scholarly journals Teachers’ View of Sustainable Development in Swedish Upper Secondary School

2015 ◽  
Vol 167 ◽  
pp. 7-14 ◽  
Peter Gustafsson ◽  
Susanne Engström ◽  
Anders Svenson
Prismet ◽  
1970 ◽  
pp. 51-68
Ulrika Svalfors

Denna artikel diskuterar hur ungdomars egna erfarenheter kan användas som en resurs i undervisning för hållbar utveckling inom religionskunskapen. Diskussionen sker mot bakgrund av en intervjustudie bland sistaårselever på fyra gymnasieskolor i Sverige. I dessa intervjuer framkommer det att ungdomar har gedigna erfarenheter av såväl engagemang som makt och uthållighet som är så pass integrerade med ungdomars uppfattningar om sig själva att de kan betraktas som delar av deras livsåskådning. Dessa erfarenheter kan därmed utgöra en resurs i undervisning om hållbar utveckling, vilket blir tydligt i religionskunskapen. Hållbar utveckling är ett tema som kan bidra till att stärka elevernas hermeneutiska förmåga och till mångfald – centralt för religionskunskapen och nödvändigt för en hållbar utveckling.Nyckelord: ungdomar, livsåskådning, religionskunskap, hermeneutisk förmåga, engagemang, makt, uthållighet, utbildning för hållbar utveckling, gymnasieskolan, SverigeThis article discusses how young people's own experiences can be used as a resource for sustainable development education within religious education. The discussion takes place in the light of an interview study among last year's students at four upper secondary schools in Sweden. In these interviews, it appears that young people have a solid experience of commitment as well as power and stamina that are so integrated with their perceptions of themselves that they can be regarded as part of their world view. Hence, these experiences become a resource for education for sustainable development, which become clear in religious education. Sustainable development is a theme that reinforces the students’ hermeneutical competence and contributes to diversity – central for religious education and necessary for sustainable development.Keywords: youth, world view, religious education, hermeneutical competence, commitment, power, stamina, education for sustainable development, upper secondary school, Sweden

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 4
Birgitte Bjønness ◽  
Astrid Tonette Sinnes

Læreplanene for grunnopplæringen i Norge er for tiden under revisjon og fornyelse. Fagfornyelsen innebærer blant annet at bærekraftig utvikling blir et tverrfaglig og gjennomgående tema i skolen. Satsingen på Utdanning for Bærekraftig Utvikling (UBU) i skolen er per i dag hovedsakelig preget av enkeltstående prosjekter drevet fram av enkeltlærere. Vi har i denne studien intervjuet skoleledelse, lærere, elevråd, driftsleder og skoleeier ved fire videregående skoler for å få fram praksisfeltets stemmer knyttet til hva som hemmer og hva som fremmer arbeidet med UBU i norsk videregående skole. Funn fra studien viser at alle informantene er positive til en satsing på bærekraftig utvikling. Vi finner videre at det utkrystalliserer seg ni sentrale faktorer som påvirker i retning av å hemme eller fremme en helhetlig satsing på UBU. Informantene peker på hverandre når det gjelder å ta initiativ til å utvikle UBU lokalt; dette kan medføre en pulverisering av ansvar så lenge alle «sitter på gjerdet» og venter på at andre skal ta initiativ. En forpliktende satsing på UBU stiller krav til alle aktører og nivåer i skolen. Vi stiller spørsmål om satsingen på bærekraftig utvikling i fagfornyelsen er tilstrekkelig for å utvikle den tverrfaglige forståelsen og handlingskompetansen som er nødvendig for å forberede elevene på å leve bærekraftige liv i framtiden. En forpliktende satsing på UBU krever også at skolen og lærerne får tid og rom til å utvikle organisasjonen og læringsmåter lokalt.Nøkkelord: utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling, fagfornyelsen, videregående skole, hel-skoletilnærming, fokusgruppeintervjuer, aktører i skolenExploring drivers and challenges for the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development in upper secondary schoolAbstractThe national curricula in Norway are currently under review and revision. As part of the revision, sustainable development becomes an interdisciplinary and comprehensive subject in school. There are presently few or no examples of schools that work comprehensively with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Norway. In this study, we have interviewed school management, teachers, student council, operation manager and school owner at four upper secondary schools in order to map what supports and what constrains a holistic effort to ESD in Norwegian upper secondary school. Findings from the study show that all the interviewees are positive to a commitment to sustainable development as part of the new curriculum. Further, we identify nine key factors influencing action as well as resulting from it, in the direction of support or constraint of a holistic effort to ESD. The interviewees point to each other when it comes to taking the initiative to develop ESD locally; this can result in a pulverization of responsibility as long as everyone "sits on the fence" waiting for others to take the initiative. A binding commitment to ESD places demands on all actors and levels at the school. We ask whether the inclusion of sustainable development in the new curriculum is sufficient for developing an interdisciplinary understanding and the action competence that is necessary to prepare the students for living sustainable lives in the future. A commitment to ESD also requires the school and the teachers to have the time and space to develop the organization and learning methods locally.Keywords: Education for Sustainable Development, curriculum reform, upper secondary school, whole-school approach, focus-group interviews, stakeholders in school

