scholarly journals Numerical Simulation of Relativistic Jet Formation in Black Hole Magnetosphere

1998 ◽  
Vol 188 ◽  
pp. 415-416 ◽  
Shinji Koide ◽  
Kazunari Shibata ◽  
Takahiro Kudoh

The radio jets ejected from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) sometimes show proper motions with apparent velocity exceeding the speed of light. This phenomenon, called superluminal motion, is explained as relativistic jets propagating in a direction almost toward us, and has been thought to be ejected from the close vicinity of hypothetical supermassive black holes powering AGNs (Rees 1996). The magnetic mechanism has been proposed not only for AGN jets (Lovelace 1976; Blandford & Payne 1983) but also for protostellar jets (Pudritz & Norman 1986; Uchida & Shibata 1985; Shibata & Uchida 1986), although no one has yet performed nonsteady general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) numerical simulations on the formation of jets from the accretion disk around a black hole.

1997 ◽  
Vol 163 ◽  
pp. 667-671
Shinji Koide ◽  
Kazunari Shibata ◽  
Takahiro Kudoh

AbstractRecently, superluminal motions are observed not only from active galactic nuclei but also in our Galaxy. These phenomena are explained as relativistic jets propagating almost toward us with Lorentz factor more than 2. For the formation of such a relativistic jet, magnetically driven mechanism around a black hole is most promising. We have extended the 2.5D Newtonian MHD jet model (Shibata & Uchida 1986) to general relativistic regime. For this purpose, we have developed a general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) numerical code and applied it to the simulation of the magnetized accretion disk around a black hole. We have found the formation of magnetically driven jets with 86 percent of light velocity (i.e. Lorentz factor ~ 2.0).

2007 ◽  
Vol 22 (32) ◽  
pp. 2397-2411 ◽  

We review the latest attempts to determine the accretion geometry in radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN). These objects, which comprise ~ 10–20% of the AGN population, produce powerful collimated radio jets that can extend thousands of parsecs from the center of the host galaxy. Recent multiwavelength surveys have shown that radio-loudness is more common in low-luminosity AGN than in higher luminosity Seyfert galaxies or quasars. These low-luminosity AGN have small enough accretion rates that they are most likely accreting via a geometrically thick and radiatively inefficient accretion flow. In contrast, X-ray spectroscopic observations of three higher luminosity broad-line radio galaxies (3C 120, 4C+74.26 and PG 1425+267) have found evidence for an untruncated thin disk extending very close to the black hole. These tentative detections indicate that, for this class of radio-loud AGN, the accretion geometry is very similar to their radio-quiet counterparts. These observations suggest that there are three conditions to jet formation that must be satisfied: the presence of a rapidly spinning black hole, an accretion flow with a large H/r ratio, and a favorable magnetic field geometry.

2012 ◽  
Vol 08 ◽  
pp. 253-258

The tidal disruption of a star by a supermassive black hole provides us with unique information for otherwise dormant galactic nuclei. It has long been predicted that the disruption will be accompanied by a thermal 'flare', powered by the accretion of stellar debris. Recently, we proposed that a modest fraction of the accretion power can be channeled into a relativistic jet. We showed that, even if the jet is not pointing at our direction, the interactions of the jet with the interstellar medium can power a bright radio-IR transient. Recent transients discovered by Swift have all the expected characteristics of a new-born jet powered by the tidal disruption of a star. The evidence is strong that we are witnessing a most direct verification of the our proposal with the transient jet pointing directly at us. Upcoming radio transient surveys can independently discover numerous disruptions, complimenting searches at other wavelengths. Tidal disruptions can probe the physics of jet formation under relatively clean conditions, in which the flow parameters are independently constrained.

