student assessment
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Kamilia Hosny ◽  
Abeer El-korany

<p>Adaptive learning is one of the most widely used data driven approach to teaching and it received an increasing attention over the last decade. It aims to meet the student’s characteristics by tailoring learning courses materials and assessment methods. In order to determine the student’s characteristics, we need to detect their learning styles according to visual, auditory or kinaesthetic (VAK) learning style. In this research, an integrated model that utilizes both semantic and machine learning clustering methods is developed in order to cluster students to detect their learning styles and recommend suitable assessment method(s) accordingly. In order to measure the effectiveness of the proposed model, a set of experiments were conducted on real dataset (Open University Learning Analytics Dataset). Experiments showed that the proposed model is able to cluster students according to their different learning activities with an accuracy that exceeds 95% and predict their relative assessment method(s) with an average accuracy equals to 93%.</p>

Assessment ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 107319112110696
Geetanjali Basarkod ◽  
Herbert W. Marsh ◽  
Baljinder K. Sahdra ◽  
Philip D. Parker ◽  
Jiesi Guo ◽  

For results from large-scale surveys to inform policy and practice appropriately, all participants must interpret and respond to items similarly. While organizers of surveys assessing student outcomes often ensure this for achievement measures, doing so for psychological questionnaires is also critical. We demonstrate this by examining the dimensionality of reading self-concept—a crucial psychological construct for several outcomes—across reading achievement levels. We use Programme for International Student Assessment 2018 data ( N = 529,966) and local structural equation models (LSEMs) to do so. Results reveal that reading self-concept dimensions (assessed through reading competence and difficulty) vary across reading achievement levels. Students with low reading achievement show differentiated responses to the two item sets (high competence–high difficulty). In contrast, students with high reading achievement have reconciled responses (high competence–low difficulty). Our results highlight the value of LSEMs in examining factor structure generalizability of constructs in large-scale surveys and call for greater cognitive testing during item development.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Hartono Hartono ◽  
Ratu Ilma Indra Putri ◽  
Rita Inderawati ◽  
Melly Ariska

Natural Science subjects consisting of Physics, Chemistry and Biology are given to all students starting from elementary school to equip students with logical, analytical, systematic, critical, and creative thinking skills, as well as the ability to work together. According to the Organization for Economics Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2013, the conception of Science literacy in the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) supports the importance of students developing a solid understanding of the concepts of pure science and science education and the benefits involved in exploration in the abstract world that exists. on the universe. This study resulted in an analysis of science learning strategies for students of the Department of Science Education that support higher order thinking skills in Science. Two (2) parts of the material will be discussed more focused, namely (a) learning materials and (b) learning strategies. With the learning syllabus that supports the High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions, the opportunity to increase the value of Science education (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) is greater, one of which is the preparation of challenging questions. Challenging science questions will meet the criteria for high-level questions (PISA has question levels from level 1 to level 6). HOTS questions support the development of a solid understanding of pure Science and Science Education concepts. The data sources used in the preparation of this research are the results of the 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018. PISA surveys and the 2013 curriculum book sourced from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 28-45
Débora de Sales Fontoura da Silva Frantz ◽  
Vanilde Bisognin

O presente artigo é uma pesquisa bibliográfica cujo objetivo consiste em investigar alguns fatores que nos permitam enxergar as dificuldades apresentadas no ensino de geometria no Ensino Fundamental como um problema sistêmico. Para tanto, buscamos informações nos documentos do Programme for International Student Assessment - PISA, bem como em relatórios fornecidos pelo Inep, dos quais mostraremos os resultados do desempenho médio em Matemática e os níveis de proficiência de alunos participantes do Brasil e da OCDE (Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico) e o desempenho desses alunos na categoria de conteúdo, espaço e forma, na disciplina de Matemática. Esses resultados representam indicativos que nos permitem deduzir que não é de hoje os obstáculos no ensino de geometria no Ensino Fundamental, pois não é somente um problema citado por alguns docentes de forma isolada, mas, sim, é um problema típico do mundo em que vivemos.

2022 ◽  
pp. 247-271
Jennifer Fleming

This chapter explores Finland's history, highlighting the country before and after the declaration of independence. It evaluates patterns and trends in social and cultural norms, education, employment, science, technology, and engineering to find evidence of gender inequality, marginalization, and oppression towards Finnish women scholars. Data is collected, analyzed, and reported from a diverse group of peer-reviewed and economic published perspectives, including the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Organization for Economic-Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Labor Organization (ILOSTAT), Panorama Education, World Economic Forum, Global Wage Report, University of British Columbia, National Science Foundation, World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO), National Centre for Education, European Commission, and Statista Finland databases.

