computer based testing
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Computer Based Testing has become a prominent method in student assessment in Nigeria and student perception on this testing technique is paramount. This study examined the perception of undergraduate students towards computer based testing by comparing several modules studied by Undergraduate students in Nigeria which constitutes a major gap in literature. Results showed that majority of students preferred computer based testing to paper based testing but were not will to adopt this technique in all courses. Results further showed majority of students showed preference to paper based tests in Mathematics more than 50% of students had below average grades when the CBT technique was implemented. Similarly, students showed poor grades in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, results further showed the relationship between computer and anxiety and performance in in Mathematics .This study has implications for university administrators in the creation of policies for Computer based testing

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Wenjing Yu ◽  
Noriko Iwashita

AbstractComputer-based testing (CBT), which refers to delivering assessments with computers, has been widely used in large English proficiency tests worldwide. Despite an increasing CBT in China, limited research is available concerning whether CBT can be used for the Test for English Majors-Band 4 (TEM 4). The current study investigated whether testing mode impacted TEM 4 score and factors (i.e., computer familiarity level and attitude towards CBT) that might correlate with performance on CBT of TEM 4. Overall 92 Chinese undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of the groups, i.e., CBT or paper-based testing (PBT), and took the test. A mixed method was employed, including (1) quantitative and qualitative analysis of test performance in two modes, as well as CBT group participants’ computer familiarity and attitudes towards the mode; and (2) thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that (1) test scores in CBT and PBT were comparable; (2) two items in the computer familiarity questionnaire, i.e., comfort level of reading articles on the computer and forgetting time when using computers, positively correlated with CBT scores; and (3) participants’ attitude towards CBT did not impact test performance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 530-544
Yasuyo Sawaki

Emmanuel O. Okon ◽  
Pauline Ann Baba ◽  
Joshua B. Agbogun

This research paper is an evaluation of usability of software for computer-based testing in Kogi State University by students and candidates with albinism. A qualitative research design was employed for the study because the intent was to elicit information from the respondents. The responses show that the interaction of the user (students with albinism) with computer through specific interfaces during the course of computer-based testing was reasonably satisfactory. However, the software used does not give warning sounds (auditory displays) to indicate that something needs attention during CBT. From the response of 88.7% of the respondents, it is obvious that the software effectively monitors time during CBT examination. Disappointingly, there was no time extension placed on the software/program for student with albinism to complete the test as reported by 91.9% of respondents. All the respondents were of the opinion that assistive technologies should be adopted during CBT examination for people with low vision in KSU. Therefore, this paper recommends that the software designers for CBT in KSU should take into consideration more graphics interfaces, auditory displays, time extension for students with low vision and various assistive technologies that students might use. The University management should make effort at providing assistive technologies to compensate for low vision students. This will help advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessment for all students and candidates including those with albinism. 

Volodymyr Starosta

The urgency of the research problem is due to the need to find new opportunities for computer-based testing, especially in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, when most higher education institutions operate in a distance learning environment. The aim of the article is to study the impact of retesting on the performance of students and postgraduate students on the example of studying some pedagogical disciplines in a classical university. The author used the following research methods: theoretical - in order to understand the features of computer-based testing of students in high school, formulating the conclusions of the study, etc. (analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.); empirical – to develop didactic tests and identify indicators of initial and re-testing of students and postgraduate students (online survey, pedagogical observation); mathematical – to process the results using the computer program IBM SPSS Statistics 23. The author obtained the following specific results: according to an online survey of 1211 respondents (during 2020), almost 67% of undergraduate students, 70% of undergraduates and 83% of university students study in Moodle most disciplines during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Moodle system is most prevalent in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at the university. The coefficients of internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) of the developed tests are equal to 0,80-0,94 for different disciplines. Students and postgraduate students took the mandatory first test at Moodle, and they also had the opportunity to retake the test of their choice. Retesting helps to improve the performance of students and postgraduate students. The average increase in test score (%) between the test and re-test was in the range of 2 -16 for various disciplines (2-14 for bachelor’s students, 11-16 for master’s students, 3-5 for postgraduate students).

I. O. Izu-Okpara ◽  
O. C. Nwokonkwo ◽  
A. M. John-Otumu

The online examination platforms also known as computer-based testing (CBT) platforms for conducting mass-driven examinations over computer networks to eliminate certain issues such as delay in marking, misplacement of scripts, monitoring, etc., associated with the conventional Pen and Paper Type (PPT) of examination have also been bedeviled with the issue of impersonation commonly associated with the PPT system. The existing online examination platforms rely on passive mechanisms such as the CCTV system and the human invigilators for monitoring the examination halls against cheating and impersonation. The proposed model integrates some level of intelligence into existing online examination prototype by designing and developing an intelligent agent service that could assess students against impersonation threat in an online examination environment using the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) machine learning classification technique considering the level of accuracy and response time in answering the questions. A total of 3,083 dataset was downloaded from an online repository; 80% (2,466) of the dataset was used for training the model, while 20% (617) dataset was used in testing the model to enable the model detect unseen data correctly. Results showed that the developed model has a 99.99% accuracy rate, precision, recall and f-score.

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