narrative history
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2021 ◽  
Eseta Ioane Roach

<p>This is the first academic study of the Wellington Pacific Bible College (WPBC), a distinctive adult educational institution in New Zealand, focussed on teaching the Bible in the languages of the Pacific. The thesis comprises: (1) a narrative history of WPBC based on primary sources and interviews; and, (2) a study of the College and its teachings by means of a questionnaire and follow up interviews of past and present students, staff and the Board. The thesis addresses the question of the contextualised meaning and significance of WPBC to its principal stakeholders and the major factors that have shaped its curriculum, ethos, and mission in its first decade.</p>

2021 ◽  
Eseta Ioane Roach

<p>This is the first academic study of the Wellington Pacific Bible College (WPBC), a distinctive adult educational institution in New Zealand, focussed on teaching the Bible in the languages of the Pacific. The thesis comprises: (1) a narrative history of WPBC based on primary sources and interviews; and, (2) a study of the College and its teachings by means of a questionnaire and follow up interviews of past and present students, staff and the Board. The thesis addresses the question of the contextualised meaning and significance of WPBC to its principal stakeholders and the major factors that have shaped its curriculum, ethos, and mission in its first decade.</p>

Н.Б. Селунская ◽  
А.В. Карагодин

Статья содержит рефлексии по поводу книги известного английского историка-рос-сиеведа О. Файджеса «Европейцы. Три жизни и рождение космополитической культуры», его подхода к репрезентации биографической истории И.С. Тургенева, П. Ви-ардо и Л. Виардо в контексте складывания общеевропейской культуры во второй по-ловине XIX века. Особое внимание уделено методологической значимости присутствующих в рецензируемой книге и формирующихся в современной историографии таких трендов как «новый нарратив», «история репрезентаций» и «новая биографическая история», а также дискуссии о смыслах концепта «европейскости» как характеристики над-этнической идентичности и о ее проявлениях на микро- и макро-уровнях в меняющемся и модернизирующемся историко-культурном пространстве Российской империи и Европы в XIX в. The article contains reflections on the book by a famous English historian – Russian scholar O. Figes "Europeans. Three lives and the birth of cosmopolitan culture", his approaches to the representation of the biographical history of I. S. Turgenev, P. Viardot and L. Viardot in the context of the formation of pan-European culture in the second half of the XIX century. Special attention is paid to the methodological significance of such trends as "new narrative", "history of representations" and "new biographical history" present in the reviewed book and emerging in modern historiography, as well as discussions about the meanings of the concept of "Europeanness" as a characteristic of supra-ethnic identity and about its manifestations at micro and macro levels in the changing and modernizing historical and cultural space of the Russian Empire and Europe in the XIX century.

2021 ◽  
pp. OP.20.00756
Daniel B. Martin ◽  
Peter D. Stetson ◽  
G. Weldon Gilcrease ◽  
Robert C. Stillman ◽  
Jessica M. Sugalski ◽  

PURPOSE: Clinical notes function as the de facto handoff between providers and assume great importance during unplanned medical encounters. An organized and thorough oncology history is essential in care coordination. We sought to understand reader preferences for oncology history organization by comparing between chronologic and narrative formats. METHODS: A convenience sample of 562 clinicians from 19 National Comprehensive Cancer Network Member Institutions responded to a survey comparing two formats of oncology histories, narrative and chronologic, for the same patient. Both histories were consensus-derived real-world examples. Each history was evaluated using semantic differential attributes ( thorough, useful, organized, comprehensible, and succinct). Respondents choose a preference between the two styles for history gathering and as the basis of a new note. Open-ended responses were also solicited. RESULTS: Respondents preferred the chronologic over the narrative history to prepare for a visit with an unknown patient (66% preference) and as a basis for their own note preparation (77% preference) ( P < .01). The chronologic summary was preferred in four of the five measured attributes ( useful, organized, comprehensible, and succinct); the narrative summary was favored for thoroughness ( P < .01). Open-ended responses reflected the attribute scoring and noted the utility of content describing social determinants of health in the narrative history. CONCLUSION: Respondents of this convenience sample preferred a chronologic oncology history to a concise narrative history. Further studies are needed to determine the optimal structure and content of chronologic documentation for oncology patients and the provider effort to use this format.

2021 ◽  
pp. 351-369
Amanda Alexander

This chapter will argue that international humanitarian law (IHL) is embedded in narratives that shape its history and meaning. Some international lawyers have argued that these narrative possibilities are necessarily constrained by a Western perspective that limits the potential of the law. Indeed, theories of narrative history consider that the possibilities of any narrative history are limited by prevailing tropes and can only relate a humanist story of ‘man’s’ encounter with the legal order. Nevertheless, alternative aesthetic and theoretical frameworks are beginning to emerge that could facilitate new ways of understanding IHL. Remembrance of Earth’s Past, a science fiction trilogy by Chinese writer Cixin Liu, provides an opportunity to explore a strikingly different vision of law, crimes against humanity, and the very notion of humanity. It suggests how narratives that draw on non-Western, non-anthropocentric ethics might underpin a distinct type of law.

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