Computer Based Testing has become a prominent method in student assessment in Nigeria and student perception on this testing technique is paramount. This study examined the perception of undergraduate students towards computer based testing by comparing several modules studied by Undergraduate students in Nigeria which constitutes a major gap in literature. Results showed that majority of students preferred computer based testing to paper based testing but were not will to adopt this technique in all courses. Results further showed majority of students showed preference to paper based tests in Mathematics more than 50% of students had below average grades when the CBT technique was implemented. Similarly, students showed poor grades in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, results further showed the relationship between computer and anxiety and performance in in Mathematics .This study has implications for university administrators in the creation of policies for Computer based testing

Flora H. Salandanan ◽  
Lerma P. Buenvinida ◽  
Marcial M. Bandoy

Exploring new innovative and learning modalities is an urgent move of higher education as an option in this pandemic.  As a result, to flexible delivery of Student Affairs and Services as stated in CMO 8 s., 2021, Guidelines on the Implementation of Flexible Delivery of student Affairs and Services, (SAS) programs during the Covid-19 epidemic as the continuity of student services is significant to the overall development of students during this trying time. The predictors of student affairs and services (SAS) performance among higher education institutions (HEIs) were determined using a descriptive-correlational research method. The students in the College of Teacher Education and Student Affairs and services (SAS) Unit head and staff were selected as respondents through stratified random sampling. The findings revealed that the majority of the student respondents are from HEI’s in the Province of Laguna. There is a significant relationship between the students’ affairs services in terms of Information and Orientation Services, Guidance and Counselling Services, Student Training, Student Organizations and Activities, Admission Services, Scholarships and Financial Assistance (SFA) and the effectiveness and efficiency of student affairs services. As recommended, the Guidance and Counselling unit must administer the student assessment tools regularly and periodically to determine the appropriate interventions necessary in the new normal. The promotion of mental health among students through different platforms may intensify more. The HEI’s and SAS may consider strengthening downloadable materials and their contents as means of student orientation and information dissemination; online seminars, workshops, and conferences relative to students’ program, specialization, and other relevant topics; enhance the system of recognition and accreditation, supervision, monitoring of student organizations and evaluation of its activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-116
Noelia Pacheco Diaz ◽  
Louis Rocconi

This study employed data from the 2015 Chilean sample of the Programme for International Student Assessment to examine the factors that influence science achievement and factors that may reduce the gender gap in science achievement. Our research was guided by Eccles’ Expectancy-Value Theory, which focused on motivational factors that influence gender differences in students’ achievement choices and performance. Our results indicate that socioeconomic status (SES), motivation, enjoyment of science, expected occupational status, school SES, and class size are related to higher science achievement. Also, anxiety was negatively associated with science achievement. Implications for Chilean policymakers and school administrators to improve Chilean girls’ science achievement are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Julia Mang ◽  
Ludwig Seidl ◽  
Anja Schiepe-Tiska ◽  
Ana Tupac-Yupanqui ◽  
Lisa Ziernwald ◽  

Das Skalenhandbuch für das Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 umfasst die Dokumentation aller Instrumente, die in der Studie im Jahre 2018 in Deutschland eingesetzt wurden. Neben den Fragen – den sogenannten Items – des Schülerfragebogens, des Elternfragebogens, des Lehrerfragebogens sowie des Schulleiterfragebogens werden die mittleren nationalen Lösungshäufigkeiten und dazugehörige Kenngrößen der verwendeten Testaufgaben für die Domänen Lesen, Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik aufgelistet. In der Erhebung 2018 bildete die Domäne Lesen mit der Neuerung des adaptiven Testens die Hauptdomäne. Damit beginnt ein neuer Zyklus, da in den vorhergehenden Zyklen jede der drei untersuchten Grundbildungsdomänen Lesen, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften zweimal den inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt bildete. Es werden sowohl die internationalen Fragen als auch Fragen abgebildet, welche nur in Deutschland erhoben worden sind.

Sestry Ayu Ruganda ◽  

The strategy and implementation of learning is strongly influenced by the development of science and technology. So the technology that is currently developing must be integrated into the learning process to improve the quality of learning. One of the technology integration is E-Modul. E-Modul is a form of presentation of self-study materials that are arranged systematically into the smallest learning units to achieve certain learning objectives which are presented in an electronic format for each learning activity. E-Modules developed using a contextual approach will This causes students to get more meaningful learning, because they can relate the material to real everyday life. E-Modules are presented systematically so that they contain relevant text, images and videos. Therefore, Appypie Software is used in the development of the Plant Physiology E-Module. The purpose of this research is to produce an E-Module of Plant Physiology based on CTL on the material of Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Metabolism using Appypie Software which is valid, practical and effective. This type of research is development research using the Plomp model. The development phase of this model begins with the Preliminary Research Phase , Development or Prototyping Phase, and the Assessment Phase. The instruments in this study were in the form of a validity assessment sheet, a practicality assessment sheet, a skill and attitude competency assessment sheet and multiple choice questions to assess knowledge competence. The data analysis technique is validity, practicality using modified Likert scale scoring and effectiveness data using t-test using SPSS version 17. The results showed that the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module on the materials of Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Metabolism was very valid with a value of 92.21%. The practicality assessment by the lecturers scored 95% with very practical criteria and the student assessment with a score of 82.17% with very practical criteria. The results of the effectiveness test showed that the class that used the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module had a higher score than the class that did not use the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module, so the use of the E-Module equipped with pictures, animations and videos could help students understand material. It can be concluded that the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module that has been developed is in the very valid, very practical, and very effective category in improving student learning outcomes.

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