Studia Theologica Transsylvaniensia
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Published By Institutul Teologic Romano-Catolic


2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-53
Csaba Török

„The parish is not an outdated institution; precisely because it possesses great flexibility, it can assume quite different contours depending on the openness and missionary creativity of the pastor and the community“ (Evangelii gaudium 28). The words of Pope Francis give us an actual and imminent inspiration to explore the status of the being-in-parish and the being-a-parish experience of the catholic clergy and faithful. We try to identify the basic elements of the biblical understanding of παροικία, to analyze the current situation and develop some possible principles for the (re)forming of parochial existence, highlighting the main challenges of this ancient and till always newly thinkable and realizable institution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-109
Levente Balázs Martos

The concept of motivation is related to the encouraging effect on others on the one hand and the reasons for our own actions on the other. Motivation always reflects a specific set of values and tools, as well as behavior. In our short study, some of the fundamental values characteristic of the Bible will be presented, and then we observe the motivating presence of Jesus for his disciples in the narration of the fourth gospel, the Gospel of John.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-176
Mária Csatlós

With the available archival resources and through exploring the life, work and political actions of Endre Ágotha, the dean and parish priest of Nyárádselye I trace the unfolding and failing of the schismatic catholic peace movement legitimated in Marosvásárhely in the period 1950-1956. The state backed “Catholic Action” did not succeed in severing the Catholic Church in Romania from Rome by settling the “pending cases” between the church and the state and only a small portion of the clergy joined the movement, yet it has made significant moral damages by dividing the believers and the clergy. The Holy See condemned the movement and it’s key figure Endre Ágotha has brought upon himself the harshest punishment of the Catholic Church: excommunicates vitandus. He received absolution only on his deathbed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-69
András Törő

The Optatam Totius had already outlined a sort of blueprint for the preparatory year of studies (propaedeuticum), which was implemented in several countries. In 1992, the post-synodal apostolic exhortation entitled “Pastores dabo vobis” also presented this training as an opportunity to enrich the priestly formation. These trainings can be divided into three groups: autonomous, integrated in the seminary curriculum, or bound to the pastoral care (of students). At the international level, the preparatory years are organized either by Episcopal Conferences or by dioceses. This study presents the experiences acquired from the practice of propaedeuticum in different countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-127
Lajos Dolhai

La liturgia vuol insegnarci in tre diversi modi. Attraverso la parola di Dio che è un elemento costitutivo della liturgia. Possiamo riconoscere la dottrina della Chiesa nelle preghiere (euchologia) perché „lex orandi lex credendi”. Anche i segni e simboli sacramentali ed i riti della liturgia sono importanti nella catechesi sacramentale. Per questa ragione il Sacrosanctum Concilium ci raccomanda di comprendere i sacramenti „per mezzo dei riti e delle preghiere” (SC 48). Ciò significa che la comprensione delle parole e dei gesti della liturgia è legata ad una catechesi che partendo dal senso antropologico faccia comprendere il valore simbolico-salvifico che rivestono in rapporto ad eventi e parole della storia di Israele e della vita di Cristo. In questo saggio vedremo che il simbolismo del pane eucaristico ha una rilevanza teologica. Il pane eucaristico come „pane spezzato” è un nutrimento e segno dell’unità dei cristiani.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-146
Dávid Diósi

Gründonnerstag ist nicht nur der Gedenktag der Einsetzung des Abendmahls (coena domini). Zu ihm gehört „der Verrat des Judas und die Verhaftung Jesu wie auch die Verleugnung durch Petrus; die Anklage vor dem Hohen Rat und die Auslieferung an die Heiden, an Pilatus“ (Predigt von Papst Benedikt XVI., Abendmahlsmesse am Gründonnerstag, 5. April 2012, Lateranbasilika). Die folgende Studie befasst sich mit Judas Iskariot, dem Verräter Jesu, in der Liturgie des Gründonnerstags. Sein Porträt wird anhand liturgischer Texte dargestellt. Dazu werden die wichtigsten Textzeugen der Eucharistiefeier dieses Festes in der Liturgiegeschichte (z.B. die Judas-Präfation), sowie die einschlägigen Judas-Responsorien für die Matutin desselben Tages (Officium tenebrarum) vom Breviarium Romanum näher untersucht und auswertet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 177-185
Janka-Eszter Veres

In our paper we would to discuss about the difference between the meaning of the words gender and sex, in order to try and understand why is it important to distinguish correctly when to use gender specific expressions. We discuss the etymology of the word and, on the other hand, we try to find the most useful translations and expressions which will help us integrate the word gender in Hungarian texts. It’s important for us to find the proper meaning of the used word (in this case, we discuss the word gender) in order to understand the texts we read in a proper manner. The misunderstanding of the word gender caused a lot of stereotypes, even oppression, when it came to talk about women and their role in society and in Church, so we must be aware to read and understand the meaning of a specific text using our best knowledge and trying to do our best to avoid stereotypization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-152
József Marton

Károly Rass (1872-1962), a Roman Catholic priest serving in Turda acquired two poems about bishop Áron Márton by the doctor-poet Oszkár Bárd (1893-1942). These poems are published here.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-24
István András

Guardando la nostra epoca sorgono in noi domande: „dove andiamo così” o „che fine avrà l’uomo”. L’articolo seguente porta davanti ai nostri occhio una risposta speciale che si costruisce sul lavoro di Leclercq e descrive l’uomo postmoderno come virtuale, senza gran affetto verso la teologia ma capace di creare qualcosa di nuovo. Seguendo l’itinerario di Leclercq possiamo osservare come dalla teologia monastica attraverso la scolastica con le scoperte del mondo moderno si arriva al postmoderno dove diventerà una da migliaia. Questo mondo prepara la via per qualcosa di nuovo in cui precisamente sarà presente anche Dio.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-92
Levente Linczenbold

The Second Vatican Council and subsequent documents, in view of the pastoral challenges, strongly recommend the establishment of a pastoral council in the dioceses, in which mainly the laity should be involved. The task of the council is to raise and discuss issues concerning pastoral work and to reach practical conclusions. In the interpretation of the Church as communio, the juridical figure of the pastoral council is an important institution, since based on the theological structure of the communio, its members can assist the bishop in the pastoral care of the diocese with their opinions and remarks by virtue of their universal mission received in baptism. The notion that the mission stemming from the general priesthood would imply such representative character which would signify the exercise of ecclesiastical power is erroneous. The reference to the individual or collective interests of advisory bodies is the real expression of the Church’s communio insofar as it serves the common good of the Church. Otherwise, we are dealing only with a misunderstood conception of “democracy” that interprets communion in the Church merely on a humanistic, anthropological level, and considers the decentralization of power to be its fundamental task. With regard to the pastoral council, the principle of synodality is closely linked to the communio nature of the Church, as issues concerning pastoral care must be thoroughly discussed together, and decision-making mechanisms must be well prepared, which serves as basis for the diocesan bishop to be able to make the desired decision.

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