asthenospheric upwelling
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Solid Earth ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 2671-2702
Marcel Paffrath ◽  
Wolfgang Friederich ◽  
Stefan M. Schmid ◽  
Mark R. Handy ◽  

Abstract. We perform a teleseismic P-wave travel-time tomography to examine the geometry and structure of subducted lithosphere in the upper mantle beneath the Alpine orogen. The tomography is based on waveforms recorded at over 600 temporary and permanent broadband stations of the dense AlpArray Seismic Network deployed by 24 different European institutions in the greater Alpine region, reaching from the Massif Central to the Pannonian Basin and from the Po Plain to the river Main. Teleseismic travel times and travel-time residuals of direct teleseismic P waves from 331 teleseismic events of magnitude 5.5 and higher recorded between 2015 and 2019 by the AlpArray Seismic Network are extracted from the recorded waveforms using a combination of automatic picking, beamforming and cross-correlation. The resulting database contains over 162 000 highly accurate absolute P-wave travel times and travel-time residuals. For tomographic inversion, we define a model domain encompassing the entire Alpine region down to a depth of 600 km. Predictions of travel times are computed in a hybrid way applying a fast TauP method outside the model domain and continuing the wave fronts into the model domain using a fast marching method. We iteratively invert demeaned travel-time residuals for P-wave velocities in the model domain using a regular discretization with an average lateral spacing of about 25 km and a vertical spacing of 15 km. The inversion is regularized towards an initial model constructed from a 3D a priori model of the crust and uppermost mantle and a 1D standard earth model beneath. The resulting model provides a detailed image of slab configuration beneath the Alpine and Apenninic orogens. Major features are a partly overturned Adriatic slab beneath the Apennines reaching down to 400 km depth still attached in its northern part to the crust but exhibiting detachment towards the southeast. A fast anomaly beneath the western Alps indicates a short western Alpine slab whose easternmost end is located at about 100 km depth beneath the Penninic front. Further to the east and following the arcuate shape of the western Periadriatic Fault System, a deep-reaching coherent fast anomaly with complex internal structure generally dipping to the SE down to about 400 km suggests a slab of European origin limited to the east by the Giudicarie fault in the upper 200 km but extending beyond this fault at greater depths. In its eastern part it is detached from overlying lithosphere. Further to the east, well-separated in the upper 200 km from the slab beneath the central Alps but merging with it below, another deep-reaching, nearly vertically dipping high-velocity anomaly suggests the existence of a slab beneath the eastern Alps of presumably the same origin which is completely detached from the orogenic root. Our image of this slab does not require a polarity switch because of its nearly vertical dip and full detachment from the overlying lithosphere. Fast anomalies beneath the Dinarides are weak and concentrated to the northernmost part and shallow depths. Low-velocity regions surrounding the fast anomalies beneath the Alps to the west and northwest follow the same dipping trend as the overlying fast ones, indicating a kinematically coherent thick subducting lithosphere in this region. Alternatively, these regions may signify the presence of seismic anisotropy with a horizontal fast axis parallel to the Alpine belt due to asthenospheric flow around the Alpine slabs. In contrast, low-velocity anomalies to the east suggest asthenospheric upwelling presumably driven by retreat of the Carpathian slab and extrusion of eastern Alpine lithosphere towards the east while low velocities to the south are presumably evidence of asthenospheric upwelling and mantle hydration due to their position above the European slab.

