electron backscatter diffraction
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2022 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
Ruth Birch ◽  
Thomas Benjamin Britton

Materials with an allotropic phase transformation can form microstructures where grains have orientation relationships determined by the transformation history. These microstructures influence the final material properties. In zirconium alloys, there is a solid-state body-centred cubic (b.c.c.) to hexagonal close-packed (h.c.p.) phase transformation, where the crystal orientations of the h.c.p. phase can be related to the parent b.c.c. structure via the Burgers orientation relationship (BOR). In the present work, a reconstruction code, developed for steels and which uses a Markov chain clustering algorithm to analyse electron backscatter diffraction maps, is adapted and applied to the h.c.p./b.c.c. BOR. This algorithm is released as open-source code (via github, as ParentBOR). The algorithm enables new post-processing of the original and reconstructed data sets to analyse the variants of the h.c.p. α phase that are present and understand shared crystal planes and shared lattice directions within each parent β grain; it is anticipated that this will assist in understanding the transformation-related deformation properties of the final microstructure. Finally, the ParentBOR code is compared with recently released reconstruction codes implemented in MTEX to reveal differences and similarities in how the microstructure is described.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 638
Ofer Tevet ◽  
David Svetlizky ◽  
David Harel ◽  
Zahava Barkay ◽  
Dolev Geva ◽  

Additively manufactured (AM) materials and hot rolled materials are typically orthotropic, and exhibit anisotropic elastic properties. This paper elucidates the anisotropic elastic properties (Young’s modulus, shear modulus, and Poisson’s ratio) of Ti6Al4V alloy in four different conditions: three AM (by selective laser melting, SLM, electron beam melting, EBM, and directed energy deposition, DED, processes) and one wrought alloy (for comparison). A specially designed polygon sample allowed measurement of 12 sound wave velocities (SWVs), employing the dynamic pulse-echo ultrasonic technique. In conjunction with the measured density values, these SWVs enabled deriving of the tensor of elastic constants (Cij) and the three-dimensional (3D) Young’s moduli maps. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and micro-computed tomography (μCT) were employed to characterize the grain size and orientation as well as porosity and other defects which could explain the difference in the measured elastic constants of the four materials. All three types of AM materials showed only minor anisotropy. The wrought (hot rolled) alloy exhibited the highest density, virtually pore-free μCT images, and the highest ultrasonic anisotropy and polarity behavior. EBSD analysis revealed that a thin β-phase layer that formed along the elongated grain boundaries caused the ultrasonic polarity behavior. The finding that the elastic properties depend on the manufacturing process and on the angle relative to either the rolling direction or the AM build direction should be taken into account in the design of products. The data reported herein is valuable for materials selection and finite element analyses in mechanical design. The pulse-echo measurement procedure employed in this study may be further adapted and used for quality control of AM materials and parts.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 650
Lenka Kunčická ◽  
Radim Kocich ◽  
Petr Kačor ◽  
Michal Jambor ◽  
Miroslav Jopek

The nature of alternating current transfer via metallic materials is specific, since the current density tends to be inhomogeneous across the cross-section of the conductor and the skin effect tends to occur. However, the influence of this effect on the behaviour of the conductor can be optimized via the design and fabrication procedures. The study presents innovative design of an Al–Cu clad conductor, which is supposed to affect favourably the influence of the skin effect. The clad conductors of various diameters (20 mm, 15 mm, and 10 mm) were fabricated via rotary swaging at room temperature, and their electric characteristics were subsequently examined both experimentally and via numerical simulations. Structure analyses performed to document the effects of the swaging technology on the development of substructure and characteristic structural features were carried out by scanning electron microscopy (electron backscatter diffraction analyses), and transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that the design of the composite has a favourable effect on decreasing the power losses during alternating current transfer and that the substructure development affected favourably the electric resistance of the conductor. The highest electric resistance was measured for the composite conductor with the diameter of 20 mm (1.8% increase compared to electric resistance during transfer of direct current). This value then decreased to 0.6%, and 0.1% after swaging down to the diameters of 15 mm, and 10 mm; the 10 mm composite featured the finest grains, partially restored structure, and texture randomization compared to the 20 mm and 15 mm composites. Manufacturing of the clad composite via rotary swaging imparted advantageous combinations of both the electric and mechanical properties, as swaging also introduced increased microhardness.

