Simulation study of radionuclide atmospheric transport after wildland fires in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in April 2020

Mykola Таlerko ◽  
Ivan Коvalets ◽  
Тatiana Lev ◽  
Yasunori Igarashi ◽  
Olexandr Romanenko
2020 ◽  
Mykola Talerko ◽  
Ivan Kovalets ◽  
Shigekazu Hirao ◽  
Mark Zheleznyak ◽  
Yuriy Kyrylenko ◽  

<p>The highly contaminated Chernobyl exclusion zone (ChEZ) still remains a potential source of the additional atmosphere radioactive contamination due to forest fires there. The possible radionuclide transport outside the ChEZ in the direction of populated regions (including Kyiv, 115 km from the ChEZ borders) and its consequences for people health is a topic of a constant public concern in Ukraine and neighboring countries. The problem of additional radiation exposure of fire-fighters and other personnel within the ChEZ during forest fires is actual too. The reliable models of radionuclide rising and following atmospheric transport, which should be integrated with data of stationary and mobile radiological monitoring, are necessary for real-time forecast and assessment of consequences of wildland fires.</p><p>Results of intercomparison of models developed within the set of the national and international projects are presented, including: i) the point source term model of Atmospheric Dispersion Module (ADM) of the real -time online decision support system for offsite nuclear emergency – RODOS, which development was funded by EU; ii) the specialized new tool for modeling radionuclide dispersion from the polygons of the fired areas using the Lagrangian model LASAT incorporated into RODOS system; iii) the Lagrangian-Eulerian atmospheric dispersion model LEDI using a volume source term and including a module for calculation of  parameters of a convective plume  formed over a fire area; iv) the Lagrangian model of Fukushima University. All atmospheric transport models use the results of the numerical weather forecast model WRF as the input meteorological information.</p><p>The models evaluation was carried out using the measurement data during large wildland fires occurred in ChEZ in 2015 and June 2018, including the <sup>137</sup>Cs and <sup>90</sup>Sr volume activity measured with the monitoring network within the Zone and results due to special measurements with a mobile radiological laboratory outside it.</p><p>The sensitivity of atmospheric transport modeling results was estimated to: 1) internal parameterization of different models, first of all, parameterization of the value of the deposited radionuclide fraction re-entering into the atmosphere during forest fires, 2) different parameterization of the source term formed due to the forest fire; 3) quality of input meteorological information, including the space and time step of the used WRF model grid, and the impact of chosen parameterization of some WRF modules (e.g. the atmospheric boundary layer module) on the atmospheric transport model results. Additionally, results of forest fires consequences modeling was compared which were obtained with different sets of input meteorological data: the WRF forecast of metrological fields (on-line calculations) and the similar WRF calculations on the base of objective analysis results.</p>

2021 ◽  
Mykola Talerko ◽  
Tatiana Lev ◽  
Ivan Kovalets ◽  
Mark Zheleznyak ◽  
Yasunori Igarashi ◽  

<p>In April 2020, the largest forest fire occurred in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (ChEZ) in its history. The results of modeling the atmospheric transport of radioactive aerosols released into the atmosphere as a result of wildland fires in the ChEZ and around it are presented. The atmospheric transport model LEDI, developed at the Institute for Safety Problems of NPPs, and the Atmospheric Dispersion Module of the real -time online decision support system for offsite nuclear emergency RODOS, which development was funded by the EU, were used. The <sup>137</sup>Cs activity concentration in the surface air is calculated on a regional scale (in Ukraine) and a local scale (within the ChEZ). The <sup>137</sup>Cs activity in the surface air of Kyiv (115 km from the ChEZ borders) is found to have reached 2–4 mBq m<sup>−3</sup> during the period April 3–20. The modeling results are generally consistent with measured data pertaining to radioactive contamination in Kyiv, within the ChEZ, and areas around four operating nuclear power plants in Ukraine.</p><p>A method for estimating the radionuclide activity emissions during wildland fires in radioactively contaminated areas is proposed. This method is based on satellite data of the fire radiative power (FRP), the radionuclide inventory in the fire area, and an emission factor for radioactive particles. A method was applied for forest fires in the ChEZ in April 2020. Preliminary estimations of an emission factor are made using FRP values obtained from NASA's MODIS and VIIRS active fire products.</p><p>On April 16, 2020, a strong dust storm was observed in the ChEZ, which coincided with the period of intense wildland fires. The additional <sup>137</sup>Cs activity raised by the dust storm from burned areas in the meadow biocenoses was estimated to be about 162 GBq, i.e. up to 20% of the total activity emitted into the air during the entire period of forest fires on April 3-20, 2020. According to the modeling results, during April 16-17, the input of resuspension of radioactive particles due to a dust storm was up to 80-95% of the total <sup>137</sup>Cs activity in the surface air near the Chernobyl NPP. In Kyiv, this value decreased to only about 4%.</p><p>The total effective dose to the population of Kyiv during the fire period is estimated to be 5.7 nSv from external exposure and the inhalation of <sup>137</sup>Cs and <sup>90</sup>Sr, rising to 30 nSv by the end of 2020. This is about 0.003% of the annual permissible level of exposure of the population. A committed effective dose up to 200-500 nSv is estimated for the personnel of the Chernobyl NPP from the radioactive aerosol inhalation during the 2020 forest fires, which is not more than 0.05% of the established control levels of internal exposure for them.</p>

