landscape mapping
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Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 474
Evgenia V. Dorokhova ◽  
Francisco J. Rodríguez-Tovar ◽  
Dmitry V. Dorokhov ◽  
Liubov A. Kuleshova ◽  
Anxo Mena ◽  

Multidisciplinary studies have allowed us to describe the abiotic landscapes and, thus, reveal the ichnological and benthic foraminifera trends in a deep-water gateway. Mesoscale landscape mapping is presented based on the bathymetric position index, substrate types and near-bottom water temperature. Four sediment cores, retrieved from the entrance, centre and exit of the gap, were subject to computed tomography, ichnological and benthic foraminifera studies. A high diversity of abiotic landscapes in the relatively small area of Discovery Gap is detected and its landscape is characterized by 23 landscape types. The most heterogeneous abiotic factor is a topography that is associated with sediment patchiness and substrate variability. The ichnological and tomographical studies of the sediment cores demonstrate lateral and temporal differences in the macrobenthic tracemaker behaviour. The ichnofossils assemblage of the sediment core can be assigned to the Zoophycos ichnofacies with a higher presence of Zoophycos in the entrance site of the gap and during glacial intervals. Higher benthic foraminifera diversity and species richness during the Holocene are also registered in the southern part of the gap compared to the northern part. The spatial and temporal differences in macro-benthos behavior and benthic foraminifera distribution in the deep-water gateway are proposed to relate to the topographical variations of the Antarctic Bottom Water and its influence on the hydrodynamic regime, nutrient transport, etc.

2021 ◽  
S M Nazmuz Sakib

LIDAR data has proved useful in recent years since it gives information such as item height and attributes, statistics over large regions, and it all becomes available by capturing the intensity of backscattered pulses in addition to 3D coordinates. “A LiDAR may generate a 2D angle image as well as a 3D picture containing angle/angle/range information. A LiDAR can directly measure range in each pixel since it controls when light is emitted, allowing it to calculate range based on the time of flight (ToF) to and from the object in a particular pixel. If there is enough signal, a 3D picture can also have grayscale and colour”. Coherent LiDAR can detect velocity quite precisely. Brief descriptions of airborne laser scanning technology [also known as "light detection and ranging" (LIDAR)] and research findings on its application in forest assessment and monitoring are included. Many airborne laser scanning missions are being flown with terrain mapping requirements, leading to data sets that are missing important data for vegetation evaluation. As a result, standards and criteria for airborne laser scanning missions are needed to guarantee that they are used for vegetation measurement and monitoring instead of merely landscape mapping (e.g., delivery of all return data with reflection intensity).

2021 ◽  
pp. 153-174
Feilin Lai ◽  
Atharva Sharma ◽  
Xiuwen Liu ◽  
Xiaojun Yang

2021 ◽  
Tzahi Gabzi ◽  
Yitzhak Tzachi Pilpel ◽  
Tamar Friedlander

Fitness landscape mapping and the prediction of evolutionary trajectories on these landscapes are major tasks in evolutionary biology research. Evolutionary dynamics is tightly linked to the landscape topography, but this relation is not straightforward. Models predict different evolutionary outcomes depending on mutation rates: high-fitness genotypes should dominate the population under low mutation rates and lower-fitness, mutationally robust (also called 'flat') genotypes - at higher mutation rates. Yet, so far, flat genotypes have been demonstrated in very few cases, particularly in viruses. The quantitative conditions for their emergence were studied only in simplified single-locus, two-peak landscapes. In particular, it is unclear whether within the same genome some genes can be flat while the remaining ones are fit. Here, we analyze a previously measured fitness landscape of a yeast tRNA gene. We found that the wild type allele is sub-optimal, but is mutationally robust ('flat'). Using computer simulations, we estimated the critical mutation rate in which transition from fit to flat allele should occur for a gene with such characteristics. We then used a scaling argument to extrapolate this critical mutation rate for a full genome, assuming the same mutation rate for all genes. Finally, we propose that while the majority of genes are still selected to be fittest, there are a few mutation hot-spots like the tRNA, for which the mutationally robust flat allele is favored by selection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
Ning Wang ◽  
Markus Christen ◽  
Matthew Hunt