2021 ◽  
Michael Clark

<p>The Otago continental shelf is a prospective petroleum area on the east side of the South Island New Zealand. During the Neogene it evolved from a post-rift to passive margin as giant progrades extended eastward across the shelf, fed by tectonic uplift and erosion of the Southern Alps to the west. Seismic reflection profiles reveal an uplifted limestone horizon near the Dunedin Volcano. This may be caused by a buoyant load under the lithosphere and can be spatially and temporally linked to the Dunedin Volcano and geophysical anomalies in the area.  This thesis utilises 2D and 3D seismic data to map Neogene sequence boundaries over the Otago Shelf. Seven such sequence boundaries have been mapped based on distinctive seismic characteristics above and below these surfaces. These surfaces have been tied to nearby petroleum and Integrated Ocean Drilling Project wells using biostratigraphic data and then used to generate a series of isopach and depth maps that document the Neogene evolution of this margin. The maps depict the deposition of Neogene sediment and provide age constraints to structural events in the basin such as the uplift near Dunedin and fault movement on the Endeavour High.  The maps are then used to develop a lithospheric flexure model where uplift is interpreted to have been caused by asthenospheric upwelling beneath Dunedin. The model provides insight into the conditions that led to the flexure of the lithosphere, specifically the elastic thickness of the plate and the magnitude and depth distribution of buoyant intrusive material that fed the Dunedin Volcano. Asthenospheric upwelling explains elevated heat flow around Dunedin and would result in enhanced petroleum maturity. This highlights the potential for petroleum generation in source rocks immediately offshore from Dunedin.</p>

2021 ◽  
Michael Clark

<p>The Otago continental shelf is a prospective petroleum area on the east side of the South Island New Zealand. During the Neogene it evolved from a post-rift to passive margin as giant progrades extended eastward across the shelf, fed by tectonic uplift and erosion of the Southern Alps to the west. Seismic reflection profiles reveal an uplifted limestone horizon near the Dunedin Volcano. This may be caused by a buoyant load under the lithosphere and can be spatially and temporally linked to the Dunedin Volcano and geophysical anomalies in the area.  This thesis utilises 2D and 3D seismic data to map Neogene sequence boundaries over the Otago Shelf. Seven such sequence boundaries have been mapped based on distinctive seismic characteristics above and below these surfaces. These surfaces have been tied to nearby petroleum and Integrated Ocean Drilling Project wells using biostratigraphic data and then used to generate a series of isopach and depth maps that document the Neogene evolution of this margin. The maps depict the deposition of Neogene sediment and provide age constraints to structural events in the basin such as the uplift near Dunedin and fault movement on the Endeavour High.  The maps are then used to develop a lithospheric flexure model where uplift is interpreted to have been caused by asthenospheric upwelling beneath Dunedin. The model provides insight into the conditions that led to the flexure of the lithosphere, specifically the elastic thickness of the plate and the magnitude and depth distribution of buoyant intrusive material that fed the Dunedin Volcano. Asthenospheric upwelling explains elevated heat flow around Dunedin and would result in enhanced petroleum maturity. This highlights the potential for petroleum generation in source rocks immediately offshore from Dunedin.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 95 (S1) ◽  
pp. 70-72
Matthew J. COMEAU ◽  
Michael BECKEN ◽  
Alexey V. KUVSHINOV ◽  
Alexander GRAYVER ◽  
Johannes KÄUFL ◽  

