A Critical Evaluation of Markers Used in Plasma Membrane Purification

1990 ◽  
pp. 16-43 ◽  
S. Widell ◽  
C. Larsson
FEBS Letters ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 415 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-144 ◽  
Ryuji Nomura ◽  
Chisato Inuo ◽  
Yukiko Takahashi ◽  
Tomiko Asano ◽  
Toyoshi Fujimoto

1999 ◽  
Vol 82 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 99-108 ◽  
Sándor Damjanovich ◽  
László Bene ◽  
János Matkó ◽  
László Mátyus ◽  
Zoltán Krasznai ◽  

E. Keyhani

The matrix of biological membranes consists of a lipid bilayer into which proteins or protein aggregates are intercalated. Freeze-fracture techni- ques permit these proteins, perhaps in association with lipids, to be visualized in the hydrophobic regions of the membrane. Thus, numerous intramembrane particles (IMP) have been found on the fracture faces of membranes from a wide variety of cells (1-3). A recognized property of IMP is their tendency to form aggregates in response to changes in experi- mental conditions (4,5), perhaps as a result of translational diffusion through the viscous plane of the membrane. The purpose of this communica- tion is to describe the distribution and size of IMP in the plasma membrane of yeast (Candida utilis).Yeast cells (ATCC 8205) were grown in synthetic medium (6), and then harvested after 16 hours of culture, and washed twice in distilled water. Cell pellets were suspended in growth medium supplemented with 30% glycerol and incubated for 30 minutes at 0°C, centrifuged, and prepared for freeze-fracture, as described earlier (2,3).

Hilton H. Mollenhauer ◽  
W. Evans

The pellicular structure of Euglena gracilis consists of a series of relatively rigid strips (Fig. 1) composed of ridges and grooves which are helically oriented along the cell and which fuse together into a common junction at either end of the cell. The strips are predominantly protein and consist in part of a series of fibers about 50 Å in diameter spaced about 85 Å apart and with a secondary periodicity of about 450 Å. Microtubules are also present below each strip (Fig. 1) and are often considered as part of the pellicular complex. In addition, there may be another fibrous component near the base of the pellicle which has not yet been very well defined.The pellicular complex lies underneath the plasma membrane and entirely within the cell (Fig. 1). Each strip of the complex forms an overlapping junction with the adjacent strip along one side of each groove (Fig. 1), in such a way that a certain amount of sideways movement is possible between one strip and the next.

G. I. Kaye ◽  
J. D. Cole

For a number of years we have used an adaptation of Komnick's KSb(OH)6-OsO4 fixation method for the localization of sodium in tissues in order to study transporting epithelia under a number of different conditions. We have shown that in actively transporting rabbit gallbladder epithelium, large quantities of NaSb(OH)6 precipitate are found in the distended intercellular compartment, while localization of precipitate is confined to the inner side of the lateral plasma membrane in inactive gallbladder epithelium. A similar pattern of distribution of precipitate has been demonstrated in human and rabbit colon in active and inactive states and in the inactive colonic epithelium of hibernating frogs.

T. G. Sarphie ◽  
C. R. Comer ◽  
D. J. Allen

Previous ultrastructural studies have characterized surface morphology during norma cell cycles in an attempt to associate specific changes with specific metabolic processes occurring within the cell. It is now known that during the synthetic ("S") stage of the cycle, when DNA and other nuclear components are synthesized, a cel undergoes a doubling in volume that is accompanied by an increase in surface area whereby its plasma membrane is elaborated into a variety of processes originally referred to as microvilli. In addition, changes in the normal distribution of glycoproteins and polysaccharides derived from cell surfaces have been reported as depreciating after cellular transformation by RNA or DNA viruses and have been associated with the state of growth, irregardless of the rate of proliferation. More specifically, examination of the surface carbohydrate content of synchronous KB cells were shown to be markedly reduced as the cell population approached division Comparison of hamster kidney fibroblasts inhibited by vinblastin sulfate while in metaphase with those not in metaphase demonstrated an appreciable decrease in surface carbohydrate in the former.

B.K. Ghosh

Periplasm of bacteria is the space outside the permeability barrier of plasma membrane but enclosed by the cell wall. The contents of this special milieu exterior could be regulated by the plasma membrane from the internal, and by the cell wall from the external environment of the cell. Unlike the gram-negative organism, the presence of this space in gram-positive bacteria is still controversial because it cannot be clearly demonstrated. We have shown the importance of some periplasmic bodies in the secretion of penicillinase from Bacillus licheniformis.In negatively stained specimens prepared by a modified technique (Figs. 1 and 2), periplasmic space (PS) contained two kinds of structures: (i) fibrils (F, 100 Å) running perpendicular to the cell wall from the protoplast and (ii) an array of vesicles of various sizes (V), which seem to have evaginated from the protoplast.

A. Lawley ◽  
M. R. Pinnel ◽  
A. Pattnaik

As part of a broad program on composite materials, the role of the interface on the micromechanics of deformation of metal-matrix composites is being studied. The approach is to correlate elastic behavior, micro and macroyielding, flow, and fracture behavior with associated structural detail (dislocation substructure, fracture characteristics) and stress-state. This provides an understanding of the mode of deformation from an atomistic viewpoint; a critical evaluation can then be made of existing models of composite behavior based on continuum mechanics. This paper covers the electron microscopy (transmission, fractography, scanning microscopy) of two distinct forms of composite material: conventional fiber-reinforced (aluminum-stainless steel) and directionally solidified eutectic alloys (aluminum-copper). In the former, the interface is in the form of a compound and/or solid solution whereas in directionally solidified alloys, the interface consists of a precise crystallographic boundary between the two constituents of the eutectic.

L. M. Marshall

A human erythroleukemic cell line, metabolically blocked in a late stage of erythropoiesis, becomes capable of differentiation along the normal pathway when grown in the presence of hemin. This process is characterized by hemoglobin synthesis followed by rearrangement of the plasma membrane proteins and culminates in asymmetrical cytokinesis in the absence of nuclear division. A reticulocyte-like cell buds from the nucleus-containing parent cell after erythrocyte specific membrane proteins have been sequestered into its membrane. In this process the parent cell faces two obstacles. First, to organize its erythrocyte specific proteins at one pole of the cell for inclusion in the reticulocyte; second, to reduce or abolish membrane protein turnover since hemoglobin is virtually the only protein being synthesized at this stage. A means of achieving redistribution and cessation of turnover could involve movement of membrane proteins by a directional lipid flow. Generation of a lipid flow towards one pole and accumulation of erythrocyte-specific membrane proteins could be achieved by clathrin coated pits which are implicated in membrane endocytosis, intracellular transport and turnover. In non-differentiating cells, membrane proteins are turned over and are random in surface distribution. If, however, the erythrocyte specific proteins in differentiating cells were excluded from endocytosing coated pits, not only would their turnover cease, but they would also tend to drift towards and collect at the site of endocytosis. This hypothesis requires that different protein species are endocytosed by the coated vesicles in non-differentiating than by differentiating cells.

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