The effects of computer programming on high school students’ reasoning skills and mathematical self-efficacy and problem solving

2017 ◽  
Vol 45 (5) ◽  
pp. 583-602 ◽  
Sarantos Psycharis ◽  
Maria Kallia
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 1670
Rohati Rohati ◽  
Turmudi Turmudi ◽  
Kusnandi Kusnandi

Abstract The aim of this study was to ascertain high school students' proportional reasoning in the sense of the COVID-19 pandemic. How do students' thoughts flow when confronted with problems requiring proportional reasoning? This research is a mixed study by collecting data through problem-solving questions to 253 junior high school students in Muaro Jambi, Jambi Province, Indonesia. The problem-solving activities are based on real-world scenarios and require reasoning that is proportional and pertinent to the COVID-19 pandemic context. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the test is administered through the Whatsapp framework. Students' responses are examined in detail to ascertain their proportional reasoning skills. The results indicate that almost all students correctly answered the first question. However, only a small percentage of students were able to answer to and make the correct argument for the second question. The findings indicated that students demonstrated a reasonable level of proportional reasoning when confronted with the COVID-19 pandemic situation. According to the findings of this report, it is important for teachers of mathematics to establish learning activities and problem-solving tasks that help students improve their proportional reasoning skills. Keywords: COVID-19; Problem Solving; Proportional Reasoning; Real-World Situations AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali penalaran proporsional siswa SMA  dengan konteks pandemi COVID-19. Bagaimana alur pemikiran siswa ketika dihadapkan pada masalah yang membutuhkan penalaran proporsional? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian campuran dengan pengumpulan data melalui pertanyaan pemecahan masalah kepada 253 siswa SMP di Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi, Indonesia. Kegiatan pemecahan masalah didasarkan pada skenario dunia nyata dan membutuhkan penalaran yang proporsional dan relevan dengan konteks pandemi COVID-19. Karena pandemi COVID-19 yang sedang berlangsung, tes dikirim melalui aplikasi Whatsapp. Tanggapan siswa diperiksa secara rinci untuk memastikan kemampuan penalaran proporsional mereka. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua siswa menjawab pertanyaan pertama dengan benar. Namun, hanya sebagian kecil siswa yang mampu menjawab dan membuat argumen yang benar untuk pertanyaan kedua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa memiliki alur penalaran proporsional yang cukup baik dengan menggunakan konteks kondisi pandemi COVID-19. Menurut temuan  ini, penting bagi guru matematika untuk menetapkan kegiatan pembelajaran dan tugas pemecahan masalah yang membantu siswa meningkatkan keterampilan penalaran proporsional mereka. Kata kunci: COVID-19; Pemecahan Masalah; Penalaran Proporsional; Situasi Dunia

Widiastuti Widiastuti ◽  
Tina Rosyana ◽  
Euis Eti Rohaeti

Abstract: This study aims to describe the ability of mathematical problem solving, student self-efficacy and the relationship between problem-solving ability and self-efficacy of junior high school students in Social Arithmetic materials. This research is descriptive quantitative-qualitative research. Subjects in this study were grade VIII students in West Bandung regency with a sample of 36 students of class VIII-B in one school in West Bandung regency. Instruments used in this study (1) problem solving problem test in the form of a description of four questions with social arithmetic material; (2) self-efficacy questionnaire counted twenty questions. Based on the analysis of data obtained shows that the ability of problem solving junior high school students in one district of West Bandung based on existing indicators are categorized as low and students' self-efficacy in solving math problems in moderate, so there is no relationship between problem-solving ability and self-efficacy. This is supported by the result of pearson correlation analysis which shows more than 0.05 significance number is 0.991 which means there is no relationship between the two variables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Inggil Nur Fajriyah Rokhmatillah ◽  
Janet Trineke Manoy ◽  
Dini Kinati Fardah

