scholarly journals Review of Mesoscale Wind-Farm Parametrizations and Their Applications

Jana Fischereit ◽  
Roy Brown ◽  
Xiaoli Guo Larsén ◽  
Jake Badger ◽  
Graham Hawkes

AbstractWith the ongoing expansion of wind energy onshore and offshore, large-scale wind-farm-flow effects in a temporally- and spatially-heterogeneous atmosphere become increasingly relevant. Mesoscale models equipped with a wind-farm parametrization (WFP) can be used to study these effects. Here, we conduct a systematic literature review on the existing WFPs for mesoscale models, their applications and findings. In total, 10 different explicit WFPs have been identified. They differ in their description of the turbine-induced forces, and turbulence-kinetic-energy production. The WFPs have been validated for different target parameters through measurements and large-eddy simulations. The performance of the WFP depends considerably on the ability of the mesoscale model to simulate the background meteorological conditions correctly as well as on the model set-up. The different WFPs have been applied to both onshore and offshore environments around the world. Here, we summarize their findings regarding (1) the characterizations of wind-farm-flow effects, (2) the environmental impact of wind farms, and (3) the implication for wind-energy planning. Since wind-farm wakes can last for several tens of kilometres downstream depending on stability, surface roughness and terrain, neighbouring wind farms need to be taken into account for regional planning of wind energy. Their environmental impact is mostly confined to areas close to the farm. The review suggests future work should include benchmark-type validation studies with long-term measurements, further developments of mesoscale model physics and WFPs, and more interactions between the mesoscale and microscale community.

2021 ◽  
Jana Fischereit ◽  
Roy Brown ◽  
Xiaoli Guo Larsén ◽  
Jake Badger ◽  
Graham Hawkes

<p>With the expansion of wind energy on- and offshore, large-scale wind farm flow effects in a temporal and spatially heterogeneous atmosphere become increasingly relevant. Mesoscale models equipped with a Wind Farm Parametrization (WFP) can be used to study these effects. In the past, different WFPs have been developed and were applied with different aims. The aim of this study is to provide a better overview on existing WFPs, their development stage and application areas. </p><p>Through a systematic literature review based approach, 617 potentially relevant publications were identified, out of which 59 were reviewed in detail. From these studies, 10 different explicit WFPs have been identified along with three main application areas: (1) the characterizations of wind farm flow effects, (2) the environmental impact of wind farms and (3) the implication for wind energy planning.</p><p>In this presentation, we will review differences between the identified WFPs including their description of the turbine-induced forces and turbulent kinetic energy production as well as their treatment of sub-grid scale effects. In addition, we will summarize the literature findings on existing validation of the WFPs and on the sensitivity of the WFPs to the mesoscale model set-up. Reviewing the results for the different application areas indicated that wind farm wakes can last for several 10s of kilometers downstream depending on stability, surface roughness and terrain. Therefore, neighbouring wind farms need to be taken into account for regional planning of wind energy. Yet, their environmental impact, in terms of other reviewed parameters than wind, is mostly confined to areas close to the farm.</p><p>Based on these findings, we suggest that future work should include, among other things, benchmark-type validation studies with long-term measurements for different WFPs, further developments of WFPs and mesoscale model physics and more interactions between the mesoscale and microscale community.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 3481-3522 ◽  
P. J. H. Volker ◽  
J. Badger ◽  
A. N. Hahmann ◽  
S. Ott

Abstract. We describe the theoretical basis, implementation and validation of a new parametrisation that accounts for the effect of large offshore wind farms on the atmosphere and can be used in mesoscale and large-scale atmospheric models. This new parametrisation, referred to as the Explicit Wake Parametrisation (EWP), uses classical wake theory to describe the unresolved wake expansion. The EWP scheme is validated against filtered in situ measurements from two meteorological masts situated a few kilometres away from the Danish offshore wind farm Horns Rev I. The simulated velocity deficit in the wake of the wind farm compares well to that observed in the measurements and the velocity profile is qualitatively similar to that simulated with large eddy simulation models and from wind tunnel studies. At the same time, the validation process highlights the challenges in verifying such models with real observations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 3715-3731 ◽  
P. J. H. Volker ◽  
J. Badger ◽  
A. N. Hahmann ◽  
S. Ott