2021 ◽  
Marcel Paffrath ◽  
Wolfgang Friederich ◽  

Abstract. We perform a teleseismic P-wave traveltime tomography to examine the geometry and structure of subducted lithosphere in the upper mantle beneath the Alpine orogen. The tomography is based on waveforms recorded at over 600 temporary and permanent broadband stations of the dense AlpArray Seismic Network deployed by 24 different European institutions in the greater Alpine region, reaching from the Massif Central to the Pannonian Basin and from the Po plain to the river Main. Teleseismic traveltimes and traveltime residuals of direct teleseismic P-waves from 331 teleseismic events of magnitude 5.5 and higher recorded between 2015 and 2019 by the AlpArray Seismic Network are extracted from the recorded waveforms using a combination of automatic picking, beamforming and cross-correlation. The resulting database contains over 162.000 highly accurate absolute P-wave traveltimes and traveltime residuals. For tomographic inversion, we define a model domain encompassing the entire Alpine region down to a depth of 600 km. Outside this domain, a laterally homogeneous standard earth model is assumed. Predictions of traveltimes are computed in a hybrid way applying a fast Tau-P method outside the model domain and continuing the wavefronts into the model domain using a fast marching method. For teleseismic inversion, we iteratively invert demeaned traveltime residuals for P-wave velocities in the model domain using a regular discretization with an average lateral spacing of about 25 km and a vertical spacing of 15 km. The inversion is regularized towards an initial model constructed from an a priori model of the crust and uppermost mantle and a standard earth model beneath. The resulting model provides a detailed image of slab configuration beneath the Alpine and Apenninic orogens. Major features are an overturned Adriatic slab beneath the Apennines reaching down to 400 km depth still attached in its northern part to the crust but exhibiting detachment towards the southeast. A fast anomaly beneath the western Alps indicates a short western Alpine slab that ends at about 100 km depth close to the Penninic front. Further to the east and following the arcuate shape of the western Periadriatic Fault System, a deep-reaching coherent fast anomaly with complex interior stucture generally dipping to the SE down to about 400 km suggests a slab of European origin extending eastward to the Giudicarie fault. This slab is detached from overlying lithosphere at its eastern end below a depth of about 100 km. Further to the east, well-separated from the slab beneath the western and central Alps, another deep-reaching, nearly vertically dipping high-velocity anomaly suggests the existence of a slab beneath the Eastern Alps of presumably European origin which is completely detached from the orogenic root. Our image of this slab does not require a polarity switch because of its nearly vertical dip and full detachment from the overlying lithosphere. Fast anomalies beneath the Dinarides are weak and concentrated to the northernmost part and shallow depths. Low-velocity regions surrounding the fast anomalies beneath the Alps to the west and northwest follow the same dipping trend as the overlying fast ones, indicating a kinematically coherent subducting tectosphere in this region. In contrast, low-velocity anomalies to the east suggest asthenospheric upwelling presumably driven by retreat of the Carpathian slab and extrusion of eastern Alpine lithosphere towards the east while low velocities to the south are presumably evidence of asthenospheric upwelling and mantle hydration due to the backarc position behind the European slab.

2020 ◽  
Vol 790 ◽  
pp. 228548
Zhixiang Yao ◽  
Sandvol Eric ◽  
Chunyong Wang ◽  
Zhifeng Ding ◽  
Yongshun Chen

Chao Lin ◽  
Jinjiang Zhang ◽  
Xiaoxian Wang ◽  
Tianli Huang ◽  
Bo Zhang ◽  

The Himalayan Orogen is a typical continental collision orogenic belt that formed during India-Asia collision. The orogeny involved a transition in tectonic regime, which led to E-W−trending extension during the middle Miocene. At the same time, widespread post-collisional adakitic magmatism occurred in southern Tibet, particularly in the Lhasa Terrane, and these rocks provide a valuable record of the collisional geodynamic processes within the lithosphere. Few studies have focused on the middle Miocene adakitic rocks of the Himalayan Orogen, so further research is required to constrain their origin and geodynamics. This study presents new geochronological and geochemical data, including the whole rock Sr-Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions from the Mayum pluton in the Mayum-Gong Tso area, Northern Himalaya. Zircon U-Pb ages show that the Mayum granodiorite porphyries crystallized at 16.67 ± 0.14 Ma (mean square weighted deviation [MSWD] = 0.82, n = 29) and 16.68 ± 0.16 Ma (MSWD = 1.13, n = 28), indicating that they formed during the middle Miocene. The major and trace element characteristics are as follows: SiO2 = 65.79−67.31 wt%, Al2O3 = 15.28−16.00 wt%, MgO = 1.77−1.89 wt%, Y = 12.0−13.5 ppm, Yb = 0.11−0.99 ppm, Sr = 719−822 ppm, (La/Yb)N = 21.89−27.02, Sr/Y = 56.1−65.5, and the rocks have weak negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.76−0.85), indicating that they are adakitic rocks and show high Sr-Ba granite affinity. The Mayum granodiorite porphyries have high K2O contents (3.42−3.65 wt%), Na2O (3.76−4.04 wt%), and K2O/Na2O ratios of 0.91−0.95, indicating a high-K calc-alkaline affinity. All samples are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements and depleted in high field strength elements. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios are 0.709262−0.709327 and εNd(t) values are −6.36 to −7.07, which correspond to two-stage Nd model ages [TDM2(Nd)] of 1405−1348 Ma. In situ zircon Lu-Hf isotopic compositions are variable, with 176Hf/177Hf ratios of 0.2823845−0.282824, εHf(t) values of −13.37 to +2.17, and two-stage Hf model ages [TDM2(Hf)] of 1704−841 Ma. These geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic characteristics indicate that the Mayum granodiorite porphyries may be derived from partial melting of the subducted Indian thickened ancient mafic lower crust (∼92%) mixed with depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt mantle material input (∼8%) slightly. Crust-mantle interaction was induced by asthenospheric upwelling followed by the underplating of the Himalayan lower crust beneath Southern Tibet during the middle Miocene in response to significant changes in the geodynamics of the India-Asia collisional orogen. These deep geodynamic processes reflect the break-off or rollback of the subducted Indian continental slab, which caused asthenospheric upwelling, the input of juvenile heat, and the addition of depleted mantle material. This study indicates that the middle Miocene Himalayan adakitic rocks, which include the Miocene Yardoi two-mica granite, Gyangzê granite porphyry dike, Bendui two-mica granite, Langkazi enclave, Kuday dacitic dike, Lasa pluton, and Mayum pluton, form a belt of adakitic rocks in the Northern Himalaya to the south of the Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone. These adakitic rocks have similar temporal and spatial distributions, geochemical features, and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions, indicating that their petrogenesis and geodynamic settings were similar. At that time there was widespread initiation of N-S−trending rifting, exhumation of central Himalayan eclogites, and large changes in the compositions of Himalayan leucogranites in the Himalayan Orogen. These can be attributed to significant changes in the characteristics of the subducted Indian continental lithosphere during the middle Miocene. The middle Miocene Himalayan adakitic rocks provide valuable insights into this transition in the tectonic regime and deep geodynamic processes.

