Školski vjesnik
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Published By Faculty Of Humanities And Social Sciences, University Of Split


2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-320
Iva Batur ◽  
Amanda Glavaš

Inkluzivni odgoj i obrazovanje prihvaća činjenicu da sva djeca imaju različite (posebne) potrebe koje je potrebno uvažavati. Preduvjet su za to zakonske regulative za odgoj i obrazovanje djece s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama koje se kontinuirano ažuriraju u skladu sa suvremenim znanstvenim spoznajama. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi razlike u zakonskom reguliranju odgoja i obrazovanja djece s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama na vertikalnoj i/ili horizontalnoj razini. Na vertikalnoj razini uspoređuju se dva podsustava: a) rani i predškolski te b) školski – osnovnoškolski i srednjoškolski. S druge strane, na horizontalnoj razini uspoređuju se dvije podskupine: djeca i učenici s teškoćama u razvoju te darovita djeca i učenici. S tom je namjerom u istraživanju provedena kvalitativna komparativna analiza primarnih izvora podataka u zakonskim aktima koji reguliraju odgoj i obrazovanje djece s posebnim potrebama u Republici Hrvatskoj. Analizom je utvrđena bolja reguliranost školskog odgojno-obrazovnog sustava u odnosu na rani i predškolski te bolja reguliranost akata koji se tiču djece i učenika s teškoćama u razvoju u odnosu na darovite. Prema tome, dobiveni rezultati upućuju na potrebu reguliranja zakonskih akata prethodno navedenih sustava i skupina s ciljem zadovoljenja njihovih potreba.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 275-307
Marinko Lazzarich

Učenje je važan proces u intelektualnom sazrijevanju i socijalizaciji ličnosti, a određuju ga brojne komponente među kojima su najvažnije kognicija, motivacija i emocije. Kako suvremena nastava zahtijeva aktivnu ulogu učenika u procesu učenja, ključni element za uspješno učenje jest kvalitetno poučavanje. Učiteljima je glavni izazov kako pobuditi interes među učenicima za obrazovno područje, stoga se poučavanje treba temeljiti na izboru primjerenih pristupa i postupaka. U ovom radu raspravljalo se o učinkovitim strategijama i oblicima učenja u nastavi Hrvatskoga jezika na nižem stupnju primarnoga obrazovanja, u razrednoj nastavi. Hrvatski jezik složen je nastavni predmet, stoga funkcionalna nastava jezika i književnosti zahtijeva svrhovitost metoda i oblika rada. Motrili smo primjenjivost suradničkoga, iskustvenoga i samoreguliranoga učenja. Priloženi su različiti kreativni postupci u ranoj fazi učenja jezika te ponuđene smjernice za rad s učenicima u razrednoj nastavi. Važno je učenicima omogućiti situacije u kojima će osvijestiti svoj proces učenja i preuzeti odluke o tome kako će ostvariti planirane ishode i ciljeve učenja.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-196
Dubravka Kuščević

A nation’s cultural and natural heritage is the wealth of the people it belongs to and one of the key elements for the creation of national identity and affirmation in the process of globalization. The aim of our study was to examine the attitudes, knowledge and thoughts of primary and secondary school students related to natural and cultural heritage. A total of 322 respondents from primary and secondary schools in Split-Dalmatia County, Šibenik-Knin County, and Zagreb County participated in the research. Our results indicate that secondary school students show better knowledge of cultural and natural heritage of their homeland and a higher degree of interest in learning about these contents than students in the final grades of primary school. Moreover, secondary school students more than primary school students recognize the value of attaching importance to these topics within the work of educational institutions and in various school subjects. In addition, secondary school students expressed a greater awareness of the importance of preserving cultural heritage and its connection with the development of the economy and the preservation of national identity compared to primary school students. No differences were found among students in terms of the impact of cultural heritage on encouraging their creativity, but it was shown that more frequent visits to archaeological institutions were associated with a higher interest in heritage-related content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 321-348
Iva Batur ◽  
Amanda Glavaš