Abstract. We describe the theoretical basis, implementation, and validation of a new parametrisation that accounts for the effect of large offshore wind farms on the atmosphere and can be used in mesoscale and large-scale atmospheric models. This new parametrisation, referred to as the Explicit Wake Parametrisation (EWP), uses classical wake theory to describe the unresolved wake expansion. The EWP scheme is validated for a neutral atmospheric boundary layer against filtered in situ measurements from two meteorological masts situated a few kilometres away from the Danish offshore wind farm Horns Rev I. The simulated velocity deficit in the wake of the wind farm compares well to that observed in the measurements, and the velocity profile is qualitatively similar to that simulated with large eddy simulation models and from wind tunnel studies. At the same time, the validation process highlights the challenges in verifying such models with real observations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 745-754
Otávio Augusto de Oliveira Lima Barra ◽  
Fábio Perdigão Vasconcelos ◽  
Danilo Vieira dos Santos ◽  
Adely Pereira Silveira

O Brasil é um país com uma extensa linha de costa, são cerca de 7.367 km de extensão do seu litoral, com um potencial natural para a geração de energia eólica. O estado do Ceará é um dos maiores produtores de energia eólica para o país, obtendo notoriedade e a necessidade de manutenção dos seus parques eólicos, especialmente se instalados em zonas de costa, onde há uma grande dinâmica natural. O presente trabalho, busca o acompanhamento das dinâmicas morfológicas na praia de Volta do Rio, localizada em Acaraú/CE, que fica a cerca de 238 km de Fortaleza/CE. Os dados coletados em idas à campo, constataram que há um forte processo erosivo atuante na praia de Volta do Rio, o que alerta para a contenção do avanço marinho sob o parque eólico presente no local. A erosão é um fenômeno natural que trabalha na modelação de demasiadas formas terrestres. No litoral, isso não é diferente, por ser um ambiente altamente dinâmico onde há a interação entre continente, atmosfera e oceano, sendo possível encontrar diversos atuantes que podem intensificar os processos erosivos, sejam eles o vento, maré, ou por intervenções humanas, como construções e ocupações indevidas ao longo da linha de costa.Palavras Chave: Volta do Rio; Energia Eólica; Erosão. ABSTRACTBrazil is a country with an extensive coastline, about 7,367 km of coastline, with a natural potential for wind power generation. The state of Ceará is one of the largest producers of wind energy for the country, obtaining notoriety and required maintenance of its wind farms, especially if located in coastal areas, where there is a great natural dynamic. The present work seeks the movement of morphological dynamics in the beach of Volta do Rio, located in Acaraú/CE, which is about 238 km from Fortaleza/CE. The data collected in the field found that there is a strong erosive process on the Beach of Volta do Rio, which warns about the expansion of advanced marine on the wind farm present on site. Erosion is a natural phenomenon that works in the modeling of many hearth forms. On the coast, this is not different, considering a highly dynamic environment in which there is an interaction between continent, atmosphere and ocean, being possible to find many factors that can intensify the erosive processes, such as wind, tide, or human intervention, as constructions and improper occupations along the coast line.Key words: Volta do Rio; Wind Energy; Erosion. RESUMENBrasil es un país con una extensa costa, cerca de 7.367 km de costa, con un potencial natural para la generación de energía eólica. El estado del Ceará es uno de los mayores productores de energía eólica del país, ganando notoriedad y la necesidad de mantener sus parques eólicos, especialmente si está instalado en zonas costeras, donde existe una gran dinámica natural. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo monitorear la dinámica morfológica en la playa de Vuelta del Rio, ubicada en Acaraú / CE, que está a unos 238 km de Fortaleza / CE. Los datos recopilados en los viajes de campo, encontraron que hay un fuerte proceso erosivo en la playa de Vuelta del Rio, que advierte sobre la contención del avance marino bajo el parque eólico presente en el sitio. La erosión es un fenómeno natural que funciona en el modelado de muchas formas terrestres. En la costa, esto no es diferente, ya que es un entorno altamente dinámico donde existe la interacción entre el continente, la atmósfera y el océano, permitiendo encontrar varios actores que pueden intensificar los procesos erosivos, ya sea viento, marea o intervenciones humanas, como edificios y ocupaciones inadecuadas a lo largo de la costa.Palabras clave: Vuelta del Río; Energía Eólica; Erosión.