AbstractThe use of drones (or unmanned aerial vehicles, UVAs) in humanitarian action has emerged rapidly in the last decade and continues to expand. These so-called ‘humanitarian drones’ represent the first wave of robotics applied in the humanitarian and development contexts, providing critical information through mapping of crisis-affected areas and timely delivery of aid supplies to populations in need. Alongside these emergent uses of drones in the aid sector, debates have arisen about potential risks and challenges, presenting diverse perspectives on the ethical, legal, and social implications of humanitarian drones. Guided by the methodology introduced by Arksey and O’Malley, this scoping review offers an assessment of the ethical considerations discussed in the academic and gray literature based on a screening of 1,188 articles, from which we selected and analyzed 47 articles. In particular, we used a hybrid approach of qualitative content analysis, along with quantitative landscape mapping, to inductively develop a typology of ethical considerations associated with humanitarian drones. The results yielded 11 key areas of concern: (1) minimizing harm, (2) maximizing welfare, (3) substantive justice, (4) procedural justice, (5) respect for individuals, (6) respect for communities, (7) regulatory gaps, (8) regulatory dysfunction, (9) perceptions of humanitarian aid and organizations, (10) relations between humanitarian organizations and industry, and (11) the identity of humanitarian aid providers and organizations. Our findings illuminate topics that have been the focus of extensive attention (such as minimizing risks of harm and protecting privacy), traces the evolution of this discussion over time (i.e., an initial focus on mapping drones and the distinction of humanitarian from military use, toward the ethics of cargo drones carrying healthcare supplies and samples), and points to areas that have received less consideration (e.g., whether sustainability and shared benefits will be compromised if private companies’ interest in humanitarian drones wanes once new markets open up). The review can thus help to situate and guide further analysis of drone use in humanitarian settings.

Nathalie Pettorelli ◽  
Jennifer E. Smith ◽  
Mailys Lopes ◽  
Henrike Schulte to Bühne

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 211-224
S. V. Solodyankina ◽  
A. V. Koshkarev ◽  
K. S. Ganzei ◽  
G. A. Isachenko ◽  
A. V. Lysenko ◽  

K. S. Zakharov ◽  
Sh. V. Magerramov ◽  
A. N. Matrosov

The modern period is characterized by the expansion of the areas of a number of dangerous infectious diseases, previously endemic only for the countries with tropical climate. As a result of Palearctic climate warming and humidification and under the influence of anthropogenic factors, foci of a new transmissible arboviral zoonosis – West Nile fever (WNF) – have been formed in the Saratov region. On the territory of Russia, the circulation of the West Nile virus (WNV) has been recorded since 1963, and cases of human infection have been detected since 1967. In the studied region, the circulation of the virus has been known since the mid-90s of the last century, and epidemic complications – since 2012. 142 cases of the disease were reported in 2012–2020. The ecological prerequisites for a wide circulation of WNV are associated with the increase in the number of birds – carriers, and arthropods – blood-sucking vectors, the longer activity period of mosquitoes and ticks owing to the reduced frosty season of the year. As a result of landscape mapping with the use of modern methods for decoding images of satellite maps and remote sensing of the Earth (ERS), data have been obtained that served as the basis for epidemiological WNF zoning. There are three types of potential WNF foci on the territory of the region, namely: natural, natural-anthropourgic, and anthropourgic ones. The total area of biocenoses has been established, where natural, natural-anthropourgic and anthropourgic WNF foci could be formed: 6619.94 km2, 1484.62 km2, and 70.4 km2, respectively. Cluster analysis of the environmental conditions in 38 administrative districts of the region has distinguished four groups differing in the risk level of infection of the population with West Nile fever. The data obtained are used for planning, substantiating and conducting surveys and preventive measures, and form the basis for predicting the epidemiological situation in the region.

Laura A. Chagarova

The work is based on field research and interpretation of aerial photographs covering typical areas of the Peredovoy ridge. The morphostructure of the Peredovoy ridge is located between the morphostructures of the Glavny ridge in the south and the North Jurassic depression in the north. The main features of the study area are mountainous relief in combination with a complex and contrasting composition of the lithogenic base, different types of altitudinal zonation, which create a high species diversity of biota. Compilation of new and moderate exploitation of existing tourist complexes of the North Caucasus is impossible without the help of new detailed landscape maps. Using the original published materials and his own experience, the author of the study proposes an improved methodology for landscape mapping for mountain areas using the interpre-tation of aerial photographs, covering the characteristic areas of the Peredovoy ridge. The obtained data and conclusions can be used for geoecological purposes, in monitoring the natural environment, to optimize the use of natural resources, as well as in planning the recreational and mining-industrial development of the high-mountain belt of the Peredovoy ridge and similar morphostructures.

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