Inclusive education implies that all children have different (special) needs which have to be met. The prerequisite for meeting those needs are legal regulations related to the education of children with special needs that are continually updated in accordance with the current scientific data. The aim of this research was to determine whether there are differences in legal regulation on two levels: vertical – a comparison of two subsystems (early childhood education and care and primary and secondary education) and horizontal – a comparison of two subgroups (children with disabilities and gifted children). The research conducted a qualitative comparative analysis of primary data sources (legal acts regulating the education of children with special needs in the Republic of Croatia).The analysis showed that there is better regulation within the school education system than in the early and childhood education and care system. Also, there is better regulation relating to children with disabilities than to gifted children. The obtained results indicate the need to regulate the legal acts of the education systems and groups in order to meet children’s needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-158
Vesna Kostović-Vranješ ◽  
Mila Bulić ◽  
Viktorija Periša

The educational system of the Republic of Croatia saw the transition from classroom to distance education starting on March 13, 2020 due to the pandemic of the new, infectious coronavirus COVID-19. The pandemic caused a sudden transition to distance education and a number of difficulties in the implementation of online education, therefore a study was conducted to determine the attitudes of students, who are future class teachers, and practitioner-teachers to distance education in which they participated. The results of the research show significant differences in the perception of the transition from classroom to distance education, revealing it was more difficult for practitioner-teachers to organize and implement online education. The research determined attitudes to distance education and attitudes to television-based education. The obtained research results can be used to improve distance education, which will be carried out as needed, alternating with classroom teaching.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-268
Tamara Jurkić Sviben ◽  
Nikola Sebastian Jambrošić

Pjevanje je važan čimbenik u nastavi Glazbene kulture te, uz obvezne sadržaje, aktivnost koja se najviše provodi. Znanstvena literatura potvrđuje da pjevanje u većoj mjeri kod učenika izaziva pozitivne emocionalne reakcije. Proglašenjem pandemije bolesti COVID-19 u ožujku 2020. godine gotovo sve pjevačke aktivnosti bile su na dulje vrijeme obustavljene. Cilj istraživanja bio je uočiti postoji li razlika u percepciji nezadovoljstva obustavom pjevanja ovisno o tome jesu li se učenici prije pandemije aktivno i intenzivnije bavili pjevanjem u odnosu na one koji tu aktivnost nisu imali ili su je imali u minimalnoj mjeri. Prvi problem bio je istražiti postoji li razlika u osobnom nezadovoljstvu (sreći) i percepciji nezadovoljstva obustavom pjevanja ovisno o tome jesu li se učenici aktivno bavili pjevanjem prije pandemije ili nisu te jesu li tijekom pandemije nastavili s pjevanjem u virtualnom okruženju („online“) ili su sasvim prekinuli s aktivnim pjevanjem. Potvrđene su hipoteze da učenici koji su članovi zbora i/ili ansambala osjećaju intenzivniji nedostatak i osobno nezadovoljstvo obustavom glazbenih aktivnosti tijekom pandemije nego oni koji su se aktivno bavili pjevanjem samo na satu Glazbene kulture te da su učenici koji su se tijekom pandemije bavili muziciranjem u virtualnom okruženju („online“) zadovoljniji i pokazuju pozitivnije emocije u odnosu na one koji su se prestali baviti glazbom. Drugi problem bio je istražiti postoji li razlika u percepciji pjevanja uživo i pjevanja u virtualnom okruženju („online“). Potvrđeno je da učenici koji su iskusili i pjevanje uživo i pjevanje u virtualnom okruženju („online“) smatraju da pjevanje uživo ima veći učinak od pjevanja u virtualnom okruženju („online“). Rezultati potvrđuju da pjevanje utječe pozitivno na pjevača te da ograničavanje pjevanja intenzivira osobno nezadovoljstvo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-292
Tamara Jurkić Sviben ◽  
Nikola Sebastian Jambrošić