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 467
Rocío Baró ◽  
Christian Maurer ◽  
Jerome Brioude ◽  
Delia Arnold ◽  
Marcus Hirtl

This paper demonstrates the environmental impacts of the wildfires occurring at the beginning of April 2020 in and around the highly contaminated Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ). Due to the critical fire location, concerns arose about secondary radioactive contamination potentially spreading over Europe. The impact of the fire was assessed through the evaluation of fire plume dispersion and re-suspension of the radionuclide Cs-137, whereas, to assess the smoke plume effect, a WRF-Chem simulation was performed and compared to Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) satellite columns. The results show agreement of the simulated black carbon and carbon monoxide plumes with the plumes as observed by TROPOMI, where pollutants were also transported to Belarus. From an air quality and health perspective, the wildfires caused extremely bad air quality over Kiev, where the WRF-Chem model simulated mean values of PM2.5 up to 300 µg/m3 (during the first fire outbreak) over CEZ. The re-suspension of Cs-137 was assessed by a Bayesian inverse modelling approach using FLEXPART as the atmospheric transport model and Ukraine observations, yielding a total release of 600 ± 200 GBq. The increase in both smoke and Cs-137 emissions was only well correlated on the 9 April, likely related to a shift of the focus area of the fires. From a radiological point of view even the highest Cs-137 values (average measured or modelled air concentrations and modelled deposition) at the measurement site closest to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, i.e., Kiev, posed no health risk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 81-95
M. M. Таlerko ◽  
Т. D. Lev ◽  
V. O. Кashpur ◽  

On April 16, 2020, a strong dust storm was observed in the northern regions of Ukraine, which coincided with the period of intense wildland fires in the Chornobyl exclusion zone. The activity of 137Cs in aerosol particles released into the atmosphere as a result of resuspension from burned areas in the meadow biocenoses in the exclusion zone is evaluated in the article. Resuspension of radioactively contaminated particles from burned areas formed after fires in meadow biocenoses of the exclusion zone can be a powerful source of air contamination in the zone itself, as well as increase of the radionuclides transport outside it. The total 137Cs activity that entered the atmosphere during the dust storm was estimated to be about 162 GBq, i. e. up to 20% of the total activity emitted in the air during the entire period of forest fires on April 3–20, 2020. The 137Cs emission from burned areas during the dust storm on April 16 and 17 amounted to 0.24% of the total stock of 137Cs activity in this territory. According to the results of modeling, the relative contribution of wildland fires and resuspension due to the dust storm on April 16 and 17 significantly depends on the distance to the emission sources. It was found that the resuspension of radioactive particles from burned areas during the dust storm determined 80–95% of the 137Cs activity concentration in the surface air near Chornobyl nuclear power plant and in Chornobyl city and the rest was due to the continuing forest fires in neighboring territories. The maximum 3-hour averaged value of the 137Cs activity concentration in the air due to resuspension from the burned areas was obtained for the location of the monitoring post VRP-750 of SSE “Ecocenter” to be about 28 mBq/m3 for the period 9–12 hours on April 16. In Kyiv, the 3-hour averaged 137Cs activity concentration due to the dust storm in the Exclusion Zone was calculated as 44 μBq/m3 in the period from 9 to 12 hours on April 17, 2020. This value was only about 4% of the total 137Cs activity in the air in this period.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 86-104
M. M. Таlerko ◽  
Т. D. Lev ◽  
I. V. Коvalets ◽  
Yu. V. Yatsenko

