Irrigation: Water Resources, Types and Common Problems in Egypt

Ahmed A. Abdelhafez ◽  
Sh. M. Metwalley ◽  
H. H. Abbas
2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28 ◽  
Andriani Asarah Bancin ◽  
Dewi Sri Jayanti ◽  
T. Ferijal

Abstrak. Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Krueng Aceh memiliki jaringan irigasi permukaan teknis untuk mengairi 7.450 ha lahan sawah di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Peningkatan tekanan pada sumber daya air yang tersedia untuk irigasi dan kebutuhan lainnya, terutama selama musim kemarau, membutuhkan jaringan irigasi yang memiliki efisiensi yang tinggi untuk menyalirkan air irigasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi penyaluran dan jumlah kehilangan air di saluran sekunder dan tersier dari jaringan irigasi pilihan yaitu Jaringan Lam Raya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi penyaluran rata-rata untuk BKA Kn 16 Lam Raya adalah 52,47%. Rata-rata kehilangan air dan efesiensi penyaluran air di saluran sekunder berturut-turut adalah 0.048 m3/dtk dan 81,11%. Kehilangan tersebut disebabkan oleh penguapan 2,73 x 10-7 m3/dtk, rembesan 0,00212 m3/dtk dan faktor lainnya 0,04548 m3/dtk. Kehilangan air rata-rata di saluran tersier adalah 0.01 m3/dtk yang merupakan kehilangan akibat adanya penguapan 5,046 x 10-8 m3/dtk, rembesan 0,00033m3/dtk dan faktor lainnya 0,00994 m3/dtk. Hal tersebut menyebabkan efisiensi penyaluran air di saluran tersier sekitar 71,88%. Namun, kinerja jaringan irigasi masih dikategorikan baik karena memiliki efisiensi penyaluran air yang lebih besar dari 60%. Kehilangan air di saluran tersier sebagian besar disebabkan oleh banyak bagian dinding dan dasar saluran yang rusak, dan adanya vegetasi dan sedimen pada saluran yang memperlambat aliran air. Conveyance Efficiency Of Irrigation Water At BKA Kn 16 Lam Raya Krueng Aceh Irrigation Area Abstract. Krueng Aceh Watershed has technical surface irrigation network to irrigate 7.450 ha of paddy fields in Aceh Besar District. Increasing pressure on available water resources for irrigation and other needs, particularly during dry season, requires an irrigation network having a higher level of efficiency to deliver irrigation water. This study aims to determine the delivery efficiencies and amount of water loss in secondary and tertiary channels of selected irrigation network. Lam Raya network was selected for the study area. Results showed that average delivery efficiency for BKA Kn 16 Lam Raya was 52.47%. The average water loss and water delivery efficiency in secondary channel were 0,048 and 81,11%, respectively. The loss was caused by evaporation 2.73 x 10-7 m3/s, seepage 0.00212 m3/s and other factors 0.04548 m3/s. The average water loss in tertiary channels was 0,01 m3/s contributed by losses from evaporation 5.046 x 10-8 m3/s, seepage 0.00033 m3/s and other factors 0.00994 m3/s. It caused tertiary channel's water delivery efficiency was approximately 71,88%. However, performance of irrigation network was classified as good since it has water delivery efficiency greater than 60%.  Water loss in tertiary channel largely due to many parts of wall and base of the channels were broken, and the presence of vegetation and sediment in the channel slowed the water flow.


The article summarizes and analyzes experience in irrigation water charges fixation. Many countries of the world with developed irrigation systems face problems of lack or inadequacy of financial resources to maintain these systems in an efficient state. There is the necessity to find effective financial and organizational mechanisms to address these problems. The purpose of this article is to summarize and analyse the experience of setting fees for the supply of water for irrigation in various socio-economic conditions and to find out possibilities of improving systems of payment collection for the provision of irrigation services and in particular, for irrigation water supply. The analysis is based on a wide range of conditions specific for both developing and developed countries. In addition, the article attempts to assess the experience of using the amount of payment for irrigation water as an incentive for cost recovery to achieve financial sustainability and demand management for the efficient use of water resources. Quotas, water markets, subsidies, as well as information/educational problems have been considered as incentives of water resources demand management. We have considered special features of the tariffs formation in the Central Asia countries. The study has demonstrated that the two-stake tariff implementation will enable to compensate the irrigation services expenses at the level acceptable for water users in case of cultivation of crops generating an adequate income for the tariff’s financing.

2010 ◽  
Vol 113-116 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Qi Cai Lin ◽  
Huai En Li

The major problems of the Weihe River include shortage of water resources, serious water pollution and loss of water and soil. The ecological basic flow of Baoji Section, Weihe River was 10m3/s. Based on it, quantitative analysis on the ecological basic flow of this section has been done. It shows that the effect of Baojixia Irrigation water diversion on the Weihe River is the main influence factor. The guarantee measures are rational use of water resources and water saving, management and policies, and water transfer projects.

P. Cookson ◽  
H. AbdelRahman ◽  
P. Hirsbrunner

Improving irrigation efficiency is of great importance in conserving water resources of arid countries. The effect of a hydrophobic polymer (called Guilspare) to improve yields and water use efficiencies of okra (Adelmoschus esculentus) plants was investigated using a 3x3 Latin Square field experiment. Soils were treated with Guilspare by spraying the surface with an aqueous solution and left to dry. Yields of okra, planted in April and October, were assessed from plots receiving two rates of Guilspare application against an untreated control. Each column within the design received irrigation water at separate rates. Yields and water use efficiencies were generally higher, and a higher proportion of the total yield was harvested earlier, from Guilspare treated than untreated plots. Comparisons of yields from treated plots receiving lowest irrigation rates and untreated plots receiving the highest irrigation rate, suggested that similar yields can be obtained by using the polymer with, approximately, 25% and 50% less water in summer and in winter, respectively.  

Water SA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 45 (3 July) ◽  
U Chipfupa ◽  
E Wale

Efficient and sustainable utilization of irrigation water is the key to realizing the objective of enhancing agricultural productivity and commercializing smallholder irrigation farming. Valuing and recognizing the scarcity of irrigation water is essential for its sustainable use. Using cross-sectional data from 328 smallholders in and around Makhathini and Ndumo-B irrigation schemes in KwaZulu-Natal Province, the study aimed to assess smallholder farmers’ preferences for the way irrigation water resources should be managed and their willingness to pay for irrigation water. This was done employing a choice experiment method. The results suggest the need for irrigation water pricing to reflect irrigation intensity. They also show that improving agricultural production and productivity, with market access can enhance farmers’ willingness and ability to pay for irrigation water. The need to consider multiple uses of irrigation water for sustainable utilization of water resources is evident, while supporting women smallholders will have a positive impact on their willingness to pay for irrigation water. The paper recommends a shift towards on-farm volumetric water pricing in the irrigation schemes. The schemes should also have clearly defined boundaries and enforceable rules on collective use of water. The design of irrigation infrastructure should integrate other uses of irrigation water such as domestic and livestock purposes. Consequently, there is a need for further research to ensure that irrigation water prices reflect the marginal value of irrigation water use. Policies should address factors that inherently result in gender differences in terms of access to productive resources which negatively affect sustainable water utilization.

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