Canalicular bile flow and bile salt secretion are maintained in rats with liver cirrhosis

1988 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-71 ◽  
S. Krähenbühl ◽  
J. Reichen
1983 ◽  
Vol 245 (5) ◽  
pp. G651-G655 ◽  
J. Reichen ◽  
M. Le

To determine whether bile salts alter the permeability of the biliary tree to inert solutes, we investigated the effects of taurocholate and taurodehydrocholate on [14C]sucrose bile-to-plasma ratio in the situ perfused rat liver. Sucrose bile-to-plasma ratio remained virtually constant over a 3-h period in untreated rats. Infusing increasing amounts of taurocholate produced the anticipated dose-dependent increase in bile flow and bile salt secretion up to a maximal secretory rate of 278 nmol X min-1 X g liver-1. When the secretory rate was exceeded, bile flow decreased by 22%. Even at doses below the maximal secretory rate, sucrose bile-to-plasma ratio increased in a dose-dependent fashion. To determine whether this was due to recruitment of more permeable centrizonal hepatocytes, the effect of equimolar amounts of taurodehydrocholate was determined. This nonmicelle-forming bile salt led to more marked choleresis than taurocholate but did not affect sucrose bile-to-plasma ratio. We conclude that taurocholate, but not taurodehydrocholate, leads to a dose-dependent increase in biliary permeability.

1983 ◽  
Vol 244 (3) ◽  
pp. G233-G246 ◽  
J. Graf

Studies on canalicular electrolyte transport are reviewed with reference to the concept that hepatocellular inorganic ion secretion may provide an osmotic drive for canalicular water flow. Cellular transport of electrolytes and of some nonelectrolytes appears directly or indirectly (cotransport or potential-sensitive transport) related to the activity of Na+-K+-ATPase of the sinusoidal cell membrane, but the role of the enzyme in regulating bile flow remains undetermined. Bile secretion of the isolated rat liver continues in the absence of either Na+, K+, Cl-, or HCO-3 when these ions are replaced in the perfusion medium by other permanent ions. Transepithelial salt concentration gradients, established experimentally, cause transient changes of bile flow and dissipate very quickly. Isotopic ion equilibration between sinusoids and bile proceeds faster than between sinusoids and liver cells. Both observations indicate extensive electrolyte diffusion through a paracellular shunt pathway. This pathway appears preferentially permeable to cations, and it restricts permeation of molecules of the size of sucrose (no apparent diffusion or effects of solvent drag) or bile acids (no backleak). In promoting canalicular osmotic water flow, transepithelial concentration gradients of NaCl are less effective than those of sucrose, revealing a reflection coefficient of NaCl of 0.3. By perfusion with hypertonic medium containing sucrose, bile flow is reduced. Bile production against this opposing osmotic gradient is accomplished by an increase in biliary organic anion concentration. Inorganic ion concentrations essentially conform to a Gibbs-Donnan distribution across the canalicular epithelium, established by the presence of impermeant anions in bile. Hence, the luminal electrical potential is expected to be negative with respect to the sinusoids. It is concluded that biliary secretion of endogenous organic anions is the major osmotic driving force for canalicular bile salt-independent bile flow and that transport of inorganic ions into bile results mainly from diffusion and solvent drag.