2020 ◽  
Omar Gianola ◽  
Bernardo Cesare ◽  
Omar Bartoli ◽  
Fabio Ferri ◽  
Robert Anczkiewicz

&lt;p&gt;Ultra-high temperature (UHT) metamorphism is a thermal regime that can be attained by the lower continental crust in exceptional contexts and that is usually accompanied by fluid-absent dehydration melting. Such conditions are observed in the Gruf Complex, a 12 x 10 km migmatitic body located in the Central Alps, which is characterized by the presence of UHT granulitic schlieren and enclaves within migmatitic orthogneisses and charnockites. Two types of granulites, both with a massive and melanocratic texture, were investigated. The first granulite contains sapphirine, garnet, orthopyroxene, K-feldspar and biotite in the peak mineral assemblage, whereas the second type displays garnet, orthopyroxene, sillimanite and biotite. In both granulites, garnets are porphyroblastic and can reach up to 2 cm in size. These garnets are almost pure almandine-pyrope solid solutions and are zoned, showing pyrope-richer rims (Alm&lt;sub&gt;43-54&lt;/sub&gt;Prp&lt;sub&gt;43-55&lt;/sub&gt;Sps&lt;sub&gt;0-2&lt;/sub&gt;Grs&lt;sub&gt;1-6&lt;/sub&gt;) compared to cores (Alm&lt;sub&gt;47-62&lt;/sub&gt;Prp&lt;sub&gt;32-48&lt;/sub&gt;Sps&lt;sub&gt;0-3&lt;/sub&gt;Grs&lt;sub&gt;2-9&lt;/sub&gt;). A clear zoning is also observed in the rare earth elements (REE), with garnet cores showing the highest REE concentrations. Moreover, the porphyroblastic garnets are characterized by the presence of numerous melt inclusions (MI), which can be noticed both in garnet cores and rims. The MI occur as polycrystalline (nanogranitoids) and glassy inclusions, and dominantly display a peraluminous, rhyolitic composition, suggesting that they were originated, along with the host garnet, by incongruent, fluid-absent melting reactions during crustal anatexis. Lu-Hf ages obtained for the MI-bearing garnet cores of both granulites indicate that they formed at about 41 &amp;#177; 4 Ma, which therefore can be interpreted as the time that crustal anatexis generated the UHT granulites. Considering the granulites in the context of the alpine framework, it is also inferred that UHT conditions in the lower crust were achieved as a consequence of asthenospheric upwelling, probably related to slab steepening or slab breakoff.&lt;/p&gt;

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