resource provisioning
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-35
Muhammad Junaid ◽  
Adnan Sohail ◽  
Fadi Al Turjman ◽  
Rashid Ali

Over the years cloud computing has seen significant evolution in terms of improvement in infrastructure and resource provisioning. However the continuous emergence of new applications such as the Internet of Things (IoTs) with thousands of users put a significant load on cloud infrastructure. Load balancing of resource allocation in cloud-oriented IoT is a critical factor that has a significant impact on the smooth operation of cloud services and customer satisfaction. Several load balancing strategies for cloud environment have been proposed in the past. However the existing approaches mostly consider only a few parameters and ignore many critical factors having a pivotal role in load balancing leading to less optimized resource allocation. Load balancing is a challenging problem and therefore the research community has recently focused towards employing machine learning-based metaheuristic approaches for load balancing in the cloud. In this paper we propose a metaheuristics-based scheme Data Format Classification using Support Vector Machine (DFC-SVM), to deal with the load balancing problem. The proposed scheme aims to reduce the online load balancing complexity by offline-based pre-classification of raw-data from diverse sources (such as IoT) into different formats e.g. text images media etc. SVM is utilized to classify “n” types of data formats featuring audio video text digital images and maps etc. A one-to-many classification approach has been developed so that data formats from the cloud are initially classified into their respective classes and assigned to virtual machines through the proposed modified version of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) which schedules the data of a particular class efficiently. The experimental results compared with the baselines have shown a significant improvement in the performance of the proposed approach. Overall an average of 94% classification accuracy is achieved along with 11.82% less energy 16% less response time and 16.08% fewer SLA violations are observed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 54 (8) ◽  
pp. 1-38
Alexandre H. T. Dias ◽  
Luiz. H. A. Correia ◽  
Neumar Malheiros

Virtual machine consolidation has been a widely explored topic in recent years due to Cloud Data Centers’ effect on global energy consumption. Thus, academia and companies made efforts to achieve green computing, reducing energy consumption to minimize environmental impact. By consolidating Virtual Machines into a fewer number of Physical Machines, resource provisioning mechanisms can shutdown idle Physical Machines to reduce energy consumption and improve resource utilization. However, there is a tradeoff between reducing energy consumption while assuring the Quality of Service established on the Service Level Agreement. This work introduces a Systematic Literature Review of one year of advances in virtual machine consolidation. It provides a discussion on methods used in each step of the virtual machine consolidation, a classification of papers according to their contribution, and a quantitative and qualitative analysis of datasets, scenarios, and metrics.

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Yu Liu ◽  
Joshua Comden ◽  
Zhenhua Liu ◽  
Yuanyuan Yang

Wireless data collection requires a sequence of resource provisioning decisions due to the limited battery capacity of wireless sensors. The corresponding online resource provisioning problem is challenging. Recently, many prediction methods have been proposed that can be used to benefit the performance of various systems through their incorporation. Therefore, in this article, we focus on online resource provisioning problems with short-term predictions motivated by the wireless data collection problem. Specifically, we design separate online algorithms for systems in which the state evolves in either a stationary manner or an arbitrarily determined manner and prove their performance bounds where their bounds improve as the amount of available predictions increases. Additionally, we design a meta-algorithm that can choose which online algorithm to implement at each point in time, depending on the recent behavior of the system environment. The practical performances of the proposed algorithms are corroborated in trace-driven numerical simulations of data collection of shared bikes. Additionally, we show that the performance of our meta-algorithm in various system environments can be better than that of the single best algorithm chosen in hindsight.

2022 ◽  
Anupama Mampage ◽  
Shanika Karunasekera ◽  
Rajkumar Buyya

Serverless computing has emerged as an attractive deployment option for cloud applications in recent times. The unique features of this computing model include rapid auto-scaling, strong isolation, fine-grained billing options and access to a massive service ecosystem which autonomously handles resource management decisions. This model is increasingly being explored for deployments in geographically distributed edge and fog computing networks as well, due to these characteristics. Effective management of computing resources has always gained a lot of attention among researchers. The need to automate the entire process of resource provisioning, allocation, scheduling, monitoring and scaling, has resulted in the need for specialized focus on resource management under the serverless model. In this article, we identify the major aspects covering the broader concept of resource management in serverless environments and propose a taxonomy of elements which influence these aspects, encompassing characteristics of system design, workload attributes and stakeholder expectations. We take a holistic view on serverless environments deployed across edge, fog and cloud computing networks. We also analyse existing works discussing aspects of serverless resource management using this taxonomy. This article further identifies gaps in literature and highlights future research directions for improving capabilities of this computing model.