Metals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Ki-Hong Kim ◽  
Won-Beom Lee ◽  
Tae-Hwan Kim ◽  
Seok-Won Son

Potential-controlled nitriding is an effective technique for enhancing the life of steel molds and dies by improving their surface hardness and toughness against fatigue damage. In this study, the effect of the nitriding potential on the microstructure and fracture toughness of nitrided AISI D2 steels was investigated. The nitrided layers were characterized by microhardness measurements, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy, and their phases were identified by X-ray and electron backscatter diffraction. As the nitriding potential increased to 2.0 atm−1/2, an increase in the surface hardness and fracture toughness was observed with the growth of the compound layer. However, both the surface hardness and the fracture toughness decreased at the higher nitriding potential of 5.0 atm−1/2 owing to the increased porosity in the compound layers, which mainly consist of the ε (Fe2–3N) phase. Additionally, by observing crack growth behavior, the fracture toughness was analyzed considering the material characteristics of the diffusion and compound layers. The fracture toughness was influenced by the location of the initial Palmqvist cracks due to the localized plastic deformation of the diffusion layer and increased crack length due to the porous compound layer.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 539
Shima Pashangeh ◽  
Seyed Sadegh Ghasemi Banadkouki ◽  
Mahesh Somani ◽  
Jukka Kömi

This work deals with the kinetic aspects of bainite formation during isothermal holding above and below the martensite start (Ms~275 °C) temperature using a low-alloy, high-silicon DIN 1.5025 steel in a range suitable for achieving ultrafine/nanostructured bainite. Dilatation measurements were conducted to study transformation behaviour and kinetics, while the microstructural features were examined using laser scanning confocal microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) techniques combined with hardness measurements. The results showed that for isothermal holding above the Ms temperature, the maximum bainitic transformation rate decreased with the decrease in isothermal holding temperature between 450 and 300 °C. On the other hand, for isothermal holding below the Ms temperature at 250 and 200 °C, the maximum rate of transformation was achieved corresponding to region I due to the partitioning of carbon and also possibly because of the ledged growth of isothermal martensite soon after the start of isothermal holding. In addition, a second peak was obvious at about 100 and 500 s, respectively, during holding at 250 and 200 °C due to the occurrence of bainitic transformation, marking the beginning of region II.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-353
Meiqi Dai ◽  
Xuemei Song ◽  
Chucheng Lin ◽  
Ziwei Liu ◽  
Wei Zheng ◽  

AbstractYttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) coatings and Al2O3-YSZ coatings were prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS). Their microstructural changes during thermal cycling were investigated via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was found that the microstructure and microstructure changes of the two coatings were different, including crystallinity, grain orientation, phase, and phase transition. These differences are closely related to the thermal cycle life of the coatings. There is a relationship between crystallinity and crack size. Changes in grain orientation are related to microscopic strain and cracks. Phase transition is the direct cause of coating failure. In this study, the relationship between the changes in the coating microstructure and the thermal cycle life is discussed in detail. The failure mechanism of the coating was comprehensively analyzed from a microscopic perspective.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 501
Mikhail L. Lobanov ◽  
Vladislav A. Khotinov ◽  
Vladimir N. Urtsev ◽  
Sergey V. Danilov ◽  
Nikolay V. Urtsev ◽  

