north indian ocean
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2022 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-270
Editor Mausam

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 455-462
Editor Mausam

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 655-658

Long term trends in the frequencies of cyclonic disturbances (i.e. depressions and cyclonic storms) and the cyclonic storms forming over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea during the southwest monsoon season (June-September) have been studied utilizing 110 years data from 1890-1999. There have been significant decreasing trends in both the frequencies but the frequency of cyclonic disturbances has diminished at a faster rate. The trend analysis shows that the frequency of cyclonic disturbances has decreased at the rate of about six to seven disturbances per hundred years in the monsoon season. The frequency of cyclonic storms of monsoon season .has decreased at the rate of , one to two cyclones per hundred years.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 511-514
O. P. SINGH ◽  

The present paper deals with the influence of Southern Oscillation (SO) on the frequency of tropical cyclones in the north Indian Ocean. The results show that during the negative phase of SO the frequency of tropical cyclones and depressions over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea diminishes in May which is most important pre-monsoon cyclone month. The correlation coefficient between the frequency of cyclones and depressions and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is +0.3 which is significant at 99% level. Post-monsoon cyclone frequency in the Bay of Bengal during November shows a significant positive correlation with SOl implying that it also decreases during the negative phase of SO. Thus there is a reduction in the tropical cyclone frequency over the Bay of Bengal during both intense cyclone months May and November in EI-Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) epochs. Therefore it would not be correct to say that ENSO has no impact on the cyclogenesis in the north Indian Ocean. It is true that ENSO has no significant impact on the frequency of cyclones in the Arabian Sea. ENSO also seems to affect the rate of intensification of depressions to cyclone stage. The rate of intensification increases in May and diminishes in November in the north Indian Ocean during ENSO. The results are based on the analysis of monthly frequencies of tropical cyclones and depressions and SOI for the 100 year period from 1891-1990.

2022 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
D.R. SIKKA ◽  

Cakxky dh [kkM+h esa m".kdfVca/kh; rwQkuksa ds ekxZ vkSj mudh rhozrk ds iwokZuqeku rduhd esa lq/kkj ykus ds fy, iwokZuqeku fun’kZu ifj;kstuk ¼,Q-Mh-ih-½ uked ,d dk;ZØe rS;kj fd;k x;k gSA ,Q-Mh-ih- dk;ZØe dk mÌs’;] ftu {ks=ksa ls vk¡dM+s vO;ofLFkr :i  ls izkIr gksrs gSa ogk¡ muds loaf/kZr izs{k.kksa ds lkFk gh lkFk mRrjh fgUn egklkxj esa pØokrksa ds mRiUu gksus] muds rhoz gksus vkSj mudh xfr dk vkdyu djus ds fy, fofHkUu l[;kRed ekSle iwokZuqeku ¼,u- MCY;w- ih-½ fun’kksZ dh {kerk dk izn’kZu djuk rFkk fo’ks"k :i  ls caxky dh [kkM+h ls lacaf/kr  ogha mlh LFkku ij fy, x, ekiksa ds vk/kkj ij fun’kksZ esa lq/kkj djuk gSA ,Q-Mh-ih- dk;ZØe rhu pj.kksa esa fu/kkfjr fd;k x;k gS uker% ¼i½ izh&ikbyV pj.k ¼15 vDrwcj ls 30 uoacj 2008] 2009½] ¼ii½ ikbyV pj.k ¼15 vDrwcj ls 30 uoacj 2010&2012½ rFkk ¼iii½ vafre pj.k ¼15 vDrwcj ls 30 uoacj 2013&2014½A Hkkjr] fdjk, ds gokbZ tgkt vkSj MªkWilkSansa iz;ksxksa ls 15 vDrwcj ls 30 uoacj 2013&2014 ds nkSjku caxky dh [kkM+h esa cuus okys pØokrksa dk gokbZ tgkt ds tfj, irk yxkus dh ;kstuk cuk jgk gSA bl mÌs’; ds iwfrZ ds fy, ¼i½ izs{k.kkRed mUu;u ¼ii½ pØokr fo’ys"k.k vkSj iwokZuqeku iz.kkyh dk vk/kqfudhdj.k ¼iii½ pØokr fo’ys"k.k vkSj iwokZuqeku izfØ;k ¼iv½ psrkouh mRiknksa dks rS;kj djuk] mudk izLrqrhdj.k rFkk izlj.k ¼v½ fo’oluh;rk mik; vkSj {kerk fuekZ.k ij izkFkfedrk ds vk/kkj ij dk;Z fd, x,A pØokr ds izs{k.k] fo’ys"k.k vkSj iwokZuqeku esa lq/kkj ykus ds fy, fofHkUu dk;Z iz.kkfy;k¡ viukbZ xbZaA o"kZ 2008&11 ds nkSjku ,Q-Mh-ih- vfHk;ku ds izh&ikbyV vkSj ikbyV pj.kksa esa la;qDr izs{k.kkRed] lapkjkRed vkSj ,u-MCY;w-ih- xfrfof/k;ksa esa vusd jk"Vªh; laLFkkuksa us Hkkx fy;kA ,Q-Mh-ih- ds igys vkSj mlds ckn dh izs{k.kkRed iz.kkfy;ksa dh rqyuk ls {ks= esa jsMkj] Lopkfyr ekSle dsUnz ¼,- MCY;w-,l-½] mPp iou xfr fjdkWMjksa esa egRoiw.kZ lq/kkj dk irk pyk gSA bl lq/kkj ls ekWuhVju vkSj iwokZuqeku esa gksus okyh =qfV;ksa esa deh vkbZ gSA th- ,Q- ,l- MCY;w vkj- ,Q] ,p- MCY;w- vkj- ,Q- vkSj vlsEcy iwokZuqeku iz.kkyh ¼bZ- ih- ,l-½  ds vkjaHk gksus ls ,u- MCY;w- ih- funsZ’kksa ds dk;Z fu"iknu esa o`f) gqbZ gSA bl 'kks/k i= esa bl ifj;kstuk dh miyfC/k;ksa ds egRoiw.kZ y{k.kksa lfgr leL;kvksa vkSj laHkkoukvksa dks izLrqr fd;k x;k gS rFkk mudh foospuk dh xbZ gSA pØokrksa dk gokbZ tgkt }kjk irk yxkus ds fy, ckj&ckj fd, x, iz;klksa ds ckotwn ;g dk;Z vHkh laHko ugha gks ldk gSA o"kZ 2013&14 ds nkSjku Hkkoh vfHk;ku ds le; ;g ,d eq[; pqukSrh gksxhA A programme has been evolved for improvement in prediction of track and intensity of tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal resulting in the Forecast Demonstration Project (FDP). FDP programme is aimed to demonstrate the ability of various Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models to assess the genesis, intensification and movement of cyclones over the north Indian ocean with enhanced observations over the data sparse region and to incorporate modification into the models which could be specific to the Bay of Bengal based on the in-situ measurements. FDP Programme is scheduled in three phases, viz., (i) Pre-pilot phase (15 Oct - 30 Nov 2008, 2009, (ii) Pilot phase (15 Oct - 30 Nov, 2010-2012) and (iii) Final phase (15 Oct - 30 Nov, 2013-14). India is planning to take up aircraft probing of cyclones over the Bay of Bengal during 15 Oct - 30 Nov, 2013-14 with hired aircraft and dropsonde experiments. To accomplish the above objective, the initiative was carried out with priorities on (i) observational upgradation, (ii) modernisation of cyclone analysis and prediction system, (iii) cyclone analysis and forecasting procedure, (iv) warning products generation, presentation & dissemination, (v) confidence building measures and capacity building. Various strategies were adopted for improvement of observation, analysis and prediction of cyclone. Several national institutions participated for joint observational, communicational & NWP activities during the pre-pilot and pilot phases of FDP campaign during 2008-11. The comparison of observational systems before and after FDP indicates a significant improvement in terms of Radar, Automatic Weather Station (AWS), high wind speed recorders over the region. It has resulted in reduction in monitoring and forecasting errors. The performance of NWP models have increased along with the introduction of NWP platforms like IMD GFS, WRF, HWRF and ensemble prediction system (EPS). Salient features of achievements along with the problems and prospects of this project are presented and discussed in this paper. With repeated attempts, the aircraft probing of cyclones could not be possible till now. It is a major challenge for the future campaign during 2013-14.

