anisotropic elastic
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Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 638
Ofer Tevet ◽  
David Svetlizky ◽  
David Harel ◽  
Zahava Barkay ◽  
Dolev Geva ◽  

Additively manufactured (AM) materials and hot rolled materials are typically orthotropic, and exhibit anisotropic elastic properties. This paper elucidates the anisotropic elastic properties (Young’s modulus, shear modulus, and Poisson’s ratio) of Ti6Al4V alloy in four different conditions: three AM (by selective laser melting, SLM, electron beam melting, EBM, and directed energy deposition, DED, processes) and one wrought alloy (for comparison). A specially designed polygon sample allowed measurement of 12 sound wave velocities (SWVs), employing the dynamic pulse-echo ultrasonic technique. In conjunction with the measured density values, these SWVs enabled deriving of the tensor of elastic constants (Cij) and the three-dimensional (3D) Young’s moduli maps. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and micro-computed tomography (μCT) were employed to characterize the grain size and orientation as well as porosity and other defects which could explain the difference in the measured elastic constants of the four materials. All three types of AM materials showed only minor anisotropy. The wrought (hot rolled) alloy exhibited the highest density, virtually pore-free μCT images, and the highest ultrasonic anisotropy and polarity behavior. EBSD analysis revealed that a thin β-phase layer that formed along the elongated grain boundaries caused the ultrasonic polarity behavior. The finding that the elastic properties depend on the manufacturing process and on the angle relative to either the rolling direction or the AM build direction should be taken into account in the design of products. The data reported herein is valuable for materials selection and finite element analyses in mechanical design. The pulse-echo measurement procedure employed in this study may be further adapted and used for quality control of AM materials and parts.

Christoph Oefner ◽  
Elena Riemer ◽  
Kerstin Funke ◽  
Michael Werner ◽  
Christoph-Eckhard Heyde ◽  

AbstractIn biomechanics, large finite element models with macroscopic representation of several bones or joints are necessary to analyze implant failure mechanisms. In order to handle large simulation models of human bone, it is crucial to homogenize the trabecular structure regarding the mechanical behavior without losing information about the realistic material properties. Accordingly, morphology and fabric measurements of 60 vertebral cancellous bone samples from three osteoporotic lumbar spines were performed on the basis of X-ray microtomography (μCT) images to determine anisotropic elastic parameters as a function of bone density in the area of pedicle screw anchorage. The fabric tensor was mapped in cubic bone volumes by a 3D mean-intercept-length method. Fabric measurements resulted in a high degree of anisotropy (DA = 0.554). For the Young’s and shear moduli as a function of bone volume fraction (BV/TV, bone volume/total volume), an individually fit function was determined and high correlations were found (97.3 ≤ R2 ≤ 99.1,p < 0.005). The results suggest that the mathematical formulation for the relationship between anisotropic elastic constants and BV/TV is applicable to current μCT data of cancellous bone in the osteoporotic lumbar spine. In combination with the obtained results and findings, the developed routine allows determination of elastic constants of osteoporotic lumbar spine. Based on this, the elastic constants determined using homogenization theory can enable efficient investigation of human bone using finite element analysis (FEA).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (398) ◽  
pp. 138-147
Alexandr Kleschev ◽  

Object and purpose of research. This paper discusses diffraction parameters of isotropic and anisotropic elastic scatterers, demonstrating that transversally isotropic bodies with a certain orientation of their planes of isotropy might be regarded as isotropic scatterers with similar size, shape and physical parameters. Materials and methods. Diffraction theory methods in solution of boundary problems and equations of dynamic elasticity theory for isotropic and anisotropic bodies. Main results. Calculation of moduli for angular parameters, as well as of relative back-scattering sections for isotropic and anisotropic scatterers of various shapes. Conclusion. The studies demonstrated that if transversally isotropic bodies of various shapes have a certain orientation of their planes of isotropy and a certain vector of a plane wave falling onto them, their reflection parameters, like relative backscattering sections and angular scattering characteristic of an anisotropic body are the same as those for isotropic bodies of similar size, shape and elasticity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 67-74
E. Baesu ◽  
DM. Iliescu ◽  
BV. Radoiu ◽  
S. Halichidis

Abstract Bone is a complex material that can be regarded as an anisotropic elastic composite material. The problem of crack propagation in human bone is analyzed by using a generalization of the maximum tensile stress criterion (MTS). The results concern the critical stress for crack propagation and the direction of the crack path in Iliac bone.

Ülkü Bayhan ◽  
İnanç Yilmaz

The structural, elastic, anisotropic elastic, electronic, vibrational and properties of the Perovskite type Hydrides RbXH3 (X = Be, Ca, Mg) were performed via Vienna Ab &ndash; initio Simulation Pac-kage (VASP) based on Density Functional Theory (DFT). Our results have exhibited a well-agreement with previous calculations and experiments for each compound. In order to de-termine physical properties of RbXH3 has been used the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) with Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional at this study. Present compounds were found to be mechanically stable as well as their gravimetric hydrogen storage capacities has been investigated. The Perovskite type Hydrides RbBeH3 and RbMgH3 has an indirect bandgap of 0.274 eV and 2.209 eV while RbCaH3 has a direct bandgap of 3.274 eV respectively and therefo-re these compounds has shown a semiconductor behaviour at equilibrium. Besides directional dependence of anisotropic properties was visualized by representing them with maximum - mi-nimum points..

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2739
Shahram Yalameha ◽  
Zahra Nourbakhsh ◽  
Ali Ramazani ◽  
Daryoosh Vashaee

Using first-principles calculations, we predict highly stable cubic bialkali bismuthides Cs(Na, K)2Bi with several technologically important mechanical and anisotropic elastic properties. We investigate the mechanical and anisotropic elastic properties under hydrostatic tension and compression. At zero pressure, CsK2Bi is characterized by elastic anisotropy with maximum and minimum stiffness along the directions of [111] and [100], respectively. Unlike CsK2Bi, CsNa2Bi exhibits almost isotropic elastic behavior at zero pressure. We found that hydrostatic tension and compression change the isotropic and anisotropic mechanical responses of these compounds. Moreover, the auxetic nature of the CsK2Bi compound is tunable under pressure. This compound transforms into a material with a positive Poisson’s ratio under hydrostatic compression, while it holds a large negative Poisson’s ratio of about −0.45 along the [111] direction under hydrostatic tension. An auxetic nature is not observed in CsNa2Bi, and Poisson’s ratio shows completely isotropic behavior under hydrostatic compression. A directional elastic wave velocity analysis shows that hydrostatic pressure effectively changes the propagation pattern of the elastic waves of both compounds and switches the directions of propagation. Cohesive energy, phonon dispersion, and Born–Huang conditions show that these compounds are thermodynamically, mechanically, and dynamically stable, confirming the practical feasibility of their synthesis. The identified mechanisms for controlling the auxetic and anisotropic elastic behavior of these compounds offer a vital feature for designing and developing high-performance nanoscale electromechanical devices.

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