Thermo-mechanical controlled processing (TMCP) is employed to obtain the required level of mechanical properties of contemporary HSLA steel plates utilized for gas and oil pipeline production. The strength and crack resistance of pipeline steels are mainly determined by its microstructure and crystallographic texture. In this study, the influence of the structural and textural states of industrially produced API-5L X70-X80 pipeline steels on tensile mechanical properties was analyzed. TMCP routes with different hot rolling temperatures and cooling rates were employed. The texture of steel was assessed using the Taylor factor, which was calculated based on electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The decrease in rolling temperature resulted in the sharper texture characterized by {001} planes banding (cleavage planes in the bcc lattice) parallel to rolling direction. The tensile deformation behavior at the stage of necking was determined by the crystallographic and morphological texture of the material and demonstrated significant anisotropy. Rupture of all investigated samples was accompanied by the development of splitting on the fracture surface. The splitting was localized in the rolling plane similar to the splitting in standard Charpy tests of pipeline steels.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Yi-Yun Tsai ◽  
Yi-Chen Pan ◽  
Jui-Chao Kuo

AbstractA raw electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) signal can be empirically decomposed into a Kikuchi diffraction pattern and a smooth background. For pattern indexing, the latter is generally undesirable but can reveal topographical, compositional, or diffraction contrast. In this study, we proposed a new background correction method using polynomial fitting (PF) algorithm to obtain clear Kikuchi diffraction patterns for some applications in nonconductive materials due to coating problems, at low accelerated voltage and at rough sample surfaces and for the requirement of high pattern quality in HR-EBSD. To evaluate the quality metrics of the Kikuchi patterns, we initially used three indices, namely, pattern quality, Tenengrad variance, and spatial–spectral entropy-based quality to detect the clarity, contrast, and noise of Kikuchi patterns obtained at 5 and 15 kV. Then, we examined the performance of PF method by comparing it with pattern averaging and Fourier transform-based methods. Finally, this PF background correction is demonstrated to extract the background images from the blurred diffraction patterns of EBSD measurements at low kV accelerating voltage and with coating layer, and to provide clear Kikuchi patterns successfully.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 509
Housseme Ben Boubaker ◽  
Pascal Laheurte ◽  
Gael Le Coz ◽  
Seyyed-Saeid Biriaie ◽  
Paul Didier ◽  

In order to simulate micromachining of Ti-Nb medical devices produced in situ by selective laser melting, it is necessary to use constitutive models that allow one to reproduce accurately the material behavior under extreme loading conditions. The identification of these models is often performed using experimental tension or compression data. In this work, compression tests are conducted to investigate the impact of the loading conditions and the laser-based powder bed fusion (LB-PBF) building directions on the mechanical behavior of β-Ti42Nb alloy. Compression tests are performed under two strain rates (1 s−1 and 10 s−1) and four temperatures (298 K, 673 K, 873 K and 1073 K). Two LB-PBF building directions are used for manufacturing the compression specimens. Therefore, different metallographic analyses (i.e., optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and X-ray diffraction) have been carried out on the deformed specimens to gain insight into the impact of the loading conditions on microstucture alterations. According to the results, whatever the loading conditions are, specimens manufactured with a building direction of 45∘ exhibit higher flow stress than those produced with a building direction of 90∘, highlighting the anisotropy of the as-LB-PBFed alloy. Additionally, the deformed alloy exhibits at room temperature a yielding strength of 1180 ± 40 MPa and a micro-hardness of 310 ± 7 HV0.1. Experimental observations demonstrated two strain localization modes: a highly deformed region corresponding to the localization of the plastic deformation in the central region of specimens and perpendicular to the compression direction and an adiabatic shear band oriented with an angle of ±45 with respect to same direction.

Xu Lu ◽  
Dong Wang ◽  
Di Wan ◽  
Xiaofei Guo ◽  
Roy Johnsen

AbstractIn this study, the effect of hydrogen on dislocation and twinning behavior along various grain boundaries in a high-manganese twinning-induced plasticity steel was investigated using an in situ micropillar compression test. The compressive stress in both elastic and plastic regimes was increased with the presence of hydrogen. Further investigation by transmission electron backscatter diffraction and scanning transmission electron microscope demonstrated that hydrogen promoted both dislocation multiplication and twin formation, which resulted in higher stress concentration at twin–twin and twin–grain boundary intersections.

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