Pemecahan masalah adalah suatu proses individu untuk mengatasi hambatan. Soal PISA konten quantity adalah soal PISA yang berhubungan dengan penerapan pengetahuan mengenai bilangan, pola bilangan, dan operasi bilangan. Self-efficacy adalah kepercayaan diri seseorang terhadap kemampuan atau keterampilan dirinya untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan dalam berbagai keadaan. Pemecahan masalah matematika berkaitan dengan self-efficacy siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan profil pemecahan masalah matematika siswa yang memiliki self-efficacy tinggi dan rendah pada soal PISA konten quantity. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif yang ditujukan kepada siswa kelas X SMA, dengan 2 subjek penelitian yang mana 1 subjek memiliki self-efficacy tinggi dan 1 subjek memiliki self-efficacy rendah. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu angket self-efficacy, tes pemecahan masalah PISA konten quantity (2 soal), dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu pada tahap memahami masalah, siswa yang memiliki self-efficacy tinggi berusaha memahami kalimat pada soal sementara siswa yang memiliki selfefficacy rendah langsung mencari yang diketahui pada soal, serta keduanya dapat menyebutkan informasi pada soal dengan tepat. Pada tahap membuat rencana penyelesaian, siswa yang memiliki self-efficacy tinggi dapat menentukan konsep dan menerapkan konsep dengan tepat hanya pada soal nomor 1. Sedangkan siswa yang memiliki self-efficacy rendah tidak dapat menentukan konsep yang tepat. Pada tahap melaksanakan rencana, siswa yang memiliki self-efficacy tinggi menuliskan penyelesaian sesuai dengan rencana serta penyelesaian yang tepat hanya pada nomor 1. Sedangkan siswa yang memiliki self-efficacy rendah menuliskan penyelesaian sesuai dengan rencana, namun penyelesaiannya kurang tepat. Pada tahap memeriksa kembali, siswa yang memiliki self-efficacy tinggi mengevaluasi pekerjaannya dari awal hingga akhir, penyelesaiannya telah sesuai dengan rencana, serta penyelesaian yang tepat hanya pada nomor 1. Sedangkan siswa yang memiliki self-efficacy rendah hanya mengecek pekerjaannya sepintas pada soal nomor 1, sehingga penyelesaiannya kurang tepat, meskipun penyelesaiannya telah sesuai dengan rencana. Oleh karena itu, guru perlu mempertimbangkan self-efficacy siswa dalam memecahkan masalah matematika.Kata Kunci: pemecahan masalah, self-efficacy, soal PISA konten quantityProblem solving is an individual process for overcoming obstacles. The PISA content quantity problem is a PISA problem that deals with the application of knowledge about numbers, number patterns, and number operations. Self-efficacy is one's confidence in one's ability or skill to complete a job in variouscircumstances. Mathematical problem solving is related to student self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is to describe the profile of mathematical problem solving students who have high and low self-efficacy in the PISA content quantity problem. This type of research is descriptive qualitative aimed at class X high school students, with 2 research subjects where 1 subject has high self-efficacy and 1 subject has low self-efficacy. The instrument used was a self-efficacy questionnaire, PISA problem solving test content quantity (2 questions), and interview guidelines. The results of this study are in the stage of understanding the problem, students who have high self-efficacy try to understand the sentences in the problem while students who have low self-efficacy directly look for what is known in the problem, and both of them can mention information on the problem correctly. In the stage of making a completion plan, students who have high self-efficacy can determine concepts and apply concepts appropriately only on problem number 1. Whereas students who have low self-efficacy cannot determine the right concepts. At the stage of implementing the plan, students who have high self-efficacy write the completion according to the plan and the right completion is only at number 1. Whereas students who have low self-efficacy write the completion according to the plan, but the completion is less precise. In the re-checking stage, students who have high self-efficacy evaluate their work from beginning to end, the completion is according to plan, and the right completion is only at number 1. Whereas students who have low self-efficacy only check their work briefly on question number 1 , so that the solution is less precise, even though the solution is in accordance with the plan. Therefore, teachers need to consider students' self-efficacy in solving mathematical problems.Keywords: problem solving, self-efficacy, PISA content quantity questions

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-45
Andy Luse ◽  
Bryan Hammer

This article investigates the use of Raspberry Pi and Scratch to introduce novice high school students to computer programming during a short interaction. Results show that, with only a four-hour engagement, students show a significant increase in programming self-efficacy. Furthermore, results show that this increase is the same for both males and females. This provides promising results for those who wish to effectively introduce programming to novices, even over a short engagement period.

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