In April 2020, the largest forest fire occurred in the Chornobyl Exclusion zone in its history. The results of modeling the atmospheric transport of radioactive aerosols raised into the atmosphere as a result of fires in forest and grass areas in the Exclusion zone, as well as in radioactively contaminated forests outside it in Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions are presented in the paper. To assess the consequences of forest fires, a set of models of lifting, atmospheric transport and deposition of radionuclides on the underlying surface LEDI, developed at the Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, was used. Calculations of the dynamics of the 137Cs activity concentration field in the surface air on a regional scale (in Ukraine) and on a local scale (within the Exclusion zone) were performed. According to the simulation results, the maximum values of the 137Cs activity in the surface air of Kyiv in some periods during April 4−20 could reach 2−4 mBq/m3, and the integral value of 137Cs activity in the air of Kyiv for the whole period was about 450 mBq⋅s/m3. The obtained results are generally consistent with the data of measurements of radioactive contamination of the nearground air in Kyiv and areas of the nuclear power plants in Ukraine. The analysis of the consistency of the simulation results with the data of measurements of the 137Cs activity concentration in the air in the Exclusion zone was performed. The main ways to improve the methodology for assessing the consequences of forest fires by modeling the atmospheric transport of radionuclides are identified.

2021 ◽  
Fiona Newman-Thacker ◽  
Laura Turnbull

AbstractIn this study, we explore the conditions that led to the unprecedented wildfire that occurred in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in April 2020 and the effect of this fire on 137Cs dispersal, as wildfires are important drivers of 137Cs resuspension, with potentially harmful consequences for the receiving ecosystems. We characterised the historical wildfire record between 2000 and 2020 using the MCD64A1.006 MODIS Burned Area Monthly Global 500 m dataset and assessed the climatic conditions associated with these wildfire events using ERA5-Land reanalysis data. We also examined fire danger indices at the time of these wildfires. We then explored the widespread effects of the April 2020 wildfire on 137Cs resuspension and subsequent deposition using the NOAA-HYSPLIT model, concluding that the impacts of such resuspension on areas further afield were minimal. Results show that climatic conditions leading to severe wildfires are increasing, especially during March and April. High soil moisture, relative humidity and extreme temperature anomalies are associated with the largest wildfires on record, and fire risk indices at the time of the April 2020 fire were higher than for other large fires on record. We have estimated that 3854 GBq of 137Cs resuspended during the CPPF, with atmospheric transport dominant over Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Kazakhstan. The observed increase in large wildfires will have implications for wildfire-driven soil erosion processes, which will further exacerbate the effects of atmospheric-driven 137Cs redistribution.

2006 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-24 ◽  
Alexander von Eye

At the level of manifest categorical variables, a large number of coefficients and models for the examination of rater agreement has been proposed and used. The most popular of these is Cohen's κ. In this article, a new coefficient, κ s , is proposed as an alternative measure of rater agreement. Both κ and κ s allow researchers to determine whether agreement in groups of two or more raters is significantly beyond chance. Stouffer's z is used to test the null hypothesis that κ s = 0. The coefficient κ s allows one, in addition to evaluating rater agreement in a fashion parallel to κ, to (1) examine subsets of cells in agreement tables, (2) examine cells that indicate disagreement, (3) consider alternative chance models, (4) take covariates into account, and (5) compare independent samples. Results from a simulation study are reported, which suggest that (a) the four measures of rater agreement, Cohen's κ, Brennan and Prediger's κ n , raw agreement, and κ s are sensitive to the same data characteristics when evaluating rater agreement and (b) both the z-statistic for Cohen's κ and Stouffer's z for κ s are unimodally and symmetrically distributed, but slightly heavy-tailed. Examples use data from verbal processing and applicant selection.

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