BULLETIN Series Historical and socio-political sciences
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Published By Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


Vecihi Sefa Fuat Hekimoğlu ◽  

In this article briefly provides bibliographic information about the historical development of Turkicness and the Turkism movement.Before proceeding to the information about the studies and authors,who written on the topic, the process of formation of the concepts of Turkishness and Turkism is described.It has been stated that the Turkism movement in the Ottomans was influenced by Western orientalists.Information was given about the books in which Turkists such as Ziya Gökalp and Yusuf Akçura expressed their views.Finally, studies giving information about the Turkestan independence struggle were introduced. More studies are needed on the subject in libraries and archives of Turkey and the world. The archives of the Russian Federation and former Soviet republics are among the most important resource centers on the national independence movements of the Turks under Russian rule and the development of the ideal of Turkish unity. For example, in funds numbered 1, I-1, 1010 and I-47 in the Uzbekistan State Archives, there are very important documents about the activities carried out by the Turkestan Turks for their national independence and the measures taken by the competent Russian authorities against them. Among these documents, there are many reports prepared by the Russian administrators and the papers they presented. There is very important information about the position of Islam in Turkestan, the struggle of the people of Turkestan against Russian rule, the work of Tatar teachers in the Cedit schools and the measures taken by the administration of tsarist Russia against the Jadit schools and Tatar teachers.

Zh.Zh. Zhenis ◽  

The origin and purpose of juzes is one of the most important issues in the historiography of Kazakhstan. Despite significant changes in methodological approaches to the study of the history of the Kazakh people, disagreements still persist.Zhuzes became a real form of social and political organization of the Kazakh people. Scientists do not have a consensus about the time of the appearance of juzes, the reasons for their appearance and the internal structure.In Kazakhstani historiography, Juzes are recognized as an integral part of a single Kazakh nation and traditionally established unions of tribes inhabiting their territories.As a result of religious and spiritual processes in the Golden Horde, and then in the Kazakh Khanate, the division of the state and tribes into three parts gradually acquired a religious and spiritual character. After the reorganization of tribal organizations and Juzes, genealogical ties and Juz systems played an important role in the sphere of power and ideological relations. Kazakh biys regulated the organization and interaction of Kazakhs as a single ethnic group. This was mainly due to the consumer orientation of the nomadic economy, as well as spiritual and ideological needs. Therefore, the system of genealogical kinship and dynasties played an important ideological and regulatory role in the life of a nomadic society.Key words:Kazakh ethnos, zhuzes, yassaviya tarikat, spiritual and religious processes, biys institute, historical process, ethnogenesis.

A.S. Zhuman ◽  
B.R. Ospanova ◽  

The article analyzes the artistic and cognitive significance of Saif Sarai's work «Gulistan bi-Turki». It is assumed that the work is accompanied by customs closely related to the life of humanity. The literary heritage of Saif Sarai, written during the Golden Horde, emphasizes the importance of customs not only of the Turkic peoples, but also of other common peoples in human life. The article states that the work of Saif Sarai serves as a means of continuing spiritual education, which is passed down from generation to generation. The author's work «Gulistan bi-Turki» is very important for spiritual education of young people in terms of cultural value. It deals with the spiritual culture of a person, the perception of the soul through his mind, responsibility, and factors that influence the formation of a person's behavior. Therefore, if a person consisting of these feelings – his life and its course-is a set of spiritual phenomena, it will certainly continue yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The article differentiates that each representative of the world's nation perceives the world civilization through its national code, worldview, and national consciousness formed in it, and seeks to develop it flexibly in accordance with the traditions and customs of its nation. Literary works common to Turkic-speaking peoples, including the presence of common sources in understanding the language of the Kazakh people, make Saif Sarai's works valuable. The article notes that the study of the existence of common sources in the study of ethnography of the Kazakh people in the works of Saif Sarayi is a topical problem today.

E.O. Stolyarova ◽  

The article presents some results of the sociological study " Values and social practices of the Kazakh youth (on the example of the East Kazakhstan region)". The main attention is paid to the comparison of the level and direction of interest in the events of socio-political life in three groups of respondents who differ in the time of socialization in the urban environment – indigenous citizens (group A), who recently came to the city from rural areas to study or work(group B), and those who spent their childhood in the rural areas, but have been undergoing the process of adaptation to the urban lifestyle for several years (group C). Thus, it becomes possible to see the impact of the urbanization factor on changes in the system of interests and values of young people. The article presents an assessment of the formation of interest in public and political events, depending on the duration of the urban socialization period.

B.S. Zhumagulov ◽  

In the article analysed measures are conducted on liquidation of hunger it is Underlined in Kazakhstan 1920-1922, that authorities of Kazakhstan used all possibilities for stopping of hunger, that attracted attention Central Soviet power to the catastrophic situation for the habitants of republic. From Moscow done suggestion on helping to the people history of that has the specific, it is talked about difficulties and contradictions in realization of first political, economic, cultural and other directions of activity of peaceful structures of Soviet power. In the indicated terms Soviet power had in the earliest possible dates to complete this major step, undertaking measures on erection and further development of economy, subject to the crisis, falling of the productivity and depression. At this time soviet power appeared on the stage of maximal cutback of economic activity. And new agitations followed on him. Events of 1920th are in Russia, civil conflicts affected all spheres the countries, caused by enormous destructions, falling, depression, shock of their population, poverty and hunger.