Singing is an important factor in the teaching of Music Culture and, in addition to the compulsory content, an activity that is carried out the most. The scientific literature confirms that singing sparks positive emotional reactions in students to a great extent. With the proclamation of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, almost all singing activities have been suspended for a long time. The aim of the study was to determine whether there is a difference in the perception of dissatisfaction with the suspension of singing depending on whether the students were actively and intensively engaged in singing compared to those who were not engaged in the activity or were only slightly involved in it prior to the pandemic. The first problem was to research whether there was a difference in personal dissatisfaction (happiness) and the perception of dissatisfaction with the suspension of singing depending on whether the students were actively singing before the pandemic or not and whether they continued singing online during the pandemic or if they have completely stopped active singing. Hypotheses have been confirmed that students who are members of choirs and/or ensembles feel more intense lack and personal dissatisfaction with the suspension of musical activities during the pandemic than those who actively sang only in Music Culture classes as well as that students who played music online are more satisfied and show more positive emotions compared to those who have stopped playing music. Another problem was to research whether there is a difference in the perception of singing in-person and singing in a virtual environment. It has been confirmed that students who have experienced both in-person singing and singing online believe that singing in-person has a greater effect than singing in a virtual environment. The results confirm that singing has a positive effect on the singer and that restricting singing intensifies personal dissatisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 207-226
Inga Biščević ◽  
Daniel Maleč ◽  
Haris Memišević

The attainment of reading and basic mathematical skills is one of the most important academic goals in early grades of elementary school. A plethora of studies has shown the importance of these skills to future academic achievements and professional career. The goal of this study was to determine the correlation of reading and mathematics in third-grade elementary school students in Canton Sarajevo. An additional goal was to determine if there are differences in the proportion of academic underachievement in relation to the student’s gender. The sample for this study consisted of 70 third-grade students (33 girls, 37 boys, mean age- 103,1 months, SD- 5,6 months) attending two elementary schools in Canton Sarajevo. Results of this study indicated that reading and mathematics share 25% of the variance in the scores. The cor[1]relation between reading and mathematics was r = 0,50, p<0,01. There were more boys in the category of academic underachievement in both, reading and mathematics. However, statistically significant differences in the distribution of students were present only for reading and not for mathematics. Identification of cognitive factors that contribute to reading attainment and mathematical skills will help teachers create better intervention programs. The article ends with some recommendations for teachers on how to improve these academic skills in their students><0,01. There were more boys in the category of academic underachievement in both, reading and mathematics. However, statistically significant differences in the distribution of students were present only for reading and not for mathematics. Identification of cognitive factors that contribute to reading attainment and mathematical skills will help teachers create better intervention programs. The article ends with some recommendations for teachers on how to improve these academic skills in their students

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-42
Snježana Dobrota ◽  
Marija Sarajčev

The paper explores students’ preferences for classical music, 20th century music, and world music, as well as the influence of student age, gender, and previous familiarity with the piece of music on the preferences for 20th century music and world music. As a part of the research, a general data ques[1]tionnaire and an assessment scale for testing preferences for musical fragments were administered to the sample of 183 students in fourth and eighth grades of primary school and senior students attending grammar school. Students gener[1]ally show greatest preferences for world music. The influence of age on the pref[1]erences for 20th century music and world music has been confirmed. Female students, compared to male students, show greater preferences for 20th century music, while in the case of world music, no statistically significant differences were observed with respect to gender. It has been confirmed that students show greater preferences for familiar music, compared to unfamiliar music. The fact that younger students are more open to different musical styles can have significant implications for designing musical activities for children of preschool and early school age

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 309-342
Marinko Lazzarich

Learning is an important process in the intellectual maturation and socialization of a person. It is determined by numerous components, the most important being cognition, motivation and emotions. As modern teaching requires an active role of students in the learning process, a key element for successful learning is quality teaching. Teachers’ main challenge is how to arouse interest among students for the educational field. Thereby, teaching should be based on the choice of approaches and procedures. In this paper were discussed effective strategies and forms of learning in the teaching of the Croatian language at the lower level of primary education, in the classroom teaching. The Croatian language is a complex teaching subject, so the functional teaching of language and literature requires the purposefulness of methods and forms of work. We monitored the applicability of collaborative, experiential and self-regulated learning. Attached are various creative procedures in the early stages of language learning, and offer guidelines for working with students in the classroom. It is important to facilitate situations in which students will become aware of their learning process and make decisions about how to achieve the planned learning outcomes ang goals

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