2022 ◽  
Zhiheng Zhong ◽  
Minxian Xu ◽  
Maria Alejandra Rodriguez ◽  
Chengzhong Xu ◽  
Rajkumar Buyya

Containerization is a lightweight application virtualization technology, providing high environmental consistency, operating system distribution portability, and resource isolation. Existing mainstream cloud service providers have prevalently adopted container technologies in their distributed system infrastructures for automated application management. To handle the automation of deployment, maintenance, autoscaling, and networking of containerized applications, container orchestration is proposed as an essential research problem. However, the highly dynamic and diverse feature of cloud workloads and environments considerably raises the complexity of orchestration mechanisms. Machine learning algorithms are accordingly employed by container orchestration systems for behavior modelling and prediction of multi-dimensional performance metrics. Such insights could further improve the quality of resource provisioning decisions in response to the changing workloads under complex environments. In this paper, we present a comprehensive literature review of existing machine learning-based container orchestration approaches. Detailed taxonomies are proposed to classify the current researches by their common features. Moreover, the evolution of machine learning-based container orchestration technologies from the year 2016 to 2021 has been designed based on objectives and metrics. A comparative analysis of the reviewed techniques is conducted according to the proposed taxonomies, with emphasis on their key characteristics. Finally, various open research challenges and potential future directions are highlighted.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Chiu-Han Hsiao ◽  
Yean-Fu Wen ◽  
Frank Yeong-Sung Lin ◽  
Yu-Fang Chen ◽  
Yennun Huang ◽  

Network slicing is a promising technology that network operators can deploy the services by slices with heterogeneous quality of service (QoS) requirements. However, an orchestrator for network operation with efficient slice resource provisioning algorithms is essential. This work stands on Internet service provider (ISP) to design an orchestrator analyzing the critical influencing factors, namely access control, scheduling, and resource migration, to systematically evolve a sustainable network. The scalability and flexibility of resources are jointly considered. The resource management problem is formulated as a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem. A solution approach based on Lagrangian relaxation (LR) is proposed for the orchestrator to make decisions to satisfy the high QoS applications. It can investigate the resources required for access control within a cost-efficient resource pool and consider allocating or migrating resources efficiently in each network slice. For high system utilization, the proposed mechanisms are modeled in a pay-as-you-go manner. Furthermore, the experiment results show that the proposed strategies perform the near-optimal system revenue to meet the QoS requirement by making decisions.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8416
Seungjun Lee ◽  
Daegun Yoon ◽  
Sangho Yeo ◽  
Sangyoon Oh

[sangyoon]As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming ubiquitous in many applications, serverless computing is also emerging as a building block for developing cloud-based AI services. Serverless computing has received much interest because of its simplicity, scalability, and resource efficiency. However, due to the trade-off with resource efficiency, serverless computing suffers from the cold start problem, that is, a latency between a request arrival and function execution[sangyoon] that is encountered due to resource provisioning. [sangyoon]In serverless computing, functions can be composed as workflows to process a complex task, and the cold start problem has a significant influence on workflow response time because the cold start can occur in each function.The cold start problem significantly influences the overall response time of workflow that consists of functions because the cold start may occur in every function within the workflow. Function fusion can be one of the solutions to mitigate the cold start latency of a workflow. If two functions are fused into a single function, the cold start of the second function is removed; however, if parallel functions are fused, the workflow response time can be increased because the parallel functions run sequentially even if the cold start latency is reduced. This study presents an approach to mitigate the cold start latency of a workflow using function fusion while considering a parallel run. First, we identify three latencies that affect response time, present a workflow response time model considering the latency, and efficiently find a fusion solution that can optimize the response time on the cold start. Our method shows a response time of 28–86% of the response time of the original workflow in five workflows.

Oyekanmi Ezekiel Olufunminiyi ◽  
Oladoja Ilobekemen Perpetual ◽  
Omotehinwa Temidayo Oluwatosin

Cloud is specifically known to have difficulty in managing resource usage during task scheduling, this is an innate from distributed computing and virtualization. The common issue in cloud is load balancing management. This issue is more prominent in virtualization technology and it affects cloud providers in term of resource utilization and cost and to the users in term of Quality of Service (QoS). Efficient procedures are therefore necessary to achieve maximum resource utilization at a minimized cost. This study implemented a load balancing scheme called Improved Resource Aware Scheduling Algorithm (I-RASA) for resource provisioning to cloud users on a pay-as-you-go basis using CloudSim 3.0.3 package tool. I-RASA was compared with recent load balancing algorithms and the result shown in performance evaluation section of this paper is better than Max-min and RASA load balancing techniques. However, it sometimes outperforms or on equal balance with Improved Max-Min load balancing technique when using makespan, flow time, throughput, and resource utilization as the performance metrics.

2021 ◽  
Pallavi Shelke ◽  
Rekha Shahapurkar

In today’s growing cloud world, where users are continuously demanding a large number of services or resources at the same time, cloud providers aim to meet their needs while maintaining service quality, an ideal QoS-based resource provisioning is required. In the consideration of the quality-of-service parameters, it is essential to place a greater emphasis on the scalability attribute, which aids in the design of complex resource provisioning frameworks. This study aims to determine how much work is done in light of scalability as the most important QoS attribute. We first conducted a detailed survey on similar QoS-based resource provisioning proposed frameworks/techniques in this article, which discusses QoS parameters with increasingly growing cloud usage expectations. Second, this paper focuses on scalability as the main QOS characteristic, with types, issues, review questions and research gaps discussed in detail, revealing that less work has been performed thus far. We will try to address scalability and resource provisioning problems with our proposed advance scalable QoS-based resource provisioning framework by integrating new modules resource scheduler, load balancer, resource tracker, and cloud user budget tracker in the resource provisioning process. Cloud providers can easily achieve scalability of resources while performing resource provisioning by integrating the working specialty of these sub modules.

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