S.К. Tulbasieva ◽  

The article examines the history of the popular uprising against violent collectivization in the Soviet style in Kazakhstan, which began in the late 1980s and gained independence in the late 1980s. Anti-Soviet, anti-Soviet uprisings of the Soviet era, including the unique Suzak uprising, were not studied until the period of independence. There is a lot of information about the Suzakov uprising both in the archives and in official documents. He recalls the memories of an old man who witnessed historical events and witnessed the sad stories of those who witnessed them in private. In addition, the article analyzes significant research work that can fully correspond to the processes of political, social and economic development that took place in the 20-30s of the twentieth century. The article provides a critical analysis of the opinions and historiographic works of researchers of the history of deported Kazakhstani peasants convicted of forced collectivization of Soviet-style agriculture. In particular, the works of Talas Omarbekov, Mukhamedzhan Rustemov, Zhaksylyk Rymbekov, Suleimen Tabirizovich, Dulat Turantegi, Zharylkasyn Boranbaev and Utesh Kyrgyzbaev are analyzed.

Zh.A. Kusaynova ◽  

In this article, methodologists - scientists who have devoted their work to the educational essence of history lessons, moral and patriotic education, pay special attention to the formation of a sense of patriotism, consider effective ways and methods of its organization. In the implementation of the tasks of patriotic education, the place of the subject of the history of Kazakhstan taught at the school is determined and determined by the following methodological conditions. In the methodological works, taking into account the methods and techniques that have an educational impact on students in teaching history, it was found that the use of the following methodology in the experimental class is effective. The results of the experiment showed the effectiveness of using the possibilities of active teaching methods and innovative technologies that have an educational impact on students in teaching the history of Kazakhstan. In the experimental group, materials were selected that have an educational impact on students in teaching the history of Kazakhstan, make them think, evaluate, and on the basis of which historical facts, ideas, clear, concrete facts, and influence the feelings of students give rise to certain ideas and beliefs. The influence of such selected facts has shown that the more students think and reflect, the stronger the effect. In the course of research, guided by these recommendations, we were convinced of the need for continuous improvement of active methodological approaches to patriotic education.

S.B. Dautova ◽  

The article emphasizes the importance of the need to preserve the national code of the Kazakh people indicated in the article of the first President of Kazakhstan "Orientation to the future: spiritual rebirth". In addition, the written monuments of the Golden Horde era tell about the traditions and customs that influence the revival of public consciousness, forming the cultural code of our people. And also, in the works of Nasiruddin Bakhanddin Rabguzi, the concept of worldview is explained from a religious point of view, nevertheless, it is accompanied by customs closely related to human life. Rabguzi's literary heritage, written during the time of the Golden Horde, emphasizes the importance of the customs of not only Turkic peoples, but also other peoples in human life. The article says that the work of Rabguzi serves as a tool for the continuation of spiritual education, passed on from generation to generation of the Turkic people. The work "Kisas-ul Anbiya" is a very important work in the spiritual education of young people from the point of view of cultural value. The factors influencing the formation of human behavior and the perception of the soul through spiritual culture, reason, responsibility in a person are considered. If a person consists of these feelings - his life and its course are a combination of spiritual phenomena, it will certainly continue yesterday, today and tomorrow. The article analyzes the fact that every nation of the world perceives world civilization through its national code, worldview, national consciousness and seeks to flexibly develop it in accordance with the traditions and customs of its nation. The works of Rabguzi are valued for the fact that there are common literary works common to the Turkic-speaking peoples, including the study of ethnography and understanding of the language of the Kazakh people. The article says that the study of the presence of common sources in the study of the ethnography of the Kazakh people in the work of Rabguzi is an urgent problem today.

T.T. Dalayeva ◽  
А.К. Nurgaliyev ◽  

In general science, the concepts of "sacred" and "sacred" are comprehensively considered by the phenomenology of religion. The phenomenology of religion, analyzing these concepts, gives the following definitions. A saint is a value, or an action, given or created by the creator. In other words, it means sanctity, sanctity. And the concept of holiness is used in the implementation of these divine values, or actions. This concept is usually used in religious rituals and Customs. Sanctification is often characterized by the process of purification, removal, for example, exhalation, removal with a healing plant with adraspan, etc. The article provides a definition of the broad meaning of the concepts of" sacred "and" sacred " for the Kazakh people. Based on this, the research paper presents the results of the study of the history of the sacred place "sacred Arasan – Korasan" in Besmoynak village of Zhambyl District of Almaty region, the ways of religious and ritual pilgrimage of pilgrims, the sacral nature of springs, their importance in healing and healing, their place in the development of tourism, the name of the sacred place in general. The publication in the scientific literature of information about the sacred place of Arasan, about the properties of underground springs in it, contributed to the fact that this place was included in the list of sacred objects of interregional Kazakhstan, including Semirechye, and was protected by the state.

K. Akparova ◽  
M. Eskendirov ◽  

According to archival sources, in the 1920s-1930s, a number of cultural institutions were opened in Semipalatinsk: a teacher's institute, a drama theater, a printing house, etc. So, in 1920 the first working faculty with Kazakh and Russian branches was opened in Semipalatinsk. It was created on the basis of the Semipalatinsk Institute of Public Education. In the article, we do not talk in detail around the exploitation of the exert pressure in the department of the East Kazakhstan region in the specified chronological framework. This topic is quite developed today; one should only note the intensification of the struggle of various political parties and movements at this time, reflecting their views and beliefs on the pages of magazines and newspapers. The leading sphere of the research is the study of the concrete historical process. In this regard, the study of culture in the Semipalatinsk region in 20-30s of the twentieth century is of significant scientific interest in terms of analyzing the development of education and culture among the people. Education plays a crucial role in the development of society, its level and quality demonstrate the general state of the economy and the degree of the state development. Thus, based on the analysis of the work done, a picture is formed of how culture was used as a tool for introducing the prevailing political and party-state values ​​into the minds of people for the spiritual strengthening and consolidation of the socio-political system.

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