1995 ◽  
Vol 269 (6) ◽  
pp. G801-G812 ◽  
P. J. Meier

An increasingly complex picture has emerged in recent years regarding the bile salt transport polarity of hepatocytes. At the sinusoidal (or basolateral) plasma membrane two bile salt-transporting polypeptides have been cloned. The Na(+)-taurocholate-cotransporting polypeptide (Ntcp) can account for most, if not all, physiological properties of the Na(+)-dependent bile salt uptake function in mammalian hepatocytes. The cloned organic anion-transporting protein (Oatp1) can mediate Na(+)-independent transport of bile salts, sulfobromophthalein, estrogen conjugates, and a variety of other amphipathic cholephilic compounds. Hence, Oatp1 appears to correspond to the previously suggested basolateral multispecific bile sale transporter. Intracellular bile salt transport can be mediated by different pathways. Under basal bile salt flux conditions, conjugated trihydroxy bile salts bind to cytoplasmic binding proteins and reach the canalicular plasma membrane predominantly via cytoplasmic diffusion. More hydrophobic mono- and dihydroxy and high concentrations of trihydroxy bile salts associate with intracellular membrane-bound compartments, including transcytotic vesicles, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and Golgi complex. A facilitated bile salt diffusion pathway has been demonstrated in the ER. The exact role of these and other (e.g., lysosomes, "tubulovesicular structures") organelles in overall vectorial transport of bile salts across hepatocytes is not yet known. Canalicular bile salt secretion is mediated by two ATP-dependent transport systems, one for monovalent bile salts and the second for divalent sulfated or glucuronidated bile salt conjugates. The latter is identical with the canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter, which also transports other divalent organic anions, such as glutathione S-conjugates. Potential dependent canalicular bile salt secretion has also been suggested to occur, but its exact mechanism and physiological significance remain unclear, since a potential driven bile salt uptake system has also been identified in the ER. Hypothetically, and similar to changes in cell volume, the intracellular potential could also play a role in the regulation of the number of bile salt carriers at the canalicular membrane and thereby indirectly influence the maximal canalicular bile salt transport capacity of hepatocytes.

1975 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-256 ◽  
S. Erlinger ◽  
Dominique Bienfait ◽  
Renee Poupon ◽  
Micheline Dumont ◽  
M. Duval

1. The influence of lysine acetylsalicylate on bile flow, erythritol clearance and bile salt, phospholipid and cholesterol secretion in bile was studied in unanaesthetized dogs fitted with a Thomas duodenal cannula. 2. Lysine acetylsalicylate induced a marked increase in bile flow and a parallel increase in erythritol clearance although the bile salt secretion remained unchanged; this suggests that the compound stimulated the formation of the canalicular (hepatocytic) bile salt-independent fraction of bile flow. 3. Lysine acetylsalicylate induced a significant decrease in biliary phospholipid and cholesterol secretion and the cholesterol saturation of bile was significantly reduced. 4. It is postulated that the decrease in phospholipid and cholesterol secretion resulted from the dilution of intracanalicular bile salts. This effect of lysine acetylsalicylate, and possibly of other bile salt-independent choleretics, may be of value in the treatment of cholesterol gallstones in man.

1975 ◽  
Vol 228 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-121 ◽  
SM Strasberg ◽  
RG Ilson ◽  
KA Siminovitch ◽  
D Brenner ◽  
JE Palaheimo

Bile flow studies were performed in three groups of awake rhesus monkeys. In the first group, the increase in bile flow stimulated by secretin was not accompanied by an increase in erythritol-14C clearance. Resection of the gastric antrum and small intestine in the second group resulted in stable bile flow at fixed bile salt secretion rates. Linear regression lines for bile flow versus bile salt secretion rate and erythritol-14C clearance versus bile salt secretion rate were parallel, and the Y-axis intercept for the latter was consistently higher than for the former. We concluded that erythritol-14C clearance equals canalicular flow, and ductular reabsorption is constant at all bile salt secretion rates in this species. Bile flow was studied during fasting and feeding, over 6 days, in the third group. A model incorporating four bile flow components was developed and tested by multivariate regression analysis. The data fit the model quite well, explaining greater than 90% of the variation in bile flow. A method of measuring the contribution to bile flow of each of the four components is provided.

1986 ◽  
Vol 64 (10) ◽  
pp. 1316-1320 ◽  
S. M. Strasberg ◽  
R. G. Ilson ◽  
C. E. Bear

Bile salt dependent flow and electrolyte secretion in response to two bile salts were studied in awake rabbits. It was found that sodium glycodeoxycholate had a much greater choleretic and cholioneretic efficiency than sodium taurocholate. The effect of the bile salts on flow and electrolyte secretion was not linear across the range of bile salt secretion rates studied. When amiloride was administered significant decreases in choleretic and cholioneretic efficiencies occurred, but furosemide had no effect. It is concluded that bile salts stimulate electrolyte transport via amiloride inhibitable cellular processes, and that this electrolyte transport is in part responsible for bile salt dependent bile flow.

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