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Junghoon Lee ◽  
Gyung-Leen Park

This paper designs an energy allocation scheme based on maximum flow modeling for a microgrid containing renewable energy generators and consumer facilities. Basically, the flow graph consists of a set of nodes representing consumers or generators as well as a set of weighted links representing the amount of energy generation, consumer-side demand, and transmission cable capacity. The main idea lies in that a special node is added to account for the interaction with the main grid and that two-pass allocation is executed. In the first pass, the maximum flow solver decides the amount of the insufficiency and thus how much to purchase from the main grid. The second pass runs the flow solver again to fill the energy lack and calculates the surplus of renewable energy generation. The performance measurement result obtained from a prototype implementation shows that the generated energy is stably distributed over multiple consumers until the energy generation reaches the maximum link capacity.

10.29007/ch88 ◽  
2022 ◽  
Mai Thuc Vy Huynh ◽  
Thi Tien Pham ◽  
My Nga Truong ◽  
Tran Hong Duyen Trinh

Applying laser technology to the growth of plants to limit the use of chemical fertilizers is an interesting topic in agriculture. The main idea is to preserve the environment, ensuring product quality while still achieving high productivity, we decided to carry out this research project, to investigate the effect of the low-level laser (the wavelengths 532nm, 850nm, and 940nm) on stems and leaf development. It is expected that with these research results, the implementation method will be widely disseminated in the high agricultural sector, coming closer to farmers. Moreover, the results of the analysis of the composition of bitter melon stems and leaves will be applied in medical treatment (such as diabetes, wound treatment, anti-oxidation, anti-bacteria ...)

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-362
M. Marovida Aziz

Abstract The view of the logical positivism group regarding science is based on the development of exact sciences, scientific truth can be measured positively, namely the truth must be real, concrete, logical, accurate and useful, but the effect behind everything abstract and metaphysical in the dimensions of life is ignored and regardless of observation. The main idea of logical positivism that was promoted by Alfred Jules Ayer, one of which is the principle of verification. In the application of the verification principle, it can also be taken for study studies in the determination of Qiyas law, namely by analogizing a law that has not yet been stipulated in the text, by testing and observing by verifying the causes of its similarity with the established law, determining the similarity of causes with logical parameters. and also empirical. The analogy in Qiyas must go through a verification stage, namely because it must be a real and visible nature by the five senses, and logic, as well as through the empirical proof stage. According to logical positivism and qiyas, the main condition is that it must be something that is visible, and get rid of pseudo-problems. Keywords: Logical positivism, Verification, Qiyas.

2022 ◽  
Peyman Abbasi

Abstract Reading comprehension ability is potency of students to comprehend meaning of written texts, text details and main ideas. Furthermore, ability of reading comprehension activated learners to communicate with writers. To understand main ideas of written texts, help learners to be aware and to get particular messages from texts. Cognitive and metacognitive knowledges help readers to analyze, to summarize, to judge, and to distinguish main idea of reading texts and also more details about writer viewpoints to predicate and decision making to monitor text contents too. Monolingual students are those groups which must be aware about impacts of metacognitive strategy upon reading development and comprehension through to prepare and emanate bio feedbacks with teachers. Hence, monolingual groups have to be taught more than bilingual ones due to their low – proficiency levels and also their weak knowledge capacities about reading development strategies. Indeed, today understanding the effective strategies which help to learn language skills for all of scholars in TESOL domains is very significant, so every teacher that is aware about efficacy of those psychological strategies like cognitive and metacognitive or both; he or she is able to teach language skills particularly reading comprehension very conveniently and more productive language learning results. Without understanding reading strategy text comprehension to learn language skills is impossible.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Arsyad Dg. Masangi Arsyad ◽  
Morris S. Tumanduk ◽  
Titof Tulaka ◽  
Sonny D.J. Mailangkay

ABSTRAK Peserta didik dapat belajar secara optimal apabila pihak sekolah dapat memenuhi segala kebutuhan belajar peserta didik melalui penyediaan fasilitas belajar agar pesrta didik dapat berkreatifitas dengan baik. Kreatifitas pada diri siswa muncul ketika siswa mempunyai ide pokok dan didukung dengan fasilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku kreatif siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Lolak semester genap tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Jumlah populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa, dengan menggunakan sample sebanyak 36 orang terdiri dari kelas XI. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode angket dengan skala liker. Data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dua jenis data, yakni data tentang perilaku kreatif dan data prestasi belajar. Sebelum melakukan uji analisis data terlebih dahulu diadakan pengujian persyaratan analisis yang meliputi uji normalitas, uji linieritas.   Untuk keperluan menganalisis data didalam penelitian ini digunakan teknik analisis regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sangat berpengaruh hubungan antara prilaku kreatif siswa SMK Negeri 1 Lolak.   Kata kunci : Hubungan Perilaku Kreatif.   ABSTRACT   Students can learn optimally if the school can meet all the learning needs of students through the provision of learning facilities so that students can be creative well. Creativity in students appears when students have a main idea and are supported by facilities. This study aims to determine the relationship between the creative behavior of students at SMK Negeri 1 Lolak in the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. This research is a quantitative research using descriptive method. The total population of this study were all students, using a sample of 36 people consisting of class XI. Data were collected using a questionnaire method with a Liker scale. The data in this study consisted of two types of data, namely data on creative behavior and data on learning achievement. Before conducting the data analysis test, the analysis requirements test was conducted which included normality test, linearity test. For the purposes of analyzing the data in this study, a simple linear regression analysis technique was used. The results of the study show that the relationship between creative behavior of SMK Negeri 1 Lolak students is very influential   Keywords : Creative Behavior Relationship

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Nagaraj Varatharaj ◽  
Sumithira Thulasimani Ramalingam

