The Influence of Fisheries Exclusion and Addition of Hard Substrata on Fish and Crustaceans

Dan Wilhelmsson ◽  
Olivia Langhamer
Chariton Chintiroglou ◽  
Chryssanthi Antoniadou ◽  
Panagiotis Damianidis

Lake Vouliagmeni (Attica, Greece) is a lagoon of great scientific interest due to its endemic fauna, widely used for recreational activities. Understanding the dynamics of this peculiar ecosystem is essential for its conservation. An ecological survey of the benthic communities was carried out, in both spatial and temporal scales. Material was collected with SCUBA diving, by taking off samples from the principal habitats of the lagoon, i.e. meadows, soft and hard substrata. The identification of the collected 61,975 living specimens revealed the presence of 12 floral and 20 faunal species. Multivariate analyses separated the sampling sites according to the four different habitats of the lagoon, whereas no temporal patterns came up. Micrograzers were the dominant trophic group, followed by deposit feeders regardless of the habitat studied. Lake Vouliagmeni is among the less diverse Mediterranean lagoons, mostly due to its isolation from the sea that hinders the entrance of marine species.

2018 ◽  
Tina Molodtsova ◽  
Christopher Kelley ◽  
Lénaick Menot ◽  
Les Watling

Depletion of commercially valuable minerals on land and increased need of such resources for modern electronics and manufacturing is attracting more and more attention to deep-sea mineral deposits such as cobalt crusts, manganese nodules, phosphorites, polymetallic sulfides and even deep-sea ooze. In a few years we expect intensive exploitation in the deep-sea. Being suspension feeders, corals and sponges associated with hard substrata in potential mining sites would be adversely impacted by deep-sea mining. Deep-sea corals and sponges are characterized by extremely slow growth rates and, as can be seen from fishery impacts, they may take decades to centuries to restore. At the same time, they serve as a substrate, shelter and food for a number of associated deep-sea organisms, thus increasing the cumulative impact of their loss. We summarize here the available data on coral and sponge communities of solid deep-sea ore deposits and possible mechanisms driving their diversity.

2019 ◽  
Daphne Cuvelier ◽  
Pedro A. Ribeiro ◽  
Sofia P. Ramalho ◽  
Daniel Kersken ◽  
Pedro Martinez Arbizu ◽  

Abstract. Seamounts are abundant and prominent features on the deep-sea floor and intersperse with the nodule fields of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ). There is a particular interest in characterising the fauna inhabiting seamounts in the CCZ because they are the only other ecosystem in the region to provide hard substrata besides the abundant nodules on the soft sediment abyssal plains. It has been hypothesised that seamounts could provide refuge for organisms during deep-sea mining actions or that they could play a role in the (re-)colonisation of the disturbed nodule fields. This hypothesis is tested by analysing video transects in both ecosystems, assessing megafauna composition and abundance. Nine video transects (ROV dives) from two different license areas and one Area of Particular Environmental Interest in the eastern CCZ were analysed. Four of these transects were carried out as exploratory dives on four different seamounts in order to gain first insights in megafauna composition. The five other dives were carried out in the neighbouring nodule fields in the same areas. Variation in community composition observed among and along the video transects was high, with little morphospecies overlap on intra-ecosystem transects. Despite these observations of considerable faunal variations within each ecosystem, differences between seamounts and nodule fields prevailed, showing significantly different species associations characterising them, thus questioning their use as a possible refuge area.