Xu Pei-Zhen ◽  
Lu Yong-Geng ◽  
Cao Xi-Min

Background: Over the past few years, the subsynchronous oscillation (SSO) caused by the grid-connected wind farm had a bad influence on the stable operation of the system and has now become a bottleneck factor restricting the efficient utilization of wind power. How to mitigate and suppress the phenomenon of SSO of wind farms has become the focus of power system research. Methods: This paper first analyzes the SSO of different types of wind turbines, including squirrelcage induction generator based wind turbine (SCIG-WT), permanent magnet synchronous generator- based wind turbine (PMSG-WT), and doubly-fed induction generator based wind turbine (DFIG-WT). Then, the mechanisms of different types of SSO are proposed with the aim to better understand SSO in large-scale wind integrated power systems, and the main analytical methods suitable for studying the SSO of wind farms are summarized. Results: On the basis of results, using additional damping control suppression methods to solve SSO caused by the flexible power transmission devices and the wind turbine converter is recommended. Conclusion: The current development direction of the SSO of large-scale wind farm grid-connected systems is summarized and the current challenges and recommendations for future research and development are discussed.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 693
Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir ◽  
Margrét Wendt ◽  
Edita Tverijonaite

The interest in harnessing wind energy keeps increasing globally. Iceland is considering building its first wind farms, but its landscape and nature are not only a resource for renewable energy production; they are also the main attraction for tourists. As wind turbines affect how the landscape is perceived and experienced, it is foreseeable that the construction of wind farms in Iceland will create land use conflicts between the energy sector and the tourism industry. This study sheds light on the impacts of wind farms on nature-based tourism as perceived by the tourism industry. Based on 47 semi-structured interviews with tourism service providers, it revealed that the impacts were perceived as mostly negative, since wind farms decrease the quality of the natural landscape. Furthermore, the study identified that the tourism industry considered the following as key factors for selecting suitable wind farm sites: the visibility of wind turbines, the number of tourists and tourist attractions in the area, the area’s degree of naturalness and the local need for energy. The research highlights the importance of analysing the various stakeholders’ opinions with the aim of mitigating land use conflicts and socioeconomic issues related to wind energy development.

2013 ◽  
Vol 756-759 ◽  
pp. 4171-4174 ◽  
Xiao Ming Wang ◽  
Xing Xing Mu

With the Asynchronous wind generators as research object, this paper analyzes the problems of the voltage stability and the generation mechanism of the reactive power compensation during the wind farms connected operation. For paralleling capacitor bank has shown obvious defects, therefore this paper employs dynamic reactive power compensation to improve reactive characteristics of grid-connected wind farms. With the influences of different wind disturbances and grid faults on wind farms, wind farm model is set up and dynamic reactive power compensation system and wind speeds are built in the Matlab/Simulink software, The simulation result shows that they can provide reactive power compensation to ensure the voltage stability of the wind farms. But STATCOM needs less reactive compensation capacity to make sure the voltage and active power approaching steady state before the faults more quickly, Therefore STATCOM is more suitable for wind farms connected dynamic reactive power compensation.

I. Janajreh ◽  
C. Ghenai

Large scale wind turbines and wind farms continue to evolve mounting 94.1GW of the electrical grid capacity in 2007 and expected to reach 160.0GW in 2010 according to World Wind Energy Association. They commence to play a vital role in the quest for renewable and sustainable energy. They are impressive structures of human responsiveness to, and awareness of, the depleting fossil fuel resources. Early generation wind turbines (windmills) were used as kinetic energy transformers and today generate 1/5 of the Denmark’s electricity and planned to double the current German grid capacity by reaching 12.5% by year 2010. Wind energy is plentiful (72 TW is estimated to be commercially viable) and clean while their intensive capital costs and maintenance fees still bar their widespread deployment in the developing world. Additionally, there are technological challenges in the rotor operating characteristics, fatigue load, and noise in meeting reliability and safety standards. Newer inventions, e.g., downstream wind turbines and flapping rotor blades, are sought to absorb a larger portion of the cost attributable to unrestrained lower cost yaw mechanisms, reduction in the moving parts, and noise reduction thereby reducing maintenance. In this work, numerical analysis of the downstream wind turbine blade is conducted. In particular, the interaction between the tower and the rotor passage is investigated. Circular cross sectional tower and aerofoil shapes are considered in a staggered configuration and under cross-stream motion. The resulting blade static pressure and aerodynamic forces are investigated at different incident wind angles and wind speeds. Comparison of the flow field results against the conventional upstream wind turbine is also conducted. The wind flow is considered to be transient, incompressible, viscous Navier-Stokes and turbulent. The k-ε model is utilized as the turbulence closure. The passage of the rotor blade is governed by ALE and is represented numerically as a sliding mesh against the upstream fixed tower domain. Both the blade and tower cross sections are padded with a boundary layer mesh to accurately capture the viscous forces while several levels of refinement were implemented throughout the domain to assess and avoid the mesh dependence.