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-126
Ulrika Svalfors

AbstractThis article discusses different interpretations of sustainable development in education and if different interpretations of the concept are implemented in Curriculum, with the Swedish Curriculum of Upper Secondary School as an example. According to Agenda 21 sustainable development should be implemented in a multidimensional way. In 2011, a new school reform of upper secondary school was implemented in Sweden which further strengthened the position of sustainable development in school by inserting the term into more syllabuses. However, the multiple instances of the concept do not necessarily mean that a multidimensional interpretation of the concept is implemented in accordance with the objectives of Agenda 21. By using Laclau and Mouffe’s (2008) idea of discursive struggle as a theoretical framework it is possible to discern how descriptions of sustainable development essentially give rise to one discursive formation in the curriculum. The articulations of sustainable development in the curriculum rests on an idea of the ecosystem that seem to enforce the natural scientific rationality instead of letting different rationalities contribute to the meaning. The descriptions of sustainable development in the curriculum can be interpreted as a hegemonic expropriation of elements of other discourses, such as the social and economic, into the environmental (ecological) dimension. These results are consistent with other international studies, and emphasises the importance of taking a critical stance to the writings of Curriculum when putting them into practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Julia Leivo ◽  
Olli Ruth ◽  
Petteri Muukkonen

Tutkimme artikkelissamme sitä, miten ajattelun taidon tasot ilmenevät maantieteen ylioppilaskokeen taloudellista kestävää kehitystä käsittelevissä kysymyksissä sekä esseevastauksissa. Kestävään kehitykseen liittyvät ylioppilaskoekysymykset ovat usein vaativia, koska ne ovat tietoa laajasti soveltavia ja niissä yhdistetään useiden maantieteen kurssien ja muiden oppi-aineiden sisältöjä. Luokittelimme kahden ylioppilaskoekysymyksen tehtävänannot ja niissä vaadittavat ajattelun taidon tasot Bloomin taksonomian mukaan ja vastaukset SOLO-taksonomian mukaan. Tehtävänannot edellyttivät pääasiassa ymmärtämistä, soveltamista, analysointia ja arvioimista. Keskimäärin vastausten ajattelun taidon tasot jäivät tehtävänantojen vaatimuksista noin puoliväliin. Harvat parhaista ylsivät vaaditulle tasolle vastauksissaan. Sisällönanalyysin perusteella opiskelijat hallitsivat hyvin reiluun kauppaan ja luonnonvarojen kestämättömään käyttöön liittyviä sisältöjä, mutta osasivat heikosti taloudellisen kestävän kehityksen perimmäisen ajatuksen. Vastauksista puuttui myös pohdintaa tulojen epätasaisesta jakautumisesta lähde- ja kohdemaan välillä. Tulosten perusteella suosittelemme lukion maantieteen opettajia keskittymään entistä enemmän sen varmistamiseen, että opiskelijat ymmärtävät teemojen syvemmän luonteen ja problematiikan. Vastaustekniikkaa, esseevastausten jäsentelyä ja syy-seuraussuhteiden perustelemista tulisi harjoitella entistä enemmän.   Geography matriculation examination and levels of thinking skills in questions and answers on economic sustainability Abstract In this study, we have researched how the complexity in students’ understanding can be seen in the Finnish matriculation examination at the end of upper secondary school. We concentrated on exam questions related to economic sustainable development because it is the common subject in several disciplines taught in the Finnish upper secondary school. In addition, economic sustainable development as a study content demands complex understanding. We analyzed two matriculation examination questions according to Bloom’s taxonomy. Similarly, we analyzed the essay answers according to the SOLO taxonomy. Those questions required comprehension, application, analysis, and evaluation. On average, students’ essay answers reached the middle level. Only rarely students reached the highest levels of complexity in understanding. According to the content analysis, students knew well the contents of the fair trade and the unsustainable use of natural resources. However, they did not manage so well the core idea of the economic sustainable development. Moreover, students did not know so well the unequal distribution of incomes between the source and destination countries. We suggest that teachers in the upper secondary school should secure that students have adopted the core of the economic sustainable development. Teachers should also emphasize answering techniques, structuring essay answers, and reasoning causal relationships. These will enhance the complexity in understanding seen in the students’ essay answers. Keywords: Bloom’s taxonomy, upper secondary school, student assessment, SOLO taxonomy, economic sustainable development, matriculation examination

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 206-222
Elina Maria Sundstrøm ◽  
Siw Turid Killengreen ◽  
Stig Misund ◽  
Hans-Georg Köller

Education for sustainable development has been implemented in the Norwegian teaching curriculum since 2005. The goal was initially to give the students knowledge in order for them to live more sustai­nable lives. We conducted interviews and a questionnaire survey to investigate how science teachers in upper secondary school teach this subject, and what they considered to be the challenges. Results from this survey show that teachers mainly use traditional classroom teaching, and to a little extend educated the students the way intended when sustainable development was included in the curricu­lum. In addition, they felt that the subject is not prioritized from the school administration, and the interdisciplinary collaboration is insufficient. In 2020, a revised version of the Norwegian curriculum is completed, and the findings from this survey emphasize the importance of a stronger implementation of education for sustainable development in the Norwegian school system.

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