2021 ◽  
Carolann Schack

<p>Modularity is a fundamental concept in biology. Most taxa within the colonial invertebrate phylum Bryozoa have achieved division of labor through the development of specialized modules (polymorphs), and this group is perhaps the most outstanding exemplar of the phenomenon. This thesis addresses several gaps in the literature concerning the morphology, ecology, energetics, and evolvability of bryozoan polymorphism.  It has been over 40 years since the last review of bryozoan polymorphism, and here I provide a comprehensive update that describes the diversity, morphology, and function of bryozoan polymorphs and the significance of modularity to their evolutionary success. While the degree of module compartmentalization is important for the evolution of polymorphism in bryozoans, this does not appear to be the case for other colonial invertebrates.  To facilitate data collection, I developed a classification system for polymorphism in cheilostome bryozoans. While classification systems exist for bryozoan colony form, the system presented here is the first developed for polymorphism. This system is fully illustrated and non-hierarchical, enabling swift classification and statistical comparisons at many levels of detail.  Understanding community assembly is a key goal in community ecology, but previous work on bryozoan communities has focused on colony form rather than polymorphism. Environmental filtering influences community assembly by excluding ill-adapted species, resulting in communities with similar functional traits. An RLQ (a four-way ordination) analysis incorporating spatial data was run on a dataset of 642 species of cheilostomes from 779 New Zealand sites, to investigate environmental filtering of colony form and zooid polymorphism. This revealed environmental filtering of colony form: encrusting-cemented taxa were predominant in shallow environments with hard substrata (200 m). Furthermore, erect taxa found in shallow environments with high current speeds were typically jointed. Surprisingly, polymorphism also followed environmental gradients. External ovicells (brood chambers) were more common in deeper, low oxygen water than immersed and internal ovicells. This may reflect the oxygen needs of the embryo or increased predation intensity in shallow environments. Bryozoans with costae (rib-like spines) tended to be found in deeper water as well, while bryozoans with calcified frontal shields were found in shallow environments with a higher concentration of CaCO₃. Avicularia (defensive grasping structures) were not related to environmental conditions, and changes in pivot bar structure with depth likely represent a phylogenetic signal. Factors influencing community assembly were somewhat partitioned by levels of organization, since colony form responds to environmental conditions, while the effects of evolutionary history, predation, and environmental conditions were not well-separated for zooid-level morphology. Finally, rootlets may have been a key innovation that allowed cementing taxa to escape hard substrata, potentially contributing to the cheilostome radiation.  Despite the diversity of life on earth, many morphologies have not been achieved. Morphology can be limited by a variety of constraints (developmental, historical, biomechanical) and comparing the distribution of realized forms in a theoretical form-space (i.e. “morphospace”) can highlight which constraints are at play and potential functions. If traits cluster around biomechanical optima, then morphology may be shaped by strong selective pressures. In contrast, a well-explored (filled) morphospace suggests weak constraints and high morphological evolvability. Here, constraints on morphospace exploration were examined for 125 cheilostome bryozoan species from New Zealand. The mandible morphospaces for avicularia (beak-like polymorphs) were visualized using Coordinate-Point Extended Eigenshape analysis. Mechanical advantage, moment of inertia, drag, peak force, and rotational work required to close the mandible were calculated for theoretical (n=47) and real mandibles (n=224) to identify biomechanical optima. The volume and surface of area of the parcel of water passed through by the closing mandible (referred to as the “domain”) was also calculated. The theoretical morphospace of avicularia is well-explored, suggesting they are highly evolvable and have relaxed developmental constraints. However, there may be constraints within lineages. A well-developed fulcrum (complete pivot bar) may be an evolutionary pre/corequisite to evolving mandibles with extreme moments of inertia such as setose and highly spathulate forms. The most common mandible shape, triangular, represents a trade-off between maximizing domain size, minimizing energetic cost (force and construction material), and minimizing the potential for breakage. This suggests that they are well suited for catching epibionts, representing the first empirical evidence for avicularian function. Tendon length and mechanical advantage are limited by tendon width, which itself is constrained by the base width of the mandible. This explains the low mechanical advantage of setose mandibles and suggests that they are unable to grasp epibionts. The calories required to close the mandible of an avicularium (estimated from rotational work) are quite small (1.24 x 10⁻¹⁶ to 8.82 x 10⁻¹¹ cal).  Overall, this thesis highlights the complexity of bryozoan polymorphism and suggests cheilostome avicularia could provide a unique evolutionary system to study due to their apparent lack of strong developmental constraints. Future studies into the ecology of polymorphism should focus on the degree of investment (polymorph abundance within a colony) rather than presence or absence.</p>

2005 ◽  
Vol 148 (5) ◽  
pp. 1039-1050 ◽  
Verônica da Fonsêca-Genevois ◽  
Paul J. Somerfield ◽  
Maria Helena Baeta Neves ◽  
Ricardo Coutinho ◽  
Tom Moens

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