2022 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 369-376
Editor Mausam

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-28

The Northeast monsoon season of October to December (OND) is the primary season of cyclonic activity over the North Indian Ocean (NIO). The mean number of days of cyclonic activity over NIO during this season is about 20 days. In the present study, statistical prediction for seasonal cyclonic activity over the North Indian Ocean during the cyclone season of October to December is attempted using well known climate indices and regional circulation features during the recent 30 years of 1971-2000.Potential predictors are identified using correlation analysis and optimum numbers of predictors are chosen using screening regression technique. A qualitative prediction for number of Cyclonic Disturbance (CD) days is attempted by analysing the conditional means of the number of CD days during OND over NIO for different intervals of each predictor based on the 30 year data of 1971-2000. Predictions and their validations for the subsequent test period of 2001 to 2009, based on this scheme, are discussed. An attempt for quantitative prediction is also made by developing a multiple regression model for prediction of number of CD days over the NIO during OND using the same predictors. The regression model accounts for 70% of the inter annual variance. The root mean square error of estimate is 5 days and the bias error is 0.36 days. The regression model is cross validated by Jackknife method for each individual year using the data of 29 years from the sample excluding the year under consideration. The model is also tested for independent dataset for the years 2001 to 2009. Salient features of the model performance are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-76
A. K. JASWAL ◽  
S.S.. SINGH ◽  

The spatial distribution and temporal variation of the monthly mean SSTA over the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and the north Indian Ocean were investigated for a set of contrasting years of monsoon over the period 1961-80 for months April through July using Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) technique with a view to identify regions that are significantly related to the monsoon rainfall. Over 75% of the total variance is, explained by the first mode EOF. SSTA over the north and northeast Arabian Sea during pre-monsoon months were found to be possible indicators of the ensuing monsoon activity. The higher eigen vectors in May over northeast Arabian Sea may signal good monsoon and vice versa. In June there is a marked contrast in the distribution of SST over the Arabian Sea between the two sets of the years the eastern Arabian Sea IS warmer for the deficient monsoon years while the entire Arabian Sea except over the extreme north Arabian Sea is cool during good monsoon years. There is formation of SSTA over the equatorial Indian Ocean area close to Indonesian island commencing from May which is more marked in June and is positively correlated with seasonal rainfall activity over India.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 353-360
S. K. BEHERA ◽  
H. J. SAWANT ◽  

A non-divergent barotropic model has been formulated on the basis of splitting up method and used to study the circulation in the north Indian Ocean (1-26° N, 4~-99° E). The circulation was simulated for summer and winter seasons separately. It IS found that the model simulated the summer and winter calculation satisfactorily. It is also found that the meridional component of wind stress IS dominant over the zonal component in shaping the Somali current. Some sensitivity studies were also carried out and the results indicate the importance of wind stress curl.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 337-354
Editor Mausam

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