The functional anatomy of the anterior end of Skrjabinoptera goldmanae from Australian agamid lizards

1995 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-37 ◽  
H.I. Jones

AbstractFour muscle groups are responsible for the eversion and retraction of the apical denticles and enlarged pseudolabia in Skrjabinoptera goldmanae (Nematoda: Physalopteridae), which occurs in the lizards Chlamydosaurus kingii, Pogona spp. and Varanus gouldii in Australia. These muscles enable the nematode to bury its anterior portion in the gastric submucosa of its hosts. They comprise three sets which are derived from the somatic musculature and are inserted in the oesophagus and associated organs, and a fourth set of muscles which appears to be derived from the muscular oesophagus itself. These accessory muscle groups are described and illustrated, and from this their mode of action in everting and retracting the pseudolabia is derived. Possible selection pressures which led to their evolution are reviewed.

G. P. Wells

The anterior end of Arenicola contains an elaborately organized apparatus which has hitherto escaped accurate description, although it is of evident importance in the processes of extrusion and withdrawal of the proboscis, and exhibits striking variations within the genus as at present constituted. The ‘proboscis apparatus”, as it will be termed, includes the following components: (i) the proboscis itself and the first part of the oesophagus, together constituting the anterior portion of the gut; and (ii) the retractor sheath and gular membrane (“first septum” or ‘first diaphragm” of previous authors), both of which, in the writer's view, are derived from the first septum. Although of diverse morphological origin, these components are built together into a functionally unified whole. The purpose of the following paper is to give an account of the anatomy of the apparatus on which later studies of its mode of action can be based. The three species to be described, A. ecaudata Johnston, A. claparedii Levinsen and A. marina L., are chosen to represent the three sections into which the genus naturally falls. It will be shown that the proboscis apparatus undergoes characteristic structural modifications in each of the three, although its basal plan is always the same. So great are the divergences that probably each of them extrudes its proboscis in a different way.

2016 ◽  
Vol 39 ◽  
Arnon Lotem ◽  
Oren Kolodny ◽  
Joseph Y. Halpern ◽  
Luca Onnis ◽  
Shimon Edelman

AbstractAs a highly consequential biological trait, a memory “bottleneck” cannot escape selection pressures. It must therefore co-evolve with other cognitive mechanisms rather than act as an independent constraint. Recent theory and an implemented model of language acquisition suggest that a limit on working memory may evolve to help learning. Furthermore, it need not hamper the use of language for communication.

J. R. Ruby

Parotid glands were obtained from five adult (four male and one female) armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) which were perfusion-fixed. The glands were located in a position similar to that of most mammals. They extended interiorly to the anterior portion of the submandibular gland.In the light microscope, it was noted that the acini were relatively small and stained strongly positive with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and alcian blue techniques, confirming the earlier results of Shackleford (1). Based on these qualities and other structural criteria, these cells have been classified as seromucous (2). The duct system was well developed. There were numerous intercalated ducts and intralobular striated ducts. The striated duct cells contained large amounts of PAS-positive substance.Thin sections revealed that the acinar cells were pyramidal in shape and contained a basally placed, slightly flattened nucleus (Fig. 1). The rough endoplasmic reticulum was also at the base of the cell.

E. A. Elfont ◽  
R. B. Tobin ◽  
D. G. Colton ◽  
M. A. Mehlman

Summary5,-5'-diphenyl-2-thiohydantoin (DPTH) is an effective inhibitor of thyroxine (T4) stimulation of α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase in rat liver mitochondria. Because this finding indicated a possible tool for future study of the mode of action of thyroxine, the ultrastructural and biochemical effects of DPTH and/or thyroxine on rat liver mere investigated.Rats were fed either standard or DPTH (0.06%) diet for 30 days before T4 (250 ug/kg/day) was injected. Injection of T4 occurred daily for 10 days prior to sacrifice. After removal of the liver and kidneys, part of the tissue was frozen at -50°C for later biocheailcal analyses, while the rest was prefixed in buffered 3.5X glutaraldehyde (390 mOs) and post-fixed in buffered 1Z OsO4 (376 mOs). Tissues were embedded in Araldlte 502 and the sections examined in a Zeiss EM 9S.Hepatocytes from hyperthyroid rats (Fig. 2) demonstrated enlarged and more numerous mitochondria than those of controls (Fig. 1). Glycogen was almost totally absent from the cytoplasm of the T4-treated rats.

