in 1920-1930 on the basis of materials of historiography and decrees of the Soviet authorities. The author identifies and substantiates the intricacies of the formation of uniform Soviet identity in history textbooks, which dates back to the years of Soviet rule in Kazakhstan. Thus, analyses relevant cases from Kazakhstan. Moreover, the contribution of Kazakhstani public figures and scientists of the early twentieth century in the development of textbooks and programs on domestic history is investigated. The article discusses the changes in Soviet historical science in the 1930s. It is concluded that the formation of the Soviet historical concept had an impact on national history.


In the history of Ukraine, the part of a woman is special. She must not only continue generation and educate one in the national-Christian spirit but also protect it even with arms in her hands. In this aspect, the Ukrainian woman's mission is special as in domestic history and the world's one. If we look at the retrospective fate of a woman, then we could see several specific types: 1) the mistress and stateswoman (for example – the great Kyiv princess Olga-Helena); 2) the lady of foreign lands (for example – Regine: Anna Yaroslavna, wife of king Henrich I of France: Nastia Lisovska which we know as Roxolana); 3) the lady of a word (Marko Vovchok, Lesia Ukrainka, Olha Kobylianska, etc.); 4) the public figure and Samaritan; 5) the woman-warrior. Time of state struggle educated such type. Here we can see «the beautiful part» in two roles: the woman as a soldier (Olena Stepanivna, Sofiia Halechko, Handzia Dmyterko) and the woman as a participant in the underground movement (Olha Basarab, Dariia Hnatkivska, Kateryna Zarytska, etc.) In the time of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UIA), this difference disappeared: women were members in the underground movement and soldiers, and writers, and Samaritans at the same time (Marta Hai, Bohdana Svitlyk). This publication aims to show the most characteristic and bright heroic and sacrifice acts of Ukrainian women (and men). This publication has four short chapters about our women, who, together with men, struggled for Ukraine's independence. They supported men; they were long and hard terms in prison – GULAG. Many such women were killed, but they did not stop their struggle and showed many examples of fidelity and strength. Now such women are bright examples, especially for heroic women who fight nowadays in Eastern Ukraine. Keywords: Mykhailo Soroka, Kateryna Zarytska, Mykola Rudenko, Raisa Rudenko, Mykola Sarma-Sokolovskyi, Varvara Klymko, Nataliia Shukhevych, Mutalif Hehraiev, Kharytia Kononenko, Ulas Samchuk, «Protses of 59», Oleksandra Pidhirska, Nadiia Surovtsova, Olha Duchyminska, Iryna Senyk.

Вера Анатольевна Холопова

В статье исследуется резной ларец XVIII века из Вятского художественного музея имени В.М. и А.М. Васнецовых. После реставрации предмета стало возможным полностью прочитать текст, который раскрывает имена дарителя и одариваемого, а также события, связанные с отечественной историей тяжелой промышленности. The article explores a carved chest of the 18th century from the Vyatka Art Museum named after V.M. and A.M. Vasnetsov. After the restoration of the object, it became possible to fully read the text, which reveals the names of the donor and the presentee, as well as events related to the domestic history of heavy industry.

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