Bidisha Bandyopadhyay ◽  
Christian Fendt ◽  
Dominik R G Schleicher ◽  
Christos Vourellis

Abstract In 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration (EHTC) has published the first image of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) obtained via the Very Large Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) technique. In the future, it is expected that additional and more sensitive VLBI observations will be pursued for other nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), and it is therefore important to understand which possible features can be expected in such images. In this paper, we post-process General Relativistic Magneto-Hydrodynamical (GR-MHD) simulations which include resistivity, thus providing a self-consistent jet formation model, including resistive mass loading of a wind launched from a disc in Keplerian rotation. The ray-tracing is done using the General Relativistic Ray-Tracing code GRTRANS assuming synchrotron emission. We study the appearance of the black hole environment including the accretion disc, winds and jets under a large range of condition, varying black hole mass, accretion rate, spin, inclination angle, disc parameters and observed frequency. When we adopt M87-like parameters, we show that we can reproduce a ring-like feature (similar as observed by the EHT) for some of our simulations. The latter suggests that such Keplerian disc models thus could be consistent with the observed results. Depending on their masses, accretion rates, spin and the sensitivity of the observation, we note that other SMBHs may show additional features like winds and jets in the observations.

1998 ◽  
Vol 188 ◽  
pp. 455-456
M. Yokosawa

Active galactic nuclei(AGN) produce many type of active phenomena, powerful X-ray emission, UV hump, narrow beam ejection, gamma-ray emission. Energy of these phenomena is thought to be brought out binding energy between a black hole and surrounding matter. What condition around a black hole produces many type of active phenomena? We investigated dynamical evolution of accretion flow onto a black hole by using a general-relativistic, hydrodynamic code which contains a viscosity based on the alpha-model. We find three types of flow's pattern, depending on thickness of accretion disk. In a case of the thin disk with a thickness less than the radius of the event horizon at the vicinity of a marginally stable orbit, the accreting flow through a surface of the marginally stable orbit becomes thinner due to additional cooling caused by a general-relativistic Roche-lobe overflow and horizontal advection of heat. An accretion disk with a middle thickness, 2rh≤h≤ 3rh, divides into two flows: the upper region of the accreting flow expands into the atmosphere of the black hole, and the inner region of the flow becomes thinner, smoothly accreting onto the black hole. The expansion of the flow generates a dynamically violent structure around the event horizon. The kinetic energy of the violent motion becomes equivalent to the thermal energy of the accreting disk. The shock heating due to violent motion produces a thermally driven wind which flows through the atmosphere above the accretion disk. A very thick disk, 4rh≤h,forms a narrow beam whose energy is largely supplied from hot region generated by shock wave. The accretion flowing through the thick disk,h≥ 2rh, cannot only form a single, laminar flow falling into the black hole, but also produces turbulent-like structure above the event horizon. The middle disk may possibly emit the X-ray radiation observed in active galactic nuclei. The thin disk may produce UV hump of Seyfert galaxy. Thick disk may produce a jet observed in radio galaxy. The thickness of the disk is determined by accretion rate, such ashκ κes/cṁf(r) κ 10rhṁf(r), at the inner region of the disk where the radiation pressure dominates over the gas pressure. Here, Ṁ is the accretion rate and ṁ is the normarized one by the critical-mass flux of the Eddington limit. κesandcare the opacity by electron scattering and the velocity of light.f(r) is a function with a value of unity far from the hole.

2001 ◽  
Vol 205 ◽  
pp. 18-19
David L. Meier

I review recent numerical and analytic work on the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model of jet formation in active galactic nuclei, with an emphasis on producing the highly relativistic outflows and high radio luminosities observed in the most powerful sources.

1998 ◽  
Vol 164 ◽  
pp. 137-138
Matthew L. Lister ◽  
Alan P. Marscher

AbstractWe examine the effects of Doppler beaming on flux-limited samples of compact extragalactic radio sources using Monte Carlo simulations. We incorporate a luminosity function and z-distribution for the parent population, and investigate models in which the unbeamed synchrotron luminosity L of a relativistic jet is related to its bulk Lorentz factor Γ. The predicted flux density, redshift, monochromatic luminosity, and apparent velocity distributions of our simulated flux-limited samples are compared to the Caltech-Jodrell Bank (CJF) sample of flat-spectrum, radio core-dominated active galactic nuclei (AGNs).We find that a relation between L and Γ is not needed to reproduce the characteristics of the CJF sample. Introducing a positive correlation between these quantities results in an underabundance of objects with high viewing angles, while a negative correlation gives generally poor fits to the data.

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