Lead in the marine environment: concentrations and effects on invertebrates

Ecotoxicology ◽  
2022 ◽  
A. Botté ◽  
C. Seguin ◽  
J. Nahrgang ◽  
M. Zaidi ◽  
J. Guery ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 649 ◽  
pp. 125-140
DS Goldsworthy ◽  
BJ Saunders ◽  
JRC Parker ◽  
ES Harvey

Bioregional categorisation of the Australian marine environment is essential to conserve and manage entire ecosystems, including the biota and associated habitats. It is important that these regions are optimally positioned to effectively plan for the protection of distinct assemblages. Recent climatic variation and changes to the marine environment in Southwest Australia (SWA) have resulted in shifts in species ranges and changes to the composition of marine assemblages. The goal of this study was to determine if the current bioregionalisation of SWA accurately represents the present distribution of shallow-water reef fishes across 2000 km of its subtropical and temperate coastline. Data was collected in 2015 using diver-operated underwater stereo-video surveys from 7 regions between Port Gregory (north of Geraldton) to the east of Esperance. This study indicated that (1) the shallow-water reef fish of SWA formed 4 distinct assemblages along the coast: one Midwestern, one Central and 2 Southern Assemblages; (2) differences between these fish assemblages were primarily driven by sea surface temperature, Ecklonia radiata cover, non-E. radiata (canopy) cover, understorey algae cover, reef type and reef height; and (3) each of the 4 assemblages were characterised by a high number of short-range Australian and Western Australian endemic species. The findings from this study suggest that 4, rather than the existing 3 bioregions would more effectively capture the shallow-water reef fish assemblage patterns, with boundaries having shifted southwards likely associated with ocean warming.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Suganjar Suganjar ◽  
Renny Hermawati

<p><em>Safety management in the shipping industry is based on an international regulation. It is International Safety Management Code (ISM-Code) which is a translation of SOLAS ‘74 Chapter IX. It stated that t</em><em>he objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular, to the marine environment, and to property.it is also</em><em> requires commitment from top management to implementation on both company and on board. The implementation of the ISM-Code is expected to make the ship’s safety is more secure. The ISM-Code fulfillment refers to 16 elements, there are; General; Safety and Environmental Protection Policy; Company Responsibility and Authority; Designated Person(s); Master Responsibility and Authority; Resources and Personnel; Shipboard Operation; Emergency Preparedness; Report and Analysis of Non-conformities, Accidents and Hazardous Occurrences; Maintenance of the Ship and Equipment; Documentation; Company Verification, Review, and Evaluation;  Certification and Periodical Verification; Interim Certification; Verification; Forms of Certificate. The responsibility and authority of Designated Person Ashore / DPA in a shipping company is regulated in the ISM-Code. So, it is expected that DPA can carry out its role well, than can minimize the level of accidents in each vessels owned/operated by each shipping company.</em></p><p><em></em><strong><em>Keywords :</em></strong><em> ISM Code,</em><em> </em><em>Safety management, </em><em>Designated Person Ashore</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Manajemen keselamatan di bidang pelayaran saat ini diimplementasikan dalam suatu peraturan internasional yaitu <em>International Safety Management Code</em> (<em>ISM-Code</em>) yang merupakan penjabaran dari <em>SOLAS 74 Chapter IX</em>-<em>Management for the safe operation of ships</em>. Tujuan dari <em>ISM-Code</em> <em>“The objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular, to the marine environment, and to property”</em> dan  <em>ISM-Code</em> menghendaki adanya komitmen dari manajemen tingkat puncak sampai pelaksanaan, baik di darat maupun di kapal.  Pemberlakuan <em>ISM-Code</em> tersebut diharapkan akan membuat keselamatan kapal menjadi lebih terjamin. Pemenuhan <em>ISM-Code</em> mengacu kepada 16 elemen yang terdiri dari ; umum; kebijakan keselamatan  dan perlindungan lingkungan; tanggung jawab dan wewenang perusahaan; petugas yang ditunjuk didarat; tanggung jawab dan wewenang nahkoda; sumber daya dan personil; pengopersian kapal; kesiapan menghadapi keadaan darurat; pelaporan dan analisis ketidaksesuaian, kecelakaan dan kejadian berbahaya; pemeliharaan kapal dan perlengkapan;  Dokumentasi; verifikasi, tinjauan ulang, dan evaluasi oleh perusahaan; sertifikasi dan verifikasi berkala; sertifikasi sementara; verifikasi; bentuk sertifikat. Tugas dan tanggungjawab <em>Designated Person Ashore/DPA </em>didalam suatu perusahaan pelayaran<em>, </em>telah diatur di dalam <em>ISM-Code.</em>  Sehingga diharapkan agar DPA dapat melaksanakan peranannya dengan baik, sehingga dapat menekan tingkat kecelakaan di setiap armada kapal yang dimiliki oleh setiap perusahaan pelayaran.</p><p class="Style1"><strong>Kata kunci</strong> : <em>ISM Code</em>, Manajemen keselamatan, <em>Designated Person Ashore</em></p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
F. Sadatfaraji ◽  
A. Bashir Bhatti ◽  
F. Behzadi ◽  
M. Khani ◽  
M. Khani

M Pal

The marine environment is hostile to most engineering materials, a combination of in-service wear and exposure to marine environment leads to an accelerated material degradation.  Insufficient or poor protection of the substrates further assists the accelerated material degradation in marine environment. There is a direct relationship between the material-state of a ship and its operational capability, readiness, and service life.  The current state-of-the-art practice is to use paint-based coatings to maintain the material-state of ships.  However, the protection offered by paint coatings is usually brief due to inherent permeability and low damage tolerance of these coatings.  For this reason, the paint coatings require renewal at regular intervals, typically less than 5-years, to maintain a minimum level of protection from the marine environment.  The need for regular painting of ships results in a significant negative impact on the through-life availability, operational capability/readiness, and the cost of maintenance/operation of naval ships.  Therefore, the fleet owners and operators should look beyond the conventional paint-based coatings to achieve significant breakthrough improvements in maintaining and enhancing the material-state of naval ships. Metallic coatings, if selected and applied appropriately, will outperform the paint coatings in the marine environment.  Historically, the cost and performance of metallic coatings, mainly thermal metal spray (TMS) coatings, prevented their widespread use in the marine industry.  The TMS coatings also have their own inherent application and performance related limitations that are widely reported in the literature.  However, the cold metal spray (CMS) coating process can overcome the application and performance related limitations that are typically associated with the TMS coatings, therefore creating an opportunity for widespread use of metallic coatings in shipbuilding and fleet upkeep/maintenance. In this paper, the ability of low-pressure (LP-CMS) coatings to repair and reclaim damaged marine components, and application of functional coatings to improve in-service damage tolerance of the damaged/new components is investigated.  The results of the investigation show that two LP-CMS coatings, Al-alloy and CuZn-alloy, can be used to repair and preserve both new and damaged components.  The accelerated salt-spray and natural immersion corrosion testing of the LP-CMS coatings showed that each coating will be better suited to a particular operational environment, i.e. CuZn-alloy coating performed well in both immersion and atmospheric corrosion environments, whereas Al-alloy coating performed well only in atmospheric corrosion environment. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 15 ◽  
Elena E. Esiukova ◽  
Boris V. Chubarenko ◽  
E. M. Burnashov ◽  

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