visual sensitivity
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Irina Shoshina ◽  
Inna Zelenskaya ◽  
Valeriia Karpinskaia ◽  
Yuri Shilov ◽  
Elena Tomilovskaya

The aim of this work was to study the sensitivity of the visual system in 5-day “dry” immersion with a course of high-frequency electromyostimulation (HFEMS) and without it. “Dry” immersion (DI) is one of the most effective models of microgravity. DI reproduces three basic effects of weightlessness: physical inactivity, support withdrawal and elimination of the vertical vascular gradient. The “dry” immersion included in the use of special waterproof and highly elastic fabric on of immersion in a liquid similar in density to the tissues of the human body. The sensitivity of the visual system was assessed by measuring contrast sensitivity and magnitude of the Müller-Lyer illusion. The visual contrast sensitivity was measured in the spatial frequency range from 0.4 to 10.0 cycles/degree. The strength of visual illusion was assessed by means of motor response using “tracking.” Measurements were carried out before the start of immersion, on the 1st, 3rd, 5th days of DI, and after its completion. Under conditions of “dry” immersion without HFEMS, upon the transition from gravity to microgravity conditions (BG and DI1) we observed significant differences in contrast sensitivity in the low spatial frequency range, whereas in the experiment with HFEMS—in the medium spatial frequency range. In the experiment without HFEMS, the Müller-Lyer illusion in microgravity conditions was absent, while in the experiment using HFEMS it was significantly above zero at all stages. Thus, we obtained only limited evidence in favor of the hypothesis of a possible compensating effect of HFEMS on changes in visual sensitivity upon the transition from gravity to microgravity conditions and vice versa. The study is a pilot and requires further research on the effect of HFEMS on visual sensitivity.

2021 ◽  
Gregory L. Owens ◽  
Thor Veen ◽  
Dylan R. Moxley ◽  
Lenin Arias‐Rodriguez ◽  
Michael Tobler ◽  

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0258678
William E. A. Sheppard ◽  
Polly Dickerson ◽  
Rigmor C. Baraas ◽  
Mark Mon-Williams ◽  
Brendan T. Barrett ◽  

Purpose Many people experience unilateral degraded vision, usually owing to a developmental or age-related disorder. There are unresolved questions regarding the extent to which such unilateral visual deficits impact on sensorimotor performance; an important issue as sensorimotor limitations can constrain quality of life by restricting ‘activities of daily living’. Examination of the relationship between visual deficit and sensorimotor performance is essential for determining the functional implications of ophthalmic conditions. This study attempts to explore the effect of unilaterally degraded vision on sensorimotor performance. Methods In Experiment 1 we simulated visual deficits in 30 participants using unilateral and bilateral Bangerter filters to explore whether motor performance was affected in water pouring, peg placing, and aiming tasks. Experiment 2 (n = 74) tested the hypothesis that kinematic measures are associated with visuomotor deficits by measuring the impact of small visual sensitivity decrements created by monocular viewing on sensorimotor interactions with targets presented on a planar surface in aiming, tracking and steering tasks. Results In Experiment 1, the filters caused decreased task performance—confirming that unilateral (and bilateral) visual loss has functional implications. In Experiment 2, kinematic measures were affected by monocular viewing in two of three tasks requiring rapid online visual feedback (aiming and steering). Conclusions Unilateral visual loss has a measurable impact on sensorimotor performance. The benefits of binocular vision may be particularly important for some groups (e.g. older adults) where an inability to complete sensorimotor tasks may necessitate assisted living. There is an urgent need to develop rigorous kinematic approaches to the quantification of the functional impact of unilaterally degraded vision and of the benefits associated with treatments for unilateral ophthalmic conditions to enable informed decisions around treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 188 ◽  
pp. 149-161
Maria Dvoeglazova ◽  
Ekaterina Koshmanova ◽  
Tadamasa Sawada

2021 ◽  
Matthew J Murphy ◽  
Erica L Westerman

The spectrum of light that an animal sees - from ultraviolet to far red light - is governed by the number and wavelength sensitivity of a family of retinal proteins called opsins. It has been hypothesized that the spectrum of light available in an environment influences the range of colors that a species has evolved to see. However, invertebrates and vertebrates use phylogenetically distinct opsins in their retinae, and it remains unclear whether these distinct opsins influence what animals see, or how they adapt to their light environments. Systematically utilizing published visual sensitivity data from across animal phyla, we found that terrestrial animals are more sensitive to shorter and longer wavelengths of light than aquatic animals, and that invertebrates are more sensitive to shorter wavelengths of light than vertebrates. Controlling for phylogeny removes the effects of habitat and lineage on visual sensitivity. Closed and open habitat terrestrial species have similar spectral sensitivities when comparing across the Metazoa, and deep water animals are more sensitive to shorter wavelengths of light than shallow water animals. Our results suggest that animals do adapt to their light environment, however the invertebrate-vertebrate evolutionary divergence has limited the degree to which animals can perform visual tuning.

PLoS Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. e3001413
Jonathan H. Cohen ◽  
Kim S. Last ◽  
Corie L. Charpentier ◽  
Finlo Cottier ◽  
Malin Daase ◽  

Light plays a fundamental role in the ecology of organisms in nearly all habitats on Earth and is central for processes such as vision and the entrainment of the circadian clock. The poles represent extreme light regimes with an annual light cycle including periods of Midnight Sun and Polar Night. The Arctic Ocean extends to the North Pole, and marine light extremes reach their maximum extent in this habitat. During the Polar Night, traditional definitions of day and night and seasonal photoperiod become irrelevant since there are only “twilight” periods defined by the sun’s elevation below the horizon at midday; we term this “midday twilight.” Here, we characterize light across a latitudinal gradient (76.5° N to 81° N) during Polar Night in January. Our light measurements demonstrate that the classical solar diel light cycle dominant at lower latitudes is modulated during Arctic Polar Night by lunar and auroral components. We therefore question whether this particular ambient light environment is relevant to behavioral and visual processes. We reveal from acoustic field observations that the zooplankton community is undergoing diel vertical migration (DVM) behavior. Furthermore, using electroretinogram (ERG) recording under constant darkness, we show that the main migratory species, Arctic krill (Thysanoessa inermis) show endogenous increases in visual sensitivity during the subjective night. This change in sensitivity is comparable to that under exogenous dim light acclimations, although differences in speed of vision suggest separate mechanisms. We conclude that the extremely weak midday twilight experienced by krill at high latitudes during the darkest parts of the year has physiological and ecological relevance.

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