B. J. Panessa-Warren ◽  
J. B. Warren ◽  
H. W. Kraner

Our previous studies have demonstrated that abnormally high amounts of calcium (Ca) and zinc (Zn) can be accumulated in human retina-choroid under pathological conditions and that barium (Ba), which was not detected in the eyes of healthy individuals, is deposited in the retina pigment epithelium (RPE), and to a lesser extent in the sensory retina and iris. In an attempt to understand how these cations can be accumulated in the vertebrate eye, a morphological and microanalytical study of the uptake and loss of specific cations (K, Ca,Ba,Zn) was undertaken with incubated Rana catesbiana isolated retina and RPE preparations. Large frogs (650-800 gms) were dark adapted, guillotined and their eyes enucleated in deep ruby light. The eyes were hemisected behind the ora serrata and the anterior portion of the eye removed. The eyecup was bisected along the plane of the optic disc and the two segments of retina peeled away from the RPE and incubated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 648-655
William G. Pearson ◽  
Jacline V. Griffeth ◽  
Alexis M. Ennis

Purpose Rehabilitation of pharyngeal swallowing dysfunction requires a thorough understanding of the functional anatomy underlying the performance goals of pharyngeal swallowing. These goals include the safe and efficient transfer of a bolus through the hypopharynx into the esophagus. Penetration or aspiration of a bolus threatens swallowing safety. Bolus residue indicates swallowing inefficiency. Several primary mechanics, or elements of the swallowing mechanism, underlie these performance goals, with some elements contributing to both goals. These primary mechanics include velopharyngeal port closure, hyoid movement, laryngeal elevation, pharyngeal shortening, tongue base retraction, and pharyngeal constriction. Each element of the swallowing mechanism is under neuromuscular control and is therefore, in principle, a potential target for rehabilitation. Secondary mechanics of pharyngeal swallowing, those movements dependent on primary mechanics, include opening the upper esophageal sphincter and epiglottic inversion. Conclusion Understanding the functional anatomy of pharyngeal swallowing underlying swallowing performance goals will facilitate anatomically informed critical thinking in the rehabilitation of pharyngeal swallowing dysfunction.

2003 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 181-190 ◽  
Walter Sturm

Abstract: Behavioral and PET/fMRI-data are presented to delineate the functional networks subserving alertness, sustained attention, and vigilance as different aspects of attention intensity. The data suggest that a mostly right-hemisphere frontal, parietal, thalamic, and brainstem network plays an important role in the regulation of attention intensity, irrespective of stimulus modality. Under conditions of phasic alertness there is less right frontal activation reflecting a diminished need for top-down regulation with phasic extrinsic stimulation. Furthermore, a high overlap between the functional networks for alerting and spatial orienting of attention is demonstrated. These findings support the hypothesis of a co-activation of the posterior attention system involved in spatial orienting by the anterior alerting network. Possible implications of these findings for the therapy of neglect are proposed.

2002 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-96
Tiina Ritvanen ◽  
Reijo Koskelo ◽  
Osmo H„nninen

Abstract This study follows muscle activity in three different learning sessions (computer, language laboratory, and normal classroom) while students were studying foreign languages. Myoelectric activity was measured in 21 high school students (10 girls, 11 boys, age range 17-20 years) by surface electromyography (sEMG) from the upper trapezius and frontalis muscles during three 45-min sessions. Root mean square (RMS) average from both investigated muscles was calculated. The EMG activity was highest in both muscle groups in the computer-aided session and lowest in the language laboratory. The girls had higher EMG activity in both investigated muscle groups in all three learning situations. The measured blood pressure was highest at the beginning of the sessions, decreased within 10 min, but increased again toward the end of the sessions. Our results indicate that the use of a computer as a teaching-aid evokes more constant muscle activity than the traditional learning situations. Since muscle tension can have adverse health consequences, more research is needed to determine optimal classroom conditions, especially when technical aids are used in teaching.

2009 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-89 ◽  
Kenneth Hugdahl ◽  
René Westerhausen

The present paper is based on a talk on hemispheric asymmetry given by Kenneth Hugdahl at the Xth European Congress of Psychology, Praha July 2007. Here, we propose that hemispheric asymmetry evolved because of a left hemisphere speech processing specialization. The evolution of speech and the need for air-based communication necessitated division of labor between the hemispheres in order to avoid having duplicate copies in both hemispheres that would increase processing redundancy. It is argued that the neuronal basis of this labor division is the structural asymmetry observed in the peri-Sylvian region in the posterior part of the temporal lobe, with a left larger than right planum temporale area. This is the only example where a structural, or anatomical, asymmetry matches a corresponding functional asymmetry. The increase in gray matter volume in the left planum temporale area corresponds to a functional asymmetry of speech processing, as indexed from both behavioral, dichotic listening, and functional neuroimaging studies. The functional anatomy of the corpus callosum also supports such a view, with regional specificity of information transfer between the hemispheres.

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