clustering protocols
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Shahzad Hassan ◽  
Maria Ahmad

In Wireless Sensor Networks the nodes have restricted battery power and the exhaustion of battery depends on various issues. In recent developments, various clustering protocols have been proposed to diminish the energy depletion of the node and prolong the network lifespan by reducing power consumption. However, each protocol is inappropriate for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. The efficiency of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks declines as changing the node heterogeneity. This paper reviews cluster head selection criteria of various clustering protocols for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks in terms of node heterogeneity and compares the performance of these protocols on several parameters like clustering technique, cluster head selection criteria, nodes lifetime, energy efficiency under two-level and three-level heterogeneous wireless sensor networks protocols Stable Election Protocol (SEP), Zonal-Stable Election Protocol (ZSEP), Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering (DEEC), A Direct Transmission And Residual Energy Based Stable Election Protocol (DTRE-SEP), Developed Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering (DDEEC), Zone-Based Heterogeneous Clustering Protocol (ZBHCP), Enhanced Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering (EDEEC), Threshold Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering (TDEEC), Enhanced Stable Election Protocol (SEP-E), and Threshold Stable Election Protocol (TSEP). The comparison has shown that the TDEEC has very effective results over other over two-level and three-level heterogeneous wireless sensor networks protocols and has extended the unstable region significantly. From simulations, it can also be proved that adding node heterogeneity can significantly increase the network life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 11448
Ahmed Mahdi Jubair ◽  
Rosilah Hassan ◽  
Azana Hafizah Mohd Aman ◽  
Hasimi Sallehudin ◽  
Zeyad Ghaleb Al-Mekhlafi ◽  

Recently, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology has emerged extensively. This began with the deployment of small-scale WSNs and progressed to that of larger-scale and Internet of Things-based WSNs, focusing more on energy conservation. Network clustering is one of the ways to improve the energy efficiency of WSNs. Network clustering is a process of partitioning nodes into several clusters before selecting some nodes, which are called the Cluster Heads (CHs). The role of the regular nodes in a clustered WSN is to sense the environment and transmit the sensed data to the selected head node; this CH gathers the data for onward forwarding to the Base Station. Advantages of clustering nodes in WSNs include high callability, reduced routing delay, and increased energy efficiency. This article presents a state-of-the-art review of the available optimization techniques, beginning with the fundamentals of clustering and followed by clustering process optimization, to classifying the existing clustering protocols in WSNs. The current clustering approaches are categorized into meta-heuristic, fuzzy logic, and hybrid based on the network organization and adopted clustering management techniques. To determine clustering protocols’ competency, we compared the features and parameters of the clustering and examined the objectives, benefits, and key features of various clustering optimization methods.

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