scheduling algorithm
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Weiwei Lin ◽  
Tiansheng Huang ◽  
Xin Li ◽  
Fang Shi ◽  
Xiumin Wang ◽  

In addition to the stationary mobile edge computing (MEC) servers, a few MEC surrogates that possess a certain mobility and computation capacity, e.g., flying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and private vehicles, have risen as powerful counterparts for service provision. In this article, we design a two-stage online scheduling scheme, targeting computation offloading in a UAV-assisted MEC system. On our stage-one formulation, an online scheduling framework is proposed for dynamic adjustment of mobile users' CPU frequency and their transmission power, aiming at producing a socially beneficial solution to users. But the major impediment during our investigation lies in that users might not unconditionally follow the scheduling decision released by servers as a result of their individual rationality. In this regard, we formulate each step of online scheduling on stage one into a non-cooperative game with potential competition over the limited radio resource. As a solution, a centralized online scheduling algorithm, called ONCCO, is proposed, which significantly promotes social benefit on the basis of the users' individual rationality. On our stage-two formulation, we are working towards the optimization of UAV computation resource provision, aiming at minimizing the energy consumption of UAVs during such a process, and correspondingly, another algorithm, called WS-UAV, is given as a solution. Finally, extensive experiments via numerical simulation are conducted for an evaluation purpose, by which we show that our proposed algorithms achieve satisfying performance enhancement in terms of energy conservation and sustainable service provision.

Neeraj Arora ◽  
Rohitash Kumar Banyal

<p><span>Cloud computing is one of the emerging fields in computer science due to its several advancements like on-demand processing, resource sharing, and pay per use. There are several cloud computing issues like security, quality of service (QoS) management, data center energy consumption, and scaling. Scheduling is one of the several challenging problems in cloud computing, where several tasks need to be assigned to resources to optimize the quality of service parameters. Scheduling is a well-known NP-hard problem in cloud computing. This will require a suitable scheduling algorithm. Several heuristics and meta-heuristics algorithms were proposed for scheduling the user's task to the resources available in cloud computing in an optimal way. Hybrid scheduling algorithms have become popular in cloud computing. In this paper, we reviewed the hybrid algorithms, which are the combinations of two or more algorithms, used for scheduling in cloud computing. The basic idea behind the hybridization of the algorithm is to take useful features of the used algorithms. This article also classifies the hybrid algorithms and analyzes their objectives, quality of service (QoS) parameters, and future directions for hybrid scheduling algorithms.</span></p>

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 465
Petar Krivic ◽  
Mario Kusek ◽  
Igor Cavrak ◽  
Pavle Skocir

Fog computing emerged as a concept that responds to the requirements of upcoming solutions requiring optimizations primarily in the context of the following QoS parameters: latency, throughput, reliability, security, and network traffic reduction. The rapid development of local computing devices and container-based virtualization enabled the application of fog computing within the IoT environment. However, it is necessary to utilize algorithm-based service scheduling that considers the targeted QoS parameters to optimize the service performance and reach the potential of the fog computing concept. In this paper, we first describe our categorization of IoT services that affects the execution of our scheduling algorithm. Secondly, we propose our scheduling algorithm that considers the context of processing devices, user context, and service context to determine the optimal schedule for the execution of service components across the distributed fog-to-cloud environment. The conducted simulations confirmed the performance of the proposed algorithm and showcased its major contribution—dynamic scheduling, i.e., the responsiveness to the volatile QoS parameters due to changeable network conditions. Thus, we successfully demonstrated that our dynamic scheduling algorithm enhances the efficiency of service performance based on the targeted QoS criteria of the specific service scenario.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Fog computing and Edge computing are few of the latest technologies which are offered as solution to challenges faced in Cloud Computing. Instead of offloading of all the tasks to centralized cloud servers, some of the tasks can be scheduled at intermediate Fog servers or Edge devices. Though this solves most of the problems faced in cloud but also encounter other traditional problems due to resource-related constraints like load balancing, scheduling, etc. In order to address task scheduling and load balancing in Cloud-fog-edge collaboration among servers, we have proposed an improved version of min-min algorithm for workflow scheduling which considers cost, makespan, energy and load balancing in heterogeneous environment. This algorithm is implemented and tested in different offloading scenarios- Cloud only, Fog only, Cloud-fog and Cloud-Fog-Edge collaboration. This approach performed better and the result gives minimum makespan, less energy consumption along with load balancing and marginally less cost when compared to min-min and ELBMM algorithms

Ruiting Zhou ◽  
Jinlong Pang ◽  
Qin Zhang ◽  
Chuan Wu ◽  
Lei Jiao ◽  

Nidhi Bansal ◽  
Ajay Kumar Singh

Quality-based services are an indicative factor in providing a meaningful measure. These measures allow labeling for upcoming targets with a numerical comparison with a valid mathematical proof of reading and publications. By obtaining valid designs, organizations put this measure into the flow of technology development operations to generate higher profits. Since the conditions were met from the inception of cloud computing technology, the market was captured heavily by providing support through cloud computing. With the increase in the use of cloud computing, the complexity of data has also increased greatly. Applying natural theory to cloud technology makes it a fruit cream. Natural methods often come true, because survival depends on the live events and happenings, so using it in real life as well as any communication within technology will always be reliable. The numerical results are also showing a better value by comparing the optimization method. Finally, the paper introduces an adaptation theory with effective cloudsim coding of honey bees and grey wolf in conjunction with their natural life cycle for solving task scheduling problems. Using adapted bees improved the results by 50% compared with the original bees and secondly by honeybees and grey wolf improved 60%.

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