Most revolutionary applications extending far beyond smartphones and high configured mobile device use to the future generation wireless networks’ are high potential capabilities in recent days. One of the advanced wireless networks and mobile technology is 5G, where it provides high speed, better reliability, and amended capacity. 5 G offers complete coverage, which is accommodates any IoT device, connectivity, and intelligent edge algorithms. So that 5 G has a high demand in a wide range of commercial applications. Ambrosus is a commercial company that integrates block-chain security, IoT network, and supply chain management for medical and food enterprises. This paper proposed a novel framework that integrates 5 G technology, Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, and block-chain security. The main idea of this work is to incorporate the 5 G technology into Machine learning architectures for the Ambrosus application. 5 G technology provides continuous connection among the network user/nodes, where choosing the right user, base station, and the controller is obtained by using for ML architecture. The proposed framework comprises 5 G technology incorporate, a novel network orchestration, Radio Access Network, and a centralized distributor, and a radio unit layer. The radio unit layer is used for integrating all the components of the framework. The ML algorithm is evaluated the dynamic condition of the base station, like as IoT nodes, Ambrosus users, channels, and the route to enhance the efficiency of the communication. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated in terms of prediction by simulating the model in MATLAB software. From the performance comparison, it is noticed that the proposed unified architecture obtained 98.6% of accuracy which is higher than the accuracy of the existing decision tree algorithm 97.1% .

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Sanja Tišma ◽  
Sanja Maleković ◽  
Daniela Angelina Jelinčić ◽  
Mira Mileusnić Škrtić ◽  
Ivana Keser

Entrepreneurs are constantly looking for new models to address growing global challenges in a sustainable manner. Over the past several decades, those challenges have been identified and responded to through the development of social entrepreneurship. There is a number of research dealing with the theoretical concepts of those topics; however, the definitions and framework for action are different from country to country. Having in mind that the main idea of social entrepreneurship is to enable decent work for employees and to gain broader welfare for communities, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the development of social entrepreneurship in Croatia. The research is focused on recent developments, connecting key definitions and principles of social entrepreneurship with common trends and concrete case studies. This study’s results show that there are different approaches to social entrepreneurship globally. However, social entrepreneurship in Croatia develops within a clear legal framework. The current state of social enterprises is connected with respective public policies, while the number and types of social entrepreneurs are constantly rising in the last few years. The results of the analysis also show that there are still actions to be taken in order to encourage future policy measures aiming to support social entrepreneurs in Croatia.

Yuri Ovchinnikov ◽  
Oleg Lyzar ◽  
Pavel Ermolov

The main idea of the article is that modern technologies of sports and recreation direction in various variations are of importance for modern man. Based on the statistical data of various specialists, the population of Krasnodar has a decrease in activity in the spectrum of physical culture and health. Analysis of the data showed that women have a greater motivation for this direction, as they are more socialized and quickly adapt to various new directions in the fitness industry. The main purpose of the study is to identify factors that increase the activity of women in the process of engaging in physical culture and recreational activities for a certain period of time. The study group consisted of 14 women aged 20-35 years, regularly engaged in the proposed program "Resist-a-ball". At the end of the five-month period of classes, data were obtained, which, in comparison with the primary indicators of the students, made it possible to make a justification for

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Dmitry Soshnikov ◽  
Tatiana Petrova ◽  
Vickie Soshnikova ◽  
Andrey Grunin

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic almost two years ago, there have been more than 700,000 scientific papers published on the subject. An individual researcher cannot possibly get acquainted with such a huge text corpus and, therefore, some help from artificial intelligence (AI) is highly needed. We propose the AI-based tool to help researchers navigate the medical papers collections in a meaningful way and extract some knowledge from scientific COVID-19 papers. The main idea of our approach is to get as much semi-structured information from text corpus as possible, using named entity recognition (NER) with a model called PubMedBERT and Text Analytics for Health service, then store the data into NoSQL database for further fast processing and insights generation. Additionally, the contexts in which the entities were used (neutral or negative) are determined. Application of NLP and text-based emotion detection (TBED) methods to COVID-19 text corpus allows us to gain insights on important issues of diagnosis and treatment (such as changes in medical treatment over time, joint treatment strategies using several medications, and the connection between signs and symptoms of coronavirus, etc.).

S. Baisanov ◽  
Ye.Zh. Shabanov ◽  
K.V. Grigorovich ◽  
R.T. Toleukadyr ◽  

The article presents the results of large-scale laboratory tests carried out in the conditions of the Chemical and Metallurgical Institute named after V.I. Zh. Abishev on the use of briquetted mono-charge in the smelting of carbon ferrochrome on a 250 kVA furnace. The purpose of these studies was to determine the technological parameters of the use of briquetted mono-charge containing in its composition chrome ore, wastes from the production of high-carbon ferrochrome, middlings and various carbonaceous reducing agents. The main idea of using these briquettes was to multiply the contact surface of the reductant and ore, which should speed up the technological process. The principal possibility of smelting a standard alloy using briquetted mono-charge is shown. The alloy for individual charge options meets the requirements of the standards. In comparison with the technology without the use of briquettes, the mono-charge technology has shown advantages in all main parameters. The technology with the use of briquettes from the dust of the AktZF gas cleaning system is distinguished by a low yield of non-standard metal and slag, the bulk of the material goes into the gas collection system. Technologies from briquettes from fines pellet production area of Donskoy ore mining and processing plant and flash have very low specific technical and economic indicators and cannot be recommended for industrial use. Improvement of briquetting modes and technology of their smelting is required. The technical and economic indicators were higher than the current one, showed briquettes from ore and coke of the People's Republic of China, briquettes of ore from borlin and shubarkol coals of Kazakhstan.

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