2018 ◽  
Sara C. Pryor ◽  
Tristan J. Shepherd ◽  
Rebecca J. Barthelmie

Abstract. Inter-annual variability (IAV) of expected annual energy production (AEP) from proposed wind farms plays a key role in dictating project financing. IAV in pre-construction projected AEP and the difference in 50th and 90th percentile (P50 and P90) AEP derives in part from variability in wind climates. However, the magnitude of IAV in wind speeds at/close to wind turbine hub-heights is poorly constrained and maybe overestimated by the 6 % standard deviation of annual mean wind speeds that is widely applied within the wind energy industry. Thus there is a need for improved understanding of the long-term wind resource and the inter-annual variability therein in order to generate more robust predictions of the financial value of a wind energy project. Long-term simulations of wind speeds near typical wind turbine hub-heights over the eastern USA indicate median gross capacity factors (computed using 10-minute wind speeds close to wind turbine hub-heights and the power curve of the most common wind turbine deployed in the region) that are in good agreement with values derived from operational wind farms. The IAV of annual mean wind speeds at/near to typical wind turbine hub-heights in these simulations is lower than is implied by assuming a standard deviation of 6 %. Indeed, rather than in 9 in 10 years exhibiting AEP within 0.9 and 1.1 times the long-term mean AEP, results presented herein indicate that over 90 % of the area in the eastern USA that currently has operating wind turbines simulated AEP lies within 0.94 and 1.06 of the long-term average. Further, IAV of estimated AEP is not substantially larger than IAV in mean wind speeds. These results indicate it may be appropriate to reduce the IAV applied to pre-construction AEP estimates to account for variability in wind climates, which would decrease the cost of capital for wind farm developments.

2019 ◽  

<p>Due to the intermittent and fluctuating nature of wind and other renewable energy sources, their integration into electricity systems requires large-scale and flexible storage systems to ensure uninterrupted power supply and to reduce the percentage of produced energy that is discarded or curtailed. Storage of large quantities of electricity in the form of dynamic energy of water masses by means of coupled reservoirs has been globally recognized as a mature, competitive and reliable technology; it is particularly useful in countries with mountainous terrain, such as Greece. Its application may increase the total energy output (and profit) of coupled wind-hydroelectric systems, without affecting the availability of water resources. Optimization of such renewable energy systems is a very complex, multi-dimensional, non-linear, multi modal, nonconvex and dynamic problem, as the reservoirs, besides hydroelectric power generation, serve many other objectives such as water supply, irrigation and flood mitigation. Moreover, their function should observe constraints such as environmental flow. In this paper we developed a combined simulation and optimization model to maximize the total benefits by integrating wind energy production into a pumped-storage multi-reservoir system, operating either in closed-loop or in open-loop mode. In this process, we have used genetic algorithms as the optimization tool. Our results show that when the operation of the reservoir system is coordinated with the wind farm, the hydroelectricity generation decreases drastically, but the total economical revenue of the system increases by 7.02% when operating in closed-loop and by 7.16% when operating in open-loop mode. We conclude that the hydro-wind coordination can achieve high wind energy penetration to the electricity grid, resulting in increase of the total benefits of the system. Moreover, the open-loop pumped-storage multi-reservoir system seems to have better performance, ability and flexibility to absorb the wind energy decreasing to a lesser extent the hydroelectricity generation, than the closed-loop.</p>

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